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1、国家开放大学管理英语3章节测试参考答案Unit 1 Organization StructureListening and Speaking 1边学边练1.将职务头衔和对应的管理部门进行匹配。Production Manager(生产部经理)(Production Control Dept)Training Officer(培训主管)(Human Resources Dept)President(总裁)(Board of Directors)Marketing Manager(营销部经理)(Marketing Dept)Purchasing Officer(采购部经理)(Purchase De

2、pt)Accountant(会计)(Finance Dept)Engineer(工程师)(Engineering Dept)Quality Controller(质检员)(Quality Control Dept)2.回顾一下会话演练的内容,和Wendy一起完成公司的组织结构框架图。1.Operationg 2. Finance & Administration3. Customer Service4. Communications5. Sales and MarketingListening and Speaking 2会话演练Helen:Didn't you punch i

3、n this morning, Wendy?Wendy:No, sorry(I didn't know the rule about punching in)Helen:That's OK. I should have told you earlier.This is a company rule. Wendy:Do we also need to punch out after work? Helen:(According to the company rule)we should punch in before 8 o'clock and punch out aft

4、er 5 o'clock every workday.Wendy:(How about the lunch break)Helen?Helen:From 11:30 to 1 o'clock.Wendy:Do we need to work overtime? Helen:Sometimes,(but not quite often)Wendy:I see. Can I wear casual clothes in the office?Helen:Sure,(company rules are not very strict on this point).But you ca

5、n't go out on a sales call if you are dressed in jeans. It's just not respectful to your client.Wendy:Yes, I agree.Helen:By the way,(I'd remind you), don't use office phones for personal matters.Wendy:Thank you for telling me that. I'll be careful.Helen:You're welcome!Reading

6、 1边学边练回顾文章内容,判断正误。1.Companies today are responsible for employee's career.(×)2.It is the CEO who decides your place.(×)3.You need to understand your company well so that you can do things well.(×)4.Understanding yourself means knowing well about your strengths, weaknesses, your va

7、lues, how you learn, how you do with others and so on.()5.Ordinary people cannot manage themselves well.(×)Reading 2边学边练回顾一下短文内容,为下列题目选择正确答案。1.Hoogle Engineering was set up in “_”A. the twenty-first centurB. the nineteenth centuryC. the twentieth century2.There are many different “_” of managem

8、ent in a tall structure.A. kindsB. functionsC. levels3.People in a flat structure usually work in “_”A. familiesB. teamsC. departments4.All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that “_”A. communication in the company is becoming more and more importantB. the author th

9、inks the two structures have the same functionsC. there are more individual responsibilities in the fl at structure5.The best title for the passage is “_”A. Organization Structure in Hoogle EngineeringB. History of Hoogle EngineeringC. Success in Hoogle engineeringWriting写作训练了解公司介绍的基本要素。 1.(Name of

10、the company)2.(Date of foundation)3.(Nature of the company)4.(Location)5.(Company's motto)选择相应的语句补全公司介绍的内容。A.Greenviro Technologies Co. LtdB.refrigeration energy saving systemC.built in 1939D.Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park areasE.providing personalized energy saving solutionsF.Innovation that

11、matters for the world(A)is a high-tech company that specializes in(B).The company(C)is located in(D). Greenviro Technologies maintains a strategic partnership with a number of Chinese and foreign companies, aiming at(E)for all types of customers and institutions. Adhering to the principle of(F)we ha

12、ve increasingly developed various high-tech products to help customers reduce operating costs, improve competitiveness create a green low-carbon corporate image.Unit 2Human ResourcesListening and Speaking 1边学边练听说Sabrina Lee有意我们部门的招聘岗位,你可以帮助他一起完成个人简历哦!Name: Sabrina LeeAge: 27(Nationality): AmericanMa

13、rital status: (Single)(Educational background):Denver University, Denver, ColoradoBachelor of Science, Marketing and Management, 20062009(Work experience):Director of Sales and Marketing 1/2013Present, R & Y CompanyResponsibilities:Leadership, direction and management of 9 sales and customer ser

14、vice employees.Regional Sales Manager 1/201012/2012, Copper Intelligence Co. LtdResponsibilities: Management of distribution channels.(Achievements):Selling 30 robot systems in less than three years, worth over $1 million.Personal quality:Like sports. Very outgoing and organized. Able to work indepe

