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1、前情回顾-你把水样拿去实验室检测一下I need you to take that to the lab and get it analyzed. 不太可能吧?How does that work?行了吉姆别演了我知道你是联邦调查局的Come on, Jim. You can cut the act. I know youre FBI.我没让你喝了它Im not asking you to drink it.只是让你检测一下Im asking you to analyze it.你估计里面有什么?What were you hoping to find?我想我可能找到了那架直升机Thought

2、 I mightve found your helicopter.你给的水样里检测出液压油There was hydraulic fluid in your water sample. 我需要巨石旅馆双杀案的尸检报告I need the autopsy reports from the Big Rock murders. 去拿吧Take em.嘿!你说这里只有Hey! You said it was just a.我觉得她遇到了恶灵I think shes encountered a dark spirit.我没开玩笑I know I did.她差点就侵入我脑子里了She was gettin

3、g into my head, 还想拽掉几根我的头发and she tried to take some of my hair.我想你去盖洛普的女性庇护所会比拟好I think youd be better off in a womens shelter in Gallup. 我想知道是谁I need a name.都在这儿么?一分不少Is it all there? - Every penny.现在我们怎么办?Now what do we do?计划不变Stick to the plan.保存地警局的活力二人组The Reservations dynamic background duo.

4、有什么可以为二位效劳的?What can I do for you?你能不能帮助看看这个Wondering if you could help us out with something. 噢这是卖旺达那幅巨丑画的小票 Yeah, its a receipt for one of Wandas ugly paintings. 你还记得卖给谁了不? Do you remember who you sold it to?嗯几个摩门教的人 Mm, a bunch of Mormons.高兴得跟什么似的Cheerful as all get-out.在他们同类里也算特别兴奋的Even more so

5、than the rest of em.送了只玩具小马给他们一个孩子Gave a toy horse to one of their kids. 他们开了一辆林肯大陆They drive a Lincoln Continental, 还记得么? by any chance?是的没出啥事吧?他们失踪了Yeah. Is everything okay? - They went missing. 还有什么可以告诉我们的么?Is there anything else you can tell us?呃他们刚走一会就来了个白人佬Yeah, a bilagaana guy came in not lon

6、g after, 说就想要那同一幅画wanting that same painting, 还要找我老婆asking for my wife,我还一直想搞清楚怎么回事which Ive been meaning to get to the bottom of. 还记得他长什么样么身高体型头发?You have any description.Height, build, hair color? 就一个普通的白种男Just some white guy, 呃胡子有点像鲸鱼杭特(美国职棒大联盟投手) uh, mustache like Catfish Hunter.除此之外没什么特别的Otherw

7、ise, nothing special.如果你想起点什么就告诉我们Well, if you can think of anything else, let us know.好如果你们发现了什么也要告诉我哦Yeah, and if you find out anything else, you let me know.谢谢莱斯特好的也谢谢你Thanks, Lester. - All right, thank you.好的All right.嘿Hey.您这是要喂饱整个部落么神父?Feeding the whole tribe, are we, Father?基督用五张饼和两条鱼让五千人吃饱了Je

8、sus made do with five loaves and two fish.我就用一袋大米吧Ell settle for a bag of rice.Yateeh (你好啊)-Oh. Yafeeh (噢你好)嘿乔叔叔Hey, Uncle Joe.噢嗨Oh, hi.家里挺热闹啊Its a full house.纳诺巴月经初潮了Nanobah got her period.噢那你弟弟为啥不能Oh. Well, why cant your brother.因为他不懂Because he cant.我们可以在这里庆祝一下We could use a little celebration aro

9、und here.好的我明天要去旗手市Yeah, I have to go to Flagstaff tomorrow.好的Okay.那你去了以后Oh, and while youre there,帮纳诺巴带一条束腰带吧Nanobah needs a sash belt.我的可乐被她们喝光了They drank all my RC.还要带什么?柴火Anything else? - Firewood.多备点柴火吧We could always use more firewood.嗯好的Mm, okay.她跟你透露什么了么?She say anything to you yet?把你衣服换下来Le

10、ave your shirt.我来把这印子洗掉好的Ell get the stain out. - Okay.笨手笨脚Clumsy!嗨亚兹车不错嘛Hey, Yazzie. Nice truck.我买的没偷也没抢如果你是要问这个的话Bought and paid for, if thatfs what you*re asking.能看看车辆登记证么?Can I see the registration?“靠谱丹二手车行抱歉打搅了Sorry for the inconvenience.怎么都看着我们笑?Whats going on?没事因为我们戴着警徽Nothing. Itfs the badge

