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1、Unit 1 Looking forwardsUnderstanding ideas (P 2-3)Facing the Future面对未来1 For many of us, its something we already have experienced. One moment, we are lying comfortably in bed, about to fall into a deep sleep. The next, our eyes are open and we find ourselves wondering or even worrying about possibl

2、y the most important issue of our livesthe future. Will we get into the school of our choice? What will we be doing in ten years time? Can we become the person we really want to be? In the face of such questions, how should we approach the future? Can we take action to shape it, or should we just ac

3、cept whatever comes our way?我们许多人都有过这样的经历。前一刻,我们正惬意地躺在床上,即将进入深度睡眠。但下一刻,我们就睁开了双眼,发现自己在思考,甚至在担忧可能是人生中最重要的事情未来。我们能进入心仪的学校吗?十年之后我们会在做什么?我们能够成为真正想成为的人吗?面对这些疑问,我们应该如何迎接未来呢?我们能否采取行动去影响未来,还是该全然接受现实给予我们的一切呢?2 As many of us already know, having plans in place for the future is no guarantee that they will beco

4、me reality. In this respect some people are more fortunate than others, as can be illustrated by comparing the lives of two famous authors, born 40 years apart. Although they shared the same ambitious and energetic approach to life, their careers unfolded in contrasting ways. 正如我们许多人都知道的那样,对未来有计划并不能

5、保证它们都会成为现实。就这一方面而言,一些人比别人更幸运,例如,有两位年龄相差40岁的著名作家,对比他们的人生就能证明这一点。虽然他们面对生活时都有远大的志向,而且精力充沛,但他们的职业生涯的发展却截然不同。3 The American author, Ernest Hemingway, born in 1899, was from early boyhood single-minded in his ambition to write. On leaving high school, he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee report

6、er. He went on to become foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star and used his extraordinary experiences in Europe and later Cuba to inform his writing. In his words, “I decided that I would write one story about each thing that I knew about.” Having set himself this goal, he wrote novels and shor

7、t stories based on his personal experiences of the First World War, the Spanish Civil War, bullfighting and deep-sea fishing, amongst others. His short novel The Old Man and the Sea, about the three-day epic struggle between an elderly fisherman and the biggest fish he had ever caught, won the Pulit

8、zer Prize for Fiction in 1953. He would later go on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. 美国作家欧内斯特·海明威生于1899年,他从小立志一心一意想要成为作家。高中毕业后,他进入堪萨斯当地的家报社做实习记者。此后,他又成为多伦多星报的一名驻外记者,根据在欧洲和后来在古巴的独特经历进行创作。他曾说: “我决定把我知道的每一件事都写成一个故事。”在立下这一目标后,他根据自己在第一次世界大战、西班牙内战、斗牛表演和深海捕鱼等的亲身经历,创作了许多长篇和短篇小说。他的短篇小说老人与海讲述了一位老渔民与

9、一条自己捕过的最大的鱼进行了三天艰苦卓绝搏斗的故事。这部小说于1953年获得普利策小说奖。海明威后来还荣获了诺贝尔文学奖。4 By contrast, the young Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Scotland in 1859, had originally worked as a doctor. But Doyles main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels. Although some of his historical novels were published, their su

10、ccess was nothing compared to the stories of his fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, which he is still best known for to this day. 相比而言,1859年出生于苏格兰的亚瑟·柯南·道尔,原先是一名医生,但他最大的志向却是成为名历史小说作家。虽然他出版过一些历史小说,但与他虚构出来的侦探夏洛克福尔摩斯的故事相比,所取得的成功不可同日而语。直到现在,道尔最广为人知的作品仍是夏洛克·福尔摩斯的故事。5 Interestingly, Doyl

11、e wrote some of his early Holmes stories while he was waiting for patients in his medical practice in London. After Sherlock Holmes made him a household name, Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely to writing. He still longed to become known for his historical novels amongst other acade

12、mic works. The public, however, couldnt get enough of Sherlock Holmes. In desperation, Doyle killed off the famous detective in a novel published in 1893 so that he could focus on his “serious” writing. However, fans of Holmes were so angry that Doyle, under immense pressure, was forced to bring Hol

13、mes back from the dead. Doyles many historical novels, plays, poems and academic papers have remained largely forgotten, but Sherlock Holmes has been entertaining readers for well over a century. 有趣的是,一些早期的福尔摩斯故事是道尔在伦敦行医期间,在等候病人的时候创作的。在夏洛克·福尔摩斯让他变得家喻户晓后,道尔放弃了行医,全身心地投入创作。除了其他学术作品,他还是渴望自己能因历史小说而出