15、ndently.Listening and Speaking 2ExerciseAThat would attract many talented people who are trying to find a higher salary and a better employer. BYou mean, instead of overpaying, we should simply pay well to get the talents we need?CI want to give them more than fair wages. DIt's not the employer

16、but the workers who control overtime. EI'm not sure whether it will make us more competitive.FHigh salaries stop people from moving on.The correct order is:(1.F 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.E 6.D)?边学边练选词填空,辨析表示工资、薪酬的词语。1. These officers, though retired, are on full(pay).2. Please ask the lawyer what hi(fee)wou

17、ld be to take the case to court.3. Charles works at a(wage)of 10 dollars a day.4. She had been saving every cent she could for months, but twenty dollars a week which was the total of their(income).5. My(salary)is paid directly into my bank account every month.Reading 1边学边练根据短文大意判断正误。1.According to

18、research by Top Employers, many corporations have enough talents for their development.(×)2.The data shows the key to attracting talents is to offer high salary. (×)3.The biggest challenge for employers is keeping staff in the long run.()4.Not all employees believe that they can get a bett

19、er offer. ()5.The wages have been rising consistently since 2010. (×)Reading 2边学边练1.认识logo:确认每个logo对应的企业名称。(McDonalds(麦当劳)(Omega(欧米茄)(Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)(Volkswagen(大众汽车)(Apple(苹果)(Chanel(香奈儿)2.认识logo:确认每个logo的所属行业。(Watch Industry(制表业)(Food Industry(食品行业)(Fashion Industry(时装业)(Mobile Devices Indu

20、stry(移动设备行业)(Auto Industry(汽车行业)(Auto Industry(汽车行业)3.选出下列次的的反义词。satisfied(dissatisfied)polite(impolite)effective(ineffective)regular(irregular)available(unavailable)legal(illegal)4.完成选词填空。1. The price of a(regular)ticket usually falls between 30 and 40 RMB yuan.2. It's not(polite)to point to or

21、 talk about strangers in public.3. Organizations of all kinds now recognize the Internet as an(effective)means for global communication.4. Basic food products are frequently(available)in the state shops.5. He is very happy because there is a(satisfied)look in his eyes.6. In some countries homosexual

22、 life is(legal)and it's a great challenge to human life.Writing根据汉语提示,撰写英文版招聘广告。汉职位介绍:人事经理1名。公司介绍:小型汽车企业。职位描述:负责公司的员工招聘、员工发展和考核等工作。任职条件:(1)本科以上学历;(2)四年以上跨国企业人力资源工作经验;英(HR Manager)Required for a(small automobile enterprise).The selected candidate, preferably(graduates),will take responsibility fo

23、rall aspects of(recruitment), (staff development),andevaluation. Ability to work(in a team).4+years(Human Resources experience)with multinationalcompanies is preferred.Unit 3Financial BudgetListening and Speaking 1对话演练你可以点击下方人物头像角色扮演进行对话练习,也可以点击对话中人物的名称详细听每句话录音。Bob:John, let's talk about you(pla

24、n)of opening a new theme park in Shenzhen next year.John:OK, Bob. I do think it's time to set up a new theme park.Bob:Sorry to interrupt , I think you're a bit too quick with your conclusion. Please think of the(cost). John:I agree with you that we'd have to spend money on(facilities), s

25、taff training, advertising and so on.Bob:The cost of the new project will go over(budget). Is it more advisable to upgrade our present facilities and improve our services than taking the risk of opening a new park in a new place? John:I don't think so. I have been doing(market research)for three

26、 months. There is a great demand for it. I heard our competitor are planning to expand their business here. Bob:Is there anything else you want to add on this? John:Everybody knows the saying: Time is(money). If we don't grasp the opportunity, our competitors will.Bob:OK. You have made some valu

27、able points and suggestions. I'll present your ideas to the board of directors. John:That's great.边学边练将企业预算词汇同相应的图片进行匹配。(office rent)(payroll)(advertisement)(license)(training)Listening and Speaking 2边学边练1.根据对话内容,Steven的投资形式有:A. factory buildingsB. technologyC. water, electricity and gas fac

28、ilitiesD. a siteE. machineryF. equipmentReading 1边学边练完成下面的判断题,检验一下你对短文内容的了解程度吧!1.You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month.()2.Using a credit card to pay is spending free money.(×)3.It's easy to get a credit card but hard to make ends meet.()4.If you suffer from a d