11、.嘿旺达Hey, Wanda.介绍一下你的新男友呗Whos your new boyfriend?他不是我男友Hes not my boyfriend.别介意哈亲爰的逃婚的男人不值得留恋Dont take offense, darlin,. Runaway Bernie ain*t no prize.你清库存呢?赚点外快?You selling overstock? Making some money on the side?这不犯法吧?莱斯特可能不太高兴Is that a crime? - Lester might not like it.我老早就不在乎他高不高兴了I stopped car

12、ing about what Lester likes a long time ago. 嗯Hmm.好吧他也不怎么喜欢你的画Well, he*s not a big fan of your art either.知道么有一家摩门家庭You know, a Mormon family买了你的画然后失踪了 bought one of your paintings, then went missing. 我可不会大变活人I dont possess that kind of magic.我们要问的也不是他们Well, ifs not them were curious about.而是之后进去的一个

13、白人佬Its the, uh, white guy that came in after 也要买那幅画 to buy the exact same canvas.我的作品很受欢迎啊My art is popular.RC戈尔曼要有压力了(纳瓦霍著名艺术家)R.C. Gorman needs to watch himself.这家伙去找你表现得非常不高兴This guy came to see you, and he left upset.你们俩之间有什么故事?You two have something going on?我不喜欢白人I dont like white men.也不喜欢警察or

14、 cops.完事了么?Are we done here?再见旺达Bye, Wanda.她在撒谎Shes lying.是的看出来了Yeah, I know.嗯Hmm.来了警长Well, Lieutenant.大高个High-pockets.你迟到了一嗯我过的印第安时间Youre late. - Mm, Im on Indian time.我只能待一小会四点还要去打高尔夫(tea/tee同音)Well, Id sit, but I have a tee time at 4:00.噢早知道给你带点烤面饼来Eh, if I wouldve known, I wouldVe brought you so

15、me crumpets.是打高尔夫不是下午茶噢Its golf. - Oh.太浪费土地了What a waste of land.总比荒在那儿强吧Well, beats a whole lot of nothing.还有So.一家四口刚被报告失踪family of four just up and disappears.你有什么说法不?You got any explanation for that?还没有Not yet.好吧只要没出人命就归你管Well, no bodies means its yours.情况有变的话你还是接着管吧Anything changes, it*s still y

16、ours.我这儿工作日程已经排满了My crime sheet is full.你打完高尔夫就能空出来了吧?I guess youll be solving that on the back nine, huh.没错再会了忠实的朋友Yep. Adios, kemosabe.我需要巨石旅馆双杀案的最新案情I need updates on the Atcitty/Tso case.哦那个案子已经结了Well, that case is closed.案子已经结了什么意思?What do you mean its closed?我该怎么跟他们家人说?What do I tell the famil

17、ies?跟他们说可以来取遗体了You tell rem they can retrieve the bodies.我会把遗体送到咱们的冷藏间去Ill have em sent over to our funeral home.他们的家人没有方法取回遗体These families have no means of retrieving the bodies.好吧你是执法官员利普霍恩Well, youre an officer of the law, Leaphorn.你可以把他们送回去You can bring em back.否那么的话遗体将被移交给州政府&hearts处理 Otherwis

18、e, theyll be turned over to the state.怎么了奶奶?What is it, Grandma?不要这么抓No scratching.你想变成丑女没人要么?You want to be ugly and forsaken?“没人要” ?不奶奶Forsaken? No, Grandmother.我保证会尽力做好I promise 1,11 do my best.您看可以了么?Is this fine enough?再磨细一些Finer.你做得很好纳诺巴You*re doing well, Nanobah.英雄打工人(约翰列侬,1969)Working Class

19、Hero从出生开始你就被迫自视卑微? As soon as youre born, they make you feel small J 一直忙个不停却始终生活悲催J By giving you no time instead of it all J-台湾制造-不知不觉直到身心已疲惫j Till the pain is so big, you feel nothing at all/嘿兄弟下午好Hey, brother. - Good afternoon.你是哪个部落的? 纳瓦霍What tribe are you? - Navajo Nation.腰带都在这儿了Heres all the s

