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1、Unit 6 Schooling and Education 学校教育Text 1 Development of American Public EducationAs might be expected, educational institutions in the United States reflect the nations basic values, especially the ideal of equality of opportunity. From elementary school through college, Americans believe that ever

2、yone deserves an equal opportunity to get a good education.From the beginning, when Americans established their basic system of public schools in 1825, they reaffirmed the principle of equality by making schools open to all classes of Americans, and financing the schools with tax money collected fro

3、m all citizens. Those who favored these public schools believed that these institutions would help reduce social class distinctions in the United States by educating children of all social classes in the same “common schools”, as they were known at the time.When Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in the

4、United States in 1831, he found a great deal of enthusiasm about the new and growing public elementary schools. The mayor of New York City gave a special dinner for de Tocqueville, during which a toast was offered in honor of “Education the extension of our public schools a national blessing.”Becaus

5、e he was a French aristocrat, de Tocqueville at first shared the fears of some wealthy Americans who believed that universal education would be a danger rather than a national blessing. He eventually decided, however, that the tendency of public education to encourage people to seek a higher status

6、in life was in harmony with, not in conflict with, the customs of American society. The ideal of equal opportunity for all regardless of family background was much stronger in the United States than in France. De Tocqueville also noted that American public education had a strong practical content th

7、at included the teaching of vocational(职业上的) skills and the duties of citizenship. Thus, public education not only gave Americans the desire to better themselves, but it also gave them the practical tools to do so. Moreover, the material abundance(充足) of the United States provided material rewards f

8、or those who took full advantage of the opportunity for a public education.During the next century and a half, public schools in the United States were expanded to include secondary or high schools (grades 9-12) and colleges and universities, with both undergraduate and graduate studies.A blessing B

9、 citizenship C content D deserves E distinctions F elementary G favored H financing I harmony J institutions K reaffirmed L toast M tendency N universal 美国公立学校的发展就如我们预想的一样,美国的教育机构反映了国家的基本价值观,特别是机会均等的观念。从小学到大学,美国人认为每个人都应有平等的机会接受良好的教育。从美国1825年建立基础公立学校体系开始,他们就重申了平等原则,其学校对所有阶层的美国人开放,并将从所有公民处征收的税 款用于学校经费

10、。那些支持这些公立学校的人认为:这些机构将通过在当时被人们熟知的“公立学校”一样对所有社会阶层的孩子进行教育,这有助于减少美国社会各阶层之间的差别。当亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔 1831 年到达美国的时候,他发现人们对新兴的正在发展的公立小学的热情高涨。纽约市市长为德·托克维尔举办了特别宴会,其间的一次祝酒是为了庆祝“公立学校的扩建实为国家的幸事”。因为托克维尔是一个法国贵族,他起先和一些富有的美国人一样担心普及教育对国家将会是一个威胁而不会是国家的幸事。但他最后终于认定鼓励人们寻求更高生活地位的公共教育趋势与美国的习俗是相协调的而不是相冲突的。不论家庭背景如何,对

11、所有人机会均等的理念在美国要比在法国强烈得多。托克维尔也指出美国公立教育有很充足的实用内容,包括教授职业技能和公民责任。这样,公立教育不仅给了美国人改善自身的愿望,也给了他们这样做的实用工具。此外,美国物资的充足也为那些充分利用公立教育机会的人们提供了物质回报。在接下来的一个半世纪中,美国公立学校扩展到了包括中学或高中(9至12年级)及包括大学生、研究生学习的高等专科学院和综合性大学。难 句 解 析1. From the beginning, when Americans established their basic system of public schools in 1825, the

12、y reaffirmed the principle of equality by making schools open to all classes of Americans, and financing the schools with tax money collected from all citizens.【分析】复合句。句首的介词短语作时间状语,其后的when 引导时间状语从句,二者都表示时间。by 及其后边的成分为方式状语,由两个表并列关系的短语组成。collected from all citizens 为过去分词作后置定语,修饰 tax money。2. Those who

13、 favored these public schools believed that these institutions would help reduce social class distinctions in the United States by educating children of all social classes in the same“common schools”, as they were known at the time.【分析】多重复合句。who 引导的定语从句修饰该句主语 those, that 引导的从句作 believe 的宾语,by educat

14、ing. common schools表方式,最后一个分句为as引导的定语从句,修饰the same“common school”。3. Because he was a French aristocrat, de Tocqueville at first shared the fears of some wealthy Americans who believed that universal education would be a danger rather than a national blessing.【分析】多重复合句。句首为because引导的原因状语从句, 主句中 who 引