29、eficit this month, you simply have to pay it off by the original amount in the future.(×)5.“Spending to feel good” means keeping your spending within the budget. ()Reading 2边学边练根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。1.What should the marketing budget plan be based on?A. The company's reliable cost.B. The company&#

30、39;s reliable income.C. The company's reliable expense.2.What does “disposable income” mean in Para. 3?a. Previous income.b. Net income.c. Total income.3.You have to be clear ofwhen organizing financial information.A. the income and expensesB. the marketing fundC. the budget management4.The thre

31、e main factors that decide how you spend marketing funds are.A. the budget amount, your past experiences and where you can reach the right audienceB. the money you have earned, the actual expenses and the money you will expendC. the assets you have, the product and the income5.Keeping the budget in

32、mind when making marketing decisions will avoid.A. using less than you earnB. using money unnecessarilyC. using more than you earnWriting根据所给信息填写商业发票。发票编号:201505开票日期:Feb. 14. 2015发货时间:Feb. 14. 2015发货地点:YANTAI PORT. CHINA收货地点:BUSAN PORT. KOREA订购单号:1003300088交货付款条件:C&F TANTAI装船标记:ROLL NO.80货物名称:HA

33、NDLE货物数量:20 PIECES货物单价:USD 112.36总金额:USD 2247.20COMMERCIAL INVOICE参考答案:Unit 4Urban TrafficListening and Speaking 1对话演练你可以点击下方人物头像角色扮演进行对话练习,也可以点击对话中人物的名称详细听每句话录音。Helen:Hey, Mike! You look upset. Anything wrong? Mike:I broke a traffic rule and was stopped by a policeman this morning.Helen:Sorry to he

34、ar that. What did you do?Mike:I forced my way into the left lane at a traffic ligh(crossing). Helen:No wonder!You were fined, weren't you? Mike:Yes. The policeman motioned for me to stop and show my driver's(license). Helen:Was the policeman polite?Mike:Wellyes, he was actually very nice. He

35、 wrote me a ticket. I was(fined)200 yuan. Helen:I was fined for speeding last month.Mike:Last week one of my friends was fined for(drunk)driving.Helen:Did he get a big fine?Mike:Yes. He was fined 1000 yuan and they suspended his driving license for three months. Helen:Well a bit of a crackdown is ne

36、eded to make the roads safer. Mike:Yes, and I(suppose)it will cut down on traffic jams too. Listening and Speaking 2边学边练回顾对话内容,为下列题目选择正确答案。1.Why is Mike late for work?A. He got up late.B. He is caught up in a traffic jam.C. His car is broken down.2.Why does the transportation system need to be impro

37、ved?A. Because it's oldB. Because it's complicated.C. Because it's costly.3.What is Helen's suggestion?A. To take the bus.B. To build more roads.C. To ride bikes.4.What is Scott's suggestion?A. To use public transportation.B. To make drivers pay extra money.C. To walk.5._ have ca

38、used much damage to the environment and people's health.A. Too many roadsB. Too many peopleC. Too many cars6.If there were fewer cars on the city roads, _.A. the roads would be more crowdedB. the traffic would be heavierC. the air would be cleanerReading 1边学边练回顾文章,根据你对文章内容的了解,完成下面的判断题。1.Closures

39、 scheduled for Sundays on minor roads outside the city centre may be considered.(×)2.You need to get approval if you plan to block the road or footpath.()3.Roads can only be closed partially.(×)4.If you choose an existing route for a parade, the amount of planning will be reduced.()5.Road

40、closure applications can be sent to the Department's Traffic Calming Committee one week before the scheduled date.(×)Reading 2边学边练回顾文章内容,根据你对文章的理解完成以下题目。1.The road system in Beijing's downtown area is being _ to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency.A. constructedB. bui

41、ltC. designed again2.An underground system including _ new subway lines beneath the CBD has been operating.A. 3B. 4C. 23.The underground connection system consists of _ level(s).A. oneB. threeC. two4.CBD stands for _.A. Central Business DistrictB. Chemistry and Biomedical EngineeringC. Convention on

