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1、珀西Percy!看他在骑马Look at him on his horse.向你父亲挥手Wave to your father.先生们Gentlemen!鹿会被送到费迪南公爵的.The deer will be delivered to the archduke ferdinand庆典上at the gala.希望你们狩猎凯旋I expect you to behave with distinction on this hunt.祝好运Good luck.上帝保佑And godspeed.难道马背上的摇椅Could they not fit your rocking chair不适宜你吗 老爷

2、爷?on that horse, granddad?今晚你们都是我的配角Youll all be my gun bearers by evening.毫无疑问Have no doubt of that.驾Ha!驾ha!在你左边on your left!驾Ha!加油Come on!驾Ha!少校 那里没有路Major, theres no path there!少校Major! Major!好孩子good boy.他抓住鹿了He got him.一流的马术 少校 - 射得好 长官Superb horsemanship, major. - Excellent shot, sir.这些树林对马很致命T

3、hese woods have been deadly to horses.死亡.To death.是生活最好的调味汁The best sauce to life.你会成为庆典的祝酒人Youll be the toast of the gala.他们来了Here they come.是我丈夫Oh, its my husband.爸爸成功了 - 过来 你Daddy did it. - Come here, you.爸爸Ah! - Daddy!干得好 爸爸Well done, daddy.有一天 你和我会一起打猎Someday you and i will go hunting together.

4、我们要迟到了Were going to be late.天啊 倒霉的衣服Oh, god, this damned thing.你们一定很快乐 你们这些男人.You must be so pleased with yourselves, you men.让我们穿上这些可怕的衣服Making us wear these awful things.起码没让你穿裤子At least youre not wearing trousers.我宁可穿裤装Oh, I would if I could.我知道I know.怎样?Well?相当可爱Rather lovely.相当可爱Rather lovely.这

5、算什么 有什么不对劲吗?What is it? Whats amiss?你抓到鹿了You got the deer.今晚所有的目光都注视着你All eyes will be on you this evening.我的宝贝Well, my darling,我将是今晚唯一的.I will be the only man there tonight of my rank制服没有半毛奖章的男人.whose uniform is unadorned.那算什么问题?Oh, how can that matter now?伟大的布莱斯部长将出席庆典The great secretary Bryce wil

6、l be at the gala.费塞特少校Oh, major fawcett.你居然没有挂奖牌?Youve no medals?不 布莱斯先生Oh, no, Mr. Bryce.你看 我非常忙于.You see, Ive been terribly busy教老掉牙的民兵teaching ancient militiamen把步枪指向树桩to point their rifles at tree stumps.所以 我没有奖章 大人So, no, no. No medals for me, sir.告诉我Tell me.这位部长布莱斯在家的时候又是谁?Who is this secretar

7、y Bryce when hes at home?我们可能用得上高攀的.The last man here最后一个人 在这里upon whom we might possibly rely for advancement.明白了I see.我年纪大了 厚脸皮(对爱人的俏皮称呼).Im getting older, cheeky.无法容忍逝去的岁月And very impatient of lost years.虽然奖牌挺荒唐I know the medals are ridiculous.但我愿意I do.但这可能是我们最后的时机But this may be our final chance

8、.伯纳德勋爵lord Bernard.布莱斯部长 这是费塞特少校Secretary Bryce, this is major fawcett.少校 - 很荣幸 先生Major. - Its an honor, sir.不胜荣幸 先生Honors mine, sir.请允许我介绍布莱斯部长May I introduce secretary Bryce.布莱斯部长 贝拉米太太Secretary Bryce, Mrs. bellamy.少校和珀西太太Major and Mrs. Percy fawcett.他们为杀戮干杯 却没有等你Theyre toasting the kill without y

9、ou.请允许我介绍这头奇妙的动物May I present this magnificent animal,我们政府给你们的礼物a gift from our government to yours.我在跟你跳舞Well, I am dancing with you,所以我得到了更好的还价so Ive got the better of the bargain.我可以吗 少校May I, major?言之过早了Spoken too soon.上校Colonel.对了 谁杀的?by the way, who got the kill?是费塞特少校 部长大人Oh, that would be ma

