已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 习 题 单 ( Unit4 )I New words.汉译英(单词) 想要 _ 电影院_ 公园_ 超市 _ 疲惫的_ 土豆 _ 西红柿 _ 糖果_ 使用_ 家伙(孩子)_ 包.袋_ 在线的_故事 _ 拿、买 _ 简单的,容易的_II Phrases 汉译英( 词组 )1.在城市 _ 2.购物 _ 3.服装店 _4.茶叶店 _ 5。玩具店_ 6.想买_ 7看电影 _ 8.放风筝_ 9读书、看书_ 10.在超市 _ 11购物袋 _ 12.关于_ 13网上购物 _ 14.多少(钱)_ - III Sentence pattern英译汉(句型 ) 1 lets go shopping. _ Okay

2、. _ What do you want to buy?_ I want to buy -. _ 2. May I help you? _ Yes , please. _ Excuse me._Yes? May I help you? _ 3. Lets go to the cinema to see a film. _ Lets go to _swh_ to _do sth_ _ 4. Candy isnt good for your teeth. _ How about some fruit? _ 5. How much is it?_ Its 40 yuan. _ Lets take i

3、t._ Shopping online is fun easy._ 习 题 单 ( Unit3)I New words.汉译英(单词) 学校 _ 教室 _ 操场_ 读书馆 _ 展示,_ 近的 _ 远的 _ 城市_ 迷路_ 直的_ 转_ 街道_小车 _ 公交车 _ 出租车_自行车_ 餐馆_ 二十_三十_ 停 _ 等_行_II Phrases 汉译英( 词组 )1.打扰一下 _ 2.远离 _ 3.直走 _ 4.向左转 _ 5。向右转_ 6.骑自行车_ 7乘出租车_ 8.做小车_ 9步行 _ 10.交通灯 _ III Sentence pattern英译汉(句型 ) 1 Excuse me. Whe

4、res the computer room? _ I can show you. Here it is _ 2 Li Ming is far from the school. _ This way , please. _ 3.Go straight and turn left. Theres the zoo. _ Im lost. Wheres the zoo? _ 4. I go to school on foot _ I go to the restaurant by taxi _ 5. Red is stop. Yellow is wait. Green is go._ Go strai

5、ght and turn right at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there._ 6. Is it far from here? No. Its near_ 习 题 单 ( Unit2)I New words.汉译英(单词)作业 _ 读 _ 写_ 画 _ 计算机,_ 电话 _ 电视机 _ 卧室_ 床_ 玩具_ 球_ 风筝_打扫_ 听 _ 洗_看,注视_ 飞,放飞_ 玩_ II Phrases 汉译英( 词组 )1.做作业_ 2.看书_ 3.写故事_ 4.画画 _ 5。唱歌 _ 6.做游戏 _ 7在电话里跟朋友聊天_8.看电视_ 9玩电脑_ 10

6、.整理床铺 _ 11打扫卧室_ 12.玩太极熊_ 13.听音乐 _ 14.刷牙 _ 15。洗脸_ 16梳头发_ 17穿衣服_ 1 8.放风筝_ 19玩抓 球_ 10.跟朋友玩 _ III Sentence pattern英译汉(句型 ) 1 What do you do in the evening? _ I draw a picture for my story in the evening. _ 2 What do you do at home? _ At home, I help my mum and dad. _ 3. What do you do in your bedroom? _

7、 I play with my teddy bear in my bedroom. _ 4. What do you do in the morning? _ I put on my clothes in the morning. _ 5. What do you do on Saturday? _ on Saturday, I play with my friends_ 习 题 单 ( Unit1)I New words.汉译英(单词)短袖 _ 短裙_ 裤子_ T血衫 _ 毛衣,_新的 _ 旧的 _ 上衣_ 围巾_ 手套_ 帽子_ 常裙_鞋_ 袜子 _ 短裤_星期一_ 星期二 _ 星期三_星

8、期四_ 星期五 _ 星期六_星期天_ 今天_ 周_ II Phrases 汉译英( 词组 )1.最喜欢的颜色_ 2.生日礼物_ 3.看起来漂亮_ 4.在星期四 _ 5多少天_ 6.在一周里 _ 7他的短裤_ 8.她的裙子_ 9你的手套_ 10.我的毛衣_ III Sentence pattern英译汉(句型 ) 1 He is wearing blue trousers. _ She is wearing a yellow skirt. _ 2 I like your skirt. Is it new?_ Yes! Its my birthday gift. _ I like your trousers. Are they new?_ No. Theyre old. Theyre my favourite trousers. _ 3. These are new shorts. Are these her shorts? No,they arent. _ This is a new dress. Is this her dress? Yes it is. _ 4. Is this your cap? No!


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