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1、最新2022年世界杯:七大最“危险”球星County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense workCounty continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe,

2、comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense workCounty continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil ai

3、r defense workThe 2022 World Cup will feature many great players and a large number of unpredictable ones, but its the ones who are a combination of these things a mix of talent with a penchant for getting themselves into situations that make sitcom writers rethink their entire lives who are truly d

4、angerous. They are the ones who can make the deepest impact on a tournament. These are the World Cups most dangerous players (in every sense of the word).2022世界杯让许多杰出球星和潜在的新星们大有可为,但有一些人是复杂的混合体,让喜剧作家们不禁回想这些人的职业生涯,他们身上有着足球天赋,却总喜欢给自己找麻烦,真是十分“危险。但他们能凭一己之力改变一场比赛,这就是接下来要介绍的世界杯最“危险的球星们。Luis Suarez, Uruguay

5、As it turns out, inflicting mental anguish upon Ghana and challenging everyones concept of playing within the rules in the 2022 World Cup by getting sent off for committing an intentional handball on the goal line that led to a missed penalty and Uruguay advancing to the semifinals has been one of t

6、he least controversial things Luis Suarez has done in the last four years. Since then, hes been banned for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra, and hes bitten an opponent in an eruption of animalistic rage for the second time in his career. This amongst other handballs and dives

7、 and assorted acts of violence. The longstanding rumor that he blooded a referee with a headbutt when he was 15 years old even prompted an investigation by ESPNs Wright Thompson.But since returning from his most recent ban for biting another human being while playing, Suarez has buried that past hor

8、ribleness in an avalanche of goals, pushing Liverpool from seventh to second in the Premier League by scoring a record-matching 31 goals in just 33 appearances. He recently told Sports Illustrated that hes in the midst of trying to change his bad boy image, but after weathering the painful emotions

9、of narrowly missing out on the Premier League title last month and then being hobbled by a knee injury, can he remain in control under the intense pressure of the World Cup? Or will he score a hat trick against England and then literally eat someone?路易斯苏亚雷斯(Luis Suarez), 乌拉圭 在2022年世界杯上,苏亚雷斯通过“最大程度利用

10、规那么,在门线上蓄意手球阻挡进球被罚下,但加纳队点球罚失,乌拉圭最终挺进半决赛,留给加纳队巨大的精神痛苦。这无疑是他近四年来最受争议的行为。之后,他还因为对曼联后卫埃弗拉(Patrice Evra的种族歧视行为而遭禁赛,并且野兽般情绪的爆发,在比赛中撕咬对手,第二次遭到禁赛。更不用说手球、假摔和各种暴力行为。还有一个多年来的传闻,据说他15岁时一头撞向裁判而见红,这甚至引起了ESPN台赖特汤普森Wright Thompson的兴趣要进行调查。 不过,在因撕咬对手遭到禁赛后回归赛场以来,苏亚雷斯用疯狂进球掩盖了过去的恐怖行径,也将利物浦从英超第七带到了第二的位置,在33场比赛中就打进31球,这是

11、一个破纪录的表现。他最近告诉?体育画报?Sport Illustrated,自己正试图改变“坏男孩的形象。然而,在经历了五月以微弱劣势痛失英超冠军并受膝伤影响的情况下,苏亚雷斯能否在世界杯的巨大压力下稳定发挥?还是他会对英格兰上演帽子戏法,然后真的“生吃某个球员?Antonio Cassano, ItalyAn off-and-on member of the Italian squad for over 10 years, this will be 31-year-old Cassanos first World Cup after joining Parma and having his

12、best season in some time. That, of course, after recovering from a stroke and subsequent heart surgery in 2022.This is a man who, in the absence of Swedens Zlatan Ibrahimovic, is probably the only player at the 2022 World Cup who has his own word Cassanata which was coined by former Roma and current

13、 Russia manager Fabio Capello as a euphemism for Cassanos easily sparked tantrums and defiance of societal expectations. This is also a man who claimed in his autobiography that hes often played great matches after having sex. And that while he was playing for Real Madrid, he had a waiter friend who

14、 would bring three or four croissants to his hotel room after he finished the deed (he estimates hes been with 600 to 700 women) and then escort his partner away so he could eat his pastries in peace.Since the stroke, he has calmed down a bit, as tends to happen with those sorts of things, and he lo

15、st weight for the World Cup by reducing his focaccia intake. He scored a goal at Euro 2022 and as Italys oldest (by five years) and most experienced striker, it might need him to do even more in Brazil.安东尼奥卡萨诺Antonio Cassano,意大利31岁的卡萨诺过去十年在意大利国家队起起落落,将在参加帕尔马经历了最好的赛季后第一次参加世界杯。而在此之前,他在2022年经历了一次中风,并接受

16、心脏手术。卡萨诺是瑞典球星伊布拉希莫维奇(Zlatan Ibrahimovic)缺席本届世界杯后,唯一有自己专属词汇的球星卡萨纳塔Cassanata!这个词汇来自于前罗马俱乐部主师,现俄罗斯国家队主教练法比奥卡佩罗Fabio Capello。他用委婉表达卡萨诺的暴脾气以及对社会期望的蔑视。卡萨诺还在自传中宣称自己在性生活后总是打出伟大的比赛。当卡萨诺在皇马时,他的一个侍者朋友常带3到4个羊角面包到他的酒店房间,在他完事儿以后他自己估计有600到700个女人,他会送走床伴,安静享用自己的点心。自从中风以后,卡萨诺老实了一些,因为当时他正在搅合那档子事。并且,为了世界杯,他甚至少吃了香草橄榄油面包