10、jor fawcett, Mr. secretary.好吧 我们应该请他吃晚饭Well, we should invite him to supper.好吧 我可以说Well, may I say,可惜他不幸地.hes been rather unfortunate选错了祖宗in his choice of ancestors.明白了I see.那么.Well, then.告诉我 伯纳德夫人近况如何?Do tell me, how is lady Bernard?她.Oh, shes.1906年3月不得超过20个箱子 克莱夫No more than 20 cases, clive.快点 加油H

11、urry along, men. Come on.来吧 放入后面Come on, put your backs into it.费塞特Fawcett!把你补给放进去Put your backs into it.快走吧Hurry it along.快点 伙计们Come on, men.先生? - 你明天去伦敦Sir? - Youre off to London tomorrow.去皇家地理学会To the royal geographical society.皇家地理学会 长官?The royal geographical, sir?正在进行一项重大探索Theres a major explor

12、ation afoot.听起来像个大冒险Sounds like a grand adventure.谢谢你 长官Thank you, sir.加油 一起来Come on. Come along.皇家地理学会英格兰 伦敦谢谢Oh, thank you.我是费塞特少校 先生Major fawcett, sir.是的 请进Oh, yes, yes. Come in.我是乔治戈迭 皇家地理学会主席I am sir George Goldie, President of the rgs.这是约翰斯考特克莱特 我们的秘书This is Mr. John Scott keltie, our secretar

13、y.你好吗 少校How do you do, major?你好 先生How do you do, sir?我们之间并没有交集.Our paths did not cross during your work here几年前 是吗?several years back, did they?没有 先生They did not, sir.当时我很可能着迷于学习I was likely consumed with my studies at the time.当然 请坐Of course. Please, sit down.谢谢Thank you.军队好似派遣你.Ah, the army seems

14、to have posted you去过许多地方in many places in the past.是的 我曾去过锡兰Yes. Ive served in ceylon之前是香港.and in Hong Kong before that.最近在爱尔兰Most recently in Ireland.正如你所看到的 我已经去过帝国周围As you can see, Ive been transferred a fair bit诸多地方around the empire.少校 你对玻利维亚了解多少Major, what do you know about Bolivia?南美的 先生? - 没错

15、In south America, sir? - Thats right.只有书上读过Only what Ive read.那你就不会知道很多了Hmm. Then you cant know very much.这是我们最好的玻利维亚地图This is as good a map of Bolivia as we have.大局部都是空白的 你可以看到Most of its blank, as you can see.几乎什么都没有Nothings really known about it at all.一片原始土地A land of primitives.但亚马逊各地都有橡胶种植园But

16、there are rubber plantations all over amazonia.非常有利可图Very profitable.现在争论不休There is now considerable argument是因为玻利维亚和巴西between Bolivia and Brazil两国的边界之争as to what constitutes their border.而橡胶的价格惊人的高So fantastically high is the price of rubber所以可能会出现战争that war could arise.你还愿意吗Do you follow?愿意 先生 - 嗯

17、I do, sir. - Mm-hmm.虽然我不确定这跟我有什么关系Although Im not sure what this has to do with me.下面我会说明的Im getting to that.两个国家都不会接受另一方的地图Neither country will accept mapping done by the other,所以他们要求我们做裁判so theyve requested us to act as referee.如果你以杰出的表现完成地图As you completed your mapping here with distinction,你将得到我

18、们的优厚报酬you came under our consideration.我明白了 - 嗯I see. - Mm-hmm.先生们 我可以坦率地说吗 - 请说Sirs, may I speak candidly? - Please.我作测量工作是很久以前了My survey work was long ago,老实说我更希望and to be quite honest, i was rather hoping参与战斗行动for a position where I might see a fair bit of action.少校 这远不止是测量工作Major, this is far mo

19、re than just survey work.这是丛林探险This is exploration in the jungle.环境是无比残酷的困难.The environments brutally difficult.可怕的疾病Terrible disease,凶残的野蛮人murderous savages.你的全部生活就是旅程The journey may well mean your life.至少 你会离开几年At the very least, you will be gone for several years.但如果你成功了But were you to succeed,这样

20、的事业能为你赢得军人的装饰品such an undertaking could earn you soldierly decoration甚至光宗耀祖and even reclaim your family name.我们认识你父亲You know, we knew your father.你们认识?Did you?是的Yes.我不认识I did not.可怕的事A terrible thing,男人喜欢喝酒和玩游戏mans love of drink and gaming.但正如我所说But as I say,这项事业的成功可以改变你的命运.success in this venture c

