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1、kayaking Paddle Helmet Kayak 英kak 美kak 第1页/共71页第一页,共72页。 Kayaking Kayaking is to move across water with the use of a kayak. A kayak is defined as a boat where the paddler face forward, has his or her legs in front, and uses a double bladed paddle to propel the kayak. Kayaking became very popular thr

2、ough the 1990s and early 21st century.第2页/共71页第二页,共72页。Canyoneering/ canyoning Harness Carabiner piton第3页/共71页第三页,共72页。 Canyoneering/ canyoning It is usually done in remote mountain areas with rugged terrain that often requires navigational, route-finding and other skills. It is also a sport making

3、use of a variety of techniques including walking, scrambling, climbing, jumping, abseiling(缘绳下降(xijing)),and swimming.第4页/共71页第四页,共72页。 kayaking + canyoneering= canyaking第5页/共71页第五页,共72页。Part 1(1-6)Fast reading第6页/共71页第六页,共72页。1.CanyakingA u_ challenge; a new o_ experience; an i_ exciting sport; a h

4、ybrid2. c_E_ and get through canyons on ropes and harness and s_3. KayakingW_ kayakers use a Kayak to move throughf_ water第7页/共71页第七页,共72页。 Identity A. guide B. professional kayaker Where they are from a. Austria b. local c. the U.S. 1. Ben Selznick _ _ 2. Chris Schnoller _ _ 3. Christophe Chaume _

5、_ 4. Brad Ludden _ _ 5. Seth Warren _ _第8页/共71页第八页,共72页。Detailed reading ( p1-2) Q1. Reunion Island is described as “ paradise” for all of the following reasons EXCEPT _ A. large canyons B. towering mountains C. smooth, sandy beaches D. gorgeous sunsets第9页/共71页第九页,共72页。 Q2: whats the meaning of “ ca

6、nyaking”? What techniques are used in “ canyaking”? What kind of people do you think would enjoy the sport?第10页/共71页第十页,共72页。Words explanation Volcanic( volcano) adj. 火山(hushn)的;猛烈的;易突然发作的 n. 火山(hushn)岩 Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions. 已有两百多人死于火山(hushn)喷发。 volcanic rock 火山(hus

7、hn)岩;火成岩;火山(hushn)碎屑岩 volcanic eruption 火山(hushn)喷发 volcanic activity 火山(hushn)活动;火山(hushn)活动性 volcanic ash 火山(hushn)灰 volcanic island 火山(hushn)岛 第11页/共71页第十一页,共72页。 Paradise n. 天堂 Bali is one of the worlds great natural paradises. 巴厘岛是世界最大的自然乐园之一。 paradise lost 失乐园 a paradise on earth 人间天堂 fools pa

8、radise 幻想;虚幻的乐境(l jn) paradise island 天堂岛 earthly paradise 地上乐园,人间天堂 bird of paradise 极乐鸟;天堂鸟 第12页/共71页第十二页,共72页。 Whitewater n. 急流;白色水域 In turbulent whitewater, every single person must have something inside of them that guides their decisions. 在汹涌的湍流中,每个人在他们内心都应该(ynggi)有指导他们做出决定的思想。第13页/共71页第十三页,共7

9、2页。 Kayak n. 皮船;爱斯基摩小艇(xio tn) Kayaker皮划艇运动员 第14页/共71页第十四页,共72页。 Canyon n. 峡谷(xig) Canyoneer 峡谷(xig)探险者 A canyoneer descends into Hole-in-the-Wall Canyon in Blue Mountains National Park. 一名探险者正在蓝山国家公园里的狭洞峡谷(xig)里进行绳降。第15页/共71页第十五页,共72页。 Rappel n. 绕绳下降(xijing);坐式下降(xijing)法 vi. 用绳索下降(xijing) The curr