15、导定语从句修饰 Americans, 动词 believed 后为 that 引导的宾语从句。下面我们学习文中标红的高频词#09#09高频词汇institution* /8InstI9tju:SFn/ n. (教育、慈善等)社会公共机构;制度,习俗;设立【词根】来自institut(e)(建立)ion(名词后缀)【搭配】an educational institution 教育机构;the institution of marriage 婚姻制度;the institution of new safety procedures 新安全规定的制定【引申】同义organization / -isa

16、tion n. 团体,机构;组织【完形例句】Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels.大学是教授各种各样高水平学科的机构。08.6 同根institute* /9InstItju:t/ n. 学会,学院;研究所 vt. 建立,设立【词根】in stitute(建立)建立【搭配】a research institute 研究所;institute criminal proceedings against sb 对某人提起刑事诉讼【阅读例句】Both he and t

17、he author of the study believe that the way to mitigate (使缓解) the problem is to have states institute so-called graduated licensing systems.罗伯特和这项调研报告的作者都认为,缓解该问题的方法是让各州制定所谓的渐进式驾照制度。03.9elementary /8elI9mentFrI/ a. 基本的;初级的,小学的#09【搭配】an elementary English course 基础英语课程;an elementary mistake 基本错误;elem

18、entary school 小学【活用例句】He is ignorant of even the most elementary facts. 他连最基本的事实都不知道。deserve* /dI9z(ae):v/ vt. 应受,应得,值得【联想】de serve(服务)充分享受服务应得【搭配】deserve our help 值得我们帮助【活用例句】The students deserved the punishment they received on account of their bad behaviour. 由于表现恶劣,那些学生受到惩罚是罪有应得。reaffirm /9ri:59f

19、(ae):m/ vt. 重申 , 再确认【引申】同根affirmative a. 肯定的,同意的 n. 同意confirmation n. 证明,批准,确认【活用例句】It is particularly important to reaffirm this point today. 今天重申这一点,有特别重要的意义。finance* /9faInns,fI9nns/ n. 财政,金融;财源,财务情况 vt. 为提供资金,为筹措资金【联想】fin(看作 fine 好的) ance(名词后缀)为希望工程筹措资金是一件好事资金【写作例句】How can college students finan

20、ce their education? As to this question, different students may have different answers. 大学生如何支付自己的教育费用呢?对于这个问题,不同学生有不同的回答。favo(u)r* /9feIv5(r)/ n. 喜爱,赞同;善意的行为;帮助 vt. 喜爱;有利于【联想】女人们都喜欢(favor)香水的味道(flavor)【短语】in favor of 支持,赞同【活用例句】Fortune favors those who use their judgement.机遇偏爱善断之人。派生favourite* /9fe

21、Iv5rIt/ a. 特别喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)【搭配】ones favorite dish 最喜欢的菜【听力例句】Her favorite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, her hair went blown, her gaze reaching toward the horizon.她最喜欢的画像是她坐在密歇根湖旁,秀发飘逸,双眼凝视着远方。07.6distinction /dI9stI(ce)kSFn/ n. 差别;区分;优秀,荣誉【词根】来自 distinct(不同的) ion(名词后缀)【搭配】make a c

22、lear distinction between. 明确区别;academic distinctions 学术上的荣誉【活用例句】Employers should hire men and women without distinction.雇主用人应不分男女。toast /t5Ust/ n. 烤面包;祝酒;祝酒词 vt. 烘,烤;向祝酒,为干杯【联想】吹嘘(boast)海滨(coast)的烤肉(roast)和烤面包(toast)是多么多么好吃【搭配】propose a toast to bride and groom提议为新郎新娘干杯;toast the success of the new

23、 company 为新公司的成功干杯【引申】近形boast vi. (of,about)自夸,夸耀 vt. 夸口,吹嘘;以拥有而自豪 n. 自吹自擂,自夸的话【活用例句】They toasted the signing of the new agreement.他们举杯祝贺新协议签订。相关celebrate* / 9selIbreIt/ vt. 庆祝;颂扬,赞美 vi. 庆祝,过节【引申】同根celebration n. 庆祝,庆典【活用例句】When I got the job, we celebrated by opening a bottle of champagne. 当我得到这份工作

24、,我们开香槟酒以示庆祝。/Mrs. Green celebrated her 80th birthday yesterday. 格林太太昨天庆祝自己的80岁生日。近形accelerate /5k9sel5reIt/ v. (使)加快,(使)增速【词根】ac(表加强) celer(速度) ate(使)使一再增加速度(使)加快【搭配】accelerate the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements加速科技成果商品化进程【写作例句】As the pace of modern life continues to

