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1、Chapter 3 Literature,A Glimpse of Chinese Culture,本章教学的目的,1. 中国文学史的基本发展脉络; 2. 中国文学史上的一些名著和现代名 作家的基本知识; 3. 文学作品中脍炙人口诗句的英文翻译。,本章教学的重难点,1. 古典文学发展脉络 2. 古代四大名著 3. 20世纪伟大作家 4. “网络文学”利弊讨论,本章教学的时间安排,教师课堂讲解(60 minutes) A Brief Introduction (3 minutes) Classical Literature (47minutes) Great Writers of the 20t

2、h Century (10 minutes) 讨论 (10minues) 学生课件展示 (30minutes),课文讲解,1. A Brief Introduction 2. Classical Literature 3. Great Writers of the 20th Century,Brief introduction (3 minutes),Four main periods of Chinese literature development : Classical: prelate Qing Modern: 1840May 4th, 1919 Revolutionary: 1919

3、1949 Contemporary: 1949present,Classical Literature (47minutes),Definition,It refers to literary works from the days before the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty.,Characteristic,It is virtually an unbroken strand enduring dynastic changes.,Works,The Book of Songs (诗经) and Poetry of the South (楚辞)

4、 are regarded as the two peaks of Chinas earliest literary.,The Book of Songs诗经 (3 minutes),What is it ? Three sections:,Feng (folk ballads),Ya (dynastic hymns),Song (sacrificial songs),A collection of Chinas 305 oldest poems from the Early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle Spring and Autumn Period

5、; regarded as the earliest realistic literature in China.,Guan-guan go the ospreys, On the islet in the river. The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: For our prince a good mate she. Here long, there short, is the duckweed, To the left, to the right, borne about by the current. The modest, retir

6、ing, virtuous, young lady: Waking and sleeping, he sought her. He sought her and found her not, And waking and sleeping he thought about her. Long he thought ; oh ! long and anxiously ;,On his side, on his back, he turned, and back again. Here long, there short, is the duckweed ; On the left, on the

7、 right, we gather it. The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: With lutes, small and large, let us give her friendly welcome. Here long, there short, is the duckweed ; On the left, on the right, we cook and present it. The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: With bells and drums let us show o

8、ur delight in her.,Poetry of the South 楚辞 (2 minutes),Poetry of the South is derived from the songs of the southern state of Chu during the Warring States Period. It pioneered romanticism in Chinese poetry. The verse of Poetry of the South are freeer than those of The Book of Songs. It is not fixed

9、to four characters per line, and the character of “xi” (兮) is often put in the middle or the end of some lines.,Qu Yuan and His Masterpieces,Qu Yuanthe earliest known famous Chinese poet Masterpieces:,Sorrow after Departure离骚,Ask Heaven天问,Nine Elegies九章,Nine Songs九歌,Appreciating famous lines,路漫漫其修远兮

10、, 吾将上下而求索。 The journey is long, Ill search up and down.,The Prose of the Pre-Qin Period (先秦子学) (5 minutes),The prose in the pre-Qin period includes historical prose (历史散文) and philosophical prose (诸子散文). Historical prose The Book of History 尚书 Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋 Zuos Commentary 左传 Intrigues

11、 of the Warring States 战国策 Discourses of the States 国语 Philosophical prose Lao Zi (Dao De Jing), Mo Zi, Mencius, Zhuang Zi,The Analects of Confucius,Han Dynasty Literature(minutes),hanfu (汉赋) also called rhyme prose. It is a popular literary genre originating in the Han Dynasty. It emphasizes elabor

12、ation and description, and is the combination of poem and prose. It includes long essays (大赋) and short essays (小赋). Representative Hanfu On Faults of Qin 过秦论 Records of the Grand Historian史记,yuefu folk songs (汉乐府民歌) It features five-character lines and reflects the reality and life of lower-class w

13、orking people. Outstanding Yuefu Folk songs Southeast the Peacock Flies 孔雀东南飞 The Ballads of Mulan 木兰诗,The Ballads of Mulan and Southeast the Peacock Flies,Disney Pictures Mulan,Southeast the Peacock Flies,Appreciating famous lines,唧唧复唧唧;木兰当户织。不闻机杼声;唯闻女叹息。 木兰诗,Alack, alas! alack, alas!She weaves and

14、 sees the shuttle pass.You cannot hear the shuttle, why?Its whir is drowned in her deep sigh.,天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。 (敕勒歌),Vast is the sky, boundless the wilds, grazing cattle are revealed as the grass bend dawn in the wind. The Chile Ballad,The Literature in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

15、(3 minutes),A new genre The stories recording spirits and anecdotes (志人志怪小说) Outstanding works of this period The Peach Blossom Spring 桃花源记 The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons文心雕龙,The Tang Poems(10 minutes),The Complete Anthology of Tang Poems全唐诗 The biggest-ever collection of Chinese poetr

