七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section C Topic 3学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section C Topic 3学案(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section C Topic 3学案(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section C Topic 3学案(新版)人教新目标版_第4页




1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section C Topic 学习目标知识与能力:1. 了解西方另外一个节日万圣节。2. 继续学习动词的一般过去式。 过程与方法:通过学生自己拼读单词和预习本课内容,老师引导、帮助创设情景下,小组交流讨论、理解文章大意,并根据大意选用恰当的词填空,掌握本课内容。情感态度与价值观:本课通过对西方万圣节的学习,使学生能了解并尊重异国文化。重点1、 了解万圣节。难点用英语简单表述你是怎样度过去年的春节的。教具录音机教时1课时学习过程一、自主学习(一)复习:1、复习动词的一般过去式。2、复述1a。(二)自学课文1、预习新

2、单词:先独立拼读新单词,不能拼读的在组长帮助下解决。2、预习课文:先将97页2a方框中的动词变为一般过去式,然后阅读书上98页的正文,勾出不认识的单词,通过查字典或单词表拼读单词,仍然不会的请组长帮助解决.3、试着完成2a。4、课前收集关于万圣节的资料,如日期、庆祝方式等。5、在预习的基础上,完成下列各题: 一见知(下列各题只需要复习前文,预习单词就能完成)1) Thank you for your beautiful card. _ 2) knock on our neighbors doors 3) get lucky money 4)on the first day of the lun

3、ar new year 5) play tricks on them 6) at the end of the year 7) start preparing for the festival 8) stay up 动动脑(请同学们结合所学知识,认真预习课文,动动脑筋就能完成)1)We all wore scary clothes, and colored our faces white and mouths black like ghosts. (翻译) 2)Our neighbors gave us treats. (翻译) 小组长检查预习情况,等级为 (三)自学疑难摘要 (四)导学练习1

4、、谈谈你所了解的万圣节。2、老师订正新单词发音: Halloween, scary, ghost, knock, knock on, shout, treat, trick or treat.3、完成2a。三、合作探究1、小组交流预习过程中遇到的问题,并在小组内讨论,形成统一答案,小组内不能解决的写到黑板上。2、学习歌曲Jingle Bells。四、展示提升1、解决提出的疑难。2、展示歌曲Jingle Bells。3、假如你是Kangkang,回信并告诉Julia你是怎样度过去年的春节的。五、反馈与检测1、句型转换:1) Christmas Day is December 25th.(对划线部

5、分提问) is Christmas?2) Jim went to play football yesterday afternoon. (一般疑问句) Jim to play football yesterday afternoon?3) The children often enjoy themselves on Childrens Day.(同义句) The children often on Childrens Day.4)He helps me. I help him. (合并为一句) He and I help .5) 人们熬夜,吃饺子是为了能用有好运气. People up and

6、 eat dumplings at midnight for good .2、阅读理解: People all over the world celebrate the new year, but differentcountries have different customs on the new year. In England, people sing“Auld Lang Sine” on New Years Eve. In Japan, the new year lock willstrike 108 times. After that, people go to bed. They

7、 hope to have a gooddream for a happy new year. In Canada, people think white is a lucky color,so during the new year, they build a snow wall around their house. InGreece, on the new year, every family will make a great cake with asilver(银) coin. They cut the cake into pieces for family members andf

8、riends to eat. If someone gets the coin, he will be the happiest personin the year. In Germany, they like to have a tree-climbing race. They thinkthat climbing up means a better and better year.读短文,将国家与习俗配对:( ) 1. In England( ) 2. In Japan( ) 3. In Canada( ) 4. In Greece( ) 5. In GermanyA. people build a snow wall around the house.B. every family makes a great cake with a s


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