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1、英语报刊文章特点-体裁与结构.新闻定义News is s fresh report of events , facts , or opinions that people did not know before they read your story .News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the bestnews is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.News is any event , idea or opin

2、ion that is timely , that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them .News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance, use , orinterest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience.If a dog bites a man ,

3、 it is not news ; if a man bites a dog , its (big ) news .新闻价值就是通常所说的新闻价值(news value )。构成新闻价值的要素很多,在英语新闻报 道中,主要有以下几种:1)时效性(timeliness )和时新性(freshness )2)重要性(importance , consequence , impact or significance )3)显着性(prominence )4)接近性(nearness , proximity or locality )5)奇异性(unusualness , bizarreness ,

4、oddity or novelty )6)趣味性(interest ).新闻种类新闻的种类很多,按照不同的分类标准,有各种不同的分类方法。按传播工具,可分为报纸新闻 (newspaper coverages )、杂志新闻 (magazine coverages )、广播新闻 (radio news )、电视新闻(TV news )、有线电视新闻(cable news )和通讯社新闻(news agency dispatches )。按照新闻事实发生的地域和范围,又有国际新闻( world news )、国内新 闻(home news )和地方新闻(local news )之分。若按报道的内容,

5、新闻则可分为:政 治新闻(political news )、经济新闻 (economic news)、科技新闻 (technological news )、文化新闻(cultural news )、体育新闻(sports news )、暴力与犯罪新闻( violence and crime news )、灾难新闻 (disaster news )、天气新闻 (weather news )、讣告 (obituary ) 和娱乐(entertainment )等若干大类。如按照事件的性质,斯间又可分为硬新闻(hard news )和“软新闻(soft news )两大类。硬新闻亦称“纯消息报道(

6、spot news or straight news ),指题材比较严肃、 具有一定时新性的客观事实报道。软新闻是指人情味较浓、写法轻松活泼的社会新闻,其题材可能会显得陈旧或无关紧要,但决非枯燥乏味。软新闻能引起读者情感上的波动,使读者既想笑又想哭,既爱又恨,既妒又怜。.新闻体裁记者按不同的报道形式即新闻体裁(news style )予以采写。由于新闻活动的范围是一个 广阔多姿、变化无穷的世界,其间的客观事物也呈多样性,因而报道的内容是丰富多彩的,新闻体裁也在 不断更新。就我国读者阅读英语报刊的基本情况而言,新闻体裁主要可分为四大类:消息报道( news reporting )、特写(feat

7、ures )、社论(editorials )和 广告(advertisements )。 另一种分类:消息(news ),特写(features )和新闻评论(commentaries and columns )新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但 大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。a.标题(headline ):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。b.导语(1ead or introduction ):通常为文章的第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题 和最主要的事实。c.正文(body ):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进

8、而得出结论。五个 W 和一个 H (When ? Where ? Who ? What ? Why ?和 How ?)是构成一则完整的消息不可缺少的要素。直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用“倒金字塔形式 (theInverted Pyramid Form ),其特点是按新闻报道最重要的五个 W和一个H头重脚轻地安排材料,把新闻的高潮和结论放在最前面的导语里,然后以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排(in the order of descending importance ) 材料。为了帮助读者了解这种倒金字塔式结构,请见西方新闻学著作中的图表说明:The Inverted Pyramid Form

9、Introduction containing most important or most interesting information导语包括最重要或最吸引人的消息 more facts更多的事实材料supporting information or background辅助性消息或背景材料quotes or more facts of lesser importance弓 I 语或次要的事实材料minor details 细节材料least significant information 最不重要的消息FILADELFIA Colombia (AP ) Rain-softened wa

10、lls of a condemned strip mine crashed down on scores of gold miners in western Colombia Thursday, killing atleast 28 and leaving 40 others missing , authorities said .The victims were said to be poor people who ignored government warnings thaterosion had made the mine unsafe . It appeared both the i

11、llegal digging and recent heavy rains were to blame for the accident.Survivors said two separate mudslides occurred at the site in Filadelfia, a small town120 miles west of Bogot a . The second avalanche buried miners who were trying to rescue friends who had been engulfed in the first avalanche.Res

12、cuers shoveled furiously for hours in hopes of finding somebody alive, but onlyrecovered bodies .As night fell Thursday , national disaster chief Eduardo Jose Gonzalez said hopes of finding anyone alive waned as crews prepared to suspend operations. The searchwas to resume Friday .Gonzalez said 28bo

13、dies had been recovered,and at least 40 people weremissing . Thirty-two miners were reported injured and taken to hospitals.Hundreds of people had gathered at the scene, many of them anguished andweeping relatives .Emergency crews from the Red Cross and the civil defense forces were using heavy mach

14、inery to remove the thick mud spread over the site. Complicating the recoveryeffort , huge pools of water had seeped into the site from a river running up to the hillside - used by the miners to rinse gold particles from dirt.Survivors said the earth crashed down without warning on a group of about

15、200 people trying to scrape gold from the well-worn hill-side. The workers were toilingwith shovels and picks inside a deep hole they had carved into the hill. The cavernhad no structural supports .Many workers managed to scramble out of the way or crawl out from beneath the mud .Others were not so

16、lucky .“We heard a very loud sound and the hill suddenly fell down upon us, said20-year-old Manuel Loaiza . I was trapped up to my knees but some of the others dragged me out .”Loaiza said he made less than $ 9a day at the crude mine . His 39-year-old uncle is still missing under the mudBut resident

17、s thrown out ofAccording to Julian Arboleda , an aide to Caldas State governor Luis Alfonso Arias officials ordered the mine closed several months ago work by Colombias economic downturn took the risk of working there anywayArboleda said .Landslides triggered by rains are Colombias most common natur

18、al disaster, killingdozens of people annually . Thursdays accident was the worst such tragedy in recent years .According to the governments disaster relief agency, nearly 200 people died in apoor neighborhood in the city of Medellin when a 1987 landslide buried theirhouses . Landslides buried 150 da

19、m workers in 1983 and a rescue team sent on their behalf .首先要注意消息报道导语(第一段)里的“电头”(dateline )“FILADELFIA , Colombia(AP) ”即“美联社发自哥伦比亚费拉达菲亚的消息”。美联社新闻报道的时间通常置于消息的最前面(NOVEMBER 22 , 19 : 43EST),即美国的标准时11月22日19点43分。第一段十分简单明了地告诉读者:星期四,哥伦比亚西部的一露天金矿由于大雨而发生坍塌,至少28人死亡,40人失踪。第二段增加了新的新闻事实:金矿坍塌的遇难者是贫民,虽然政府警告说由于侵蚀使采矿危险,但他们置若罔闻;金矿的坍塌可能是由于非法的开采以及近日的大雨造成的。这一段支持并扩展了导语。共


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