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1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页2023年最新的花生单词英文怎么读花生又名落花生,原产于南美洲一带,蝶形花科,属一年生草本植物。你知道花生的英文怎么读吗现在跟着小编一起来学习关于花生的英语知识吧! 花生的英文 peanut 英 pi:n t 美 pi n t 花生的词组习语 peanut oil 1.花生油 peanut brittle 1.花生糖 peanut butter 1.花生酱 salt peanuts 1.咸花生 花生的英文例句 1. The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut

2、oil. 东方人不吃黄油,他们更喜欢对健康非常有益处的花生油。 2. Add 2 tablespoons of peanut oil. 加两汤匙花生油。 3. a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 一份花生酱加果酱三明治 4. We don t have peanut oil in our family. 我们家不吃花生油. 5. You don t add the peanut butter until after you ve stirred in the honey. 将蜂蜜搅入后再加花生酱。 6. The peanut, however, was his

3、 greatest contribution to the South s economy. 然而, 卡弗对南方经济最大的贡献还是花生的种植. 7. The button utters in mutter, The butterfly likes the buttered peanut. 按钮咕哝着发出声音说: 蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生。 8. I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 我吃了两个放了花生酱和果酱的三明治。 9. How many jars of peanut butter have been sold 已经售出多少罐花生酱 10

4、. The peanut develops below the ground. 花生在地下结果. 11. Before Carver had demonstrated its possibilities , the peanut was scarcely grown in the region. 在他证实南方适合于种植花生之前,农户们是很少种植这种作物的. 12. In the Greek candy - store was the whine of a peanut - roaster, and the oil smell of nuts. 从那家希腊人开的糖果店里,传来了哔哩啪啦油炸花生的

5、声音, 散发着油炸花生的香味. 13. Sorry. I don t have any. I have peanut butter and oatmeal. 空姐:对不起,我们没有. 有花生酱夹心的和燕麦的. 14. Are you implying my peanut s not all it s cracked up to be 你是在暗示我的花生和我在被撞之前有所不同 吗 15. Don t you ever eat anything besides canned soup and peanut butter 除了灌装浓汤和花生酱你不吃别的 吗 关于花生的英文阅读:Death By Pe

6、anut花生致死 Death By Peanut花生致死 Peanuts are one of the world s most nutritious foods. 花生是世界上最有营养的食品之一。 Peanuts contain pound for pound more protein, vitamins, and minerals than beef liver and more fat than heavy cream. For approximately .5% of Americans, however, peanuts are not so beneficial; in fact,

7、 they re potentially deadly. 等重量的花生中蛋白质、维他命和矿物质的平均含量高于牛肝,而其脂肪含量高于多脂奶油。但是,大约有百分之五的美国人,对他们来说,花生不仅没有好处,而且可能会致命。 Yummy But Deadly 美味但致命 Between 1 and 2% of American adults suffer from food allergies. A food allergy occurs when particular proteins in certain foods trigger an immune system response, resul

8、ting in various symptoms. Many foods can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild to severe, but peanuts trigger notoriously fierce allergic responses. 大约百分之一到百分之二的美国成年人受到食物过敏症的困扰。当一种特定食物中的特定蛋白质刺激免疫系统作出反应并产生许多症状时,食物过敏就出现了。许多食物会导致过敏反应,轻重程度不等。但是花生能诱发非常严重的过敏反应。 People allergic to peanuts can experien

9、ce hives, dizziness, a rapid heartbeat, and in the worst cases, death. Although only a small percentage of people have peanut allergies, they account for 50% of all food related deaths. 人们对花生过敏时会产生荨麻疹,头晕,心跳加快等症状,严重时可能死亡。尽管对花生过敏的人群比例很小,但他们因过敏而死亡的人数却占所有因食物而死亡人数的一半。 Usefulness 功效 It may seem implausibl

10、e that so much harm can result from such a seemingly innocent, useful food. However, it s the peanut s usefulness that makes it so dangerous. Peanuts and peanut products are used in a wide variety of packaged foods, but are not always listed as an ingredient. 让人难以置信的是,如此多的危害会来自这样一种看起来很无害、有益健康的食物。不过,

11、正是花生的这种好处让它变得很危险。花生及花生加工食品被广泛制成袋装食品,但不总是被列入成分表。 Since it s possible for even the slightest trace of peanut protein to trigger an allergic reaction, these hidden ingredients can cause considerable harm. In some cases, even kissing a person who s just eaten a peanuty food can be dangerous. 因为有可能很少量的花生蛋白就可以诱发过敏反应,这些成分如果不写明,可能带来严重危害。有时,甚至亲吻一名刚吃了花生食品的人也会带来危险。 If you have a peanut allergy never assume that foods are made without peanuts. Call the


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