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1、Worm Gearbox and Power Steering System,蜗杆式转向器和动力转向系统,1. P160: Integral Power Steering A typical power steering system needs a power steering pump and reservoir in addition to the steering gear.,整体式动力转向 除了转向器外,典型的动力转向系统还需要动力转向油泵和储油罐。,2. P161: The power steering gear also uses a control valve to send

2、hydraulic fluid into the steering gear at the right time. When the steering wheel starts to move in either direction, the valve opens its ports to send fluid under pressure into the main chamber of the steering gear.,动力转向器也采用一个控制阀,在恰当的时候把液压油输入到转向器中。方向盘从某个方向开始转动时,这个阀打开它的开口把液体压入到转向器的主腔室中。,3. P162: Whe

3、n a vehicle turns a corner it rotates about an imaginary point called the instantaneous center of rotation.,车辆转向时会绕着一个假想的点转动,这个点叫做瞬时转动中心。,4. P162: To minimize tire wear the front wheels should be steered from the straight ahead to a position where they form an angle of 90 to a line drawn from the in

4、stantaneous center to the wheel center.,为了减少轮胎的磨损,前轮必须从直线行驶状态转到另一个方向,这个方向与从瞬时转动中心到车轮中心所画的直线成90度角。,5. P163: The track rod length is set so that its connection to the track arm falls on an imaginary line taken from the king pin to a point on the vehicle center line just in front of the rear axle.,转向横拉

5、杆的长度设计要保证它与转向节臂的交点落在从转向主销到后轴前部的车辆中心线上的点所形成的一条假想的直线上。,6. Its (worm gearbox) gear ratio increases output torque and reduces the effort the driver has to apply. The input shaft attached to the steering column is called a worm shaft.,它的传动比增加了输出的转矩,减小了驾驶员要用的力。与转向柱相连的输入轴称做蜗杆轴。,7. Both ends of the worm sha

6、ft are supported in the housing by angular bearings, which are preloaded to reduce end float and side thrust movements of the worm when it is under load.,蜗杆轴的两端通过向心轴承支承在外壳上,向心轴承通过加预紧力,以减小蜗杆在受到载荷时轴向和径向间隙。,8. The sector gear and nut teeth are designed so that when the teeth are in straight-ahead posit

7、ion, they have minimum clearance. This reduces free play at that position.,扇形齿轮和螺母的设计要保证在直线行驶状态时,其啮合间隙最小。这样可以减小这一位置状态下的齿隙(浮动)。,9. Increased applications of front-wheel drive and wide-low-profile tires place additional load on the front wheels.,前轮驱动和宽低截面轮胎使用的增加使前轮承受很多附加载荷。,10. The (power steering) sy

8、stem is provided as soon as the steering wheel is rotated in either direction and is designed so that even a fail occurs, the vehicle can still be steered.,一旦方向盘向某一方向旋转,动力转向系统就起作用;其设计要使在该装置出现故障时,可以手动转向。,11. In a rack-and-pinion steering gear, the piston is formed centrally on the steering rack and a

9、 rack housing provides the working cylinder.,在齿轮齿条式转向器里,活塞与转向齿条一起对中成形。齿条壳体作为工作缸。,12. Connecting pipes transfer fluid from the rotary valve housing to one side of the piston or the other to provide assistance which acts directly on the rack.,连通的管路将液体由转阀壳体输入到活塞的一侧或另一侧,提供直接作用在齿条上的力。,13. Turning the steering wheel makes both members rotate in the steering box housing, but theres a slight relative rotary displacement of the inn


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