20、ashes.多少钱?How much?英雄打工人不该如此颓废j A working-class hero is something to be J如果你想当英雄只管跟我起飞j If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me)我们来这里干吗?Why are we here?我觉得我们可以重新来过I thought you and I could start over.好的那就重新来过Okay, well, start over, then.我不喜欢刚才旺达那么言语攻击你I didnt like the way Wanda took a shot at

21、 you back there.毕竟我们是伙伴You know, were partners.我们应该为对方撑腰Weve got to have each others backs.旺达那人说话就那样Thats just Wanda being Wanda.话中带刺是她一贯风格Being awful is all shes got.这你也能忍么?And that doesnt bother you?在这里生活你得脸皮厚一点Well, you got to have thick skin around here.要是脸皮薄呢?What if you dont?这是什么地方?What is thi

22、s place?这是我的家我长大的地方This is my home. Its where I grew up.噢Oh.这里很美是啊Its beautiful here. - Yeah.你为什么离开?Why did you leave?我没得选I didnt have a choice.我喜欢这里I love this place.你知道的you know.自从我妈找了个混蛋男友My mom started dating this real asshole.有一天他对她拳脚相加One day, he roughed her up, and.我妈拿平底锅把他抽了个半死差点灵魂出窍she knoc

23、ked him halfway to Shiprock with a frying pan. 几周后我来到学校Then a couple weeks later, I showed up to school, 没有一个同学愿意跟我说话and none of the kids would talk to me.后来知道是有人做了这个Came to find out it was cause someone did this.“女巫”Witch.这谣言一传十十传百The rumor spread on the moccasin telegraph.她所有的朋友都不再理她All her friend

24、s turned their backs on her.你知道当你还是个孩子Do you know what its like to be a kid and.却要抚慰妈妈让她不哭的感觉么?comfort your mom while she cries?第二天她收拾好行李我们就开车离开了The next day, she packed up the car, and we left.她最终也没能叶落归根She died among strangers.她曾经脸皮也厚She had a thick skin, too, once.很遗憾你身上发生了这些事Im sorry that happen

25、ed to you.我曾想回这里找到他I used to dream about coming back here to find him,完成她未竟之事finish what she started.但有人抢先我一步But someone beat me to it.艾玛的侄女要办Kinaalda成人礼Emmas niece is having her Kinaalda.就在利普霍恩家over at Leaphorns.你可以呃去看看You should, uh, stop by.帮帮手玩玩篝火help out, tend to the fire.你会去么?Will you be there

26、?保存区里哪里有仪式If theres a ceremony anywhere on the Rez,我都会排第一位Im the first in line.好的Okay.好的Okay.你好?-嘿Hello? - Hey.我还在旗手市Im still here in Flagstaff.买到腰带了么?-当然Did you pick up the belt? - Of course.而且我特意从纳瓦霍人那买的不是普韦布洛噢And I got it from a Dine, not a Pueblo.我需要在这里待一晚上Look, I need to spend the night.乔我这边需要你

27、Joe, I need you back here.是我我知道Yeah, I-I know.但是他们让我明天去取遗体But theyre releasing the bodies to me in the morning.我得带他们回家艾玛Im bringing em home, Emma.我做到了 我知道你可以的I made it. -1 knew that you would.你跑得越远寿命就会越长The farther you run, the longer life you will have.我能帮助处理玉米么?Can I help with the corn today?当然Of

28、course.多少钱?How much?海伦Helen.她是个很棒的姑娘She was a wonderful girl.确实Truly.曹神父?Father Tso?有人么?Hello?救命!救命!Help! Help!有人么?-有人么?Hello?-Hello?我们在这下面Were down here!有人么?有人在么?Hello? - Hello?帮帮我们! 我们在下面!Help us! - Were down here!我们在这儿!帮帮我们!Were here! - Please!你见过我们的客人了I see you met our houseguests.我不明白I dont und

29、erstand.为了保险Insurance.这是你的疏忽带来的必然结果A necessary result due to your negligence.放我们出去-求求你了 !Get us out. - Please!新的画在哪里?Wheres the new painting?警察问到了 那幅卖掉的画 The police are asking about the one they were sold.他们在车里找到了购买小票骄傲的玛丽(蒂娜特纳,1970) Proud Mary-J And we*re rollin1-J Rollin-? Rollin, yeah-J Rollin,-Y

30、ee-ha!-Oh.-J Rollin on the river-J Rollin on the.嘿你要去哪儿?我怎么办?Hey, where you going? What about me?-j Oh, I left a good job in the city Jj Workin1 for the man every night and day ? And I never lost one minute of sleepin J / Worryin bout the way things might have been J j Big wheel keep on turnin1-j Tu

