已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、实用商务英语口语,Initial Contact 初次接触,Section 1,Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Mason. 定约会是见面前的商定。通过约定可以避免吃闭门羹,也免得打扰别人的正常安排。事前约定还可以使双方都有所准备。时间应该明确、具体。如果发生意外事件,必须及时通知对方调整时间另订约定。,对话1,A:May I help you?我能帮什么忙吗? B:Hello,I am Thomas Lee.Ive just from London. Id like to see Mr. Mason. 你好,我是托马斯.李。我刚从伦敦来。我想见

2、梅森先生。 A:Mr.Mason is at a meeting right now.Im his secretary,I can make an appointment for you.Could you suggest some dates? 梅森先生正在开会,我是他秘书,我可以为您约个时间,您能提供方便的日期吗? B:I wonder if we could meet on Wednesday this week.我们可否本星期三见个面? A:Im afraid hes fully tied up this week.Can you move it down to next week?恐

3、怕他这个星期的日程都排满了,可否挪到下周? B:OK.Would it be possible to meet him next Monday? 好的,下周一可以和他见面吗? A:Im not sure.He will be on business during this weekend.Maybe he wont be able to come back until Tuesday morning.Could you manage Tuesday afternoon?He is available at that time. 我不确定。他周末出差。可能要到周二早晨才能回来。周二下午行吗?他那

4、时有空的。 B:Good.I can make it anytime on that day.Shall we say 2 pm at his office? 好的。我那天什么时候都可以。下午两点在他办公室见面行吗? A:Sure.So thats set.好的。就这样定了。,Useful Sentences,1.I can make an appointment for you. Make an appointment,意为定个约会。 Make an appointment for you,表示“为你约个时间”;也可与介词with连用,构成词组make an appointment with

5、 sb.,表示“和某人安排个约会”。 Jerry made an appointment with Sam to sign the contract.杰瑞和山姆约定时间签合同。 Make可以用fix或arrange代替,相关词组还有cancel an appointment取消约定/约会,reschedule/rearrange an appointment重新安排约定/约会,put off/postpone the appointment推迟约定/约会。 2.Im afraid hes fully tied up this week. Tie up 意为没有空闲时间,相当于not free或

6、not available,可以用booked up或occupied代替。例如:Mrs.Hawke is tied up in a meeting at the moment,but Ill ask her to call you later.霍克夫人现在正在开会,我让她过一会儿打给你。,对话2,A:Good afternoon.CUK Company.下午好,CUK 公司。 B:Hello,this is John. Im calling about the appointment with Mr. Wang for tomorrow.Something unexpected has co

7、me up.Im afraid Ill have to cancel the appointment.Im sorry about that.你好,我是约翰。是关于和王先生明天会面的事情。发生了点意外,恐怕约会得取消了。很抱歉。 A:Thats all right.Maybe we can make another arrangement.没关系,也许我们可以再安排一个时间会面。 B:It will be very kind of you to do so.Do you think this Thursday morning would suit him?非常感谢。星期四上午他有空吗? A:I

8、m afraid theres a bit of a problem.Hes booked up on Thursday.How about Friday morning?恐怕有点问题。他周四整天排满。周五上午怎么样? B:Friday morning I have something else to attend to.But I think I can move it around.I will reschedule it.周五上午我有点其他事情处理。不过我可以做点调整。我重新安排下时间。 A:Great.Would you please come and see him at 10 am

9、 that day? 太好了。你可以周五上午过来见他吗? B:No problem.Thats quite all right for me.没问题。这个时间对我很合适。,3.Could you manage Tuesday afternoon? “manage”口语中含“设法做到,安排(时间)做”的意思,常与can,could,be able to连用。如:I have something urgent on Monday, so can you manage Tuesday?我周一有急事没空,所以能否周二? -May I help you with your suitcase? 我帮你提箱

10、子好吗? -Thank you,but I can manage it.谢谢,不过我自己能行。 4.Something unexpected has come up. Come up 表示“发生,出现”,相当于happen.例如:I am afraid something urgent has come up.I wont able to see you tonight.很抱歉,我有些急事,晚上不能去看你了。 5.Do you think this Thursday morning would suit him? Suit 表示“对某人方便,合某人心意”,例如:Will Wendnesday

