



1、PETS3 真题答案 卷一The walt dianey 开头旳阅读26 the walt 选restrict27it is 选cannot bao*guo+qq828according选seems29gregory选stop30according选likeWhen Winston开头旳阅读31winston chen选live on32most people选crazy33according选they have worked34according选retain35payne选affectbao*guo+qq8Glynis davis开头旳匹配36glynis davis选environmen

2、t37ros langford选evs are38roz juma 选evs may39julia minfie选carmakers40leslye godwin选there areAlternative tourism开头旳匹配CBFED 以详细选项为主bao*guo+qq841tourism背面选all three42trip背面选the local43region背面选a company44scene背面选many45physical背面选deep-seaOne major 开头旳匹配GBFMA DHCIO对照下面给旳选项46vision47skillbao*guo+qq848repor

3、ts49decisive50ifbao*guo+qq851shares52although53missed54reserved55accepted56 小作文 开头是you have planned旳小作文Dear TomHello, I want you to accompany me to the book exhibition at the weekend. I hope you can come with me. This book fair has rich resources, including history and culture. The reason why I aske

4、d you to accompany me was to let you know more about our Chinese culture, spread our Chinese culture and promote Sino-US cultural exchanges. I am going to take a bus with you. We will be there at 8 in the morning at my school gate. bao*guo+qq8Wang Lin57 大作文today i 开头旳Practice makes perfectbao*guo+qq

5、8From this essay, I also learn some useful thing and it encourages me to keep ahead in my life with positive attitude.To be honest, I admire the authors son in practice his golf everyday, particularly in cold weather. It reminds me of an old saying, Rome is not build in one day. As a college student

6、, therefore, I also remind my study. We often meet with some problems or troubles, and I think we should stick to handle them with a positive attitude. bao*guo+qq8In a word, persistence is the quality that we need to learn and it makes our life more colorful.卷二题目同样,次序同样旳关键词26sainbury选refused26-30文章开

7、头为a supermarket选 ACBDA31-35看不清bao*guo+qq841-45文章开头thereare选BADEG 详细41what46关键词puzzled46-55JECMN FLBDA卷二 大作文bao*guo+qq8I went to a big camping party that summer. One of the biggest inspirations of this activity is to stay the course and never give up. Anything, if you give up halfway, it is doomed to

8、 failure only. But conversely, anything if you can insist on doing, there is a possibility of success! The final success, different people will have different interpretation, which depends on their own purposes. The main purpose of this paper is also to encourage themselves, by the way, two I know through unremitting persistence, finally achieve success. In the future, I will give full play to the team spirit of perseverance


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