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1、模块测试四第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A日C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKites will take over the skies above St.Michel for a weekend this summer during the Grain de Ciel festival.The event,put on by the TOHU circus arts centre,is the biggest kite celebration in the city,and brings together ma

2、ster kite artists from all over Canada and the United States.During the weekend of June 6 and 7,onlookers will be appreciating dizzying displays of expert kite flying on the Windy Plain at the Saint-Michel Environmental Complex,where experts will show their beautifully hand-painted creations."I

3、t ' s a fun show for people to see, " says Karina Thevenin,TOHU spokesperson. "The demonstrations are usually performed with music in the background.They have small and giant kites,and the way they fly them is kind of like figure skating in the sky. ”Kids are also invited to work along

4、side master kite makers to design and build their very own kites,and when their finished product is ready to hit the skies,the experts will be on hand to help with tips and technique.In addition,there will be circus arts,hoola hoops and choreographed(精心设计的 )flag-dancingworkshops,interactive storytel

5、ling and guided tours.And should you have $3 to spare,you can enjoy the climbing wall,bungee activity,or have your face painted.The festival starts at 10 a.m.and is free to attend.For more information,call 514-374-3522.1 .What can we know according to Karina Thevenin?A.All the kites are very large.B

6、.The kites look like humans.C.People fly kites in an artistic way.D.There are too many kites in the sky.2 .What can kids do during the event?A.Make their own kites to fly.B.Receive many popular gifts.C.Take part in all activities for free.D.Learn to fly kites from their parents.3 .What are you advis

7、ed to do if you want to know more about the event?A.Make a telephone call.B.Pay a visit to the experts.C.Read the latest newspaper.D.Ask for help from your teacher.BWe received orders to provide medical aid for a troop on December 24,1944,only 11 days after we arrived in Belgium.This was one of the

8、deadliest conflicts of World War n .There was only one problem.We were lost.We didn ' t know how to find them because we were forbidden to use the radio.As night set in we hoped to find a place to sleep.Soon,we saw a large group of buildings.Two soldiers were ordered to approach the buildings an

9、d check it out.“Mathias, “ called the captain, “you go too, just in case ." I saluted,knowing full well what he meant by“just in case. " I could speak some German.We walked slowly to the large doors and banged it loudly.We waited,glancingnervously at each other.There was no response.We shr

10、ugged,almost ready to leave.But then the door opened slowly.Women in white robes(睡袍)stood there holdingcandles.With one glance at our uniforms,they could see we were Americans."Welcome,“they said in a happy blur( 混合体)of German and French.We quickly called in other soldiers,and all of us,cold an

11、d exhausted,moved into the warm building.In one corner of a room was a Christmas tree.This was the most beautiful treewe' d ever seen.I no longer felt so far from home.My thoughts were with my family.I saw the others close their eyes,and I knew they were with their loved ones too.Bombs could sti

12、ll be heard somewhere above us.But how could this be more likeChristmas Eve?As if in answer,a child ' s sweet voice began to fill the room,floating through the open door.And soon the kids were climbing onto the soldiers' backs.Wemade the kids laugh and had them singing American songs.We even

13、 sang some songs in German!It was Christmas after all,and the miracle was real to me in a way it had never been before.We were not lost,as I ' d feared,nor would we lose this war.4 .What did the soldiers not do according to the passage?A.Had no idea where they were.B.Forgot to take the radio alo

14、ng.C.Felt cold and tired at that time.D.Reached Belgium on December 13.5 .What does the underlined part“just in case " in Para.3 probably mean?A.The two soldiers might run away in the dark.B.Enemy soldiers might be inside the buildings.C.The writer should be responsible for their lives.D.They h

15、ad to find a safe place to spend the night.6 .How did the women feel when they knocked on the door?A.Nervous.B.Happy.C.Thrilled.D.Sad.7 .What can we infer from the passage about the soldiers?A.They taught the kids to sing songs in German.8 .They saved the women and kids in the buildings.C.They faile

