



1、 Frost多维完美主义心理量表(Mainland Chinese Version)请阅读以下的句子,并在最适合您情况的数码上划圈。非常不符合不符合不能确定符合非常符合1. 我的父母曾经给我定下很高的标准。123452. 对我来说,做事有条理有系统是非常重要的。123453. 孩童时,我曾因为做事不完满而受到惩罚。 123454. 如果我不给自己定下最高的标准,我很可能最终难成大器。123455. 我的父母从来都不试着去理解我的错误。123456. 我必须完全胜任自己所做的每一件事,这对我来说至关重要。123457. 我是个整洁的人。123458. 我尽量做一个有条理的人。123459. 如果

2、我在工作或学校中失败,这说明我整个是一个失败的人。1234510. 我若犯了错误就应该感到烦恼不安。1234511. 我的父母曾希望我在各方面都是最出色的。1234512. 我定下的目标比周围大多数人都高。1234513. 若有人在工作或学习中比我强,我会觉得自己整个地失败了。1234514. 做事或学习的时候若是有部分的失败,我会觉得自己完全失败了。1234515. 在我的家里,只有把事情做得十分出色才能说得过去。1234516. 我善于集中精力以达到自己的目标。1234517. 尽管我小心翼翼地做事,还是经常感到自己做得不够正确。1234518. 我厌恶做事不能做得最佳。1234519.

3、我有极高的目标。 1234520. 我的父母曾经期望我做得特别出色。1234521. 假如我犯错误,人们很可能因此而轻看我。1234522. 以前我从不觉得自己能够满足父母对我的期望。1234523. 如果我不能做得跟别人一样好,说明我是个低人一等的人。1234524. 别人似乎比我更能接受低一些的标准。1234525. 如果我不能始终表现出色,我就会失去别人对我的尊敬。1234526. 对于我的将来,父母对我的期望比我自己还要高。1234527. 我尽力成为一个整洁的人。1234528. 我经常对一些日常小事也犹豫不决。 1234529. 对我来说,整洁是十分重要的。 1234530. 我期

4、望在工作中比大多数人有更好的成绩。 1234531. 我是一个井井有条的人。1234532. 我的工作进度缓慢,因为我常重复一些工作。1234533. 为了把一件事情做好,我需要花大量的时间。1234534. 我犯的错越少,喜爱我的人就越多。1234535. 我总觉得自己不能达到父母为我设定的标准。123451 注:本问卷为Frost所编Frosts Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS),其信效度检验见:Frost, R., Marten, P., Lahart, C., & Rosenblate, R. The dimensions of p

5、erfectionism. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1990, 14: 449-468.2 注:中文翻译由Cheng完成,其信效度检验见Cheng, K. S., Chong, G. H., & Wong, C. W. (1999). Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: A validation and prediction of self-esteem and psychological distress. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(9).

6、1051-1061。(样本为香港中学生)訾非对Cheng的翻译略作修改,用大陆大学生样本进行信效度检验见:訾非, 周旭. 中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷的信效度检验. 中国临床心理学杂志 2007各维度如下:(注意:已有许多研究表明,条理性维度为适应性维度,其他维度则是非适应性维度,计算总分时建议不包括条理性维度,详细见訾非,)担心错误(concern over mistakes, CM):item 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, 25, 34行为的迟疑(doubts about actions, DA):17, 28, 32, 33个人标准(personal stan

7、dards, PS):4, 6, 12, 16, 19, 24, 30父母期望(parental expectations, PE):1, 11, 15, 20, 26父母批评(parental criticism, PC): 3, 5, 22, 35条理性(organization, OR):2, 7, 8, 27, 29, 31英文版原文如下:Item in FMPSCM9. If I fail at work/school, I am a failure as a person.10. I should be upset if I make a mistake.13. If someon

8、e does a task at work/school better than I, then I feel like I failed the whole task.14. If I fail partly, it is as bad as being a complete failure.18. I hate being less than best at things.21. People will probably think less of me if I make a mistake.23. If I do not do as well as other people, it m

9、eans I am an inferior human being.25. If I do not do well all the time, people will not respect me.34. The fewer mistakes I make, the more people will like me.OR2. Organization is very important to me.7. I am a neat person.8. I try to be an organized person.27. I try to be a neat person.29. Neatness

10、 is very important to me.31. I am an organized person.PE1. My parents set very high standards for me.11. My parents wanted me to be the best at everything.15. Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family.20. My parents have expected excellence from me.26. My parents have always had highe

11、r expectations for my future than I have. PS4. If I do not set the highest standards for myself, I am likely to end up a second-rate person.6. It is important to me that I be thoroughly competent in everything I do.12. I set higher goals than most people.16. I am very good at focusing my efforts on

12、attaining a goal.19. I have extremely high goals.24. Other people seem to accept lower standards from themselves than I do.30. I expect higher performance in my daily tasks than most people. DA17. Even when I do something very carefully, I often feel that it is not quite right.28. I usually have doubts about the simple everyday things I do.32. I tend to get behind in my work because I repeat things over and over.33. It takes me a long time to do something “right”.PC3. As a child, I was punished for


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