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1、9、旅游观光中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 国际旅行社 international travel service 旅游管理局 tourist administration bureau 旅行社 travel agency /travel service 旅游公司 tourism company 团体旅游 group tour 包价旅游 package tour 春游 spring outing 秋游 autumn outing/fall excursion 假日游 vacation rip 蜜月旅行 honeymoon tour/br

2、idal tour 境外旅游 overseas tour 一日游 one-day sightseeing 持证导游 licensed tourist guide 导游翻译 guide interpreter 实习导游 student guide 导游手册 tourist brochure 自然景观 natural scenery 人文景观 places of cultural and historical interest 旅游景点 tourist attractions /scenic spots 山水风光 landscape /scenery with mountains andriver

3、s 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 避暑胜地 Summer resort 度假胜地 holiday resort 避暑山庄 mountainresort 国家公园 national park 古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 洞穴 cave 岩洞 cavern 溶洞 water-eroded cave 石灰石洞 limestone cave 石笋 stalagmite 钟乳石 stalactite 瀑布 waterfall /casca

4、de 温泉 hot spring/ the thermal spring 陵墓 emperors tomb/mausoleum 古墓 ancient tomb 石窟 grotto 楼 tower /mansion 台 terrace 亭阁 pavilion 塔 tower /pagoda 廊 corridor 石肪 stone boat 堤 causeway 湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion 水榭 waterside pavilion 莲花池 lotus pond 曲径 winding path 城堡 castle 寺庙 temple 教堂church 天主教大教堂 cathedra

5、l 修道院 abbey /monastery 尼姑庵 Buddhist nunnery 佛教圣地 Buddhist sacred land 宫殿 palace/hall 皇城 imperial city 御花园 imperial garden sandal wood fan antique /curio handicraft /artifact 行宫 temporary imperial palace 皇太后 empress dowager 皇妃imperial concubine 宰相 prime minister 太监court eunuch 四大金刚the Four Guardians

6、十八罗汉the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 出土文物unearthed cultural relics 甲骨文inscription on oracle bones 青铜器bronze ware 陶瓷 ceramics 陶器earthenware /pottery /crockery 法琅 enamel 泥雕clay figurine 兵马俑 the Qin terracotta army /the terracotta warriors and horses 折扇folding fan 檀香扇 sandal wood fan 古玩 antique/cur

7、io 手工艺品 handicraft 木雕 wood carving 竹雕 bamboo carving 贝雕 shell carving 浮雕 sculpture in relief /relief carving 藤条制品 wickerwork 雕漆器 carved lacquer ware 刺绣品 embroidery苏绣 Suzhou embroidery 挂毯 tapestry 唐三彩 trio-Colored glazed pottery of the TangDynasty 金石印章 metal and stone seals 字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy

8、 and painting 国画 traditional Chinese painting 山水画 landscape painting 水墨画 ink painting 文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of theChinese study 保存完好 well preserved 工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship 独具匠心 original design/unique pattern 造型美观 gracefully shaped 姿态逼真 lifelike /vivid as if alive 光彩夺目 emitting radian

9、t sparkles 千颜万色、多姿多彩 of all hues and postures 一步一色 Every step brings a new scene. 绵延山峦 rolling ranges 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 景色如画 Picturesque 诱人景色 inviting views 景色宜人soothing vista 风光绪丽 most gorgeous scene 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 绿色葱葱lush green /luxuriant vegetation 百花竞放Hundreds

10、 of flowers contend to blossom 奇峰罗列 rows of perilous peaks exhibiting a great variety of shapes 拔地而起 to rise abruptly from the ground 光怪陆离grouped into grotesque and colorful forms 赏心悦目 pleasing to the eye /a feast to the eye 园林建筑 garden architecture 佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains 人间仙境 fairyland on e

11、arth 顶礼膜拜 to worship /to pay homage to 人如潮涌with throngs of people milling around 空前绝后 to be unprecedented /to have no parallel in history 人在画中游 traveling in a pictorial world 令人流连忘返to hold great attraction 世界七大奇迹the worlds seven wonders 天下无双 second to none 天下第一泉 the No. One spring on earth 天下第一奇洞 th