31、rnin1-J Proud Mary keep on burnin* J -)Burnin*-jRollin rollin,-J Yeah, all rightboth: J Rollin* on the river-? Rollin now-J Rollin,/ Said were rollin1-? Yeahboth: J Rollin1 on the river-J Move upboth: J Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do J )Do, do, do, do-J Whoo, yeah)All right? Cleaned a lot of plates

32、in Memphis, yall )? Pumped a lot of tane down in New Orleans JThey found a receipt in the car.我什么也没跟他们讲我发誓I didnt tell them anything, I swear.我相信你I trust you.你对我们这事很认真Youre true to the cause.发卡真好看Thats a beautiful hair clip.从哪儿来的?Whered you get it?市场买的我能看看么?At the market. - Can I see it?能送给我么?May I

33、keep it?这是我家传的Its a family heirloom.你刚还说从市场买的You said you got it at the market.我知道有人会非常喜欢这个I know someone whod really like this.谢谢你旺达Thank you, Wanda.不客气Youre welcome.出去时别让人看到Make sure no one sees you on the way out.你觉得她会说出去么?You think shell rat?我不知道I dont know.你知道该给谁以防万一You know who to give this to

34、, just in case.你家还剩多少柴火我都要了莱斯特Ill take every last cord of wood you got out there, Lester.留神别把黑寡妇毒蜘蛛也带回家Oh, well, careful you dont bring a black widow home with you. 它们最喜欢往柴火堆里钻They love that wood pile.我可不想被蜘蛛咬了Spider bites the last thing I need.多少钱?What do I owe you?噢兄弟这是仪式上用的Oh, man, its for a cere

35、mony.算我的吧Its on me.噢谢谢你你真是好人Oh, thank you. Youre a good man.啊好人难做但我尽力而为Ah Its hard, but I try.听着乔呃Listen, Joe, um.乔我还有东西要给你okay, Joe, I got something else for you.是什么?What is it?呃Uh.我需要非常谨慎乔I need to be very careful here, Joe.我找到这个呃,I found this. Uh.我不会说哪儿但你最好看看Im not saying where, but you need to t

36、ake a look.本杰明曹神父佛罗伦萨Father Benjamin Tso, Florence.是的是霍斯汀让我寄出去Yeah, yeah. Hosteen asked me to mail it.我让其他人去寄然后I asked someone else to do it, and.我只需要说到这儿了Thats all I have to say on that subject.你最后一次见到曹神父是什么时候?Whens the last time you saw Father Tso?他一个小时前来过这He came in here about an hour ago还问我你住在哪a

37、sking me where you lived.你怎么跟他说的?Whatd you tell him?我什么也没跟他说I didnt tell him anything.但是他发现是你Listen, but he did find out埋葬了他的爷爷that you buried his grandfather.我只想说这么多了Thats all I have to say on the subject.谢谢你莱斯特嗯哼Thank you, Lester. - Mm-hmm.Yafeeh (你好)对不起我迟到了Im sorry Im late.我忘了怎么系腰带了I forgot my sa

38、sh.看起来怎么样?How do I look?实话说If Im being honest,你看起来根本不知道该怎么系it looks like you have no idea what youre doing.说吧他叫什么名字?So whats his name?我不知道你在说谁I dont know what youre talking about.是杜威恩么?Is it Duwayne?杜威恩?Duwayne? Pshh. speaking Dine我们第二次约会时他带给我一盆丝兰花You know he brought me a potted yucca plant on our s

39、econd date. 而我有个原那么And I have a policy.任何有生命的都不能被放进容器里No living things put in containers.如果不是杜威恩那是谁呢?If not Duwayne, then who?修内瓦霍语speaking Dine哩哩 八、八、Hey. - Hey.艾玛利普霍恩金姆齐Emma Leaphorn, Jim Chee.Yafafeeh (你好)金姆齐终于见到这位Its nice to finally put a face to that.老乔经常念叨的大学毕业的帅小伙警察College-boy cop Ive heard s

40、o much about.谢谢让我来Thanks for having me.别聊闲天了Quit your gabbing.去干活吧帅小伙Get to work, pretty boy.慢着点小心噢Careful, careful.嘿Hey.嘿嗨好啊Hey. - Hi. You good?好的非常好Okay, perfect.齐我们聊聊Chee, walk with me.你在哪找到的?麦格尼斯How did you find this? - McGinnis.上面写了什么?Well, what does it say?请求本杰明神父快回家It begs Father Benjamin to