21、ould change your lot.极大的Considerably.我从没见过大脑变色Ive never seen the brain change color.诸如此类Like that.看起来很大吗Doesnt it look big?像个大脑袋Like a big brain.它看起来很圆It looks round.它看起来是圆的吗?It looks round in that, doesnt it?确实如此It does.杰克 你去玩一下吗Jack, will you go and play?我想和你父亲谈谈I want to talk to your father for a

22、 minute.你想为我摘一朵花吗Do you want to pick me a flower?要我为她扔球吗Shall I throw the ball for her?是的Yes.准备好 稳住Ready, steady.父亲Father.我就知道Oh, I knew it!都湿了Its all wet.等你回来 他就不认识你了Hell not know you when you return.但你必须离开 我懂But you must go. I know that.确实Indeed.我有事要告诉你I have something to tell you.我找不到了Aw, I cant

23、find it.我相信我会有另一个孩子I believe Im going to have another child.我知道我还会有个孩子I know Im having another child.我什么都看不见I cant see anything.别难过Dont be sad.我是个独立的女人Im an independent woman.我注意到了I had noticed.厚脸皮Cheeky.亲爱的Darling.这对我们所有人来说 都是牺牲.i know this is a sacrifice for all of us.但这是值得的But it will be worth it

24、.我毫不疑心I have no doubt.过来这里Come here.1906年4月巴拿马 大西洋听我说 你敢骗我?Listen to me! Youve been cheating me?你死定了Youre a dead man!我要杀了你Ill bloody kill ya!我要割断你的喉咙Ill cut your bloody throat!你又打牌作弊 你就死定了You cheat at cards again, and youre a dead man!你是谁 你想要什么?Who are you? What do you want?亨利考斯汀Henry costin.我在时报上回复

25、了你的广告I replied to your advert in the times.我是你的助手Im your aide-de-camp.考斯汀先生?Mr. costin?报到 先生Reporting for duty, sir.我们已经出海一周了Weve been at sea a week.你为什么现在才来Why are you just presenting yourself now?我想确保你能完成任务 先生I wanted to make sure you were up to the task, sir.你喝醉了吗 考斯汀先生?Are you drunk, Mr. costin?

26、没有 - 你可以愚弄我No. - You could have fooled me.那个Well.我可能有点醉.i might have had a little.我有个建议Ive got, uh, a recommendation.我擅长步枪和手枪Youll see Im skilled at rifle and pistols.英勇勋章A medal for bravery.真是令人印象深刻Its very impressive.你有家人吗You have a family?没有No, none at all.明白了 所以没有什么值得流血的I see. So nothing to shed

27、.我认为我会你流血?I take it you do, then?考斯汀先生 我想澄清一下Mr. costin, i would like to be clear.我的名声完全取决于我们的成功My reputation as a man rests entirely on our success.我想你会认同我做出每一个牺牲I think you shall find me capable of every sacrifice.因此请交给我Therefore, I must insist.是的 先生Oh, right you are, sir.你需要全力以赴Youll need all the

28、 fortitude youve got.理解Understood.我们现在是探险家We are explorers now.我们刚收到一条电报We just received a cable.收到新订单.We have new orders.制作佛得角河的地图To map the verde river.请.Please!找到源头Find its source.它是构成边界的一个关键局部It forms a critical part of the border即玻利维亚和巴西之间between Bolivia and Brazil.我们的测量路线开始于.Our survey route i

29、s to begin在一个叫雅科比纳庄园 的地方at a place called fazenda jacobina,这张地图上似乎没有which does not appear to be on this map.我知道雅科比纳庄园I know fazenda jacobina.古老的橡胶城Its an old rubber town.它的意思是相当迷人Its meant to be quite enchanting.真的?Really?你还有点用You may not be completely useless after all.时间即是生命Time is of the essence

30、now.战争危在旦夕War is at stake.所以你和我 还有一对骡子So you and i and a couple of mules要停止战争?are going to stop a war?你和我要互相依赖You and I are going to have to depend on each other.我们两个人都不能单独生存Neither of us will survive this alone.你是对的Right you are.你在读什么Whats that youre reading?一首诗 我妻子抄的 吉卜林所作A poem, from my wife, by

