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1、GRE作文-最全替换词汇 第一类 巨大big-colossalenormousimmensegargantuangrandiose massive monolithic prodigious titanic tremendous 小的 small-diminutive miniature miniscule 快的 副词 fastlyby leaps and bounds 加强 strengthen-bolster buttress consolidate reinforce intensify fortify 可以用在argument 强 的 strong-brawny muscular si

2、newy impregnable invincible potent robust virile stalwart stout sturdy 强人 baron 巨头 magnate mogul 削 弱 weaken-diminish debilitate enervate sap undermineperishwane 弱的 weakfeeble decrepit frail flaccid impotent puny tenuous 重 要 的 important consequential momentous eminent prominent pivotal substantial si

3、gnificant crucial essential fundamental 重要 importancecore hub essence gistmagnitude 类似的 居 首 位 的 leading foremost paramount overriding predominant prevailing preeminent prevalent supreme 不重要的 unimportantmarginal peripheral negligible triflingtrivial 超 过 surpass eclipseexceedoverrideoverwhelmingprevai

4、ltranscend be superior to outwit outweigh be inferior to劣于 be subordinate to 霸权 ascendancyhegemonysupremacy 二 初始 beginningdebutpremiere prime genesis inception onset threshold lead off lead out 比to begin with好得多 拉 或者说什么的到来advent of something 初始的beginning-primitivebuddingfledglingembryonic 古老的意义解时 ar

5、chaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete 开始 beginstartcommence initiate embark inaugurate 开始beginstart undertake embark upon 增 长 grow multiplymushroomproliferate sproutaccelerate burgeon 慢慢增长 使其增长increase-amplifymagnifyadd-augmentsupplement 加重升级 aggravate 恶化 escalate exacerbate deteriorate imp

6、air 减少减弱 decreaseabateattenuate detract diminish slackencurb curtail number pare prune slash trim whittle 减轻decrease-allay assuage mollify soothemitigate 变弱decreasedwindle ebb subside wane weaken impair 上升 ascendlift surge rocket boast soar boom 达到顶峰 culminate 顶点 peakacmeapex pinnacle cli apogee n远地

7、点 zenith nadir 最低点 or abyss 深渊 zenithnadir特别适合用在比喻 强调两者的区别大两个词的来源 大家可以查查两个对比强烈哦 下降 descend plummet plunge slump tumble fluctuate波 动 三 gather聚拢accumulate amass assemble congregate garner glean muster rally 为反对或支持而召集 group 群组battalion bevy cluster drove flock swarm throng combination 集合assortment medl

8、ey mosaic马赛克 motley 五花八门形容词也可以 alotof agreatmany of manifold 许多 abundantample 充 足 copious 大量的 fraught with replete with numerous innumerable 不 计 其 数 myriad 很 多 a multitude of multitudes of a myriad of 无数的人们 limitless无限的 a deluge of beaucoup adj非常多的 很多同学都喜欢用a lot ofa great number of这里注 意numerous这里表达的

9、不是无数很多那样之表示一般的多这一点 从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到 large quantity 大量avalanche spate 比喻意大量的某物 exodus大量流出 大量流入influxmultitude大量 plethora 比 喻意大量 profusion 丰富繁多 拥有大量boast abound deluge 被大量的某物所淹没 teem 到处 散开spread- dispel 驱散 disperse disseminate 稀少的scarce meager scant scanty skimpy sparse dearth 节俭的frugal thrifty miserly

10、 富裕的rich-affluentlavishluxuriousopulentsumptuous palatial 浪费的improvident prodigal son浪荡子 improvident profligate 贫困的poor destitute impoverished impecunious indigent 形容人 四 困难的difficult arduous strenuous daunting formidable exacting insuperable impassable onerousissue中大量存在 困难的表达 困境 陷入困难的处境就是困难 difficul

11、tsituations deadlock impasse stalemate dilemma predicament quandary mire泥 沼 morass swamp quagmire standstill停止僵局 labyrinth 迷宫 很好的比喻的说法可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫僵 局等 陷入reduce get bogged down plunge into 复杂的complicated intricate complex 这里介绍一个很好的 押韵的方法complexandperplexedcomplicateandintricateor sophisticated用在

