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1、艾米莉 迪金森诗歌精选5首(中英双语)1、Summer for thee, grant I may be但愿我是你的夏季Summer for thee, grant I may be但愿我是,你的夏季,When Summer days are flown!当夏季的日子插翅飞去!Thy music still, when Whippoorwill我依旧是你耳边的音乐,And Oriole - are done!当夜莺和黄鹏精疲力竭!For thee to bloom, Ill skip the tomb为你开花,逃出墓地,And row my blossoms oer!让我的花开得成行成列!Pr

2、ay gather me - Anemone -请采撷我吧,秋牡丹Thy flower - forevermore!你的花,永远是你的!2、 If recollecting were forgetting如果记住就是忘去口If recollecting were forgetting,如果记住就是忘却Then I remember not.我将不再回忆,And if forgetting, recollecting,如果忘却就是记住How near I had forgot.我多么接近于忘却。And if to miss, were merry,如果相思,是娱乐,And to mourn, w

3、ere gay,而哀悼,是喜悦,How very blithe the fingers那些手指何等欢快,今天,That gathered this, Today!采撷到了这些。在这神奇的海上3、On this wondrous seaOn this wondrous sea在这神奇的海上Sailing silently,默默地启碇扬帆,Ho! Pilot, ho!曜,领航,曜!Knowest thou the shore你果真知道Where no breakers roar -没有狂涛怒卷Where the storm is oer?没有风暴的彼岸?In the peaceful west安详

4、宁静的西方Many the sails at rest -有许许多多航船The anchors fast -安稳地碇泊休息一一Thither I pilot thee -我正领你前往一一Land Ho! Eternity!登陆吧!永生!Ashore at last!曜,终于到岸!4、Sic transit gloria mundi尘世荣华,容易过Sic transit gloria mundi,尘世荣华,容易过How doth the busy bee,“忙碌的蜜蜂又如何Dum vivamus vivamus生时且做生时的事,I stay mine enemy!我的敌人,我阻止!Oh veni

5、 vidi vici!来了见了,征服了!Oh caput cap-a-pie!哦,十足合法全权!And oh memento mori哦,“记住生必有死,When I am far from thee!当我远离你的身边。Hurrah for Peter Parley!乌拉,彼得巴力Hurrah for Daniel Boone!乌拉,但尼尔布恩Three cheers, sir, for the gentleman三呼万岁,为观测Who first observed the moon!月亮的第一位先生。Peter, put up the sunshine;收拾起阳光,彼得!Patti, arr

6、ange the stars;安排好星星,帕蒂,Tell Luna, tea is waiting,告诉露娜茶已备妥And call your brother Mars!再叫上玛斯你哥哥。Put down the apple, Adam,放下那苹果,亚当And come away with me,一起走吧,跟着我,So shalt thou have a pippin你该从我父亲树上From off my Fathers tree!得到个培育的成果!I climb the Hill of Science,我攀登“科学山峰I view the Landscape oer;我“遍览山水田园Such

7、 transcendental prospect,像这样宏伟的景观,I neer beheld before!为我此生见所未见!Unto the Legislature进入那个立法机关My country bids me go;是国家对我的召唤,Ill take my india rubbers,我会带上橡胶套鞋In case the wind should blow!以备大风万一刮来。During my education,在我接受教育期间It was announced to me曾经有人告诉过我That gravitation, stumbling步履蹒跚的万有引力Fell from a

8、n apple tree!是从苹果树上跌落,The earth upon an axis也曾有人说这地球Was once supposed to turn,围绕轴线转个不停By way of a gymnastic以体操运动的方式In honor of the sun!向灿烂的太阳致敬It was the brave Columbus,是那勇敢的哥伦布A sailing oer the tide,乘风破浪扬帆远航,Who notified the nations通报世界各个民族Of where I would reside!我将住在什么地方Mortality is fatal -凡人会死命中注

9、定Gentility is fine,绅士仪态风流倜傥Rascality, heroic,流氓习气英雄风范Insolvency, sublime!无力还债十分高尚Our Fathers being weary,前辈先人由于疲倦Laid down on Bunker Hill;躺倒在那邦克山地And tho full many a morning,已过了许多个早晨Yet they are sleeping still,-他们依旧酣睡不起The trumpet, sir, shall wake them,号角该会唤醒他们In dreams I see them rise,我见他们纷纷起身Each

