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1、换序法,英语翻译第一步要保证大的结构调整好,句序结构是基础,一。英译汉,例1,(1)But this is equally true of cultural traits ,which indicate a persons value system when crucial decisions need to be made before there is any time to think about alternatives, for example, diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child.,文化特征何尝不是如此?

2、有时候,人们来不及思索就必须作出关键决定,比方说,跳进湍急的水流中救一个溺水儿童,那么这种情况下一个人的文化特征就清晰地折射出他的价值体系。,(1)But this is equally true of cultural traits ,(5)which indicate a persons value system (3)when crucial decisions need to be made (2)before there is any time to think about alternatives.(4)For example, diving into a flooding str

3、eam to rescue a drowning child.,例2,Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear information about such things as the applicants qualifications and work experience as well as

4、 references from other individuals who know the applicant well.,由于公司不想录用个人材料不佳的申请者,因此向待选的应聘者寄发申请表,询问诸如应聘者相关条件、工作经验等简明信息,并向了解应聘者情况的有关人士征求参考意见,是很重要的。,(1)Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile,(6)it is important (4)that an application form (2)sent to a prospective

5、applicant should request (3)clear information about such things as the applicants qualifications and work experience (5)as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well.,例3,In this way, they may devote their time to study of policy alternatives free from the teaching and depa

6、rtmental duties that are part of the daily routine for most members of the academic community.,正以为如此,这些专家就可以从大多数学术人士习以为常的日常教学和院系公务中脱离出来,全身心地投入到政策的研究中去。,(1)In this way, they(4)may devote their time to study of policy alternatives (3)free from the teaching and departmental duties (2)that are part of t

7、he daily routine for most members of the academic community.,二。汉译英,所发教材05/9 中国已成为 亚欧和世界经济发展中的积极力量,我们坚定走和平发展的道路,致力于同亚欧各国发展富有活力和长期稳定的全面合作关系,与亚欧各国相互支持,携手前 进,共创美好的未来。,China, a positive force in the economic development of Asia, Europe and the rest of the world , adheres to its policy of peaceful develop

8、ment and dedicates itself to developing all-round cooperative relations featuring vigor and long-term stability with other countries in Asia and Europe. China and other countries in Asia and Europe should support each other and make joint efforts in creating a brighter future.,参考一下 网络版本的参考答案,China, a devoted part in promoting the economic development in the two continents, will keep her track on the road of peace and development. A corresponding effort made by this country in building a dynamic and long-term cooperation in all fields across Asia an


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