25、accelerate, an increasing number of people have become aware of the importance of health.随着现代生活步伐的持续加快,越来越多的人开始意识到健康的重要性。bless* /bles/ vt. (with)使有幸得到,使具有;为祈神赐福,降福【联想】b(不) less(少的)不使幸福变少为赐福【搭配】be blessed with . 赋有,享有【活用例句】They are blessed with five lovely grandchildren. 他们很有福气,有五个可爱的孙子孙女。universal*

26、/8jUnI9v(ae):sl/ a. 广泛的,普遍的【词根】来自 univers(e)(宇宙) al(的)宇宙的【活用例句】Foreign leaders were dictated by their own circumstances, bound by the universal imperatives of politics. 外国领导者受他们自己周围的环境所支配,被普遍的政治专横所限制。tendency* /9tend5nsI/ n. 倾向,趋势【词根】tend(趋向) ency(名词后缀)趋向【搭配】have a tendency to / towards 有的倾向【活用例句】Th

27、ere is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices. 人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势日益增长。harmony /9hA:m5nI/ n. 协调,融洽【联想】harm(伤害) ony(看作 one)破坏友谊后修补一下和谐【搭配】in / out of harmony with. 与协调一致/与不协调一致【活用例句】In a beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.美丽的画面中,不同颜色搭配和谐。conten

28、t* /9k(e7)ntent/ n. 内容;k5n9tent; a. 满足的,满意的 n. & vt. (使)满意【词根】con(一起) tent(保持)保持在一起内容,容量【搭配】be content with. 对满意,满足;to ones hearts content 心满意足【引申】同根contented a. 满足的,惬意的【活用例句】The content of your essay is excellent, but its not very well expressed. 你那篇文章的内容好极了,但是表达方式不太好。/Are you content with your

29、 present salary? 你对你现在的薪水满意吗?反义discontent /8dIsk5n9tent/ n. 不满意 vt. 通常用过去分词 使不满意 a. 不满意的【搭配】cause widespread discontent引起普遍不满【活用例句】He seems discontent with his job.他似乎对自己的工作不满意。citizenship / 9sItIznSIp/ n. 公民权利(或资格),公民身份(或义务)【词根】来自citizen ( n. 公民) ship (表身份) 【活用例句】She took out Canadian citizenship i

30、n 1985. 她于 1985 年取得了加拿大国籍。下面我们学习文中标黑的常用词#09#09常用词汇expect* /Ik9spekt/ vt. 预料;期待,盼望;要求【搭配】expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事;expect a letter 期待着一封来信【引申】同根unexpected a. 想不到的,意外的【活用例句】Cathy was the favorite in the race and she won, as we expected. 凯茜是那场赛跑中最有希望的选手,结果如我们所料,她赢了。reflect* /rI9flekt/ v. 反映,显示;反射;深思,

31、考虑【词根】re(反) flect(弯曲)弯曲过来反映,反省【搭配】reflect its actual value 反映其实际价值;reflect on her decision 考虑她的决定【写作例句】Language is a mirror of society. It reflects the changes that happen in society. 语言是社会的一面镜子,可以反映出社会的变化。hono(u)r* /9(e7)n5(r)/ n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 vt. 给以荣誉;尊敬【短语】do the hono(u)rs 尽地主之谊;in hono(u)r of sb 为了向

32、某人表示敬意,为纪念某人;on ones hono(u)r 以名誉担保【活用例句】The president honoured us with a personal visit. 总统亲临,使我们倍感荣幸。rather* /9rA:D5(r)/ ad. 相当, 有点儿;倒不如;宁可;而不是【搭配】would rather (die) than (surrender) 宁(死)不(投降);rather than 与其(不如),不是(而是)【活用例句】I wanted to do philosophy rather than English, but my parents took me out

33、of it. 我想学的是哲学而不是英文,但我的父母偏不让我学习。status* /9steIt5s/ n. 地位,资格,身份【联想】stat(看作 state 声明) us(我们)声明我们是谁身份【引申】同义rank n. 地位position n. 地位,职位【活用例句】Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we“fit”in society. 身份可以说是人类的绝妙发明,它促成了人类的互相交往,也决定了每个人在社会

34、中所适合的位置。conflict* /k5n9flIkt/ n. 斗争,冲突,矛盾 ;k5n9flIkt; vi. 抵触,冲突【词根】con(一起) flict(打)一起打战斗【搭配】come into conflict with. 和冲突;in conflict with. 同相冲突;conflict with sth 冲突,抵触【活用例句】Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims. 这些报告在究竟有多少援助到了饥民手里的调查数字上彼此矛盾。近义contradiction /8k(e7)