12、表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇的完善更能有一 种押运修辞的效果读起来琅琅上口 复杂的事情imbroglio mesh tangle labyrinth迷宫 maze 卷入复杂的境地involve embroil ensnare entangle 从复杂境地脱身escape extricate 难以理解abstruse recondite intricate arcane只有少数人 可以理解 esoteric cryptic 简短却令人迷惑 enigmatic 谜一般 的 enigma 形容词形式inexplicable无法解释inscrutable无法 捉 摸 unfathomable myst

13、erious supernatural mystical extraterrestrial 这里的词很多都表示 难以理解 很多题目学习类教育类社会类 历史类艺术类只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用 迷mystery-puzzle enigma conundrum riddle迷宫labyrinth maze 令人迷惑puzzle baffle befuddle bewilder confound mystify perplex 令人沮丧depressed with depression frustrating daunting dismal 使可以理解clarify elucidateenl

14、ighten启迪教化explicate 阐明 expound onupon illuminate照亮说清楚 可以理解的intelligible explicit lucid 阻碍hindrance名次 fetter shackle trammel枷锁桎梏 onus 负担重任 阻碍动词hamper encumber造成负担 foil stymie thwart 阻碍或者挫败工作完成 handicap hinder impede retard 压制smother stifle 令人窒息压制约束 suppress pin down 协助促进aid facilitate foster nurture

15、buttress 五 著名的famous celebratedrenownedreputeddistinguished illustrious prestigious outstanding distinctive eminent notable noticeable striking remarkable preeminent be famous for take pride in elite meritocrat meritocracy n知识界精华 用上的话超级有 文采嘻嘻 有特色feature savor 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列 臭名昭著disreputable infa

16、mous notorious nefarious因为 极坏而臭名昭著 好的名声reputation esteem prestige 坏的名声disgrace disrepute ignominy infamy odium opprobrium stigma 不好的声誉耻辱 尊重 名次respect reverence veneration homage 高尚的noble rarefied sublime lofty 不尊重 名次disrespect scorn蔑视 招人轻视的contemptible despicable 尊重动词 idolize worship lionize 对待名人一样的

17、崇拜 revere敬爱敬畏 不尊重动词 disrespectderidescoff嘲笑despisedisdain slight snub 赞扬名次praise accolade赞美奖项approbationencomium eulogy panegyric plaudit tribute tribute用来表示赞美的 行为或者发言 赞美动词praise acclaimapplaudhail欢呼commendextol laud高度的常常带有美化成分的赞美 应该受到谴责的形容词reprehensible 谴责condemn censuredenouncereprimanddecrydeprec

18、ate deplore叹惋 lament 叹惋 remonstrate争辩申辩 责备admonish reproach reprove温和的责备 严厉责备动词 beratecastigatechastisechideexcoriate inveigh rail revile upbraid 令人讨厌的事物名次 anathema 谩骂的abusive vituperative 六 有害的事物harmful things contagion 传染病瘟疫 epidemic pandemic 也有流行的意思 pestilence plague 疾病malady 瘴气miasma比喻意为有害的气氛或者影

19、响 灾患 scourge 不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气unafraidtolookdeepintothe miasma at the heart of the world 有害的harmful deleterious detrimental noxious toxic virulent monstrous murderous 邪恶的evil devil cruel crude brutal wicked vicious malicious atrocious virulent venomous sinister hafarious vicious pernicious destructive

20、 detrimental 致命的fatal lethal前两个并非贬义 pernicious极其有害的 有 益 的 形 容 词 hygienic sanitary 广 义 的 卫 生 的 salutarywholesome有益身心的 有害的事物 bane致命的毒药 blight植物的枯萎病 损害harm blemish deface disfigure eviscerate impair 减损main mutilate毁伤肢体 marspoil破坏 demolish 有益的事物antidote 解毒药 remedy药物纠错 panacea 万能 良药 elixir 炼金药万能药 有贬义含义 b

21、oon赐福blessing tonic 补药 改善improve ameliorate amend 对法律的修改 rectify redress 毁坏毁灭destroy annihilate彻底消灭 exterminate终结 eliminate eradicate decimate demolish dismantle raze 彻 底摧毁夷为平地 devastate ravage wreck遭受重创严重破坏 obliterate擦去 pulverize 磨成粉末状 subvert 颠覆 可怕的awful horrible terrible tragic wretched dire 复苏复兴