10、iculum includes a lesson from the firemen on how to rappel from a building. 其中的课程包括消防员教授如何用绳索从大楼上下来。 That night, I watched him rappel into the area near a molten volcano on the island of Hawaii. 那天晚上,我看着他顺着绳索下到夏威夷岛上一个熔化的火山附近地区。第16页/共71页第十六页,共72页。 Paddle n. 划桨(hu jin);明轮翼 vt. 拌;搅;用桨划 vi. 划桨(hu jin);戏

11、水;涉水 We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle. 我们或许可以自己划桨(hu jin)过去。 the skills you will use to paddle the canoe. 你将使用到的划独木舟的技巧。第17页/共71页第十七页,共72页。 Terrain n. 地理 地形,地势;领域;地带 The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert. 这里的地形很快由耕地变为沙漠(shm)。 rough terrain 不平地形,地形条件恶劣地区 rugg

12、ed terrain 不平地形,崎岖地带 mountainous terrain 山岭区 terrain feature 地形特征,地面要素 terrain map 地形图 第18页/共71页第十八页,共72页。 Championship n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位 the world chess championship. 世界国际象棋锦标赛。 He went on to take the championship. 他继续( jx)卫冕了冠军称号。第19页/共71页第十九页,共72页。 Hybrid n. 杂种,混血儿;混合物 adj. 混合的;杂种的 All these brig

13、htly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden. 园中所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交(zjio)植物真好看。 .the hybrid corn seed. 杂交(zjio)玉米种子。第20页/共71页第二十页,共72页。 Slide n. 滑动;幻灯片;滑梯;雪崩 vi. 滑动;滑落;不知不觉陷入 vt. 滑动;使滑动;悄悄地迅速(xn s)放置 I slid the wallet into his pocket. 我把那钱包滑进了他的口袋。 He slid into the drivers seat. 他悄悄地坐到了司机的座位上。 She had

14、slid into a depression. 她不知不觉地抑郁寡欢起来。 The dollar continued to slide. 美元继续下跌。 two young children playing on a slide. 在玩滑梯的两个年幼的孩子。 sliding第21页/共71页第二十一页,共72页。Part 2 (7-19)Fast-reading第22页/共71页第二十二页,共72页。True or false 1. the entire team succeeds in descending the largest drop of Fleur Jaune. 2. the fi

15、rst day of the adventure starts early for the team as they prepare for the hike to Cirque de Cilaos. 3. on this trip, the group of men will put their lives in the hands of Brad Ludden, trusting his years of canyoneering experience.第23页/共71页第二十三页,共72页。 4. Chris Schnoller has been all over the place a

16、nd knows exactly what hes doing. 5. the team will terminate their plans to attempt Trou Blanc.第24页/共71页第二十四页,共72页。Put the following statements in the correct order. A. Brad ludden and his team of canyakers are on reunion island, prepared for a challenging adventure. B. one by one the men lower thems

17、elves down the rope and drop safely into the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall. C. At the first drop, Schnoller attaches a rope to a piton and throws it over the side of the cliff. D. Everyone knows that a number of things could go wrong, and a mistake could lead to disaster not just for

18、one man, but for all of them.第25页/共71页第二十五页,共72页。 E. Then each member of the team carefully rappels down the side of the steep slope. F. then each man attaches a shorter rope to the long one so they can slide safely down. G. the man start out at a canyon known as Fleur Jaune. H. they continue in thi

19、s way until they reach the largest drop of them all a vertical waterfall that is 45 meters high.第26页/共71页第二十六页,共72页。Detailed reading (p7) whats the meaning of “ huge depression”? Whats the geographical situation of cirque de cilaos? (p8) the word “ accessing” be replaced by_ A. recovering form B. en

20、hancing C. monitoring D. getting to (p8) whats the challenge for the 5 adventurers when getting into the best canyoneering resort? Why they choose here to canyak?第27页/共71页第二十七页,共72页。 (p9)whats the main purpose of paragraph 9? A. to show how much equipment each member needs. B. to instruct on how to

21、go canyaking C. to explain what the sport of canyaking is D. to give an example of how skilled each member is. (p9) whats the preparation for canyaking?第28页/共71页第二十八页,共72页。 (10-12) why the successful descent in the Fleur Janue is important in spite of risk and challenge? Can you describe the Fleur J

