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1、Your cyan collar hangs up my affection,青青子衿 悠悠我心,Han Chinese clothing,Hanfu or Han Chinese Clothing, also sometimes known as Hanzhuang (汉装), Huafu (华服), and sometimes referred in English sources simply as Silk Robe(霓裳)(especially those worn by the gentry) or Chinese Silk Robe refers to the historica

2、l dress of the Han Chinese people, which was worn for millennia before the conquest by the Manchus and the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in 1644.,Some Mistakes,Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, every one wore it. Its not Hanfu but the traditional clothing of Manchu.,Each minority national

3、ity in our country has its own traditional dress, but those clothing is not Hanfu either.,It is often seen in Chinese television serials, films and other forms of media entertainment. Hanfu is made in a precise way, however, the costume is made more casually.,Standard Style,A complete Hanfu garment

4、is assembled from several pieces of clothing into an attire: Yi (衣): Any open cross-collar garment, and worn by both sexes Pao (袍): Any closed full-body garment, worn only by men in Hanfu Ru (襦): Open cross-collar shirt Shan (衫): Open cross-collar shirt or jacket that is worn over the yi Qun (裙) or

5、chang (裳): Skirt for women and men Ku (裤): Trousers or pants,formal dress,informal dress,coat,Zhongyi (中衣) or zhongdan (中单),Inner garments, mostly white cotton or silk. Something like shirts.,Shenyi (深衣) a type of Han Chinese clothing commonly worn from the pre-Shang periods to the Han Dynasty. This

6、 form is known as the quju (曲裾) and worn primarily by women.,Another type of Han Chinese Shenyi (深衣) commonly worn from the pre-Shang periods to the Ming Dynasty. This form is known as the zhiju (直裾) and worn primarily by men.,Xuanduan (玄端),A very formal dark robe, equivalent to the Western white ti

7、e.,Ruqun (襦裙),A top garment with a separate lower garment or skirt,Aoqun(袄裙),Large-sleeved shirt(大袖衫),Cape(斗篷),Half-arm shawl(半臂),Sleeveless over-dress(比甲),Sleeved over-dress(褙子),The Book of Songs,Does not have the clothes Who said you are in rags? I can share you my robe! The king will begin the wa

8、r Let me burnish my weapon To fight our common enemy! Who said you are in rags? I can share you my vest! The king will begin the war Let me take my arms To put in our energy! Who said you are in rags? I can share you my dress! The king will begin the war Let me get my equipment To rush to the battle

9、field!,无衣 岂曰无衣? 与子同袍。 王于兴师, 修我戈矛, 与子同仇! 岂曰无衣? 与子同泽。 王于兴师, 修我矛戟, 与子偕作! 岂曰无衣? 与子同裳。 王于兴师, 修我甲兵, 与子偕行!,Hanbok,唐代时期,新罗请求唐太宗赐汉衣冠,革除新罗服饰,以同于中国。李氏朝鲜中期之后朝服吸收了明朝服装式样,悉遵华制。特别是女服朝高腰襦裙发展,而官服、朝服、宫廷重要礼服亦一直保留汉服制度,并随汉服变化而变化,如唐朝时官员的乌纱幞头的后系带为下垂带样式,新罗官员幞头同为此样式,而明代之后改为展角样式,李朝也改为短展角;如李朝王后大礼服一直都为中国皇后翟衣样式。而现代朝服和汉服的主要不同之处:汉服一般是交领右衽,也有对襟的(V字领),而朝鲜服装的交领不明显,近似小v领;女服裙子束的特别高,而且下襬十分宽大、蓬松。,Kimono,和服,在日本称


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