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1、Chapter Eight Conversion of Void and Solid Meaning in Business English Translation,Preview,1. The problem is, it also gives lawmakers tons of data about innocent people.,但问题是,它给立法者大量无辜者的资料。,2. More than 100 other countries have ID cards, They can be “dumb”, such as a Social Security card, or “smart”

2、, such as a credit card.,100多个国家都有身份证,身份证件可以是“非智能型的”,如社会保险卡;或者是“智能型的”,如信用卡。,3. But their new country continued to see them only as a pair of hands or a strong back to be put to work.,但是这个新国家仍把他们看作可使唤的强壮的劳动力而已。,4. For generations coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy sources used to tra

3、nsport men from place to place.,几十年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。,5. In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table.,在当今世界,盐除供食用外,还有许多其他用途。,6. The land which was bought included everything between the Rocky Mountain and the Mississippi River except Texas.,所购买的土地包括了除德克萨斯州以外,从落基山脉到密西西比河之间的一山一水

4、,一草一木。,Translation of Nouns,1. In an age where our economies are linked more closely than ever before, the whole world has been touched by this devastating downturn. And today, the worlds leaders have responded with an unprecedented set of comprehensive and coordinated actions.,在这个各国经济体比以往任何时候都紧密相连的

5、时代,全世界都感受到了这场毁灭性的经济危机带来的影响。今天,世界各国领袖面对危机作出回应,全面合作,共同进退,这是前所未有的。,2. But we also discussed coordinated actions on a range of issues: how we could reduce the nuclear threat; how we could forge a coordinated response to North Koreas planned missile launch; how we can turn back terrorism and stabilize Af

6、ghanistan; how we can protect our planet from the scourge of climate change.,但我们也就一系列问题如何携手合作进行了讨论;如何减少威胁;如何共同应对朝鲜的导弹发射;如何抑制恐怖主义,稳定阿富汗形势;如何保护地球免遭气候变化肆虐。,3. To prevent future crises, we agreed to increased transparency and capital protections for financial institutions. Were extending supervision to

7、all systemically important institutions, markets and products, including hedge funds.,为了避免未来的危机,我们同意,增加金融机构的透明度,保护他们的资金安全。我们要将监管延伸至所有体系内重要的机构、市场和产品(包括对冲基金)。,4. Number one, we are committed to growth and job creation. All G20 nations have acted to stimulate demand, which will total well over $2 trill

8、ion in global fiscal expansion.,第一,我们致力于促进经济增长,创造就业机会,所有G20国家都通力合作,刺激需求,这将使全球振兴经济资金总量增加到两万亿美元。,5. Earlier today, we finished a very productive summit that will be, I believe, a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery.,今天早些时候,我们结束了成果显著的峰会,我相信这场会议将成为我们寻求全球经济复苏历程中的一个重大转折点。,6. Let me al

9、so underscore my appreciation to Prime Minister Brown, his entire team, and all my colleagues from around the world who contributed to the summits success.,我也要特别感谢布朗首相,感谢所有组织人员,感谢各国的领袖,促成了本次峰会的成功。,7. History tells us that turning inward can help turn a downturn into a depression. And this cooperatio

10、n between the worlds leading economies signals our support for open markets.,历史告诉我们,贸易保护只可能使经济衰退每况愈下,演变为经济萧条。目前世界各大经济体鼎力合作,表明我们支持开放性市场。,8. And next we made enormous strides in committing ourselves to comprehensive reform of a failed regulatory system.,第二,我们大刀阔斧地致力于全面改革危机四伏的监管体制。,9. We will also supp

11、ort the United Nations and World Bank as they coordinate the rapid assistance necessary to prevent humanitarian catastrophe. I have to say, though, that this is not just charity. These are all future markets for all countries, and future drivers of world economic growth.,我们也支持联合国和世界银行,它们携手合作,迅速伸出援手,

12、避免人道主义灾难的发生。但我必须声明,这不仅仅是慈善之举。这些是世界各国的潜在市场,将推动未来世界经济发展。,10. By any measure, the London summit was historic. It was historic because of the size and the scope of the challenges that we face, and because of the timeliness and magnitude of our response.,无论从任何角度去衡量,伦敦峰会都是历史性的峰会。之所以称之为历史性的峰会,是因为我们所面临的挑战,程

13、度非常之深,范围非常之广,同时也是因为面对危机,我们须及时出手,大刀阔斧。,11. Even these facts cant fully capture the crisis that were confronting, because behind them is the pain and uncertainty that so many people are facing. We see it back in the United States. We see it here in London.,甚至所有这些事实都无法完全说明我们目前所面临的危机的程度,因为危机背后是那么多的人民在承受

14、着痛苦,对于未来充满忧虑,茫然无措。美国如此,伦敦同样如此。,12. We owe it to all of our citizens to act, and to act with a sense of urgency.,为全体人民,我们需要采取行动,刻不容缓。,13. And although it will take time, I am confident that we will rebuild global prosperity if we act with a common sense of purpose, persistence, and the optimism that

15、the moment demands.,尽管尚需时日,我对未来充满信心,只要我们采取行动时坚定目标信念,稳步推进,积极乐观,我们一定能够再现全球经济的繁荣。,14. The inevitable collapse of Americas speculative boom need not have been especially damaging if the worlds other advanced economies were healthy.,美国投机行业的繁荣必将寿终正寝,如果世界上其他发达经济体健康发展,这本不会带来特别大的冲击。,Adverb,1. A hospital usua

16、lly has two main departments: the out-patient department and the in-patient department.,医院通常有两个主要部门:门诊部和住院部。,2. The computers there are often called robot doctors.,那里的计算机通常叫做机器人医生。,3. Telecommunication means, simply, communication from a distance.,简单地说电讯就是远距离通讯。,4. The examples below may be illustra

17、tive.,下面的例子可能说明问题。,5. This machine works very well.,这种机器很管用。,6. Most corrosion, especially of metals is caused by oxidation.,大多数腐蚀,尤其是金属的腐蚀,都是由氧化引起的。,7. He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them.,他从不取笑处于困境中的人们,而是尽力帮助他们。,8. Some of organisms grow quickly while others grow slowly.,有的生物生长得快,而有的生长得慢。,Adjective,1. These goods are


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