14、名。然而,公众却对夏洛克·福尔摩斯的故事百读不厌。绝望之下,道尔在一部出版于1893年的小说中杀死了这位著名的侦探,以便专心创作他的“严肃”作品。然而,福尔摩斯迷们对此感到非常愤怒,这使得道尔在巨大压力之下,不得不让福尔摩斯起死回生。道尔的很多历史小说、戏剧、诗歌和学术论文几乎都被人遗忘了,但夏洛克·福尔摩斯却在一个多世纪以来一直吸引着读者。6 Though both of these men were ultimately successful, their paths to success were very different, their futures not n

15、ecessarily turning out exactly as they planned. So, whatever twists and turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected. As renowned tech innovator Steve Jobs once said, “You cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect t

16、hem looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”虽然这两位作家最终都获得了成功,但他们的成功之路却截然不同,他们的未来也不一定完全如他们当初所计划的那样。因此,不管未来你会遇到怎样的坎坷和曲折,都应以这两位作者为榜样,做好应对意外的准备。正如著名的科技创新者史蒂夫·乔布斯所说:“你无法预见性地将生命中的点滴串联起来;只有在回头看时,你才会发现这些点滴之间的联系。所以你要坚信,你现在所经历的,将在你未来的生命中串联起来。”Developing i

17、deas (P 8-9)The Road Not taken未选择的路Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;金黄色林中两条路各奔一方,可惜我无法兼顾我在那路口久久伫立我向着一条路极目望去直到它消失在丛林深处;Then took the other; as just as fair, And

18、having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that, the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,但我却选了另外一条路;公正公平,抑或有更佳理由,它荒草萋萋,诱人涉足,即便如此,旅人的足迹让两条路看起来相差无几,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for anothe

19、r day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.那天清晨落叶满地,两条路都未经脚印污染。啊,我留下第一条路改日再探!明知道路径延绵,我不确定是否还能回到这里。I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the differe

20、nce.也许多年之后在某个地方,我会回顾往事轻声叹息:树林中有两条路,我选择了人迹较少的那一条,从此,它为我带来了全新的人生轨迹。1 Lines from the poem The Road Not Taken are often quoted in speeches of all kinds. The poem has been set to music by a number of artists and used in numerous television commercials. It has in fact become one of the most famous America

21、n poems of all time, not only because of its natural style, but also because of its thoughtful insights into human nature. 未选择的路这首诗中的诗句常常在各种演讲中被引用。许多艺术家为这首诗谱了曲,它还被运用于大量的电视广告之中。事实上,它已经成为美国历史上最著名的诗歌之一,这不仅是因为其自然的风格,还因为其对人性的深刻洞察。2 When reading The Road Not Taken, one cannot help but see in ones mind ima

22、ges of a peaceful wood deep within the countryside. Paths in the woods are often used to symbolize how our lives progress and change. The lines “Two roads diverged a yellow wood, /And sorry I could not travel both” give us a visual representation of the choices that we face and the decisions that we

23、 need to make. Life throws many alternatives at us on a daily basis. These range from the basic “What should I wear today?” to the key issues of what subject to study a university or what job to do after graduation. Of course, the greatest dilemmas arise from moral problems, when we are uncertain wh

24、ich choice results in doing the right thing. 阅读未选择的路总会让人脑海中不禁浮现出乡村深处静谧的树林。林间小路往往象征我们人生中的进步和变化。“金黄色林中两条路各奔一方,可惜我无法兼顾”这两句话生动地展现了我们面临的选择以及需要做出的决定。生活每天都会向我们抛出许多选择,不仅包括“我今天应该穿什么”这样的小问题,也包括大学应该学什么专业或者毕业后应该做什么工作这样的重大问题。当然,最大的困境往往源于道德问题,因为我们不确定哪个选择才是正确的。3 Whether big or small, what all our choices have in c

25、ommon is that they leads to specific consequences. Once we make a decision, in most circumstances, there is no going back. Although the writer of the poem considers taking the other path another day, he knows its unlikely that he will ever have the opportunity to do so. Like the writer, all we can d

26、o is look backwards “with a sigh” and imagine what could have been. 无论我们的选择是大是小,它们都有一个共同点,那就是它们都会带来某种结果。在大多数情況下,一旦我们做了选择就没有退路。虽然这首诗的作者考虑改天再探索另一条路。但是他也知道获得这种机会的可能性微乎其微。就像作者一样,我们能做的只有在回首往事时“轻声叹息”,幻想事情本可以成为什么样子。 4 This sigh, this wondering whether we made the right choice, is understandable. Although w

