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1、Unit 9 Wheels基础回顾自主HE查区 卜- 颊范塚、综合球,全面演城增分 分类记单词?填准记牢快速掌握写作词汇一一写一写1. therefore adv.所以,因此2. hopeful adj.(人)抱有希望的3. vocabulary n. 词汇,词汇量4. schedule n.时间表,进度表5. content n.内容adj.满意的6. amount n. 数量7. damagevt.& n.损害,损失8. figure n.数字,数目拓展词汇记一记1. actually adv.实际地,真实地宀actual adj.实际的2. benefit vi.& n.

2、得益;好处宀 beneficial adj.有好处的3. convenient adj.方便的,便利的宀 convenience n.方便,便禾U4. neighbourhood n. 街坊,邻近地区宀 neighbour n. 邻居5. con seque ncen. 后果,结果con seque nt adj.因” 而引起的6. arguevi.争辩,争吵argument n.理由;依据;争论,争辩7. sensitive adj.敏感的,能理解的宀 sensen.感觉8. responsibility n.负责,责任,职责tresponsible adj.负责的responsen.反应9

3、. impression n.印象,感觉t impress vt.给某人深刻印象,使铭记t impressive adj.令 人印象深刻的,感人的10. reliable adj.可靠的t rely vi.依靠,依赖11. appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏t appreciation n.感激,评价12. construction n. 建造,建筑业t construct vt.建造,建筑13. physical adj.身体的,物质的t physicist n.物理学家t physics n.物理,身体14. admit vt.承认,供认t admission n. 承认15. add

4、icted adj.沉溺于”的t addict vi.& n.使沉溺,使上瘾,瘾君子t addiction n.瘾,沉溺,癖好t addictive adj.上瘾的16. occupy vt.居住,占有t occupation n. 职业17. sull vt.适合t suitable adj.适合的18. frequent adj.时常发生的frequently adv.频繁地,时常语境应用用所给词的适当形式填空1. In my opinion , he is reliable and you can rely on him.(reliable)2. My house is in a

5、 convenient place near the station ; please come to me at your earliest convenien ce.(c onvenient)3. There was a heated argument about whether he was suitable for the position , and most of the people argued for him.(argue)4 . It took them two years to con struct the bridge and the con struct ion wa

6、s excelle nt.(c on struct)5. The man has been addicted to smoking for many years , but he is now fighting his addiction to smok in g.(addict)联想背短语?高效识记稳固根基高频短语一一写一写1. be fed up with不愉快的,厌烦的2. work_out锻炼身体,算出,制订出3. rely_on 依赖,依靠4. pull_up (车辆)停止,停车5. pull out(火车)驶离车站,出站6. get/be_stuck_in 困在,,陷入 ,7. b

7、e_addicted_to 沉溺于8. be_related_to 与”有关9. so_far 迄今为止10. take_place 发生11. go_up 上升12. on_average 平均起来,一般来说13. thanks_to 由于,因为14. take_part_in 参力口15. take_action 采取行动语境应用一一练一练(选用以上短语填空)1. We were_stuck_in a traffic jam on our way to the airport that day.2. Thanks_to your tireless efforts , the concert

8、 was a huge success.3. The success of this project relies_on every one mak ing an effort.4. So far the prices of many goods have been going_up so that many families live a hard life.5. Mary told me straight out that she was fed_up_and wan ted to leave.6. Great changes have taken place in my hometown

9、 over the last ten years.精彩写句式?典句背诵夯基提能经典句式一一背一背1. Wherever some one fini shed a journey they would leave the bike there for some one else to use.(wherever引导让步状语从句 )2. How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out , tired and angry ?(过去分词或形 容词作状语)3. But an ger and stress are nothing compared

10、 to the real costs of the motor car.(compared to. 在句中作状语,意为“与”相比” )4. Before 1908 , when Ford ' csrs became available to the public , it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.(It was.who/that. 为强调句型 )5. Before you get into your car, think about whether you really need to make that

11、 journey.(before弓I导时间状语从句,意为"在 ”之后才”)句式仿写练一练1. 我们无论走到哪里都得适应新环境。Wherever_we_go , we have to accommodate ourselves to new circumstances.2. 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.3. 和美国文化相比,中国文化有着更为悠久的历史。Compared_to/with_America n_culture , Chin ese culture has a Ion ger