16、y. The development of poetry in the Tang Dynasty can be classified into four stages: Early Tang, High Tang, Mid Tang and late Tang,The Four Literary Eminences(初唐四杰),Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Luo Binwang, and Lu Zhaolin Their poems, in a refined language, boast beautiful tonal patterns and rhyme schemes.,

17、Li Bai and his poems,Li Bai, the “Celestial Poet (诗仙)”, has long been regarded the greatest romantic poet in Chinese literature. In his poems, imagination, exaggeration, diction and sonorous rhythms are blended effortlessly.,Thinking in the Silent Night 静夜诗 Hard is the Road to Shu 蜀道难 Dreaming of Si

18、ghtseeing in the Tianmu Mountains梦游天姥吟留别,床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 李白 静夜诗,Abed, I see a silver light, I wonder if its frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned. Li Bais A Tranquil Night,Du Fu and his poems,Du Fu, the “Saint Poet (诗圣)”, has been considered

19、as the greatest realistic poet in Chinese literature. He developed a depressing and meticulous literary style.,“Three officers” (三吏) The Xinan Officer 新安吏 The Shihao Officer石壕吏 Officer at Tongguan Pass潼关吏 “Three Partings” (三别) Parting of the Newly-wed新婚别 Parting of the Old垂老别 Parting of the Homeless

20、无家别,Bai Juyi and his poems,The outstanding poet Bai Juyi succeeded Du Fu with poems reflecting the reality of society. Satirical and allegorical style,The Old Charcoal Seller卖炭翁 Song of Eternal Sorrow 长恨歌 Song of A Pipa Player琵琶行,后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。 Though many beauties were in the palace,More than thr

21、ee thousand of them,All his favors were centered on her. Song of Eternal Sorrow 长恨歌,Ci in the Song Dynasty(2minutes),Ci: Instead of regulated poetry, ci could express more refined and delicate feelings with irregular meter. What is Cipai? Name of the tune to which a ci poem is composed. Famous poets

22、 Su shi, Lu You, Xin Qiji, and Li Qingzhao,Li qingzhao and Slow Slow Song 声声慢,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。 Ive a sense of something missing I must seek.Everything about me looks dismal and bleak.Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.Even the weather has proved most unkind.,Yuanqu in the Yuan D

23、ynasty(3 minutes),Yuanqu includes sanqu (散曲: non-dreamatic songs) and zaju (杂剧: poetic drama). Ma Zhiyuan and Autumn Thought秋思 Guan Hanqing and The Injustice to Dou E窦娥冤,Ma Zhiyuan and Autumn Thought秋思,Over old trees Wreathed with rotten vines fly evening crows; Under a small bridge near a cottage a

24、 stream flows; On ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes. Westward declines the sun; Far, far from home is the heartbroken one.,天净沙 秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。,Fiction in the Ming and Qing Dynasty(14 minutes),Four famous Chinese classics of literature Romance of the Three Kin

25、gdoms 三国演义 Water Margin水浒传 Journey to the West西游记 Dream of the Red Mansions红楼梦 Townsfolk literature Three Volumes of Words and Two Volumes of Slapping 三言二拍 Satirical novel The Scholars 儒林外史 Strange Tales from a Scholars Studio 聊斋志异,Romance of the Three Kingdoms,The earliest long Chinese novel.,Based

26、 on history books and folk legends, the plot centers on the rise and fall of the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, and on the complex political, military, and diplomatic struggles during that period.,Water Margin,It was the first novel to deal with the subject of peasant revolts in China. It is abo

27、ut the story of the rebellion of the 108 heroes at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty.,Journey to the West,An outstanding romantic work full of fantastic tales. And also a masterpiece about deities (神仙) and ghosts.,It tells of the Tang Dynasty monk, Xuan Zang overcoming 81 adversities and defeatin

28、g various monsters and demons before finally reaching India, assisted by his three disciples: Sun Wu Kong, Zhu Ba Jie, and Sha Seng.,Dream of the Red Mansions,The greatest novel in Chinese literature.,The central thread of the novel is the tragic love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. Instead o

29、f just telling the love story, it taps the social origins of the tragedy through probing deeply into the characters minds and complicated relationships.,Great Writers of the 20th Century(10 minutes),Two peaks of Chinese modern literature The May 4th Movement in 1919and the opening-up policy in 1978

30、have produced two peaks of literary prosperity. Eight great writers of the 20th century Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Laoshe, Cao Yu, Shen Congwen and Ai Qing,Lu Xun (1881-1936),A great thinker, a revolutionary figure in literature with pioneering thoughts and also one of the founders of modern literature in China.,A Madmans Diary 狂人日记 Call to Arms呐喊 The True Story of Ah Q阿Q正传 Wandering 彷徨 Old Tales Retold 故事新编,Guo Moruo (1892-1978),He was a writer, poet, dramatist, historian, archaeologist, paleography (古字体) expert, and a social activist.,The


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