27、e may be free to choose which path to take, this choice isnt easy when those two paths look similar. Presented with two job offers, for instance, we may wonder exactly what it is were choosing between. What if, in choosing one, we are unknowingly turning down other future opportunities? Will we ever

28、 even find out whether we made the right choice?这一声叹息,以及我们对是否做出了正确选择的顾虑都是可以理解的。虽然我们可以自由地选择走哪一条路,但是当两条路看起来大同小异时,其实很难做选择。比如当我们同时面对两个工作机会时,我们可能会思索到底我们是在什么当中选择。如果我们选择了一份工作而在不知不觉中放弃了其他未来的机会,那该怎么办?而我们又甚至能否发现自己是否做出了正确的选择呢?5 Ultimately, the road aheadthe road through our livesis a mixture of choice and chan

29、ce. And when we are approaching the end of that road, how will we remember the journey? How will we look back on our lives? In the poem, the writer doubts his choice, thinking that in the future “ages and ages hence”, he may claim that he took the “less traveled” road. Some of us do take a more unus

30、ual path through life, and while it may be a harder one to follow, it can also lead to new adventures and experiences. Nonetheless, part of the art of decision-making is learning to make the most of our decisions. Instead of looking back with regret, we should be facing our future with energy and op

31、timism, for the choices are ours, and ours only. 最后,前方的路,也就是我们的人生之路,其实是由选择和机会交织而成的。当我们快走到尽头时,我们会如何铭记这段旅途?我们会如何回顾自己的一生?在这首诗中,作者质疑了自己的选择,在“多年之后”的未来,他可能会承认自己选择了一条“人迹较少”的路。生活中确实会有一些人选择不寻常的道路,虽然路途更加艰难,但也会带来新的奇遇和经历。尽管如此,就做决定的艺术而言,一部分就在于学会充分利用我们的決定。我们应该积极乐观地面对未来,而非带着遗憾回顾过去,因为选择在于我们自己,而且它们只属于我们自己。Unit 2 Les

32、sons in lifeUnderstanding ideas (P 14-15 )Tuesdays with Morrie相约星期二Despite being a sports journalist with a successful career ahead of him, Mitch Albom feels that there is something missing from his life. This all changes when he is reunited with his favourite college professor, Morrie Schwartz. On

33、discovering that Morrie is being weakened by a severe illness, Mitch starts visiting him at his house on Tuesdays. The weekly conversations between Mitch and Morrie result in a series of lessons on the meaning of life and how best to live it. 米奇·阿尔博姆是一位前途光明的体育新闻记者,可他总觉得生活里少了些什么。直到和最喜爱的大学教授莫里

34、83;施瓦茨重逢,他的心态才彻底改变。米奇得知莫里得了重病,日渐虚弱,便每周二都去教授家看望他。米奇和莫里每周的谈话最终成为一堂堂课,探讨人生意义和如何更好地生活。Arthur 阿瑟·KThis book is about dying, but it is not pessimistic. Indeed, it was pleasant surprise to find that this book is filled with joy and hope. Morries bravery towards the end of his life is inspirational and

35、 has made me value my own life more. In fact, far from being a book about death, its a book about life. As Morrie says, “Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.” As Morrie anticipates his own death, he observes everything as though through new eyesthe things around him seem more beautiful

36、than ever before and hold new meanings. From his window, he watches each season change, knowing it could be his last. This encourages us to appreciate what we have and to make the most of each day. 虽然这本书谈论的是死亡,但并不悲观。书里洋溢着欢乐和希望,很是让人惊喜。莫里面对死亡所展示出的无畏也给人很大的启发,让我更加珍惜自己的生命。实际上,这根本不是一本关于死亡的书,而是一本关于生活的书。正如莫

37、里所说:“懂得了怎样死亡,也就学会了怎样生活。”到了弥留之际,莫里开始用新的眼光看待周围的一切事物一切都显得更加美好,也有了新的意义。他在窗边看季节更替,知道这可能是生命最后的时光。这鼓励我们珍视自己所拥有的一切,充分利用每一天。Amy Wang 埃米·王 I think this book should be on all school reading lists. After finishing it, I feel I have been given a deeper insight into the world and can see things from a differ

38、ent point of view. On the 11th Tuesday, Morrie explains that “the big thingshow we think, what we valuethose you must choose yourself. You cant let anyoneor any societydetermine those for you”. While we are living, we tend to get distracted by unimportant things, such as gathering material possessio