35、ntr59dIkSFn/ n. 矛盾,不一致;否认,反驳【词根】contra(反) dict(说) ion 反着说否认【短语】in contradiction to.反之,同矛盾;in contradiction with. 与相抵触【引申】同根contradict vt. 同矛盾,同抵触contradictory a. 反驳的,反对的同义denial n. 否认,拒绝 【活用例句】There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. 教师某种程度上也是一个演员,这

36、与我以上所述并不矛盾。better* /9bet5(r)/ vt. 改善,改进,提高【搭配】better ones living conditions 改善自己的生活条件;better oneself 提高某人素质【活用例句】These fitness spas did not seem to benefit financially from the aerobic fitness movement to better health since medical opinion suggested that weight-training programs offered few if any

37、health benefits.有氧健身运动的兴起并没有使这些健身温泉中心从中获取利润,因为当时的医学观点认为:力量型锻炼项目对促进健康没什么好处。Text 2 Extracurricular Activities at American SchoolsAmerican schools tend to put more emphasis on developing critical thinking skills than they do on acquiring quantities of facts. American students are encouraged to express

38、their own opinions in class and think for themselves, a reflection of the American values of individual freedom and self-reliance(自力更生). The goal of the American education system is to teach children how to learn and to help them reach their maximum potential.The development of social and interperso

39、nal skills may be considered as important as the development of intellectual skills. To help students develop these other important skills, schools have added a large number of extracurricular(课外的) activities (activities outside classroom studies) to daily life at school. These activities are almost

40、 as important as the students class work. For example, in making their decisions about which students to admit, colleges look for students who are “well-rounded(全面的)”. Grades on high school courses and scores on tests like the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) are very important, but so are the extracu

41、rricular activities. It is by participating in these activities that students demonstrate their special talents, their level of maturity and responsibility, their leadership qualities, and their ability to get along with others.Some Americans consider athletics, frequently called competitive sports,

42、 the most important of all extracurricular activities. This is because many people believe it is important for young people, particularly young men, to learn how to compete successfully. Team sports such as football, basketball, and baseball are important because they teach students the “winning spi

43、rit”. At times, this athletic competition may be carried to such an extreme that some students and their parents may place more importance onthe high schools sports program than its academic offerings.A admit B academic C acquiring D express E extreme F emphasis G potential H participating I respons

44、ibility J competitive 美国学校的课外活动美国学校更倾向于将重点放在培养批判性的思维技能,而不是获取大量的知识细节。美国学生被鼓励在课堂上表达他们自己的观点和独立思考,这是美国个人自由和自力更生价值观的反映。美国教育体系的目的是教孩子们如何学习和帮助他们发挥最大的潜能。社会和人际交往技能的培养可能被认为与智力技能的培养同样重要。为了帮助学生培养这些重要的技能,学校已经在日常生活中增加了大量的课外活动。这些活动与学生课堂功课同样重要。例如,在决定录取哪些学生的时候,大学总是寻找那些全面发展的学生。高中课程的成绩和像SAT(学术能力测验)之类的考试分数是非常重要的,但是课外活动

45、同样重要。学生们正是通过参加这些活动证明了他们特别的才能、他们成熟程度和承担责任的能力、领导素质以及与其他人相处的能力。有些美国人认为经常被叫做竞技运动的体育是所有课外活动中最重要的。这是因为许多人认为学会如何成功地竞争对年青人,特别是年轻男人很重要。足球、篮球和棒球等团队性体育运动很重要,因为他们能教给学生一种“求胜精神”。有时这种体育竞赛被推行到极端,以至于有些学生和他们的父母可能对高中的运动项目比对学校提供的学术项目更为重视。难 句 解 析1. American students are encouraged to express their own opinions in class

46、and think for themselves, a reflection of the American values of individual freedom and self-reliance.【分析】简单句。express 和 think 为并列结构,由and连接,a reflection of. self-reliance 短语作同位语,解释说明作用。2. The goal of the American education system is to teach children how to learn and to help them reach their maximum

47、potential.【分析】简单句,of. system短语为后置定语,修饰The goal, 不定式 to teach与to help并列,作表语。3. For example, in making their decisions about which students to admit, colleges look for students who are “well-rounded(全面的)”.【分析】多重复合句。介词短语 in.to admit 表示在什么方面,其中 which 引导定语从句修饰 decisions,主句中who 引导定语从句修饰 students。下面我们学习文中标

