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1、Welcome To Our Class,1,学习交流课件,考 前 第 13 周,高考英语冲刺,高考高频词汇,2,学习交流课件,考 前 第 13 周,高考英语冲刺,高考高频词汇,3,学习交流课件,高频短语突破,高考英语冲刺,4,学习交流课件,高考必考句突破,高考英语冲刺,1. 只有这样, 我们才能实现我们的梦想。 2.只有那时,他们才完全明白了他说的是什么意思。,Only in this way can we make our dream come true.,Only then did they fully understand what he meant.,5,学习交流课件,Mobile

2、Phones at School Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school. The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if t

3、hey have a mobile phone. And whats more, its the latest fashion. However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves. It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone. And its easy to cause the students to vie w

4、ith each other. If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus. In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable. But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies. Yours truly, Li Hua,高分必背作文,【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 成功之路第十二篇 中学生是否有必要带手机去学校,6,学习交流课件,

5、Learning aims: Discuss, explain and understand the difficult points of the test paper.,2013年高三 检测 讲 评 课,7,学习交流课件,全卷最高:郭家慧 (124分) 120分以上:郭家慧,房瑞东 110分至119分:蔡东帅,李枝霖,刘晨阳,刘霞,刘越,马惠,徐泽瑞,张涵,张媛,张悦,张震 进步比较快的同学:邱博韬,荣鹏,蔡东帅,李承祥,王立萌,贾天华,李馨梦,魏莹,8,学习交流课件,单项填空题正答率低的题目,Part 1 Multiple Choice,完成质量较高的同学:房瑞东,郭家慧,李枝霖,刘晨阳

6、,刘霞,考查介词和倍数表达,考查时态和语态,考查非谓语动词,考查非谓语动词和省略,9,学习交流课件,Part 2 Multiple Choice,Group work: Discuss with your group members to solve the problems that you still dont understand and help others or get help from others to try to make sure all the members understand. Pay special attention to question numbers

7、1,8,9 an B the ; the C. ;an D ;the,(06全国卷)I know you dont like_music very muchBut what do you think of_music in the film we saw yesterday? A; Bthe;the Cthe; D;the,高考链接,D,D,第一个空是泛指,第2个表示特指飞船的发射,故选D,12,学习交流课件,22.-Would you please take a message for me? - _ A. Dont worry B. By all means C . Go ahead D.

8、 My pleasure(不用谢),高考链接 (2011浙江,17),Can I come and have a look at your new house?Yes,_! A. with pleasure B.I like it C.by all means D.I quite agree,C,交际用语的考查 with pleasure是别人找你帮忙 你表示很乐意帮 (Its) my pleasure是你已经帮了别人的忙 对方道谢 你表示很乐意 不客气,B,13,学习交流课件,By all means 用法 1表示同意或许可,意为:可以;没问题。如: Can I sit here?我可以坐这

9、儿吗? Yes,by all means可以,请坐。 2表示请求或意愿,意为:一定要;务必。如: Come to the party by all means务必来参加晚会。 By all means tell him the news务请把这个消息告诉他,14,学习交流课件,倍数表达法: 1. A + 谓语+倍数+the +n. (size/length)+of B 2.A + 谓语+倍数+as + adj. + as B 3. A + 谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级+than B,_,_,_,15,学习交流课件,例题1. The island, _ to the mainland by a

10、bridge, is easy to go to. (2011全国卷II,15 ) A. joining B. to join C. joined D. having joined,考点:两秒钟看选项知考点 考查非谓语动词。 关键词解题: 被动排除ABD,AD均为现在分词表主动;B为不定式表将来。故锁定-C为正确答案。 知识分析解题:island和join之间是被动关系,故需用过去分词。joined在句中是过去分词作定语,相当于定语从句which is joined 。 句意:这个岛由一座桥和大陆连着,很容易去的。,The island, _ to the mainland by a brid

11、ge, is easy to go to.,【高考链接】,16,学习交流课件,例题2. It was a nice meal, _ a little expensive.(2011全国卷I,19) A. though B. whether C. as D. since,【高考链接】,【命题动向】考查状语从句的省略。 解析:根据句意:虽然有点贵,饭还是不错的。在连词though之后省略了it was。答案选A.,It was a nice meal,_ a little expensive.,17,学习交流课件,【巩固训练】 挑战高考题,1. I was about to do my homew

12、ork _my father came in. A. as B. while C. when D. once,解析:选 C. be about to do .when 就要做某事时,突然,是固定搭配。When作并列连词,意为and at that time,句意:我刚要做我的家庭作业,我爸爸进来了。,be about to do.when. =hardly / scarcely when = be doingwhen = be on the point of doing.when.,请你归纳总结,请记住规律:,No soonerthan,18,学习交流课件,2. Though he is a

13、good student,he _ makes mistakes. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times,分开“一段时间”,some time表示“一段时间”; 相聚“在某一时”,sometime表示“在某一时”; “有时”相聚加s,sometimes表示“有时,不时”;“几次”分开带s,some times表示“几次,次数”。,解析:答案C. 句意:虽然他是个好学生,偶然也会犯错。,巧记口诀:,【巩固训练】 挑战高考题,19,学习交流课件,12. This is the website _I want to add to my