22、anue drops in detail?第29页/共71页第二十九页,共72页。 (13-15) how could Schnoller and his team members successfully get through a series of multiple drops? Why they should be careful in each drop? How do you understand “ dancing their way down”(in para 14)第30页/共71页第三十页,共72页。 (16-19)what does the writer probably

23、 think about canyaking down the 49-meter waterfall? A. with a clove hitch, the team should be safe. B. the team is taking a big risk. C. it will be easy for the experts. D. Chris will have to persuade the team to do it. 第31页/共71页第三十一页,共72页。 how could they descend the greatest challenge almost 50-met

24、er high waterfall? Whats spirit they need most when canyaking the 49-meter waterfall? Why? How does the men successfully rappel the waterfall?第32页/共71页第三十二页,共72页。Words explanation Depression n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁 Mr. Thomas was suffering from depression. 托马斯先生当时正受抑郁症折磨。 He never forgot the hardships he wi

25、tnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. 他从未忘记20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期他所目睹的艰辛(jinxn)。 an area pockmarked by rain-filled depressions. 一个到处都是积满雨水的洼坑的地带。第33页/共71页第三十三页,共72页。 Amphitheater n. 竞技场;建 圆形露天剧场(jchng);古罗马剧场(jchng) 第34页/共71页第三十四页,共72页。 Resort n. 凭借,手段;度假胜地;常去之地 vi. 求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段或方法 His punishi

26、ng work schedule had made him resort to drugs. 他那累人的工作日程已经(y jing)使他不得不求助于毒品了。 The ski resorts are expanding to meet the growing number of skiers that come here. 该滑雪胜地正在扩建以应付来这里滑雪的不断增长的人数。第35页/共71页第三十五页,共72页。 Tight bend 急弯(jwn) Hairpin turns 发卡弯第36页/共71页第三十六页,共72页。 Wetsuits n. 潜水服;防寒(fn hn)泳衣;湿式保暖服

27、第37页/共71页第三十七页,共72页。 Harness n.背带; 安全带 safety harness 安全带;安全吊带;安全挂钩具 马具; 挽具;给套上挽具On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border. 利用 Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects. 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河与幼发拉底

28、河的水来建造(jinzo)大型水力发电工程。第38页/共71页第三十八页,共72页。 Helmet n. 钢盔(gngku),头盔 第39页/共71页第三十九页,共72页。 Wind the rope 把绳子(shng zi)卷起来第40页/共71页第四十页,共72页。 Finalize(final) vt. 完成;使结束 vi. 把最后定下来;定案(dng n) Negotiators from the three countries finalized the agreement in August. 3个国家的谈判代表在8月最终确定了协议。第41页/共71页第四十一页,共72页。 Psy

29、ched 激动( jdng)的 adj.兴奋的 第42页/共71页第四十二页,共72页。 Descent 下降 descent method n. 下降法 On the 120-meter cliff descent I discovered it was not barren, as I first thought, but in fact was filled with shrubs, towering trees and rare plant species. 在120米的悬崖下降的过程中,我发现它不是像我一开始(kish)看到的那样是一片贫瘠,而事实上,覆盖着灌木、参天大树和稀有植物种

30、类。第43页/共71页第四十三页,共72页。 Breathtaking adj. 惊人的;惊险的;令人激动的 例: The house has breathtaking views from every room. 这房子从各个房间都能看到令人惊叹的风景。 例: Some of their football was breathtaking, a delight to watch. 他们踢的足球赛有些场次(chngc)令人惊叹,看起来赏心悦目。第44页/共71页第四十四页,共72页。 Piton 钢锥,岩钉 第45页/共71页第四十五页,共72页。 Vertical adj. 垂直的,直立的;

31、解剖( jipu) 头顶的,顶点的 n. 垂直线,垂直面 The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock. 那名登山者一点点爬上了一处垂直的岩石峭壁。第46页/共71页第四十六页,共72页。 Multiple adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的 He died of multiple injuries. 他死于多处受伤。 These suites have served you well throughout the development process and in multiple environments. 在整个开发(kif)过程和多个环境中