42、 Biological Diversity5.Beijing has set up _ for people to check traffic conditions.A. underground floorB. a traffic inquiry systemC. traffic lightsWriting根据日程表内容,回答相应的问题。1the time when Mr. Brown arrives at Heathrow Airport.(8:30 a.m)2the event that takes place at 2:30 p.m., on June 15.(Presenting ne

43、w products)3the place where Mr. Brown reports to the branch manager.(Branch Office)4the date on which Brown flies home.(June 16)根据下面短文中信息,制定日程表。Unit 5Food SafetyListening and Speaking 1对话演练你可以点击下方人物头像角色扮演进行对话练习,也可以点击对话中人物的名称详细听每句话录音Melinda:Hello, Helen. How are things? Helen:Just fine. What about yo

44、u?Melinda:Not bad. Have you heard about the contaminated baby formula milk? Helen:Yes. Actually, I'm quite(concerned)about that. It's confirmed that 4 babies died and more than 6,200 babies have(developed)kidney stones after drinking it. Melinda:That's really horrible.Helen:Food incident

45、s seem to be(happening)more often these days. It is indeed horrifying Melinda:Food safety is not a new problem, but I think the recent incident will have a far-reaching negative impact on the milk industry. Helen:Certainly. Not only does the(offending)company suffer losses, but the whole milk market

46、 suffers a sharp drop in sales.Melinda:Yes, you're right. The most important thing is that those kids' health may be(affected).Helen:I think this will quickly weaken public confidence in the milk industry possibly for years to come. Melinda:Definitely! Buyers' confidence seems to be decr

47、easing.Helen:Food industry here needs an absolute shake-up and we'll have more on that after this break.边学边练根据对话内容,完成以下判断题。1.Helen is worried about food safety.()2.So far, the contaminated baby milk hasn't caused any deaths yet.(×)3.Food incidents occur not as often nowadays as before.(

48、×)4.Food safety is an old problem.()5.Public confidence in the milk industry will be back soon.(×)6.Food industry needs to be completely reorganized.()Listening and Speaking 2边学边练回顾对话内容,完成以下题目。1.The problem with Koukou Old Yogurt is that it contains_.A. leather productsB. processed foodC.

49、industrial gelatin2.We can infer from the dialog that lead is_.A. a company managerB. a heavy metalC. processed food3.According to Michael, food safety problems can't be prevented because_.A. the industrial standards are too highB. there aren't any industrial standardsC. the industrial stand

50、ards are too low4.Melinda's solution to the food safety problem is_.A. sending a text message to the companies concernedB. sending a text message to all the other companiesC. punishing the companies concerned severely5.In the dialog, send a clear message to means to_.A. publishB. informC. warn6.

51、Melinda thinks the companies should be responsible for_.A. people's healthB. the governmentC. profitReading 1边学边练回顾文章内容,根据你对文章的理解,完成以下判断。1.Pests do harm to people.()2.In the passage, the word pesticide means a chemical used for killing pests, especially insects. ()3.Food containers should be sto

52、red on the ground.(×)4.Containers for raw materials should be kept open and clean. (×)5.People can get information about food safety policies easily. ()6.A rat is smaller than a mouse. (×)Reading 2阅读文章,了解“国际食品安全当局网络”的更多信息。AINFOSAN helps exchange food safety information and experience

53、among its members.BINFOSAN monitors possible international food safety related events in close cooperation with the WHO Alert and Response Operations program. CINFOSAN is a joint program between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

54、. DThere is a pressing need for exchanging routine information on food safety issues, and sharing experiences and information quickly when a food safety related event takes place.The International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN)With the rapid globalization of food production and trade, int

55、ernational issues related to food safety are likely to increase. Food safety authorities all over the world have realized that food safety problems should be carried out at both national and international levels.(D)(C)This global network includes 181 Member States. Each has a designated INFOSAN Emer

56、gency Contact Point which manages communication between national food safety authorities. The network aims to: Promote the rapid exchange of information during food safety related events;Share information on important food safety related issues of global interest;Promote partnership and cooperation

57、between countries; Help countries strengthen their capacity to manage food safety risks. As part of its routine activities, the INFOSAN Secretariat publishes reports in six languages and provides members with summaries and guidance on relevant food safety issues. (A)It is also a useful resource for other public health organizations which recognize INFOSAN as an organization through which findings of investigations and strategies for improving food safety may be shared. (B)INFOSAN can work with other international organi


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