39、ns. I think its important for young people to know that making a lot of money wont always make them happy, or that looking different doesnt make a person abnormal! Its up to us to find out what is important in our lives and establish our own values. 我认为这本书应该列入所有学校阅读书目。读完后,我觉得自己对世界有了更深刻的认识,可以从不同的角度看待

40、事物了。在第11个星期二,莫里解释说道:“在重要的问题上,比如如何思考、我们珍视什么等方面,你必须自己做选择。你不能让任何人或社会替你做决定。”在我们活着的时候,我们往往会被不重要的事物分散注意力,例如积累物质财富。我认为对于年轻人来说,重要的是明白赚很多钱并不总能带来快乐,看上去与众不同并不代表不正常。我们应该靠自己去弄清楚生命中什么才是最重要的,并树立我们自己的价值观。Morrie says that most people ”seem half-asleep”, even when theyre doing things they think are important. Reading

41、 this book made me feel as if Id been woken up from a long sleep and finally opened my eyes to the world!莫里说即使大多数人在做自认为重要的事情,他们也是“看上去半睡半醒”的。阅读这本书仿佛将我从长觉中唤醒了,让我终于开始睁眼看世界。Marty 马蒂Despite its widespread recognition, my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made up of a collection of ov

42、er-emotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated. But thinking back, it did teach me a lesson or two. The book made me stop and think about how much I am influenced by popular culture and the importance of creating my own values based on love and open communication. Although it isnt my

43、 favourite book, Id still recommend that people read it after all, it is something thats a bit different!尽管相约星期二这本书得到了广泛的认可,但是我的第一印象是,它只是传达了过于感性的思想和信息,其中有很多是重复的。不过现在回想起来,这本书确实给了我一两条经验,它能让我停下来思考流行文化对我的影响,以及在爱与开放式沟通的基础上树立自己的价值观有多么重要。虽然这不是我最爱的一本书,但我还是要推荐大家读一读,毕竟它有与众不同的地方。Vivian 薇薇安Warning! A box of tis

44、sues will be needed to get through this book! Morries reflections on love and friendship made me think about my life and all the good friends that Ive lost touch with along the way. It made me realise just how much I miss them.注意了!读这本书时,千万要准备一盒纸巾!莫里对于爱和友谊的思考,使我想起了自己的生活,想起一路走来失去联系的那些好友。我才意识到,原来自己如此想念

45、他们。I guess thats one of the lessons of the bookalways keep in touch with the good people you meet as you go through life. Like Mitch, Morrie makes you aware that you want to die feeling that you have lived life to the full, knowing that you are loved and have loved others as much as you could. As Mo

46、rries favourite poet Auden said, “Love each other or perish.” 在人生旅途中,要和你遇到的优秀的人时常保持联系,这或许就是此书想传达给我们的一条经验吧。莫里提醒米奇,也提醒了人们:在你将死之时,要感觉你已经活得很充实,要知道自己是被爱的,也一直尽力爱着别人。正如莫里最爱的诗人奥登所说的,“不相爱即如死灭”。Developing ideas (P 20-21)THE BLUE BIRD青鸟ACT IV第四幕Tyltyl and Mytyl have been searching for the Blue Bird in the Land

47、 of Memory, the Palace of Night and the Forest. Now, they have arrived at the Palace of Happiness. 狄蒂尔和梅蒂尔一直在寻找青鸟,他们一行已经踏过了记忆之土、夜宫和森林,现在抵达了幸福之园。SCENE II. The Palace of Happiness.第二场 幸福之园(A troop of HAPPINESSES rush into the hall, singing, “There they are! They see us!” They dance merrily around the

48、CHILDREN, then the one who appears to be the chief goes up to TYLTYL with hand outstretched. )(一群幸福跑进大厅,唱着:“他们来了!他们看见我们了!”并围着孩子们欢快地跳起舞来。而后,一个头领模样的人走向狄蒂尔,对他伸出了手。)THE HAPPINESS How do you do, Tyltyl?幸福你好,狄蒂尔!TYLTYL Who are you?狄蒂尔你是?THE HAPPINESS Dont you recognise me?幸福你认不出我了吗?TYLTYL (a little embarr

49、assed) Why, no I dont remember seeing any of you. 狄蒂尔(有点尴尬)哎呀,是认不出可我不记得见过你们中的任何一位啊。(All the other HAPPINESSES burst out laughing. )Why, we are the only things you do know! We are always around you! We eat, drink, wake up, breathe and live with you!(其他幸福哄然大笑。) 哟,我们正是你唯一了解的东西啊!我们一直在你周围!我们同你一起吃喝,一起醒来,一