22、 动词revive rejuvenate resurrect resuscitate revive 动荡的混乱的 形容词tumultuous turbulent 混乱名词chaosconfusiondisordermayhemdisarrayhavoc 大面积的破坏-混乱 pandemonium 撒旦居住的地方比喻嘈杂混乱 的地方 shambles废墟 turmoil 混乱动荡 upheaval突发的巨 变 灾难calamity cataclysm catastrophe 危险 名词danger hazard peril 危险的hazardous perilous precarious tre

23、acherous 危及动词 endanger compromise imperil jeopardize 保护protect safeguard 表示进步提高的动词 improveamelioratebetterdevelopremedyreviseenhanceenrich upgrade refine 重要关键 important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital sub

24、stantial material 稍微扯得远一点的还有 conspicuous striking prominent eminent noticeable 正确的无误的 correct rectify accurate precise proper undistorted right impeccable 增长和减少 这个超级常用 increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink te

25、rminate lessen abate raise boost intense intensify expand augment enlarge diminish dwindleswindle是诈骗的意思 slump 和证明相关的 justify warrant assert claim contend argue validate substantiate verify accuse assign indict allege affirm 论题 statement claim declaration assertion opinion belief view conviction pers

26、uasion 要求 request demand needs requisition 撤销 tocanceltorevoketocountermandLawtorescindtoquash 建立 to build up to establish to set up to found to take root to strike root 消除 to eliminate to clear to remove to clear up to take away to smooth away 推理 1Logic inference reasoning deduction ratiocination 2

27、to reason 3to put two and two together 相应 1corresponding relevant relative fitting appropriate 2accordingly correspondingly by the same token in a corresponding way 3tocorrespondtotoactinresponsestoworkinconcertwith to support each other 导致 1to lead to to bring about or on to result in to cause to s

28、park off t o conduce to to procure to induce to generate 后果 a consequence an aftermath an outcome 检查 to inspect to check to examine to look over to put to the test to keep a check on 发奖品 prize reward award grant assign confer on honor fame credit contribution acknowledgement recognition 表示程度的副词 very

29、 strikingly greatly highly insatiably exceedingly dreadfully remarkably drastically dramatically 足够 sufficient adequate enough 剩下几个也是常用的 present justify practicable hence consequently examination accountable responsible twist and turn 迂回曲折 might and main 尽全力 part and parcel 重要部分 safe and sound 安然无恙

30、spick and span 崭新的极干净的 time and tide 岁月时光 go to rack and ruin 陷于毁灭 slow and sure 慢而稳稳妥 hale and hearty 老当益壮 chop and change 变幻莫测尤指观点计划等 fair and foul 在任何情况下 weal and woe 福祸 sum and subs tance 主要情况要点尤指讲话的主要部分 forgive and forget 不念旧恶 wax and wane 月的盈亏圆缺盛衰 1 inferno 地狱可与幸福生活形成强烈对比 the inferno of war 2

31、inky 用于个人在生活上或科研道路上的迷茫 the inky darkness of ones pursuit of own destiny 3 promulgate 公布颁布法令新法律 promulgateabelief and idea a theory etc the promulgation of a treaty 4 latency 如作者主张尚未表现出的危险或其主张的长远作用 latent-latent ability a latent infection after a careful examination it is no need to go too far to sen

32、se that the authors claim underlies a latency of peril to both personal and even societal degree lurks a latency of profound implication 5 Connotation 内涵言外之意 Hollywood always holds connotation of romance and glittering success 贬义词 derogatory connotation 6 Motivate ignite 用于深究心理方面深层的原因或者内 因 be motiva

33、ted by greed fear love a teacher who can motive her pupils 7 Nectar 在描写艺术方面的享受时有用甘露 8 Emulate 仿效主要用于名人的作用 emulative 好胜的 9 责任 obligation responsibility liability 10 重要 paramount thereductionofunemploymentshouldbe paramount in the governments economic policy 11 Ponder 1 深思 pondering on the meaning of

34、life 12 Delve in into 探索钻研起源 a writer delving in medieval French literature delve into the origins of the custom 13 Blood 根源 of the same blood 14 演绎推理 deduce 追溯源头 15 Augment 增加提高 continuing rains augment the flood waters 16 混 乱 turmoil uproar pandemonium chaos the country was in a turmoil during the