12、e most spectacular cave in the world 桂林山水甲天下Guilin scenery is the finest under heaven原文链接:/vocab/461.html狂欢节(巴西,二月中、下旬) CARNIVAL宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources国家一级保护文物 Class A heritage/cultural property under national protection长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta长江流域 the Yangtze Rive

13、r Valley (Basin)繁衍生息 live and multiply摇篮、发祥地 cradle; origin旅游胜地 holiday/tourist destination;风土人情 local conditions and customs筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment温哥华Vancouver加拿大通往太平洋的门户Canadas gateway to the pacific巴拿马运河The Panama Canal天然不冻港Natural ice-free harbor少数民族团体Ethnic group江南水乡 the south of the lower re

14、aches of the Yangtze River广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory绚丽多姿的自然景观 gorgeous and varied natural scenery如诗如画 poetic and picturesque名胜古迹 places of historic interest and scenic beauty兵马俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses故宫 the Imperial Palace历代文人雅士书法家 famous ancient writers, schol

15、ars and calligraphers of various dynasty石刻碑文 stone inscription经典佳作 great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty华夏祖先 Chinese ancestors吉祥之地 propitious place祭祀天地 offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth动植物群 fauna and flora历史悠久的文化 time-honored culture名川大山 famous mountains and great rivers举世闻名的旅游景点 w

16、orld-renowned attraction出土文物 unearthed cultural relics四大发明 the four great inventions山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear water丝绸之路 the Silk Road佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountains中国文明的摇篮 the cradle of Chinese civilization三皇五帝 the earliest legendary rulers and emperors四大道教圣地 the four Taoist holy places中国民俗文

17、化村 China folk culture villages战国时期 the Warring States Period甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones青铜器 bronze ware国画 traditional Chinese paintings旅游资源 tourist resources避暑胜地 summer resort湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills傣族泼水节 the Water Sprinkling Festival of the Thais火把节 the Torch Festival元宵节 the Lantern Fes

18、tival中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival清明节 the Spring Excursion Festival / the Pure Brightness Festival感恩节 Thanksgiving Day复活节 Easter情人节 the Valentines Day万圣节 Halloween粽子 ZongZi (a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves)元宵 sweet dumplings

19、 with assorted nuts月饼 moon cakes玩龙灯 the Dragon Dance春联 Spring Couplets龙的传人 descendants of the dragon年画 New Year pictures字画卷轴 scroll of calligraphy and painting文化的多样性 cultural diversity游乐园 amusement park自然保护区 nature reserves自然奇观 natural splendor热带和温带地区 tropical and temperate climate各种令人叹为观止的自然风貌 an a

20、stonishing variety of environments出境游 outbound visit埃及金字塔 the Egyptian Pyramid巴拿马运河 the Panama Canal天主教堂 the Catholic Church埃菲尔铁塔 the Eiffel Tower凯旋门 the Arc of Triumph伦敦塔桥 Londons Tower Bridge比萨斜塔 The Leaning Tower of Pisa各种各样的民族风味餐 various ethnic food西方礼节 western etiquette马可波罗游记 the Marco Polos Tr

21、avels世界四大文明 the four great civilization of the world澳洲土著Aboriginal兵马俑 Terra-cotta Warriors溶岩、水蚀石灰岩地区 karst钟乳石和石笋 stalactites and stalagmites天府之国 a Land of Plenty / a Heavenly Kingdom景色宜人 soothing and relaxing vista天下第一泉 the first spring under heaven山水游 natural scenery tuor民俗游 folk culture tour都市游 ur

22、ban sights tour / city tour文物古迹游 historical cultures relics tour度假村 vacation village野生动物园 Safari Park游艇 a pleasure boat六和塔 the Six Harmonies Pagoda大运河 the Grand Canal三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon平湖秋月 Autumn Moon on the Calm Lake断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge苏绣 Suzhou embroidery景泰蓝 cloisonn

23、e enamel直辖市 municipality under the administration of the Central Government古栈道 ancient plank path长江中下游地区 the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River葛洲坝水电站 the Gezhouba Hydroelectric Power Station国务院三峡工程建设指挥部 the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee of the State Council黄鹤楼 the Yellow Cra