41、come home,说他的兄弟走上了他的老路says that his brothers up to his old ways.兄弟?嗯哼Brother? - Mm-hmm.事实上他一直没收到这封信Thing is, he never got the letter.那他怎么来这里了?Then what is he doing here?你们俩快过来!好的就来Need you two on the fire! - Okay, comin1.我们会查清楚的Were gonna find out.谢谢你Thank you.谢我啥?For what?邀请我Inviting me.我想向你抱歉I thi

42、nk I want to apologize.抱歉我是不是听错了Im sorry. I think theres something wrong with my ears.当你走进警局时我想When you walked into the station, I thought,“这孩子真的不知道怎么装”Man; this boy does not know how to act.1你这是抱歉么Doesnt sound like much of an apology.我错看了你I misjudged you.一点点a bit.我为此抱歉Im sorry for that.接受你的抱歉Apolog

43、y accepted.我们没有我想像的那么不同Were not as different as I thought.怎么呢?How so?我在很小的时候就被父母送去寄宿学校了My parents handed me over to the boarding school when I was real young. 刚开始看上去没那么糟糕Yeah, at first, it wasnt so bad.有一些孩子也会保护我Some of the other kids, theyd protect me.但是情况越来越坏But it got worse and worse.我第一次出走时才11岁T

44、he first time I ran away, I was 11.我觉得我可以在外面生存下去I thought I could make it out on the land.乔把我抓了回来但只能送回学校Joe scooped me up, and he had to bring me back,这就是我跟他第一次见面and thats how we met.利普霍恩逮捕过你?So Leaphorn arrested you?我居然跟一个资深犯罪分子坐在一起Im sitting here with a hardened criminal.是啊Yeah.第二次有个修女找到我The secon

45、d time, I had gotten a visit from one of the nuns.我父母病了My parents were sick.病得很严重Real sick.我又逃出学校I ran away again.当我回到家When I got home.我家的小屋已经被封控了Our hogan had been shut in.疫情管控A plague house.乔和艾玛他们帮我步入正轨Joe and Emma, they helped set me up.他们收留了我They took me in.乔的儿子就像我弟弟一样Joe Junior was like a littl

46、e brother to me.你很幸运Youre lucky.你找到了新的家庭You found a new family.是的Yeah.曹神父你能过来真好Father Tso, its good of you to stop by.我想来感谢利普霍恩警长I wanted to thank Lieutenant Leaphorn他埋葬了我的爷爷for burying my grandfather.神父Father.非常感谢你的好意I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.你是这个社区的福气You are a blessing to this co

47、mmunity.谢谢你神父你也是Thank you, Father. You are as well.恐怕我还需要你帮一个忙Im afraid I have, uh, one more favor to ask.你介不介意再去我爷爷农场一趟Would you mind taking one more trip out to my grandfathers ranch?可以告诉我爷爷具体的埋葬地You can show me where he was buried.你.你还好吧?Are. are you okay?萨丽!Sally!啊!啊!伯纳黛特快启动车Bernadette, start th

48、e car.你会顺利的他们会好好照顾你的Youll be okay. Youre in good hands.走吧-快去吧Go. - Drive!我会为她祈祷的I will pray for her.她不会有事的Shes gonna be okay.嗯Hmm.呃我感觉你之前没说完So, um, I dont think you mentioned earlier当时你正在跟我讲你的家庭when you were telling me about your family.你是哪个家族的?Whats your clan?她还好吧?是的Is she all right? - Yeah.哩,哩 八、八

49、、Hey. - Hey.你和宝宝会顺利的You and the baby are going to be fine. 弗兰克那凯Frank Nakai.什么?What?这就是她给我的名字Thats the name she gave me.我已经完成你给的任务了 Now, I did what you asked. 现在我需要你为我做点事Now I want you to do something for me. 什么事?Whats that?萨丽生了以后When Sallys well, 我想让她和宝宝住在我们家I want her and the baby to stay here.黑暗之

50、风下集预告.On the next episode of Dark Winds. 你想把我们怎么样?What do you want with us?你到我这来寻求救赎You come to me seeking salvation. 永远不会晚Its never too late for that.我需要问你几个问题I need to ask you a couple of questions 关于弗兰克那凯about Frank Nakai.你把利普霍恩耍得团团转You played Leaphorn like a fiddle.疯了吧This is crazy.我被你施了魔法You Go