16、d to find the troop that needed medical help.D.They spent an unforgettable Christmas Eve that night.?导学号 23500121?CWe all have a fair idea about the common types of environmental issues.However,light pollution may be a new term to many of us.But,the fact is,man- made light does affect the natural li

17、ght levels in the same way as other man-made sources.Similar to other pollution types,it affects mankind,other living forms and the environment as a whole.What is light pollution?It is an umbrella term for representing all forms of misused artificial light.In the broad sense,light pollution is defin

18、ed as the unwanted change of natural light levels in the environment due to effects of man-made light sources.Human activities are directly or indirectly responsible for this form of pollution.The obvious cause of light pollution is use of external lighting products inappropriately.It can be apartme

19、nt light,office lighting,car headlights,station lights,streetlights and many more.With reference to these many contributing sources,it won t be wrong to say that is an outcomeof industrial civilization.Light pollution is harmful to both plants and animals.Upon studies,it is found that obvious effect

20、s are observed in the behavior of nocturnal(夜间的 )animals.Needless to mention,bright light at night makes it difficult for these animals to hunt,wander and perform their regular activities.Light pollution is directly or indirectly responsible for causing severaldiseases.Its effects are related to dis

21、turbance in the physical rhythm.It contributes to risks of developing cancerous cells.Light pollution is nothing less than a threat to human health.You have already seen the negative effects of light pollution on plants,animals and human health.Apart from this,the actual cost of misused light is est

22、imated to be millions of dollars every year.After all,fossil fuels are used for producing maximum electricity.While outdoor lighting and using man-made light fixtures( 固定装置 )are part of our modern lifestyle,simple steps will surely help in reducing light pollution.Say for example,while installing ou

23、tdoor lighting,make sure that they are pointed downwards.Also,use only the required light fixtures for both home and offices.8 .Which is the mainly cause of light pollution?A.Natural light. B.Man-made light.C.Animal activities.D.Outdoor light.9 .Which of the following is the negative effect of light

24、 pollution?A.It makes many people catch cancer and die.B.It wastes much energy.C.It is bad for modern lifestyle.D.It causes many animals to die.10 .What is the proper way to reduce light pollution?A.Making outdoor lighting point around.B.Using clean energy to produce electricity.C.Trying to produce

25、less electricity.D.Not using too bright light in the house.11 .What would be the best title for the passage?A.PollutionB.Light PollutionC.Ways to prevent pollutionD.Effects of light pollution? 导学号 23500122?DThe Regional Director of the National Heritage Conservation Commission( 国家遗产保 护委员会 )Kagosi Mw

26、amulowe said the Barotse Plains is unique and it deserves to be on the list of the World Heritage Sites.Mr.Mwamulowe said the Barotse Plains deserves to be included on the WorldHeritage List because it has a rich cultural heritage which includes the burial sites of former kings.The Director said he

27、hoped that the landscape would be declared as a heritage site next year in June.He also said it was important to protect Zambia' s uniqueculture for education and entertainment.Chief Natural Heritage Officer Muyumbwa Ndiyoi said there will be a lot of benefits when the Barotse Landscape is decla

28、red a World Heritage Site because it will attract many tourists and business investments will increase.Mr.Ndiyoi said the site will also benefit young people as knowledge will be passed down from generation to generation.He was reacting to a question from Nalolo District Labour Officer Jason Ngoma w

29、ho wanted to know how the people of Western Province will benefit once the Barotse Landscape is declared a World Heritage Site.And University of Zambia Lecturer Charles Namate said there is a need for the site to be included on the World Heritage List because 50 years after its independence Zambia o

30、nly has one heritage site,which is the Victoria Falls.Lecturer Namate said the Barotse Landscape was facing a lot of environmental degradation( 恶化),and that ' s why there is a need to recognize the value of its landscape and the memories of dead kings.The National Heritage Conservation Commissio

31、n together with the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs are in Western Province to hold meetings with Heads of Government Departments.The Commission also held closed-door meetings with the Litunga Lubosi Imwiko n of the Barotse Royal Establishment.12 .What do we know about the Barotse Plains?