14、 favorites to help me learn how to play the guitar. A. why B . where C. which D how,c,句子结构的 考查 add sth to sth 我想把这个网址加进我的收藏夹里为了帮助我 学习弹吉他。本句为定语从句,先行词the website 在定语从句中做add的宾语,而不是add to的宾语,20,学习交流课件,高考链接 The day we were looking forward to _ at last. A .come B. coming C .came D. having come,c,21,学习交流课件

15、,draw attention from Nobel Prize for literature impression recognition distinction indication set up a mobile shop flow drift unstable output vehicle six times what it was her efforts of a year paid off,15. school regulations run out tramp be charged with innocent set free wiretapping incident chase

16、 after Thats for sure. be of significance hardly had sb. done when/ before,22,学习交流课件,Isnt it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your lifes history? This is certainly what happened in my _1_. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking(免费搭车) from Houst

17、on, Texas, through El Paso on my _2_ to California. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun. I, a high school dropout with learning _3_, and was set on surfing the biggest _4_ in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live. Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I

18、met an old man, a beggar, on the street corner, who stopped me and questioned me as I passed by. He asked me if I was _5_ away from home. I told him, Not exactly, sir. While at home, my father said to me, It is important to _6_ your dream and what is in your heart. Son. ,23,学习交流课件,After chatting for

19、 a few minutes, the _7_ beggar told me to follow him. He told me that he had something grand to show me and _8_ with me. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library, where the beggar first _9_ me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment _10_ h

20、e looked for something special amongst the shelves. A few moments later, he _11_ with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table. He then sat down beside me and spoke. He started with a few statements that were very _12_ and that changed my life. He said, There are two things tha

21、t I want to _13_ you:,24,学习交流课件,Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can _14_ you. Well, young man, Ive got a little _15_ for you. I am one of the wealthiest men in the world. I have probably everything any man could ever want. But a year ago, my wife_16_ away. I realized th

22、ere were certain things I had not yet _17_ in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a beggar on the streets. I made a commitment to myself to do exactly that for one year. So, you see, dont ever judge a book by its cover.” Number two is to learn how to _18_, my boy. For there is o

23、nly one thing that people cant take away from you, and that is your wisdom. At that moment, he presented the _19_of Plato and Aristotle- immortal(不朽的) classics from ancient times. The beggar then led me back on the streets near where we _20_ met. His parting request was for me to never forget what h

24、e taught me.,25,学习交流课件,hitchhiking dropout learning disabilities upon reaching make a commitment wisdom immortal donate bone marrow raise money for charity dedication self-sacrifice make a big difference to sb. identity religion to be exact ease v. wind v.,18. restate the point panic bravery to face

25、 uncertainties the desire to learn more be content with stay calm in the face of hardships be modest the wisdom drawn from a speech become out of date consume the release of CO2 atmosphere wooden frame provide concrete evidence give detailed description durable,26,学习交流课件,Questions,1.What abilities d

26、oes reading comprehension test us on?,1、归纳概 括能力,2、计算能力,3、逻辑推 理能力,4、释文能力,5、分析判 断能力,6、快速反应和 组合信息能力,7、辨析图 表能力,27,学习交流课件,Questions,2.What styles(体裁) does it deal with?,It deals with narrative writing(记叙文)、expository writing(说明文)、argumentation (议论文)、advertisement (广告)、news report (新闻报道)etc. Sometimes som

27、e passages combine two styles.,28,学习交流课件,Questions,3.What questions does it deal with?,It includes the title question (主旨大意题)、the fact question (事实细节题)、implicative meaning question (深层含义题)、the judgement question (推理判断题)、words in context(猜测词义题)ect.,29,学习交流课件,Questions,4.How to deal with them accordin

28、g to the testing points?,Main ideas 主旨大意题,Detailed questions 事实细节题,Implied meaning 深层含义题,Inferred meaning 推理判断题,Words in context 猜测词义题,30,学习交流课件,1、主旨大意题(main ideas):这类题通常要从整体上权衡语篇的内容,结合语篇中的事实陈述,找出事实陈述中的中心线索,抓住主题句,从而探测、概括全文的主旨、意图。,2、事实细节题(detailed questions):首选确定涉及的事实存在于何处,然后认真参照语段提供的语境和信息去解析、理解。这类题属

29、于记忆性问题(答案在文章中现成的)事实询问主要以what, who, which, when, where, how, why等词引导的问句。,31,学习交流课件,3、深层含义题(implied meaning ):解决这类题应当能够透过语句表层注意到并准确把握作者为了表达意思所给出的各种暗示,以此去挖掘文章的内涵,去理解作者的立场、观点、感情和写作目的。该题型属于创造性问题(答案要求独立思考,发挥创造性)。,4、推理判断题(inferred meaning):解决这类题需要针对文章中提供的局部事实,在特定的语境中,对事实进行逻辑推理,作出正确的判断,该题型属于应用性问题(答案要求用文章中知识内容作为推理、判断的依据)。,32,学习交流课件,5。猜测词义题(words in the context):解决这类题主要参照上下文的语境意义、语段释义、构词法、常识等去推测。,33,学习交流课件,What must we pay attention to


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