12、history.4. (2016天津卷书面表达)给我们留下深刻印象的不仅是你的热情、合作而且还有良好 的精神状态。lt_is not only your en thusiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits that_ impress me.5. 我们必须得耐心点,因为要得到完整的结果还需要一段时间。We had to be patie nt because it_would_be_some_time_before we got the full results.彳考点研析讲练互动区卜攥心归纳、突破疑难*拓展升华第一板块重点单词benefit

13、vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益;n.好处;优势(2017 江西重点中学盟校模拟书面表达)Some students think labour education will be ofgreat benefit to their health , enabling them to be well developed. 一些学生认为劳动教育有助于 身体健康,使他们全面发展。(1)benefit from/by.从”中受益;得益于 ”ben efit sb.对某人有益(2)be of (much/great) ben efit to sb.=be (very) ben eficial

14、to sb.对某人(非常)有益处for the ben efit of.为了 ” 的利益(2015 浙江卷写作 )Good opinions are worth stick ing to because they can ben efit us all. 好的 意见是值得坚持的,因为它们可以让我们所有人受益。巧学巧练1基础练习|(单句语法填空) As we all know, books are the source of kno wledge, from which I ben efit a lot. Having_benefited (benefit) from the teacher &

15、#39; help, Li Ping has made great progress in his En glish study. (2014 浙江卷书面表达 )From my point of view , our library should buy some popular scie nee books and literary books because they are ben eficial (be nefit) to us.能力提升|(一句多译)(2014江西卷书面表达)课前预习,课堂上积极参与,课后复习所学知识,让我受益匪浅。 It benefits_me_aot to pre

16、view lessons , get actively involved in class , and review what has bee n taught after class. It is_of great_benefit_to_ me to preview lessons, get actively involved in class, and review what has bee n taught after class. It is_very_beneficial_to_me to preview lessons, get actively involved in class

17、, and review what has bee n taught after class.convenient adj.方便的,便利的(教材原句 )It is a good city for cycling because it is flat and therefore is convenient for bikes. 因为该市的平坦道路很适合骑自行车,所以骑自行车很方便。(1)It is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的。be con ve nient to. 到达某处很方便convenience n.方便;便利;适宜;省事at one

18、'convenience 在某人方便的时候for convenience 为了方便It is convenient for me to go to school by subway.我搭地铁去上学很方便。巧学巧练2基础练习|(单句语法填空) I keep my refere nee books n ear my desk fo£ convenience. I ' Call in two weeks to arrange a meeting at_your convenience. In a word , if we had such a magic watch, ou

19、r life would become more convenient (convenience).能力提升(高考小作文) (2016全国卷川书面表达)如果你方便的话,让我们8: 30在学校门口碰头。If it ' convenient for you,let ' meet at8: 30 outside the school gate.argue vi.争辩,争吵;vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说(牛津 P88)I don ' want to argue with youjust do it !我不想和你争辩请干吧!(1) argue for.为”而争论;赞成

20、 ”argue against 争辩 /反对”argue with sb. on/about/over sth.与某人争辩某事(2) argue sb.i nto/out of doing sth.说服某人做/不做某事(3) argume nt n. 争论;争辩;论点It 'beyond argument that.无可争辩的是”It 'nouse arguing with him about the question for he won' thange his mind.和他争论这个问题是没有用的,他不会改变主意。联想发散:表示“说服”做,,”的其他表达形式有: p

21、ersuade sb.to do sth. persuade sb.i nto doing sth. convince sb.to do sth. talk sb.i nto doing sth.巧学巧练3基础练习(单句语法填空) After a long time of discussion they accepted the agreement without argument (argue). (2015 江苏卷书面表达)Some argued that attention should be paid (pay) to our heavy road traffic. As our fa

22、mily in come decreased , father argued aga inst an in crease in our pocket money.能力提升(一句多译)说服农民相信科学种田是我们的任务。 It is our task to_argue_the_peasants_into_believing scie nTIFic farmi ng.(argue) To_persuade_the_peasa ntsn to_believi ng/to_believe scie nTIFic farmi ng is our task.(persuade) Our task is to