32、A.It has royal tombs.B.It is being well protected.C.It is not far from the Victoria Falls.D.It ' ll be listed as a World Heritage Site soon.13 .What will happen if the Barotse Plains is declared a World Heritage Site according to Mr.Ndiyoi?A.It won ' t benefit the people of Western Province.

33、B.It will attract many foreign students and researchers.C.It will contribute to the local economic development.D.More people will start to learn about Zambia ' s culture.14 .What did Lecturer Namate express his concern about?A.The future of the Barotse Plains.B.The development of Western Provinc

34、e.C.The development of tourism in Zambia.D.The environmental problems of the Barotse Plains.15 .What can we infer from the text?A.Zambia only has two World Heritage Sites.B.The Barotse Landscape has been partly destroyed.C.The Barotse Landscape issue is still being discussed.D.Young people in Zambia

35、 don ' t know about Barotse culture.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It ' s time to celebrate our wonderful planet Earth and abundant Mother Nature for everything they provide! 16 Here are a few mindful tips to practice this Earth Day.17llConsider walking or ridi

36、ng your bike today instead of mindlessly jumping in your car.Not only will you get a chance to enjoy fresh air and burn some calories,youalso get an opportunity to recharge.Plus,the Earth will thank you! If biking isn an option,consider public transportation or carpooling(拼车)as an option.Choose a no

37、-electricity workout.In order to cut back and reduce your carbon footprint,take your workout outside today.Replace your usual cardio machine workout with some good old fashion pavement pounding,or complete a yoga activity in your yard at sunset.18Think about where your food comes from.19 Nothing is

38、better than eating fresh fruit and veggies that are in season.If local vendors aren ' t an option,buying organic produce can make a big difference.Also,make sure to bring your own reusable bags to transport your produce,or at least recycle the markets ' plastic bags.Consider how much water y

39、ou ' re using.I love a long,leisurely shower,but what you might not realize is that gallons of water are flowing down the drain every time you bathe.Same goes for running a dishwasher or doing laundry for only a few items.20 Only use one towel at thegym.Wait for a week ' s worth of dirty clo

40、thes before you do laundry. A.Give up your car.B.The streets are too crowded in the morning. C.So today,consider a quick,efficient shower. D.We all want to do our part to help green the planet. E.Walk to work in order to avoid traffic accidents every day. F.You can think about buying produce from yo

41、ur farmers ' market. G.By doing these simple things,you ' ll use less energy than a cardio machine.?导学号 23500123?第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。There is a story about George Dantzig.As we all know,the great21 did greatcontributi

42、ons to Operations Research and systems engineering,which have made him22to all of us.As a college student,George23 very hard and often late into the night.So_24,that he got up one morning that he arrived 20 minutes late for Prof.Neyman' sclass.He quickly 25 the two maths problems out of four on

43、the board,thinking they were the homework assignment.It 26 him several days to work through the two problems,but finally he had a27 and dropped the homework on Neyman ' s desk thenext day.Six weeks later,on a Sunday morning,George was28 at six a.m.by his excitedprofessor. 29 George was lat e for

44、 class,he hadn ' t heard the professor30 thatthe two unsolvable equations( 方程)on the board were mathematical mind-teasers that_31 Einstein hadn ' t been able to answer.But George Dantzig,working32 anythoughts of limitation,had solved not one,but two problems that had made mathematicians 33 f

45、or thousands of years.34 ,George solved the problems because he didn ' t know he couldn ' t.You are not 35 to the life you now live.It has been accepted by you as the36 you cando at this moment.Any timeyou' re ready to 37 beyond the limitations at presentin your life,you ' re able to

46、 do that by choosing different38 .All you must do isto figure out 39 you can do it,not whether or not you can.And once you have made up your mind to do it,it ' s 40 how your mind begins to figure out how.21 .A.physicistB.chemistC.biologistD.mathematician22.A.proudB.famousC.kindD.humorous23.A.stu

47、died24.A.soonB.livedB.fastC.arguedC.lateD.struggledD.early25.A.rememberedB.copiedC.recitedD.solved26.A.paidB.spentC.costD.took27.A.breakthrough B.chanceC.failureD.success28.A.punishedB.praisedC.awakenedD.discovered29.A.AlthoughB.SinceC.WhenD.If30.A.explainB.predictC.promiseD.announce31 .A.evenB.stil

