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1、英 语,2013年中考第一轮复习,八年级(下)Units 910,河南三年中考,1(2012杭州)People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers, _? Adont they Bdo they Cshouldnt they Dshould they 答案:C 2(2012义乌)My aunt is leaving for Hong Kong and Im going to the airport to _. Apick her up Bsee h

2、er off Cring her up Dwake her up 答案:B,3(2012绍兴)How is the _ in Guangzhou? Awful. There are always long lines of cars on roads. Aculture Bfood Cweather Dtraffic 答案:D 4(2011绍兴)Hundreds of students came to Shaoxing to work_ the World Choir Games in 2010. Aat Bwith Cfor Don 答案:C,5(2010杭州)Alice had a won

3、derful time yesterday,_? Ahadnt she Bwasnt she Cdidnt she Dwouldnt she 答案:C 6(2010杭州)There are many people downstairs. What do you think_? Ato happen Bhappening Cis happened Dhas happened 答案:D,Guess,how much does it cost? I think it costs _ 15 and 20 dollars. Afrom Bbetween Camong Dwith 答案:B I live

4、_ the mountains. Aover Bamong Cat Dbetween 答案:B,2either,neither与both Both pens are blue.两支钢笔都是蓝色的。 Neither answer is right.两个答案都不对。 There are trees on either side of the river.河两边都有树。,答案:B,名师预测,一、单项填空 1The population of China is_in the world. Amost Bthe most Clargest Dthe largest 答案:D 2How did you_t

5、he river? By boat. Aacross Bcross Ccrossing Dturning 答案:B,3I havent seen the film The Dark Knight Rises. _. ANeither have I BSo have I CNeither I have DSo I have 答案:A 4She was never able to sleep well, _? Awasnt she Bwas not she Cwas not Dwas she 答案:D,5The scenery of Guilin is very beautiful. I_ther

6、e four times. Ahave gone to Bhave been to Chave been Dhave been in 答案:C,跟踪训练,.单项填空(20分) 1Its rather _ that I still cant solve the problem. Aembarrass Bembarrassing Cboring Dinteresting 答案:B 2(2012衢州兴华中学模拟)Hes never told lies to others, _? No, so he has won a prize for his honesty. Adoesnt he Bisnt h

7、e Chasnt he Dhas he 答案:D,3_ you ever _ to my hometown? Yes, I often go there on business. AHave; been BHave; gone CDid; go DAre; going 答案:A 4Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman? I dont like _.I prefer the new kind of MP4. Aboth Bnone Cneither Deither 答案:D,5Will you _ my article to find out

8、 whether Ive made any mistakes? Alook after Blook up Clook through Dlook into 答案:C 6Where are you going for your holiday? Well, we _ yet. Ahavent decided Bhadnt decided Cdont decide Ddidnt decide 答案:A,7Would you think about _a teacher when you grow up? Maybe, but Im not so sure. Abecome Bto become C

9、becoming Dbecame 答案:C 8I dont feel like _ anything because I have a stomachache. Aeat Bto eat Ceating Dto eating 答案:C,9While we were having a difficult time with the city map, a policeman _and helped us. Agot along Bcame along Cwalked along Dtook along 答案:B 10(2012台州初级中学模拟)Why not _ him for help whe

10、n you cant finish _ the work by yourself? Aask; do Bto ask; doing Cask; doing Dasking; do 答案:C,Thanks!,()1.A.luckily Bterribly Cquietly Dhard 解析:根据下文中“.because I know you can do it well.”可知选D。 答案:D ()2.A.dislike Bhelp Cprefer Dstart 解析:prefer (not) to do sth.“宁愿(不)做某事”,故选C。 答案:C ()3.A.thank Bpraise

11、Cfight Dcriticize 解析:由文意可知答案为A。thank意为“感谢”。 答案:A,()4.A.following Brelaxing Cworrying Dremaining 解析:following“接下来的”;relaxing“令人放松的”;worrying“令人发愁的”;remaining“剩余的”。根据句意选D。 答案:D ()5.A.chance Btrouble Ctest Didea 解析:句意“这是你们最后的机会了”。故答案为A。 答案:A ()6.A.results Bpresents Cpapers Dessays 解析:由文章第一句可知选项C符合文意。 答

12、案:C,()7.A.given Bsent Cdiscovered Dreceived 解析:根据文意可知选D。receive 意为“得到”。 答案:D ()8.A.where Bthat Cwhat Dwhen 解析:先行词为test,且引导词在定语从句中作宾语,故关系词用that/which,也可省略。故答案为B。 答案:B ()9.A.confident Bnecessary Cmysterious Dconvenient 解析:根据句意可知这些想得B的学生缺乏信心。故选A。 答案:A,()10.A.unusual Bimpossible Ctrue Dspecial 解析:通过小故事引

13、申出生活哲理,在现实生活中也是如此。故选C。 答案:C ()11.A.broken off Bdreamed of Clearned from Dcared about 解析:这些得A的学生,无论从成功还是失败中都能有所得。故选C。 答案:C ()12.A.and Bor Cbut Dso 解析:either.or.意为“或者或者”。 答案:B,()13.A.ruder Bcuter Cworse Dbetter 解析:此处表达的是:他们会变得更好。故选D。 答案:D ()14.A.decide Bforget Crealize Dimagine 解析:decide“决定”; forget“忘

14、记”;realize“意识到,领会”;imagine“想象”。根据句意可知选C。 答案:C ()15.A.something Banything Ceverything Dnothing 解析:根据文意可知没有做不到的事,故否定不定代词nothing“没有事”符合题意。 答案:D,()1.Whats the name of the museum? AThe Science Museum. BThe Transport Museum. CThe Physics Museum. DThe Space Technology Museum. 解析:细节理解题。由第一段第一句“The most unus

15、ual museum in London is the Science Museum.”可知。 答案:A,()2.The room the author likes best is _. Athe Environment room Bthe Launch Pad Cthe Human and Nature room Dthe chemistry room 解析:细节理解题。由第二段第一句和第二句可知。答案:B ()3.Which of the following things isnt allowed in the museum? ABuying postcards. BTaking phot

16、os of the exhibits. CDoing physics experiments. DComparing your speed with animals there. 解析:细节理解题。由第五段第二句“For example,you mustnt take photos of the exhibits in the museum.”可知。 答案:B,()4.When we go to the Science Museum,how much should we pay? AFive pounds. BSix pounds. CNo money. DTen pounds 解析:细节理解

17、题。由第六段第一句“Above all,the Science Museum is free.”可知。 答案:C ()5.How long is the Science Museum open? ASix hours. BNine hours. CEight hours. DTen hours. 解析:推理计算题。由第六段第二句“.its open every day,from 10 am to 6 pm.”可知。 答案:C,参考范文: Hainan Island is in the south part of our country. It is the second largest island in China. On Hainan Island,you can enjoy bright sunshine,fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget that. Haikou city is the capital of Hainan Province an it is also the biggest city on the island. There,you can either


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