23、_talk_the_peasantsn to_believi ng scie nTIFic farmi ng.(talk)appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到(2015 陕西卷书面表达Successfully, I have lent a helpi ng ha nd to her in several En glish activities of my class , which have been appreciated by both teachers and my classmates.在班级 的几次英语活动中我成功地帮助了她,这受到师生的赞赏。(1) appreciate

24、+ n./pron ./v.-ing 重视 /感激”I would appreciate it if. 假如”我将不胜感激(2) appreciatio n n.欣赏;感激(2017 福建质量检查书面表达 )The passengers appreciated my warm- hearted service, which greatly in spired me.乘客感激我热情的服务,这极大地鼓励了我。巧学巧练4基础练习(单句语法填空) Here I sincerely express my appreciation (appreciate) if you could help find t

25、he lost suitcase. On the night of the Mid- Autumn Day, people gather together eating moon cakes and appreciating (appreciate) the full moon. (2014 全国卷 I 书面表达 )I ' dppreciate your writing (write) me back as soon as possible. I appreciate being given (give) the opportunity to work in your company

26、two years ago.能力提升| (高考小作文)(2016全国卷I书面表达)如果你能不辞辛苦地为我做那么多事情我将感激不尽。 I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to do so much for me. I would be grateful if you could take the trouble to do so much for me.°figure n.画像;人物;身材;体形;数字; v估计;计算;认为(2015 福建卷)I wonder how Mary has kept her figure a

27、fter all these years.By work ing out every day.我想知道玛丽这些年到底是如何保持体形的。通过每天锻炼。(1) figure out理解;想出;计算出figure on 指望keep one' figure 保持体形have a good figure 身材好a political figure一位政治人物I could hear them talking but I couldn 'figure out what they were saying.我能听见他们在说话,但就是听不清他们在说什么。巧学巧练5基础练习| (单句语法填空)

28、Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures (figure) in the world. Being a_ public figure today,however,is a lot more difficult than it used to be.能力提升| (高考小作文) (2016北京卷书面表达)中国历史上我最喜欢的人物是魏源,他是晚清的一位思想家。As_for_my_favorite_figure_in_Chinese_history , it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in

29、 the late Qing Dyn asty.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳(教材 P10)Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.只有达到他们各自项目规定标准的运动员才被允许参加比赛。(1) admit doin g/havi ng don e/that clause承认”(2) admit sb.to/i nto 准许进入;准许加入;接收入学be admitted as 作为”被接受(3) admission

30、n.准许进入;入场券;入场费;承认(2014 山东卷)1 don' tally like the author, although I have to admit his books are very exciting.虽然我不得不承认这位作者的书很令人振奋,但我真的不喜欢他。巧学巧练6基础练习| (单句语法填空) She was admitted (admit) to Peking University in 2016, which made her parents very happy. He works very hard in order to get himself admi

31、tted (admit) into a key uni versity. The young man had to admit drivin g/havi ng_drive n (drive) without a drivi ng permit. There is a heated discussion on whether museums should charge for admission (admit) or not.能力提升| (高考小作文) (2014四川卷书面表达)考试结果可能正如所预料的那样,我被我最喜爱的大学录取的梦想将会成为现实。The exams are likely t

32、o work out as expected and my dreamof being admitted into/to my favourite university will come tru 熟词生义The dining hall to be completed next month can admit 1,000 students.容纳addicted adj .入了迷的;上了瘾的(2014 重庆卷书面表达)As far as I 'mon cerned, it ' nst wise for us to be addicted to play ing with smar

33、t phones because we may ignore other importa nt things in life.就我个人而言,迷恋于玩手机是不明智的,因为我们有可能忽视生活中其他重要的事情。be/become/get addicted to (do ing) sth.沉溺于”;专心做”addict vt.使沉溺;使上瘾n.有瘾的人addict on eself to sth.沉溺于”(3) addiction n.癖好addictive adj.上瘾的;使人入迷的Her son addicted himself to smoking, which had a bad effect