48、红的高频词#09#09高频词汇emphasis* /9emf5sIs/ n. 强调【词根】em(表强调) phas(表示) is(名词后缀)明白地表示强调【搭配】differ greatly in the emphasis 在侧重点方面不同;lay great emphasis on. 在上强调,重视,下力气【写作例句】Enough emphasis should be put on educating children in poverty-stricken regions, especially those in remote mountainous areas.贫困地区和特别是偏远山区的

49、孩子们的教育应引起足够的重视。同根emphasize /9emf5saIz/ 【词根】是emphasis的动词形式。【写作例句】We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不过分。同义highlight /9haIlaIt/ vt. 强调,使显著 n. 最精彩的部分,最重要的事件【构词】high(高的) light(发光)高处发光使显著使突出【活用例句】The highlight of our tour to Paris was visiting the Louvre.我们

50、的巴黎之旅最精彩的部分就是参观罗浮宫。acquire* /59kwaI5(r)/ vt. 学得(知识等),获得【词根】ac quire(追求)不断追求才能获得【搭配】acquire knowledge of 求得的知识;acquired disease 后天病【引申】同义obtain vt. 获得,得到gain vt. 获得,取得反义lose vt. 失去,丧失近形require v. 要求enquire (inquire) v. 询问,打听【听力例句】I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yet. 我想我还没培养出对它的鉴赏力

51、。08.12express* /Ik9spres/ vt. 表示,表达,陈述【搭配】express sbs opinion 表达某人的意见(看法;观点)【引申】同根expression n. 表情;表现【听力例句】You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways, depending on the situation they are in. This is very natural. 你可能会发现,人们会通过不同的方式表达相同的意思,这要取决于他们所处的情况。这是很正常的。06.12po

52、tential* /p59tenS5l/ n. 潜能,潜力 a. 潜在的,潜能的【词根】po tent(伸展) ial(的) 无限伸展的潜能潜能,潜力【搭配】a player with a great potential 非常有潜力的选手;tap the potential of production 挖掘生产潜力【阅读例句】Now car companies have realized that women are potential customers.而现在汽车公司意识到女性也是他们的潜在客户。06.12admit* /5d9mIt/ vt. 承认,供认;准许进入,加入 vi. 承认【词

53、根】ad(加强)mit (send送)能送进去准许进入【搭配】admit that. 承认;admit doing sth 承认做了某事【听力例句】According to the paper, the police are warning people especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment.根据报纸上所说的,警察提醒人们,特别是退休的老年人,除非有约,否则不要让任何人进入屋里。08.6participate* /pA:9tIsIpeIt/ vi. (in)参与,参加【联想】parti

54、(看作 party 晚会) cip(抓,拿) ate(做)抓人 参与派对参与【搭配】participate in a competition 参加竞赛【活用例句】Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular intervals. 师生可以定期参加远足,到海岛美丽的沙滩上游览。responsibility* /rI8sp(e7)ns59bIlItI/ n. 责任(感) ,职责【搭配】bear responsibility for. 对负有责任;on

55、 ones own responsibility 自作主张地,自负全责地;take full responsibility for. 对负完全责任 【引申】同根responsible a. 有责任的,负责的;response n. & v. 回答;响应 , 反应【写作例句】Most important of all, part-time jobs give young students a chance to learn the value of responsibility. 最重要的是兼职工作让学生有机会学习到责任的涵义。competitive /k5m9petItIv/ a. 好

56、竞争的,求胜心切的;竞争的,比赛的;(价格等)有竞争力的【词根】来自 compete(竞争) itive(的)【搭配】a competitive advantage竞争优势;competitive prices 有竞争力的价格【引申】同根competition n. 竞争,比赛【写作例句】Competition is everywhere in this competitive society. Therefore, we are supposed to be competitive.在这个竞争的社会竞争无处不在,因此,我们需要有竞争力。extreme* /Ik9stri:m/ a. 极限的,

57、非常的 n. 极端【联想】extre(看作 extra 以外的) me(我)在我忍受的极限以外极端,过分【短语】go / run to extremes 走极端,采取极端手段;in the extreme 极度地,非常地【引申】同根extremely ad. 极端地,非常地 【活用例句】He lives at the extreme edge of the forest. 他住在森林的最边上。同义utmost /9(f6)tm5Ust/ a. 极度的,最大的 n. 极限,极度,最大可能【词根】ut(表强调) most(最多的,最大的)极度的,最大的【活用例句】To develop manufactures to the utmost. China


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