31、kipling.诗名叫作探险家Its called the explorer.准备就绪Apt.你想听吗Would you like to hear it?这道路漫长 直到我们到达亚马逊It will be a long way until we reach amazonia.请便Be my guest.没有任何意义再进一步了.Theres no sense in going further.这是文明的边缘Its the edge of cultivation所以他们说 我就相信了.so they said, and I believed it.打破我的土地 播种我的庄稼.Broke my la

32、nd and sowed my crop.建立我的谷仓 串起我的栅栏.Built my barns and strung my fences.在边境小站In the little border station藏在山脚下tucked away below the foothills从那里 小径突显又突隐where the trails run out and stop直到一个声音 像良心一样坏till a voice, as bad as conscience,响起无休止的变化rang interminable changes像一个永恒的耳语on one everlasting whisper日

33、夜重复.所以:day and night repeated.So:隐藏之物Something hidden.去找找吧Go and find it.去看看外面的世界.Go and look behind the ranges.在文明以外的世界Something lost behind the ranges.迷失之物 等待着你Lost and waiting for you.去吧Go!1906年7月玻利维亚东部未测量地区二十九度Twenty-nine degrees,赤道以南16分16 minutes south of the equator.二十九.Twenty-nine.十六Sixteen.这

34、里有美丽但相当致命的蛇Rather deadly looking snake here.对于这个丛林来说 我们可能有点太文明了We might be a little bit too English for this jungle.陌生人在陌生的土地上Strangers in a strange land.欢送光临雅科比纳庄园大歌剧院多谢刚多利兹男爵及印加矿业公司请拿出你们的票黑金 橡胶少校major fawcett?是你吗Is that you?是的 - 欢送来到雅科比纳庄园Yes. - Welcome to fazenda jacobina.兰斯曼利下士 我是总督联络员Lance corp

35、oral manley, sir. Liaison to the governor general.不用客气No need to stand on ceremony.简单的握手就够了A simple handshake will suffice.这是 考斯汀先生This is Mr. costin.我讨厌成为坏消息的传递者I hate to be the bearer of bad news,但我收到了边防委员会的电报but I have received a telegram from the border commission.继续Go on.他们强烈建议你.They strongly a

36、dvise you to.中止任务Abort the mission.变得太危险了 长官Its become far too dangerous, sir.他们已经开战了.Theyre already fighting.政府办公室在哪里Where are the government offices?先生?Sir?政府 先生?Government, sir?恐怕你已经离开政府了Im afraid youve left government behind那是很久以前的事了a long time ago.在这种情况下 你最好给他们发一封电报In that case, you had better

37、send them a telegram通知他们 我们不会退下来informing them that we will not stand down我们将按方案进行and we shall proceed as planned.你能给我们速度找个印第安导游吗?How quickly can you find us an Indian guide?我Well, I.我有一个印第安导游 先生 但是.I had an Indian guide, sir, but.那他怎么了Well, what happened to him?什么 他害怕一点点努力工作?What, was he afraid of

38、a little hard work?不太清楚 先生Not quite, sir.现在已经不在我控制了Its out of my hands now.你得跟 刚多利兹男爵谈谈You need to speak to baron de gondoriz.他在这里经营橡胶公司He runs the rubber company here.晚安 男爵Good evening, baron.谢谢你见我们Thank you for seeing us.我们是英国军队的Were from the British army.我们将在里奥佛得角冒险We are to be venturing up the r

39、io verde发现自己需要几个你的手下and find ourselves in need of some of your men.作为交换 我承诺非常有利的待遇In exchange, I promise very favorable treatment来自我的国家from my country.把他拴起来Keep him chained up.他不能被信任He cant be trusted.他需要时不时地好揍一顿He needs a good beating every now and again.帮帮助Por favor.你要去上游吗?Youre goin upriver, are

40、ya?是的Yes.去测量For surveying.那么Well.没有人从上面回来Aint nobody comes back from up there.从来没有Ever.这个奴隶对你够用了吗Is this slave good enough for you?是的Yes.你会说英语吗 - 他懂Do you speak English? - He understands.我们教他的We taught him.你要什么代价What will you take for him附加他自行选择的四人?and any four men of his choosing?和我谈判冒犯你了It offends