34、 on his health.她的儿子吸烟上瘾,这对他的健康有很坏的影响。巧学巧练7一句多译很多孩子沉迷于上网,因此他们对学习失去了兴趣。(addict) Many kids become/are/get_addicted_to surfing the Net , and so they have lost interest in study. Many kids addict themselves to surfing the Net , and so they have lost interest in study. Addicted_to surfing the Net , many k

35、ids have lost interest in study.O content adj.满意的;n.目录;容量;满足;vt.使满足(佳句诵读 )True happ in ess comes whe n we learn to be content with what we have.真正的幸 福感会在我们学会对我们拥有的感到满足时来到。be content to do sth. 乐于做某事(1)cIbe content with对”满足 /满意(2) c ontent on eself with满足于That rich man is tired of city life , so he i

36、s content to live in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,所以他愿意生活在乡下。名师指津:“对”满意”的常用短语小结:be content with be pleased withbe satisfied with be happy with巧学巧练8基础练习(单句语法填空) She dropped her purse and the contents (content) fell out on the floor. Not content with his present job , he has been busy hunting for a new one

37、.能力提升| (一句多译)我们不应该使自己仅仅满足于课本知识。 We shouldn 'tbe_content_with_the_knowledge learned from the books.(content adj.) We shouldn ever_c on te nt_ourselves_with_the_k no wledgelear ned from thebooks.(c ontent vt.)suitn. 套外衣;套装;vt.适合;使适宜(牛津词典)lf you want to go by bus , that suits me fine.要是你想坐公共汽车,那对我也

38、合适。(1)suit sb.适合某人suit one' needs 适合需要(2)suitable adj. 适当的;相配的be suitable for sb./sth. 适合于某人 /某物be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事(四川卷书面表达 )To students, you ' detter choose the activities which interest you and suit you.对学生来说,你最好选择那些你感兴趣并适合你的活动。°: J 辨析:suit, match 与 fitsuit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、

39、场合、颜色、款式等match多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配fit多指大小、形状的合适巧学巧练9基础练习(用suit, match, fit的适当形式填空) She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour. 一How about eight o' clocloutside the cinema?That suits me fine. The coat doesn' ftme.Would you please change it for a bigger one?能力提升| (高考小作文) (2015陕西

40、卷书面表达)首先,我英语口语流利,我认为我适合这项工作。Firstly , because my spoke n En glish is flue nt, I thi nk I am_suitable_for_this_job.occupy vt.占用;占领;占据(佳句诵读 )1 have been so occupied with work that I haven ' htd time for social activities.我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间去搞社交活动。(1)occupy on eself with sth./i n doing sth.忙于”;专心于”(2)b

41、e occupied in doing sth.忙于做某事be occupied with sth. 从事 / 忙于某事(3)occupati on n. 占领;职业,工作He would have attended your birthday party but he had occupied himself with a very important experiment.他本来想参加你的生日晚会,但是他忙于一个非常重要的实验。巧学巧练10基础练习|(单句语法填空) Later I went to a caf to have lunch, but all the tables were_o

42、ccupied. Occupying herself with routine office tasks , she had no time to attend to her children.能力提升|(一句多译)她一整天都忙于家务活,累得筋疲力尽。(occupy) She was_occupied_in_doing housework all day , so she was tired out. Occupied in_doing housework_all_day , she was tired out.(过去分词作状语) Occupying herself in doing hous

43、ework all day , she was tired out.(现在分词作状语 ) 名师指津:bury on eself in/be buried in忙于做某事be busy with sth./in doing sth.be absorbed in doin g/absorb on eself inbe en gaged in/en gage on eself in第二板块短语句式work out锻炼身体,做运动;解决,算出,制订出(佳句诵读)Working out for an hour every day is good for your health.每天锻炼一小时对身 体有好

44、处。一词多义写出下列句中work out的含义。 If you spend time working out every day, you' lhave a healthy body.vi.锻炼身体,做运 动 To work out the difficult maths problem , I have consulted Professor Russell several times.vt.解决,解答 The area can be easily worked out if you know the length and the width. 计算出 It wasn' to

45、o long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all. vt.制订出巧学巧练1完成句子 You can' predict everyth in g.Ofte n things don' work_out_as_you_expect (正如你预料的 进展) When you began to work , you might work_out_a_practical_scheme ( 制订出符合实际的 计划)rely on依靠;信赖;指望(福建卷书面表达 )Nowadays parents have done every