51、t a Spell on Me-Aah!Oh!Ugh!-J Leave home in the morning, baby J Ugh!? Ooh, all day long? You know what? Cannot waittill nighttime, baby JUghj Like to get back homeJ Baby)But I never saw the good side of the city/ J Till I hitched a ride on the riverboat queen/j Big wheel keep on turnin1-J Turnin,-J

52、Proud Mary keep on burnin J-J Burnin, both: J Rollin,Rollin,-)Yeahj Rollin on the river 你们应该给我预留一幅画的Yall were supposed to be holding a painting for me. 五分钟前被我卖掉了I sold that one five minutes ago. 卖给谁了 ?To who? Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do J-? All rightT Yeah为什么每个人都盯着我们看?Why is everyone staring at u

53、s?因为我们带着警徽Its not us Its the badge. 看见雷蒙德比格了么? You seen Raymond Begay? 这是我爷爷亲手做的项链This silver was made by my grandpa. 他在纳瓦霍远行时戴过He wore it on the Long Walk of the Navajo. 雷蒙德Raymond.嘿!别跑!停下!Hey! Stop! Stop!你为什么要跑?Why are you running? 去追吧 猛男Go get him, tiger.我年纪大就不参与了Im too old for that.别跑!Stop runni

54、ng!来个樱桃味的谢谢Let me get a cherry, please.嘿!别跑!Hey! Stop!过来!Come here!噢妈的别追我!Ah, shit. - Leave me alone!你停下!God, stop!快站住!Just stop!不跑了?You done?我能陪你跑一整天I could do this all day.你俩玩够了么?You two done screwing around?你为什么要跑雷蒙德?-我也不知道Whyd you run, Raymond? -1 dont know.上次出来后我啥也没干I didnt do anything since la

55、st time.你还没被海军开除时潜过水没?Did you do any diving before you were booted out of the Navy?扫雷艇上干过Minesweeper.A支队驻扎在越南茹县(胡志明市郊)Detachment Alpha at Nha Be.想不想光明正大挣点钱?You want to make an honest buck today?能帮个忙么?谢谢Can you take this? Thanks.没出什么事吧?Is everything okay?我来月经了姑妈I got my period; Auntie.噢Oh.我给你些卫生巾带回家I

56、m gonna send you home with some napkins.我必须得回家么?Do I have to go home?怎么了 ?你告诉你爸爸了么?Whats wrong? Have you told your father?告诉了他就站在那这表情Yeah. He just stood there.完全呆住了不知所措He didn*t know what to say or what to do.他需要给你准备Kinaalda成人礼了He needs to make arrangements for your Kinaalda.我会跟他说的ril talk to him.其实

57、我想说,Actually, I was wondering.什么也没有!Nothing!去那边试试!Try over there!过去16个月就一起持刀伤人案为了一箱啤酒Nothing as much as a stabbing over a case of beer in 16 months.现在三周内出了一起双重谋杀案和一起银行劫案Now were dealing with a double homicide and a bank heist in a span of three weeks.你觉得两起案子有关联?You think theyre related?不还看不出来No. Not

58、hing to go on.感觉不对劲It doesnt feel right.看上去完全没关联也没什么线索Seems totally random.nothing concrete.是啊Yeah.只不过雷姑娘家门前的车辙印except the tire tracks at the Growing Thunder house跟摩门教家庭失踪现场我看到的matching the same ones we found out at the desert完全一致where the Mormons went missing.同一辆四驱车Four-wheel drive.也许是他们车坏了然后搭了顺风车T

59、ourists probably had car trouble and hitched a ride.车一点问题没有Car ran perfectly.你怎么知道?咱又没钥匙How do you know? We didnt find the keys.我搭线启动了Hot-wired it.怎么了 ?我当警察之前学的What? I wasnt always a cop.什么也没有!-继续找Nothing! - Keep looking.我累了Im getting tired.也许你刚才不该像野兔子一样在沙漠里猛跑Well, maybe you shouldnt have run around

60、 the desert like some jackrabbit. 我也许有个保护中的目击证人能给点线索I also got a witness in custody who might shed some light on things.谁?在哪?Who? Where?雷姑娘她现暂住在我家Growing Thunder girl.Shes my house guest.她说了什么吗?She given up any intel?还没有No, not yet.但我让我的警员去办了But I got my deputy working on it.伯纳黛特?Bernadette?非也,我老婆Uh


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