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1、,Dr. Ron Tatham Burke Inc.,Applying Developing Trends in Marketing Research to Support Better Decision Making,Sponsored By Presented by,Welcome to . . .,Page 2,Introduction,What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.

2、Martina Horner President Radcliffe College Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. Abigail Adams Wife of US President John Adams 1812,Page 3,What Is Your Job?,Before anything else it is to make decisions that increase the value of Your com

3、pany! You cant act until you have made a decision! Execution is critical but it always follows a decision! All research should be directed at providing information that allows decisions to be made with reduced risk.,Page 4,Mapping Decisions,Every manager should have a sequenced list of decisions. Ex

4、ample: Sales manager of US Pharmaceutical company What physicians should we call on? How often should we call on them? Should we give them samples? How many samples? What message should we deliver? Etc?,Page 5,Examples of A Product Managers Decisions,Stage I: Understanding the Market Opportunity Sho

5、uld we pursue this product idea any further? What is the preliminary estimate of size of potential market? How might we position our product? What level of differentiation do we need for success? Should we further refine a segmentation strategy? Stage II: Optimizing the Value Proposition What elemen

6、ts of the value proposition should we further develop to distinguish our brand from competition? What elements of the value proposition should we emphasize in promotion? Does a segmented strategy give us a greater competitive advantage?,Page 6,Examples of A Product Managers Decisions,Stage III: Dete

7、rmining How to Best Deliver the Value Proposition Which messages deliver our positioning most effectively? Which messages establish our desired prescribing goals? Which creative execution best delivers our desired positioning and behavior? What is the best design for tactical elements such as packag

8、ing and logo to support the positioning? What price best achieves our economic goal?,Page 7,Examples of A Product Managers Decisions,Stage IV: After Launch Brand Strategy Evaluation Is our strategy meeting goal? If Yes go to growth opportunity If No where is it failing? Product performance against e

9、xpectation Messaging Etc. Growth Opportunities New uses Line extensions Improved positioning opportunity Defending the Brand from Challenges Go back to Stage II,Page 8,What Do You Manage?,Lets start with your value proposition for your product Net value = benefits cost risk,Page 9,Your Project Plan,

10、Page 10,Systematic Research Planning Guide,Page 11,A Little History,Before the 1930s almost all research was quantitative . “How many brands do you have in your pantry; rate this product on the following scale, etc.” Everything was based on counting. 1930s: P OEMs If product/service is fairly well d

11、efined, permits extensive probing Focus Groups Usually more productive when design latitude for product/service still exists Often employed for consumer product/services when homogeneity of reaction is not likely,Page 39,Structured Methods For Pricing Research*,* Based on Nagle, Thomas T., The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, p. 266.,Page 40,Concluding Remarks,This very short session was designed to introduce you to the areas of research that are covered in the Burke Institute Seminars sponsored by COMR/CIIC. The


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