35、 strike There was uproar over the tax increases Left in a state of chaos 17 Rote learning 死记硬背的方法 18 Reminisce 缅怀美好的往事 reminiscence 怀旧 reminiscence of my youth 19 Halcyon 太平盛世 halcyon times the halcyon days of youth 20 Quietude 平静寂静 equability 平和宁静 21 Equanimity 镇静 she maintained her equanimity thro

36、ughout her long ordeal 22 Impassivity 泰然自若 23 Equilibrium 平衡均势 disturb the equilibrium of the chains of natural environment 24 Balance -try to achieve a better balance between work and play This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions 25 Placidity 平静 the placidit

37、y of his temperament 26 Deformity 畸形用于形容教育中重视一方面忽视另一方面 27 Lapse 小错失足 a lapse from grace 失宠 lapse into 陷入 lapse back into bad habits lapse into a coma 时间流逝 after a lapse of several decades 28 Peccadillo 小过失 guilty of some mild peccadillo 29 Falsity 谬误错误 30 Menace 威胁危害 nuclear weapons are a menace to

38、world peace 31 Jeopardize 破坏危害 jeopardous 32 Imperil 危害 the security of the country had been imperiled 33 Transient 转 瞬 即 失 的 transient success transience transient years is not enough to make the conclusion 34 Ephemeral 短暂的 ephemeral pleasure 35 Permanent permanence permanency 36 Angle 角度 try looki

39、ng at the affair from a different angle 37 Facet 方面角度 therearemanyfacetstothisquestion 38 Dissimilitude 不同不同之处 39 表示实用的功利的 utilitarian function pragmatic utilitarianism pragmatism 40 神话用于艺术类的 issue 中 mythology 神化 apotheosis apotheosize 寓言 allegory fable 圣歌 psalm anthem hymn 亵渎的 profane 圣乐 和俗乐 scared

40、 and profane music 神灵saint 41 Didactic 教诲的说教的 教诲 edification inculcate 42 Elicit 43 表示竞争极其后果的词 良性竞争 good-natures rivalry 恶 性竞争循环 vicious circle 憎恨 antipathy 44 Salvation 拯救描写精神崇高事业时redemption 45 Mundane 世俗的 46 Ethnocentrism 民主优越感 racialism racism 种族主 义 nationalism 民族主义 chauvinism 沙文主义 patriotism pat

41、riotic 爱国主义 47 Ingrained 根深蒂固的 48 注定 predestine destine foreordain 49 Populace 平民 50 描写文化差异 相同的词语 cultural shock 设身处地的 vicarious vicariously vicarious pleasure satisfaction be acclimatized to assimilation cultural homogenization 文化适应 acculturation 51 Emblem 象征 the dove is an emblem of peace 52 修辞手法

42、metaphor onomatopoeia rhetoric 53 Crusade 为争取好的或反对坏的事物的斗争或运动 a crusade against corruption 54 Transatlantic 大 西 洋 彼 岸 的 横 越 大 西 洋 的 transatlantic flight voyage telephone call a transatlantic trade agreement 55 Tottering 蹒跚的 56 Recidivism 累犯 57 Space crunch 空间紧缩 crunch 58 表示渠道的词 channel vehicle 59 Mel

43、ancholy 忧郁 60 Epithet 绰号 61 Pernicious 有害的 62 Proclivity 倾向 63 家谱 genealogy pedigree 64 政府行为 stipulation of a poverty line 环境 delicate balance upon which animalsincluding humandepend ecosystem生态平衡 the depletion of the atmospheric ozone 臭氧空洞 extinctspeciesseriouspollutionofwaterexcessivecutting of ju

44、ngles and rainforests consumption of the earths finite natural resources 社会问题 relyonlaborforceequipmentandrawmaterialsofdeveloping countries 企业的需求 increased crime unemployment insurrection hunger plague and so forth vicious competition vicious circle monopoly 经济问题 恶性 竞争垄断 科技 1 impact on daily life s

45、aturated every aspects in our daily routine 科技深入生活 2 we need to control the development and use of technological innovation so that they benefit all aspects of community 防 止科技危害生活 Although scientific discoveries and technological advances have produced tremendous improvement in the quality of human

46、life they also have negative consequences nuclear power chemical plants threaten our life 教育 education always plays a key role in determining a persons success 教育决定成功 we must be conscious of our obligations to help those who are truly infirm aged or incapable of providing for themselves 公民的责任帮助困难人员

