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1、break down (计划,谈判等)失败 和平谈判失败了 The peace talks have broken down. 垮掉,被搞跨 电话系统出故障了。 The telephone system has broken down 消除障碍 2. break through 示威群众没费劲就突破了警戒线 Demonstrators had little difficulty in breaking through the lines of police.,break down (计划,谈判等)失败 和平谈判失败了 The peace talks have broken down. 垮掉,被

2、搞跨 电话系统出故障了。 The telephone system has broken down 消除障碍 2. break through 示威群众没费劲就突破了警戒线 Demonstrators had little difficulty in breaking through the lines of police.,3. break in: 强行进入,破门而入: 我们不在家时,窃贼闯进屋里了。 Thieves had broken in while we were away. 打断,打扰: 一个声音打断了节目 a voice broke in the program 一个声音打断了节

3、目 4. bring about 经济危机引发了很多社会问题 Economic crisis brought about many social problems. 5. Bring down,减少,降低 / 打算降低, aim to bring down prices 打垮,击败,垮台 bring down the government 6.bring in 吸引,引入 我们需要引进更多的新业务。 We need to bring in a lot more business. 赚得,赢得 7. bring out: 使。显现,使表现出 危机促使她表现得特别出色。 A crisis brin

4、gs out the best in her. 生产;出版 这个乐队刚刚推出了他们的第二张专辑。 The band have just brought out their second album.,8. call off: 取消 由于天气原因,会议被取消了。 The meeting was called off because of the bad weather. 9. call up: 使回忆起,使想起 大海的气息勾起了她对童年的回忆。 The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood. 10.吸引某人的注意 catch o

5、nes eye=catch ones attention 屏息,屏气 catch ones breath 看到,看见 catch sight of 被困扰 be caught in 他为雨所困。 He was caught in the rain.,11.怎么回事,怎么发生 how come? 12.当谈到,当涉及到 when it comes to sth/doing sth 13.发生 come about: 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗? Can you tell me how the accident came about? 14. come across: 偶然遇见,遇到: 被理解,

6、被弄懂: 没有人真正理解他的意思 His meaning didnt really come across. e out 出现,露出 (花朵)盛开 出版,发行,16.渴望,极想 be dying for sth/be dying to do sth 17.逐渐减弱;逐渐消失 die away 18.灭绝,死光 die out 19做了坏事而不受惩罚 get away with 20. 抽出时间来做某事 get around/round to sth 21. get through: 顺利通过 她顺利通过了比较难的测试。 She got through the difficult test. 接

7、通,打通,联系上 我试着给你打了几次电话,但都没有接通,I tried calling you several times but I couldnt get through. 消耗掉,用完,耗尽 We got through a fortune while we were in New York. 22.give away: 赠送,捐赠 他把他的大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。 gave most of his money away to charity. 颁发,分发 市长在学校运动会那天颁发了奖项。 The mayor gave away the prizes at the school spo

8、rts day. 失去,丧失,错失 泄漏,出卖 他的声音使他露馅了。 His voice gave him away.,23.发出,放出(光,热,气味等) give off 24.give out: 用完,耗尽 Her patience finally gave out. 她最终忍无可忍了。 分发,散发 老师分发了试卷。 The teacher gave out the exam papers. 发出,放出(热,光) 25. go in for: 参加考试或竞赛: 爱好,喜欢: 她不喜欢团体比赛。 She doesnt go in for team games.,26.go off: 开火,爆

9、炸 / 炸弹在挤满人群的大街上爆炸了。 The bomb went off in a crowded street. (灯)熄灭,(电)中断 / 暖气在夜间就停了。 The heating goes off at night. (食物,饮料)变质,变坏 27.追溯;回顾,回忆 go back 他总是喜欢回忆他年轻时的日子。 He always likes to go back to his younger days. 28.把某物传下去;传给(后代) hand down 29. 把(全力或责任)移交给某人 hand over,30.hold back: 拦阻,阻挡 / 警方阻拦不住人群。 The police were unable to hold back the crowd. 妨碍进展:你认为他的缺席会妨碍会谈吗? Do you think his absence will hold back the talk? 不向某人透漏情况,隐瞒 禁止当地政府隐瞒关于疾病的消息。 The local government was asked not to hold back the information of the dise


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