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1、982 A 組組:國際應用英文組課程課程名稱:Course Title(中文Chinese)科技英文閱讀與寫作(英文 En glish)Tech no logical En glish Read ing & Writ ing授課老師:Teacher:向慧芳學分數:2Credits:上下 VFall:Spring:V開課時段:Class P eriod星期三10:00am-12:00 pm人數:Stude nt nu mbers:33人開課對象:Target Stude nts大四,大三學生優先,外語學院/商學院學生優先建議先修科目:P rerequisite (op ti on al)

2、大一英文教學目標:Teach ing Objectives高科技產業是台灣少數有競爭力的產業區塊,外語學院與商學院的學生想要進入高科技產業服務,卻因為沒有接觸過科技方面的 英文而挫折極大,並很難與其他部門人員溝通.敝人以商業背景 在高科技產業服務 12年,選擇了各種不同 科技的英文基本文章, 以英文說明該產業基本原理,介紹科技英文單字,並教同學科技 英文寫作如說明書,操作指示的特殊寫法.課程範圍:Course Descri pti on挑選在高科技產業最需要具備的基礎科技英文上課授課方式:Teach ing Methods工業單字講解,文章研讀,寫作練習課程進度及綱要:Ten tative S

3、chedule1. Engineering materials 工程材料英文2. Mechanisms簡單的機構/工具3. The electric motor 馬達4. Lasers雷射原理5. Automation technician 工業自動化6. Generator 發電機7. Computer Aided Design (CAD)電腦輔助設計8. Graphs 圖表9. Robotics機械手臂10. Manufacturing製造方法英文介紹11. Q.C. / Q.A.品管/品保12. Safety at work 工作安全13. Writ ingin structio ns

4、操作指示寫作14. Writing a me nu說明書寫作參考書籍:Textbooks andRefere nces評分方式:Gradi ng平時成績30%,期中考30%,期末考40%課程名稱:Course Title(中文 Chinese)商用央語口說及舄作(英义 En glish)Bus in ess En glish Sp eak ing & Writi ng授課老師:Teacher:向慧芳Jennifer H. Hsia ng學分數:2Credits: 2上下VFall:Spring:_V開課時段:Class P eriod星期四10:10am-12:00 pm人數:Stud

5、e nt nu mbers:33人開課對象:Target Stude nts外語學院學生,商學院學生建議先修科目:P rerequisite (op ti on al)大一英文教學目標:Teach ing Objectives本課程目標在增進大學生 商用英語口說及寫作 的能力. TOEIC是託福測驗機構ETS研發出的專門測試學生商用 英語聽力及閱讀的能力的測驗目前廣為企業界採信. 2008年9月新增進階的口說考試及寫作考試對畢業後想 進入國際企業發展的年輕人有了更咼的門檻.本課程將針對TOEIC 口說及寫作考試加強同學的英語表 達能力及寫作架構邏輯.課程範圍:Course Descri pti

6、 on商用英語口語表達增進 商用英文寫作能力增進授課方式:Teach ing Methods商業字彙理解與加強描述照片回答商業問題提出解決 方案.常用英文商業文件認識針對商業電子郵件提出回覆針對 案例陳述意見課程進度及綱要:Ten tative Schedule1. Read a text aloud 朗讀2. Describe a picture 商描述照片3. Respond to question答問題4. Respond to questions using information provided 依據題目提供的資料應答5. Propose a solution提出解決方案6. Ex

7、press an opinion陳述意見7. Write a sentence based on a picture 針對照片造句8. Respond to a written request 回覆書面要求9. Write an opinion essay 陳述意見參考書籍:Textbooks andRefere nces評分方式:Gradi ng平時成績30%,期中考30%,期末考40%EL004. Journalism: Reporting and Writing 新聞採訪與寫作2 creditsMs. Jennifer Hsia ngClass size: 10-40For Junior

8、 and aboveCourse Descri pti onThis course is desig ned to acqua int the stude nts with the basic skills in the writi ng and reporting of jo urn alistic En glish.We will cover basic ack no wledge about the princip les of writ ing n ews in En glish, the differe nee betwee n no rmal compo siti on writi