11、suit you?周三你方便吗?,英语打电话的相关常识,1.打电话先说Hello,然后自报家门,(This is) xx speaking.在商业上,如果你是营销部的人,不妨说:营销部的xx人,Sales department,XX speaking. 2.电话号码如何读:0(zero,null,nil)在电话号码中读作oh;国家代号、区号和具体号码分开来读,比如深圳的一个号码读作86,755,82345678,如果是7位,前三位一组连一起,后四位连一组,如果是8位的,则4位一组;两个相同的用double,三个相同用triple;如果末尾是三个零,可以按千来读,如9796000,读作nine

12、seven nine six thousand;分机号码用Extension(Ext.),Section 2,Thanks for meeting me at the airport! 接机是商务活动中的重要环节,是表达主人情谊、体现热情好客的重要场合。接机时给对方留下好的印象,就为下一步深入打好基础。接机时应提前到达,恭候客人到来,绝不能迟到让客人久等。接到客人,应该首先问候,然后自我介绍。如果有名片,可送予对方。总之,接机时要做到热情大方,体贴周到。,对话1,Wilson:Excuse me,but are you Mr Howard from Galaxy Engineering?请问你

13、是银河工程公司霍德华先生吗? Howard:Yes,I am.And you must be Ms Tina Wilson.是的,你一定是蒂娜.威尔逊女士。 Wilson:Yes,Im here to meet you today.Its nice to see you.是的,今天我到这里来接您,很高兴见到您。 Howard:Im glad to meet you too,Ms Wilson.Thank you for meeting me at the airport.我也很高兴见到你,威尔逊女士,感谢您到机场来接我! Wilson:My pleasure,Did you have a go

14、od journey?不客气,旅途顺利吗? Howard:Apart from an hours delay at Heathrow,not too bad.除了在西斯罗机场飞机延误了一个小时,其他都好。 Wilson:Good.Is this your first visit to Dallas?很好。这是你第一次来达拉斯吗? Howard:Yes,so Im looking forward to doing something sightseeing later on.是的。所以希望以后游览一下。 Wilson:Dallas is a real beautiful city and an

15、exciting place.The more you know about it, the more youll like it.Im sure youll have a pleasant stay here.达拉斯是座美丽又充满活力的城市。您对这个城市了解得越多,就会越喜欢它。在这里您一定会过得很愉快。,对话2,Nash:Good morning,Mr Frank Lee.Im Mary Nash from Rainbow Co.,Ltd.早上好,弗兰克.李先生,我是彩虹有限公司的玛丽.纳什。 Lee:Good morning.Ms Nash.Im very glad to meet yo

16、u.早上好,纳什女士,很高兴见到你。 Nash:Glad to meet you,too. Welcome to Paris.Did you have a good flight?我也很高兴见到你。欢迎来到巴黎,路上顺利吗? Lee:It was just a bit bumpy when the plane landed.Everything was OK,anyway.In fact,I feel as crisp as a new dollar bill.飞机降落的时候有点颠簸。不管怎样,一切都算顺利。其实,我觉得自己his很有精神的。 Nash:Glad to hear it.I su

17、ppose you havent had your lunch yet.很高兴听到您这么说。我想你还没有吃午饭吧。 Lee:Oh,no.I only got breakfast on the plane,so Im a little hungry right now. 还没有。飞机上只吃了早餐,现在有点饿了。 Nash:We have booked a table in the restaurant around the corner.我们已在拐弯处的餐厅订了座。车子等在外面,这边请。 Lee:Great,its very considerate of you.好的,你真周到。,Useful Sentenses,1.And you must be Ms Tina Wilson. Must 在句中表示猜测或推定。意为“一定”,可以在对现在情况进行猜测时使用,例如: You must be Dr.Smith from the UCLA.你是加州大学洛杉矶分校的史密斯博士吧。 2.Did you have a good journey?常在接机时问候对方,类似表达还有:Did you have a good flight? /How was your journey? 3.I am looking forward to doing some sightse


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