46、thing for their single children, whichmakes the childre n rely on their pare nts badly.当今,父母为他们的独生子女做所有的事情,这使得这些独生子女非常依赖于父母。rely on/upon sb./sth.指望某人 /某事rely on sb.to do sth. 指望某人做某事;相信某人会做某事rely on one 'doing sth. 指望某人做某事;相信某人会做某事rely on it that. 相信”;指望”You may rely on it that the work will be

47、finished ahead of time.你可以放心,这项工作将提 前完成。名师指津:rely on的同义短语。depend on/upon; count on/upon 等。巧学巧练2一句多译你可以相信你困难时我会帮助你。(rely) You can rely on me to help you when you are in trouble. You can rely on it that I can help you when you are in trouble. You_can_rely_on _my_helpi ng_you_whe n_y ou_are_in_trouble.

48、How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out, tired and angry ?我们多久 就会有一次在极度焦虑、疲惫、恼怒的状态下去上班或者去上学?此处stressed out, tired and angry是过去分词或形容词短语作状语,表示伴随情况。After five days of fantastic space trip , the two astronauts walked out of the spaceship , tired but happy .五天美妙的太空旅行之后,两位宇航员走出宇宙飞船,疲劳但非常幸福。巧

49、学巧练3基础练习|(单句语法填空) The boy lay , relaxed (relax) on the sofa. After his journey from abroad , Richard Jones returned home, exhausted (exhaust).能力提升(高考小作文) (2014四川卷书面表达)由于太紧张,考试刚开始时我什么也想不起来。但我没有着急,而是努力使自己平静下来。Too nervous, I couldn 'thtk of anything at the beginning of the exam.However , I didn 

50、9;t worry but tried to calm myself down.Before 佃08,when Ford ' cars became available to the public,it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car. 1908年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。(1)此句使用了强调句式。强调句式的构成:It is/was +被强调部分+ that/who.。当被强调的部分指人时,句子的连词可用that/who,否则就用that。一般疑问句结构:Is/Was it +被强调部分+

51、 that/who.?(3)特殊疑问句结构:特殊疑问词+is/was it + that.?特殊结构:It is/was n ot un til +被强调部分+ that. (2017 长春监测一书面表达 )1 'dike to in troduce my mother to you, because it is she who/that has a great effect on me.我想向你介绍我母亲,因为是她对我有很大的影响。 I wonder when it was that you called me yesterday.我想知道你昨天给我打电话到底是什 么时候?巧学巧练4

52、基础练习| (单句语法填空) (2015 湖南卷单项填空 )It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeli ng it was to have helped some one in trouble. It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story that matters. Was it because he behaved badly that he was punished by his teacher?能力提升| (一句多译

53、)直到作为交流生去了美国他才意识到学好英语的重要性。 He didn ' realize the importanee of learning English well until he went to America as an excha nge stude nt. It was not until he went to America as an exchange student that_he_realized_themportance_of_learning_English_well.(强调) Not un til he went to America as an excha

54、 nge stude nt did_he_realize_themportance_of_learning_English_well.(倒装)话題写作综合应用区卜知识运用、能力跨越、素能提升I .单句语法填空1 Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great (convenient) toour life.答案: convenience2 It was not until father came backwe began to have supper last night.答案: that3 Teenagers who

55、 are (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer fromdepression.答案: addicted4 The driver pulledhis car immediately when the traffic light turned red at thecrossing.答案: up5So far this year we(see) a fall in house prices by between 5 percent and10 percent.答案: have seen6You can always trust him.

56、I ' nvever known a more(rely) person than him.答案: reliable7When the policeman stopped us,we all looked questioningly at him ,(puzzle) 答案: puzzled8 Hard I might try ,I still did poorly in the English exams.答案: as9 I really appreciate (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.答案: having10

57、In the end the choice was narrowed down to three people who might be suitable the job.答案: for11 Keep it in mind, and gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit it.答案: from12 (feed) up with his lies ,she won'tbelieve in him any longer.答案: Fed13 It was really(fool) of you to give up such a good chance.答案: foolish14Fully(occupy) in looking aft


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