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1、Unit 6 im watching tv。section b 2a-2c,湖北省当阳市下城市初级初中东俊县,chant doing doing,what are you doing?standing standing . im standing . doing doing,what are you doing?jumping jumping . im jumping . doing doing,what are you doing?dancing dancing . im dancing . doing doing,what are you doing?Sitting sitting.im

2、sitting。what are you doing?Were watching the boat races。resz比赛,1 .What special(特殊)day is it?龙舟节(端午节),2。what other things do you usually do on this day?we often eat zongzi。dragon、boat、delicious、其他、DLS味道、适用于drn、a: what time is it in Beijing?a : what are the young children doing?b : its eight oclock in

3、 the morning。b: they are making zongzi。jtl drn、the United States (the USA/us)、b: they are making zongzi美国人、junaitid steits美国、American、a:www,b : its eight oclock in the evening,a : what is the American girl doing?b : she is in the United States.STD学习、studying、What time is it in.What is /are.doing?the

4、 United States、China、Japan、Australia、different places have different time。8:00pm,9336000am,Shenzhen,now,new York,is studying in the us,a TV report on dragon boat festival,主机学习主美国美国研究;美洲龙龙舟节,any other young child miss wish delicious still别的,其他年轻人年幼的孩子想念。想念希望合口的东西。美味的返回仍然是,Watch Boat Races,make food,s

5、tudy in the us,read a story,any other night why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ what does he think about his home in China?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,task 2 answer the questions。(2b),1分钟,fa

6、st reading B food in the us a race with a family on the phone a story,a living reading making talking studying watching1.hes now studying in the United States,2 .hes living with an American family in new York,3 .his mom and aunt are making zongzi。4 .his dad and uncle are watching the be be,6 .the mo

7、ther is reading a story to her young children,7 .the father is watching a soccer game on TV,8 .hes talking on the Phong,tips :be v-ing,try to translate the following sentences,so its like any other night for Zhu hui and hightZhu hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi。but

8、there s still no place like home ,1 .所以对朱辉和他的房东一家来说,2。周辉想念家人,想吃妈妈做的好吃的饺子。3 .但是,他说:“千户万户也不如自己的家。”(金屋银屋不如自己的狗屋),Task 5 Translation,1分钟, is Zhu hui is a student from Shenzhen . hes now _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the United States . hes living with an _ _ _ _ _ _ in the father is watching a soccer game on TV . Zh

9、u Huis talking on the phone to his _ _ _ _ _ to have his moms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to a student from Shenzhen . hes now studying in the United States . hes living with An American family in new York . today is the dragon boat feed 9:00 a Well,its 9:00p.m. in new York,and its the night before the fest

10、ival . but there isnt a dragon boat festival in the us,So its like anyThis is Zhu Hui。Whos that?Zhu ling : hi,Zhu hui . its Zhu ling here . how is your new life in new York?朱慧慧3360Great!我的主体族are very friendly to me.is my mom in?Zhu ling : yes,she is making zong zi with my mom . Zhu hui 3360 oh,it must be delicious!What about my dad?Zhu ling :


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