24、ne Tower鬼城 the Ghost City豪华游轮 luxury cruisers 三国游 the Three Kingdoms Sites Tour小三峡 the Three Lesser Gorges长江轮船公司 the Yangtze General Shipping Corperation珍禽奇兽和奇花异草 unique and intriguing animals and flora悬棺 suspension coffin大规模公共交通系统 mass transit system长江流域 the Yangtze River valley长江索道 the cable car a

25、cross the Yangtze River新的旅游景点 new tourist scenery文物古碑 cultural objects and historic monuments中国烹饪 Chinese Cuisine美食家 gourmet菜系 school馄饨 wonton春卷 egg roll( 美国) / spring roll(中国)美食节 the gourmet festival满汉全席 the Complete Manchu and Han Feast麻婆豆腐 stir-fried beancurd in hot sauce宫保鸡丁 diced chicken in chi

26、lli sauce冰糖肘子 pork joint stewed with rock sugar素什锦 assorted vegetarian delicacies回锅肉 twice cooked paok八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding烤羊肉 grilled lamb炸薯条 French fries / fried chips / frenchfries炖牛肉 stewed beef烟熏鱼 smoked fish油闷大虾 deep fried prawns馒头 steamed bread咸蛋 marinated egg土豆泥 mashed potatoes西湖醋鱼

27、 West Lake vinegar fish涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton因果报应 Retribution of Justice轮回转世 Transmigration of Reincarnation西方极乐净土 the Pure Land of West龙门石窟 the Longmen Grottoes敦煌壁画 the Dunhuang Murals布达拉宫 the Potala Palace 四大金刚 the Four Guardians十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha 万寿山 the Longevity Hill九龙

28、壁 the Nine Dragons Wall玉佛寺 the Jade Buddha 寒山寺 the Cold Mountain Temple七星岩 the Seven Star Crag御花园 the Imperial Garden充满奇观的地方 a land of wonder神奇魔力 magical power工艺精湛,独具匠心 exquisite workmanship with original design文房四宝 the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study including brush, ink stick, ink s

29、tone and paper摩崖造像 cliffside carvings观音 the Goddess of Mercy, Avalokitesvara密宗 Esoteric Sect中国国际旅行社 (CITS) China International Travel Service中国国家旅游局 (CNTA) China National Tourism Administration旅行社 travel agency旅游主题 tourist theme包价旅游 package tour便利服务项目 convenience services文化冲击 culture shock必游之地 must

30、place中国民用航空公司 Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)问讯处 information service假日国际饭店 Holiday Inn Hotel总统套房 presidential suite领队 group leader全陪 national guide地陪 local guide旅游业 tourist industry旅游旺季 peak season旅游淡季 slack season大陆性气候 continental climate 孕育 to spawn烧香拜佛 to light incense at a shrine铬化

31、玻璃 chrome-and-glass壁球室 squash court解签 to interpret the chim, a fortune stick大型远洋班轮 immense cruise liners小舢板 tiny sampans小岛和沙湾 islets and sandy coves旺角 Mong Kok太妃糖和干邑美酒 truffles and cognac太平清蘸(长洲梆节,俗称太平清蘸节) the Cheung Chau Bun Festival空中飞童 airborn children文化社会 multicultural society炎黄子孙 descendents of

32、 the Yellow Emperor一国两制 the principles of One County, Two Systems鸦片战争 the Opium War天然不冻港 natural ice-free harbour 港、澳特别行政区 Special Administration Regions of HK and Macao购物天堂 shopping paradise东方之珠 the Oriental Pearl台湾海峡 Taiwan Straits沿海城市 coastal cities夜总会 night club功夫片(武打片) action movies亚洲四小龙 the Fo

33、ur Little Dragons in Asia国际大都市 International Metropolitan 港澳台同胞 compatriots of HK, Macao and Taiwan海运中心 navigation hub中英街 Boundary Street海洋博物馆 Maritime Museum生旦净丑 Sheng (male), Dan (female), Jing or Hualian (painted face), Chou (clown)三块瓦脸 three pieces of tile十字门脸 cross-and-door象形脸 pictographic歪脸 twisted face


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