17、来减重。2022欧洲杯,他只进了一球,作为意大利最年长和最富经验的前锋比其他前锋大5岁,巴西世界杯上意大利需要他做得更多。Mario Balotelli, ItalyStill just 23 years old, Balotelli has own history of Cassanatas, but he reached mythical status while playing for Manchester City. During that time, his undershirt messages and a constant stream of fantastical and bi

18、zarre tales about him in press that ranged from his friends setting his bathroom ablaze with fireworks (true) to driving around Manchester dressed as Santa Claus (false) coincided with his emergence as one of Europes best young strikers.He was a standout performer at Euro 2022, leading Italy to the

19、final as one of the tournaments top scorers. Since then, hes moved to Milan, had a daughter and settled into a quieter personal life while continuing to score goals and combat vile racial abuse. But, aside from Suarez, no other player in the world elicits stronger emotions from all other human being

20、s simply through his natural existence than Balotelli. If he doesnt cause controversy himself, it gets invented around him. He is the package of Mentos in the World Cups two-liter bottle of Coke (which happens to be a World Cup sponsor!).马里奥巴洛特利Mario Balotlli,意大利巴洛特利只有23岁,但也是个有故事多多的人了。他在效力曼城时期获得“巴神称

21、号。当时,他球衣内T恤上的字为什么总是我,媒体时常报导关于他搞笑,离奇的故事,比方他的朋友在他浴室里放烟花导致火灾是真事,在曼彻斯特穿成圣诞老人开车兜风假的,但同时,他还是欧洲最好的年轻前锋之一。他在2022欧洲杯上是个力挽狂澜的角色,作为杯赛射手前几名带着意大利进军决赛。之后他转会到AC米兰,有了一个女儿,过上了相对宁静的生活,也继续斩获进球,与可耻的种族歧视做斗争。然而,巴洛特利是苏亚雷斯以外最容易被激怒的球员,而且这仅仅因为他是巴洛特利。即使自己不惹起争议,问题也会萦绕在他身旁,巴神就像参加大力神杯里两升可口可乐恰好是世界杯赞助商的一包曼妥思!Sergio Ramos, SpainA k

22、ey member of Spains 2022 World Cup winners and two European Championship titles, The Ramos is also Real Madrids all-time leading red card accumulator (at 28 years old). And he dropped a trophy under a moving bus. And he sometimes misses important penalties.But this season, Sergio Ramos has revealed

23、himself to be an actual wizard. Despite never scoring more than six goals in a season for Real Madrid (he is a defender, after all), he scored that many in the final seven matches, including a late equalizer in the Champions League final that set up his side to win in extra time. As a result of bein

24、g in the form of his life, hes now being discussed as a candidate for World Player of the Year. A strong showing at the World Cup would go a long way toward cementing his case, but he remains extremely capable of any number of calamities. In other words, Sergio Ramos could very well score the tourna

25、ments winning goal, get sent off in the final for using an opponent like a Twister mat and then somehow drop the trophy into an active volcano.塞尔吉奥拉莫斯Sergio Ramos,西班牙西班牙2022世界杯冠军以及两届欧洲杯冠军的关键人物,不过,拉莫斯同时还是皇马队史上红牌累积冠军年仅28岁,还把奖杯从大巴上弄掉了,有时还罚丢重要的点球。但本赛季,塞尔吉奥拉莫斯像人们展示了自己巫师般的魔力,之前他在皇马一个赛季从未进超过6个球毕竟只是个后卫,但是本赛

26、季最后7场比赛他就进了6个,其中还包括欧冠决赛伤停补时的扳平进球,帮皇马把比赛拖入加时,并赢得冠军。就这一点来说,人们已经开始讨论他是否该中选世界足球先生。世界杯的好表现将增加他的砝码,但他仍然极可能失误带来很多灾难性的后果。换句话说,拉莫斯能在比赛中打进制胜球,也能在决赛中把对手当扭扭乐垫子一种游戏踩而被罚下,甚至可能把赢的奖杯掉进活火山里。Kolo Toure, Ivory CoastOh Kolo. Kolo, Kolo, Kolo. First of all, he recently contracted malaria (for the second time). So theres

27、 that. Secondly, he scored one of the worst own goals of any season this year. And thirdly, he sometimes pretends to be a car salesman named Francois. And yet he remains one of the most lovable footballers in the game.At 33, this will probably be Toures final World Cup. So malaria or no malaria, he

28、will be looking to make this a memorable one. Thankfully, those types of moments tend to come easy for him.科洛图雷Kolo toure,科特迪瓦噢,科洛,科洛,科洛,首先,他最近又得了疟疾第二次了,所以就这样了。其次,他今年进了史上最糟的乌龙球。再次,他有时候还假装自己是个叫弗朗西斯Kering集团总裁的汽车销售员。但他仍然是球场上最可爱的球员之一。在33岁的时候,这可能是科洛的最后一次世界杯。不管有没有得疟疾,他也会尽力让这次经历值得回忆。还好,难忘的回忆对他来说总是不难获得。Davi

29、d Luiz, BrazilA defender, a midfielder, a roving magnet for chaos Luiz can do everything and he often tries to do it all at once. Gary Neville famously said, He plays like hes being controlled by a 10-year-old on a PlayStation and that remains the most accurate description of him. Fueled by the best of intentions and possessing incredible talent, Luiz can score against both teams in a given match, accidentally injure someone and cover every blade of grass on the pitch. He is the closest thing football has to the Tasmanian Devil.大卫路易斯David Luiz,巴西后卫,中场,一个移动的混乱制造者路易斯能做所


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