10、with a solemn musket扛一杆庄严毛瑟枪A marching to the skies!步伐整齐走向天堂!A coward will remain, Sir,懦夫会留下,先生,Until the fight is done;直到这场战争打完;But an immortal hero但是,不朽的英雄Will take his hat, and run!戴上军帽跑步向前。Good bye, Sir, I am going;再见先生,我要走了,My country calleth me;我们国家向我召唤Allow me, Sir, at parting,请允许我在出发时To wipe

11、 my weeping ee.擦干我流泪的双眼。In token of our friendship为了表示我们友好,Accept this Bonnie Doon,请接受这“松软羽绒And when the hand that plucked it这时拔绒的那只手Hath passed beyond the moon,已伸入了月外高空The memory of my ashes若能记得我的骸骨Will consolation be;就会是莫大的安慰Then, farewell, Tuscarora,再见了塔斯卡罗拉And farewell, Sir, to thee!再见了,先生,你。5、A

12、wake ye muses nine. 醒来,九位缪斯Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine,醒来,九位缪斯,请为我唱神圣的一曲,Unwind the solemn twine, and tie my Valentine!请用庄严的藤蔓缠束我这瓦伦丁节情书!Oh the Earth was made for lovers, for damsel, and hopeless swain,创造世界是为了恋人,姑娘和痴心的情郎,For sighing, and gentle whispering, and unity made of twain.为了

13、相思,温柔的耳语,合为一体的一双。All things do go a courting, in earth, or sea, or air,在陆地,在海洋,在空中,万物都在求爱,God hath made nothing single but thee in His world so fair!上帝从不制造孤单,你却独活在他的世界!The bride, and then the bridegroom, the two, and thenthe one,一个新娘,一个新郎,两个,成为一对,Adam, and Eve, his consort, the moon, and then the su

14、n;亚当,和夏娃结偶,月亮,和太阳匹配。The life doth prove the precept, who obey shall happy be,生活已证明这条箴言,谁听从谁有幸福,Who will not serve the sovereign, be hanged on fatal tree.谁不向这君王臣服,将吊死在命运之树。The high do seek the lowly, the great do seek the small,高的,寻找矮的,伟大的,寻找渺小,None cannot find who seeketh, on this terrestrial ball;在

15、这美妙的地球,谁寻找,谁能找到。The bee doth court the flower, the flower his suit receives,蜜蜂向花求爱,鲜花接受了他的求婚,And they make merry wedding, whose guests are hundred leaves;他们举行喜庆仪式,绿叶是祝贺的宾朋。The wind doth woo the branches, the branches they are won,清风和树枝调情,赢得了树枝的欢心,And the father fond demandeth the maiden for his son.

16、舐犊情深的父亲,为儿子向姑娘求亲。The storm doth walk the seashore humming a mournful tune,狂风暴雨驰驱于海滨,把哀歌悲声吟唱,The wave with eye so pensive, looketh to see the moon,大海波涛,睁大忧郁的眼睛,遥望月亮,Their spirits meet together, they make them solemn vows,他们的精神与精神相遇,他们庄严盟誓,No more he singeth mournful, her sadness she doth lose.他,不再哀声叹

17、息,她,悲伤也告消失。The worm doth woo the mortal, death claims a living bride,蛆虫向凡人求婚,死亡要娶活的新娘,Night unto day is married, morn unto eventide,黑夜,嫁给白昼,黎明,和黄昏成双;Earth is a merry damsel, and heaven a knight so true,大地是个风流小妞,苍天是忠贞的骑士,And Earth is quite coquettish, and beseemeth in vain to sue.大地颇爱卖弄风情,向她求婚未必合适。No

18、w to the application, to the reading of the roll,箴言,对你也适用,现在就点你的大名,To bringing thee to justice, and marshalling thy soul:要对你作一番权衡,同时指引你的灵魂:Thou art a human solo, a being cold, and lone,你是人间的独奏演员,冷漠而且寂寞,Wilt have no kind companion, thou reapst what thouhast sown.不会有亲密的伴侣,你这是自食其果。Hast never silent hours, and minutes all too long,难道不觉得,寂静的时刻,过分漫长,And a deal of sad reflection, and wailing instead of song?哀思的打击沉重,为何哭泣而不歌唱?Theres Sarah, and Eliza, and Emeline so fair,这里,莎拉、艾丽莎和艾默琳多么美啊,And Harriet, and Susan, and


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