32、,这些组合为您很好地服务。第47页/共71页第四十七页,共72页。 Clove hitch 卷结;酒瓶(ji pn)结;双套结(一种结绳法) 第48页/共71页第四十八页,共72页。 Slip vi. 滑动;滑倒;犯错;失足; vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开 n. 滑,滑倒;片,纸片;错误;下跌;事故 He had slipped on an icy pavement. 他在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。 His glasses had slipped. 他的眼镜滑落(hu lu)了。 Amy slipped downstairs and out of the house. 埃米悄悄地下楼,溜

33、出了屋子。第49页/共71页第四十九页,共72页。 Footing n. 立足处; v. 步行(bxng);在上行走; He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge. 他小心翼翼地站稳,注意着边缘。第50页/共71页第五十页,共72页。 Waterhole 水潭(shu tn) 水洼第51页/共71页第五十一页,共72页。Part 3(20-30)Reading exercise第52页/共71页第五十二页,共72页。Put the following statements in the correct order (20-29) A. af

34、ter hours of hiking up the forested paths, the group finally reaches the top. B. the men inspect the waterfall carefully, weighing the risks and dangers. C. later, they talk about their plans for the day. D. theyve just made it through the flat section.第53页/共71页第五十三页,共72页。 E. The team will make camp

35、 here and rest for the night. F. Christophe Chaume has come with the team to consult and bring firsthand knowledge of the canyons and terrain. G. The next morning the team must leave Cilaos and walk towards the Trou Blanc canyon. H. Theyre going to hike another four hours on to Hellbourg while two o

36、f the other people from the team go down, get the cars and meet them.第54页/共71页第五十四页,共72页。 (29-30) whats the difficulty they may encounter while rappelling the waterfall? Which of these statements best expresses what Seth Warren says about the drop on paragraph 30? A. they will have a lot of space to

37、 make up for errors. B. the drop will be easier because theres only one way. C. they should pass this drop and go to the next one D. somebody may get hurt on this drop. Why Seth Warren is confident with their chances for the descending waterfall?第55页/共71页第五十五页,共72页。 Demanding adj. 苛求的;要求高的;吃力的 He tr

38、ied to return to work, but found he could no longer cope with his demanding job. 他试图回去工作,但发现自己不再(b zi)能适应这项费时的工作。 Ricky was a very demanding child. 里基是个非常苛求的孩子第56页/共71页第五十六页,共72页。 Carabiner 竖钩;登山(dn shn)用铁锁 第57页/共71页第五十七页,共72页。 Abseil=rappel n. 沿绳滑下法 第58页/共71页第五十八页,共72页。 Evacuation n. 疏散;撤离;排泄 evacu

39、ation time 疏散时间,撤离时间;排气时间 evacuation plan 疏散计划 evacuation route 避难(b nn)方向;疏散路线;撤离路线 第59页/共71页第五十九页,共72页。Part 4 ( 31-38)Fast reading第60页/共71页第六十页,共72页。Ture of false The first brave adventurer gives it a try and goes down in his kayak. Each man goes down the waterfall slowly and cautiously, especiall

40、y when traveling down the tight gap between two huge pieces of rock. As they approach the final waterfall, the team realizes that their trip through Trou Blanc is complete and theyve won Most local people didnt think that what the team did was actually possible.第61页/共71页第六十一页,共72页。Proof-reading 1. l

41、ater, the men continue their canyaking through Thou Blanc and it proves to be all they expanded. 2. in these canyons, we have few abseils, tight little cracks. 3. these men certainly make the sport of canyaking look difficult and fun. 4. theyve achieved their goal of changing the canyon, and theyve won. 5. these five young men have tested themselves in the most daring of circumstances and have come out of the adventure as winners.第62页/共71页第六十二页,共72页。 (31)How does the first man successfully finish his kayaking? Whats the meaning of “paid off”? (32) do they meet their expectation in


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