41、 you to negotiate with me.不 一点也不 - 拜托No, not at all. - Please.不要让自己难堪Do not embarrass yourself.你来这里做地图You come here to make maps.为什么?Why is that?这样才有可能实现和平So that there may be peace.什么是和平?What is peace?和平意味着我的事业会蓬勃开展Peace means my business will flourish.我会蓬勃开展I will flourish.和平意味着什么都不会改变Peace means

42、only that nothing will change.我会帮你I will help you只要你会确保什么都不会改变because you will make sure that nothing will change.我忘了给你这个 少校I forgot to give you this, major.你测量的时候 直接发到这里的Came directly here while you were surveying.你能告诉我这条河有多长吗Can you show me how far the river goes?一直呆在河上 我认识所有的河流很好(西班牙语)Muy bien.我们

43、需要三艘完整的筏子和四匹马We need three full rafts and four horses.这算是聚会吗Is this our party?你给我们带来了血腥的绝望Bloody desperate lot youve got us.考斯汀先生 它们都是可以在这里找到Theyre as dependable as any can be found here, Mr. costin.我们是唯一会付给他们钱的人Were the only ones wholl pay them.我们一天行12小时Well do 12 hours a day.只多不少No less.这条河将是我们未来两

44、年的家The river will be our home for the next two years.我们不能失败We shall not fail.人类正在等待我们的发现Mankind awaits our discoveries.推Shoving off!我能看见鱼I can see the fish,但我抓不到but.But I cant catch them.什么都没有Nothing again.我不明白I dont understand.这条河很深 明明有很多鱼The river is deep here. There is plenty of fish.却又是沙漠Its a d

45、esert.一个绿色的沙漠A green desert.好了 再拉一网All right, pull it in.我们再试一次Well try again further up.费塞特少校Major fawcett?她到底在干什么What on earth is she doing all the way out here?来装橡胶的 毫无疑问Come to load rubber, no doubt.也许她在找埃尔多拉多的金子Or maybe shes looking for the gold of El dorado.是德国人Its German.箱子写着汉堡两字Trunk says Ha

46、mburg.有人在船上Theres someone aboard.你是德国人吗Hey, are you German?你是德国人吗(德语).Bist du deutsche.坚守阵地Stand your ground!考斯汀 食人鱼Costin! Piranha!从水里出来Get out of the water!趴下Stay down!你在哪 费塞特Wheres fawcett? Fawcett!没什么的Its nothing.我们接近了吗Are we close?还有无数星期的行程这条河流充满危险但是你也可见到很多人生活于此生活在黄金与玉米之城甚至比英国人历史还要悠久就在森林深处但白人从未

47、发现过此地我对此很抱歉 英国人我是自由的.对于你 你不能逃脱丛林连印第安人也疯了Even the Indians gone mad now.今天他和我谈论黄金城市.He was talking to me about gold cities today.像个小孩Like a little child.他认为我们的征服会导致我们死亡He thinks were conquistadors to be led to our death.那些印第安人一开始似乎也有点抓狂Those Indians seemed a bit mad to begin with.如果可以的话 我想你读给我听Id like

48、 you to read this to me if you can.如果真的要在这里结束 不如早点If we are to meet our end here, what difference does it make?我担忧会很难受Im afraid it would be quite unbearable如果我自己读的话for me to read it myself.请简练点Feel free to summarize.是的 先生Right you are, sir.你妻子把全家搬到德文郡了Your wife has moved the family to Devon.她生了个男孩 叫

49、布莱恩Shes given birth to a boy named Brian.你的长子 杰克Your oldest boy, Jack,在各种方面都出类拔萃 她说is excelling in all ways, she says.我在梦中看到了我儿子的脸I see my sons face in my dreams now.我是什么样的傻瓜what kind of fool am I为了这个地方离开我的家人to leave my family for this place?你希望在这里取得什么成就?What did you hope to achieve out here?我不知道I d

50、ont know.我们现在剩下的选择.All we have left now就是到达河流的源头is to get to the source of the river.考斯汀先生?Mr. costin?少校Major.食物不见了Food gone.老天 我们要饿死了Jesus Christ, we are dead from hungry.还有一片One piece.上帝啊Jesus Christ.给我Give me that!控制自己Control yourselves!我们不是野蛮人We are not savages.少校 我们要把骨头留在这里Were leaving our bone