47、教育的目的 the primary purpose for education is to transmit democratic values innovative ideas and so that it can prepare new generations of citizens in society rather than simply instilling information and knowledge 儿童社会化行为negotiate bargain cajole compromise conflict deceive 领导教育 value theinputof subord

48、inatesbyinvolvingthem in decisions about matters or strategies 接受下属意见 a leaders effectiveness as a competitor is not necessarily inconsistent exclusive with his or her ability to cooperate with subordinates or competitors 合作与竞争不矛盾 冷门热门学科 Students often fail to see the practicality of studying Shakes

49、peare as preparation for a career in business 成功vs失败 success and failure are not opposites they are both products of the same process an activity which produces a hit also produce a miss 压力 economic pressure parental pressure peer pressure self-induced pressure 艺术 例子 人格 人 事 honesty Abe Lincoln walk

50、three miles to return 6 cents persistence Columbus voyage civil rights the Declaration of Independence Innovation Michael Dell Personal selling of computers 政治经济名人例子 人 事 结论 Churchill WWII lecturer 政治leader Jack Welch CEO of General 经济leader Electric Company Eisenhower Commander 军事leader Copernicus H

51、eliocentric system 挑战权威成功 Aristotle Geocentric theory 权威 Plato Spiritual Love 柏拉图 acritics evaluationofanart workserves asa filter which helpsus todetermine whichart isworthourtime andattention 评论家的作用 acriticsassessmentislimitedbythenarrowconfinesofold and established parameters of evaluation 评论家有限眼

52、光扼杀 艺术 例子 艺术家 专业 作品 评论家 赞助人 Michelange The Pope lo Mozart Music European Monarchs Mark Twain Best-selling Contemporar writer y citizen Sigmund The founder Freud of psyche Leonardoda Painting Mona Lisa 创新以 Vinci 模仿为 基础 VictorHugo Romantic Les Miserable author 悲惨世界 Margaret Gone With the Mitchell wind

53、 Shakespear Hamlet e Vincentvan Expression Sunflower Gogh Early Abstraction 写作常用短语 continuing controversy 长久未解决的问题 anything but决不是 run contrary to common sense and daily experience 与常理相悖 Any government which is blind to this point will pay a heavy price 政府职责 spare no effort to 不遗余力 even if even assu

54、ming 即使 常用难拼的学科及学家 anthropologist 人类archeologist 考古biochemist 生物化学 geologist 地 质 linguist 语 言 astronomer 天 文 psychoanalyst 精神分析 philosopher 哲学家 1 counterproductive adj产生相反效果结果的 eg It is counterproductiveto be too tough it just makes the staff resentful eg Although the speaker overlooks certain circu

55、mstances in which undue skepticism mightbe counterproductive and evenharmfulonbalanceIagreethatweshouldnotpassively accept whatever is passed off as fact otherwise human knowledge would never advance 2 seminal adj萌芽的潜在的开创性的有重大影响的 comeseminalstate 在萌芽状态seminalthoughts seminal principle基本原则 eg a semin

56、al bookpoet This experiment was to have a seminal influence on his own political development 3 forgo v放弃 The choice to forgo his security is always available although it might carry unpleasant consequence 4 intuition n直觉 I will trust my strong intuition that free will is an essential part of our bei

57、ng as humans 5 justify v证明是正当的公证的为寻找正当理由 eg Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency eg In the final analysis government cannot philosophically justify assisting large cities for the purpose of either promoting or preserving the nations culturaltraditionsnorisgovernmentassis

58、tancenecessary toward these ends 6 resort to 诉诸 eg no necessity to resort to violent actions such as demonstration riot or rebel conduce 7 hinge on 以为转移靠转动 comlaimthatsocietysdestinyhingesonhowchildren are socialized while appealing in some respects is an over-statement at best 8 at best 最多充其量以最乐观的观

59、点来看 9 collaborate to eg For example scientists researchers and even computer programmers must collaborate to establish common goals coordinate efforts and meet time lines 10lend some credence to 提供支持 eg While our everyday experience might lendcredence to this assertion comntadvancesin molecularbiolo

60、gyandgenetics lend some credence to this position by suggesting that these determining physical forces include our own individual genetic makeup 11dimension n大小体积程度范围 com creatureof huge dimensions I didnotrealize the dimensions of the problem eg There is a dimension to the problem that we have not


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