50、起呼吸,一起生活呢!TYLTYL Oh. . . But I should like to know what your names are. . . 狄蒂尔:噢不过我想知道你们的名字叫什么. . . THE HAPPINESS I am the chief of the Happinesses of your home; and all these are the other Happinesses that live there. 幸福我是你家里幸福的领头人;这些是住在你家的其他幸福。TYLTYLThen there are Happinesses in my home?狄蒂尔那么,我家里

51、有很多幸福吗?(All the HAPPINESSES burst out laughing. )(所有的幸福都哄然大笑。)THE HAPPINESS You heard him! Are there Happinesses in his home! Why, it is crammed with Happinesses! Let me introduce myself first: the Happiness of Being Well. I am not the prettiest, but I am the most important. This is the Happiness of

52、 Pure Air, who is almost transparent. Here is the Happiness of Loving Ones Parents. Here are the Happiness of the Blue Sky, who, of course is dressed in blue, and the Happiness of the Forest: you will see him every time you go to the window幸福 你们听他在说些什么!他家里是不是有很多幸福?嘿,幸福多得都要挤不下了!先介绍一下我自己:我是健康幸福,虽不是最漂亮

53、的,但却是最重要的。这个是纯净空气幸福,他几乎是透明的。这个是敬爱父母幸福。这个是蓝天幸福,他自然是身穿蓝衣。这个是森林幸福,你每次走到窗前都能看见他TYLTYL Excuse me, but do you know where the Blue Bird is?狄蒂尔不好意思,请问你知道青鸟在哪儿吗?THE HAPPINESS He doesnt know where the Blue Bird is! (All the HAPPINESSES OF THE HOME burst out laughing. )幸福 他不知道青鸟在哪儿!(家里所有的幸福哄然大笑。)TYLTYL (vexed)

54、 No, I do not know. Theres nothing to laugh at (Fresh bursts of laughter. )狄蒂尔(恼火了) 是,我就是不知道。有什么好笑的!(又爆出一阵笑声。)THE HAPPINESS He doesnt know: well, what do you expect? He is no more absurd than the majority of men 幸福他不知道,好吧,还能怎么样呢?他和大多数人一样都不可笑ACT VI第六幕Unable to find the Blue Bird anywhere, the childre

55、n say goodbye to their magical friends and return home. While they are trying to tell their parents about their adventures, their neighbour comes in. Her sick daughter has wanted Tyltyls pet bird for a long time, but until now he has been reluctant to give it to her. 狄蒂尔和梅蒂尔没能找到青鸟,只得同这些神奇的朋友们告别,返回家中

56、。到家后,他们正要和父母讲述自己的奇遇,邻居进来了。邻居生病的女儿想要狄蒂尔的宠物鸟好久了,但直到现在他也不愿意把鸟送人。SCENE II. The Awakening. 第二场醒来(Enter NEIGHBOUR BERLINGOT, a little old woman leaning on a stick. )(邻居贝兰戈上场,是一位拄着一根拐杖的矮小的老妇人。)MUMMY TYL How is your little girl?狄蒂尔妈妈你家小姑娘身体怎么样了?THE NEIGHBOUROnly so-so. She cant get up. But I know what would

57、 cure her. 邻居马马虎虎,还起不了床。可我知道什么能治好她。MUMMY TYL Yes, I know; its Tyltyls bird. Well, Tyltyl, arent you going to give it at last to that poor little thing?狄蒂尔妈妈对,我也知道,得用狄蒂尔的鸟。喂,狄蒂尔,这下你总该把鸟送给那可怜的小姑娘了吧?TYLTYL My bird! Why, hes blue! But its my turtle-dove! But hes much bluer than when I went away! Why, th

58、ats the Blue Bird we were looking for! We went so far and he was here all the time! There, Madame Berlingot, take him to your little girl. 狄蒂尔 我的鸟!呀,它变成了青色!可它是我的小斑鸠啊!颜色怎么比我离开的时候变得更深了!天啊,它肯定是我们直在找的青鸟!我们走了那么远,没想到它就在这里!给,贝兰戈太太,快把它带给你的小姑娘吧。THE NEIGHBOUR Really? Straight away and for nothing? How happy she will be! (Kissing TYLTYL)邻居真的?就这样白送给我了?她该多开心啊!(亲吻狄蒂尔。)(Later, the NEIGHBOUR enters with


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