51、s here, major.为了什么And for what?地图吗?A map?即使我们到了那里Even if we get there,没有任何食物 我们是回不来的were not making it back without any food.你有没有想过?Have you ever thought about that?我们在这里饿死Were here starving to death.我们根本就没在找金子Were not even looking for gold.我们攻击他Lets have at him.我的耳朵My ear!我的耳朵My ear!我的耳朵My ear!下一发会

52、是你的屁股Next one will be up your ass.谢谢你 考斯汀先生Thank you, Mr. costin.以前没人来过这里 头儿No ones ever been here before, chief!没人 从来没有No one! Ever!我们成功了We made it!喔Whoo!第一个The first!好一个发现What a find!喔Whoo!少校Major.少校 我们失去了印第安人Major, weve lost the Indian.他跑了Hes run off.他把我们带到这里 够了He got us here.最后的阅读Our last readin

53、g.我在做梦吗Am I dreaming this?不No.我也看到了I see it, too.请吧Please.这是我们唯一的时机Its our only chance.我们会饿死的Well starve.谢天谢地Thank god.好得不要不要的 先生Couldnt have done that better myself, sir.怎么了 头儿What is it, chief?这是陶器.Its pottery.在地上In the ground.听着 一切都结束了Look, its all over.看看这个Look at this.它们很古老Theyre ancient.老天 他是对

54、的Christ, he was right.印第安人是对的The Indian was right.你说以前没人来过这里You said no one had been here before.我想你不是说白种人 考斯汀先生I think you meant no white man, Mr. costin.我想你不是指白人I think you meant no white man.我们以为印第安人疯了We thought the Indian mad.这里一定有住宅There must have been dwellings here.谢天谢地 野猪的肉比我们多Thank god that

55、 boar has more meat on it than we do.好吧 放松All right, easy, easy, easy.找地狱的出口总是很困难的 考斯汀先生The exit from hell is always difficult, Mr. costin.我们会回来的And we will get back.世界将会知道我们在这里找到了什么The world will know what we have found here.让我们继续出发 - 出发Let us keep going. - V醡onos.来吧 我们走Come on, lets go.你能看见他吗Can y

56、ou see him?谢谢Thank you, thank you.少校 你是英国最勇敢的探险家Major fawcett, you are englands bravest explorer!谢谢你 先生Thank you, sir.你儿子Your son.这一定是布莱恩This must be Brian.这是杰克And heres Jack.你是我父亲吗Are you my father?我确实是 儿子I am indeed, son.来 给我一个拥抱Come, give me a hug.我们回家吧Lets go home.谢谢大家Thank you all.珀西 来会见我们的主人 詹

57、姆斯莫瑞先生Percy, come. Meet our host, Mr. James Murray.他非常渴望见到你Hes very anxious to meet you.相当有资源的人A person of considerable resources.他肯定有一个漂亮的家He certainly has a beautiful home.当然还要有个好名声And, of course, a reputation to match.啊 莫瑞先生Ah, Mr. Murray.少校 我看见你在下面Major fawcett, i see you down there.欢送来到圈内Welcom

58、e to the inner circle.谢谢你 莫瑞先生Thank you, Mr. Murray.费塞特太太 - 晚上好Mrs. fawcett. - Evening.珀西 我们都很兴奋Percy, were all so excited听到你在皇家地理学会的演讲to hear your speech to the rgs.听他们的 好吗Listen to them, will you?他们都在谈论你的任务Theyre all talking about your mission.非凡Extraordinary.我很荣幸能来这里 先生Im just honored to be here,

59、 sir.今天早上我看了你的文章I read your article in the times this morning关于美洲的奴隶贸易about the slave trade in the americas.呃.Its, uh.你是个开明的人Youre an enlightened man.可怜的野蛮人Poor savages.当地人确实值得我们同情The native does deserve our sympathy.是的Yes.我想我们只是看到了.I think we have only just scratched the surface亚马逊的外表of amazonia.当然

60、Most certainly.我.I was, um.我是个生物学家Well, Im a biologist,但我也是一个探险家but Im also somewhat of an explorer.我是沙克尔顿的二把手I was second-in-command under shackleton在南极in the Antarctica.你知道吗Did you know that?我不认为这里有人.I dont think theres anyone here会不了解你的成就 莫瑞先生whos not well aware of your accomplishments, Mr. Murra


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