48、lC.onlyD.also32.A.throughB.onC.withoutD.out33.A.foolishB.puzzledC.worriedD.sleepless34.A.What' s moreB.In other wordsC.First of allD.Simply put35.A.limitedB.changedC.broughtD.introduced36.A.worstB.hardestC.bestD.longest37.A.comeB.goC.leaveD.stop38.A.placesB.momentsC.lessonsD.thoughts39.A.howB.wh

49、etherC.whenD.why40.A.excitingB.disappointingC.tiringD.surprising?导学号 23500124? 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Everything in the supermarket was in Chinese and hardly anybody 41. (understand)what I was trying to ask.Then,a man got close 42. me andrealized my trouble and calle

50、d his daughter from his cell phone.She talked to 43. (I) in English.She then translated that back to her father.It was a very 44. (move) moment of my life.Even in a strange country,if someone 45. (try) to do even this much for you,it is enough in taking a bit of faith.After a long day at work,I just

51、 wanted to hit the bed.My husband had an 46. (equal)tiresome day.But he was still asking 47.(instruction)forwashing the clothes as the laundry bag was full.At around,9.30 p.m.,I thought that he would be 48. (hunger) and I had to prepare dinner.He slowly lifted me up and said in my ears, “Please don

52、' t sleep 49. you eat.I have made maggi. " Hehad made whatever he could manage without disturbing me.All my friends who weigh over 145 pounds rushed to blood bank to donate blood for my dengue treatment.Guys just below 145 pounds drank a lot of water and wore two shirts 50. (weigh)more.All

53、those moments,I felt warm and loved!?导学号 23500125? 第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意 :1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处, 多者 ( 从第 11 处起 )不计分。

54、Nice to hear from you again! What you know,this summer vacation,at the end of July,2018,the winners of NEPC will go to four-day English Summer Camp in Dalian.Some English teachers from China,the USA,England and Australia will join us.In the camp,we will have some English speaking competitions and wa

55、tch some wonder performances are given by the students.We will also visit some places of interesting in Dalian.Besides,we will exchange our English learning experience but talk about our colorful school life with English.I think this summer camp will great improve my speaking English.I will make som

56、e new friends here.I do hope you will come and join us.第二节 书面表达 (满分 25分)假如你是李华 , 计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home) 陪老人们过重阳节(the Double NinthFestival) 。请给外教Lucy 写封邮件 , 邀她一同前往 , 内容包括 :1. 出发及返回时间 ;2. 活动 : 包饺子、表演节目等。注意 :1. 词数 100 左右 ;2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3. 结束语已为你写好。Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua10模块测试

57、四A, 孩子们可【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了将在六月份举办的风筝节活动。在活动中以在专家的指导下亲自动手制作自己喜爱的风筝, 专家们也给予他们放风筝的技术指导。1 .C 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知他们放风筝的方法很有艺术性。2 .A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知 : 孩子们也会得到邀请与风筝制作大师们一起去设计和制造他们自己的风筝。他们自己的风筝做好准备搏击蓝天时, 专家们还会在现场给予他们一些指导。 3.A 推理判断题。根据全文最后一句可知 : 想了解更多的信息请拨打 514-374-3522 。可见 , 可以通 过打电话了解更多的信息。B【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文

58、。作者回忆起第二次世界大战期间 , 在最困难的时期度过的一个难 忘的圣诞节。 4.B 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句可知 , 他们被禁止使用无线电。可见他们不是没有带无 线电设备的。 5.B 词义推测题。根据第三段的最后一句“ I could speak some German. ”可知 , 作者是因为懂 德语而被分派这个任务的 , 因为上尉担心遭遇到德国士兵。 6.A 推理判断题。根据第四段的“ There was no response. ”和“ But then the door opened slowly. ”可知 , 一开始她们不敢开门 , 开门时都是小心翼翼, 而且说话是德语和法语的混合语言可知 , 当时这些女人感到很紧


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