9、 ng & n ews writ ing, writ ing lead p aragra ph, writ ing body of the n ews. In additi on, in formati on collect ing (in terview ing skills), feature and in-depth / in vestigative reporting, and other sp ecialized reporting will be in cluded since junior rep orters may be assig ned to cover the

10、n ews which media is short of staff.Therefore I will pro vide guideli nes for writi ng about weather & disaster n ews, sport n ews, p olice & fire n ews, crime & court n ews, bus in ess n ews. Stude nts are exp ected to p ractice writi ng n ews in the classroom and in home.Stude nts who

11、p erform well in the class and show their poten tial in writ ing good n ews stories will be recomme nded to the n ews media who have established internship p rogram with our dep artme nt in cludi ng China NewsAgency (中央通訊社),China Post (中國郵報),China News (中國時報),UnitedNews (聯合報),ICRT, FTV (民視).Text Boo

12、k: Teacher's PowerPoint Files + supplemental handoutsGrading Scale:Oral Presentation 20%Homework Assignment (individual) 30%Midterm exam 20%Final exam 30%Class Schedule (Exact dates will be given after campus calendar is available.) Week Date Focus of Learning Assignments1 Orientation 2 What is

13、“ Journalistic Writing3 Lead paragraph V 4 Interviewing5 Body of the news V6 Weather & Disasters V 7 Midterm8 Midterm Review9 Features V10 In-Depth & Investigative Report11 Sports News V12 Police & Fire News13 Government News V14 Business News & Specialties15 Writing a Broadcast News

14、16 News release & Press conference V 17 The Ethics & Fairness18 Final ExamEL007. Advanced Oral Training 高級口語訓練(二) 1 CreditDr. Kentei TakayaClass Size: 10-35For Seniors onlyPrerequisite: English Conversation IIIIn this course, students will receive oral trainings to use their English to negot

15、iate, discuss, persuade, and build rapport. The course will also provide an insight into the differences between American, Australia, and British oral communicative styles and help students equip with their skills necessary to successfully communicate with speakers of English from variety of backgro

16、unds. Students' performance will be formally assessed in thiscourse through role-play, and all students will be encouraged to actively participate during the class to fulfill the course requirements.Contemporary Issues in Economics and BusineS當代財經議題 Instructor: Ahyee LeeDept. of EconomicsFu-Jen

17、Catholic UniversityOffice: Rm. 322, Loyola BuildingPhone: 2905-3990Prerequisite Requirement: noneMedia: articles from various media and handout posted in our teaching website (ICAN).Course Description:This course attempts to introduce some background knowledge about important issues in current busin

18、ess world. In the following, you shall see a list of topics that will be discussed in the coming semester. This list of topics is a compromise between what most people consider important and what the instructor considers important. The instructor does not plan to cover all the“hot”topics in media. A

19、 course that intends to do so is likely to lose its focus, and often ends up being a disorganized course that does not tell you anything.In the coming semester, we shall focus on the following topics,1. Subprime mortgage and World financial crisisThis is a must-do topic. The subprime mortgage crisis

20、 was probably the most important event after the Great Depression of 1929. Even though most economists believe that we have temporarily escaped the fate of a long and severe recession, so far, not many economists would come out to say that we are completely out of it. There is simply no way that we

21、can do this course without touching the current financial crisis.2. Aging and PensionStarting from 2010, the baby boomers are going into the age of retirement..2)3)This will post a serious problem for world economy. We are going to see more old people being supported by fewer young people. Be

22、fore the world financial crisis, almost all developed countries were working on the issue. Unfortunately, in the past two years most industrialized countries were busy saving their own economy, the discussion on this topics were temporarily suspended.Professional EthicsProfessional ethics have alway

23、s been a problem especially in the industries where big money is within reach if moral codes are not strictly observed. In this topic, we cover the professional ethics problem in Wall Street before the subprime mortgage crisis broke out.PovertyPoverty is one of the most serious problems human being

24、try to resolve after World War II. Unfortunately, fifty years after its establishment, the United Nations (UN) still could not completely eradicate poverty from the face of the Earth. For many regions in Africa, the problem was getting worse. In the end of the last century, the UN initiated the Millennium Goals project, under the supervision of Professor Jeffrey Sachs, to resolve the poverty problem in Africa.Education and EconomyBefore 2000, Taiwan was considered as a role model


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