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1、Meet or apart,live or die,weve made oath you and I.Give me your hand Ill hold,and live with me till old.By Group TwoMember: Huang Yi Jiang ChenChinese and Western Weddings3Key Key WordWord wedding vows誓词bridal gownbouquet ceremony reception bride groom/bridegroom priestbridesmaidbest man bachelor sp

2、ouse wedded wife/husbandDifferences: Wedding Colour Wedding Location Wedding Dress Wedding Ceremony Wedding Music Chinese Red Meaning: luck,festive,delightTwo different coloursThe west -White Meaning: quiet,pure love Weddings are usually grand , inviting many friends and relatives.It is usually held

3、 at the hotel or a spaciouscourtyard. All kinds of ceremonies are relativelycomplicated, and tried every means to pursue an auspicious(/sps/吉利的吉利的) meaning. Wedding LocationChineseWedding Location Solemn(/slm/ 庄重的庄重的 ) and holy, weddings are generally more quiet in the church or other place to hold

4、the wedding in good order, but relatively speaking, less exciting than the Chinese wedding. Attention has been paid much to the Western concept of emotional expression, the pursuit of the perfect combination of romance and reality.WesternWedding Dress Wedding Dress Chinese Chinese The dominant tone

5、is The dominant tone is redred The bride generally wear chaplet and chaplet and official robes official robes (凤冠霞帔)凤冠霞帔) a red scarf is on the top of head. While the groom wear red long gown mandarin jacket, wear a long red cap. Wedding Dress Wedding Dress Western Western The dominant tone is The d

6、ominant tone is WhiteWhiteThe bride on wedding The bride on wedding day wears day wears the the white wedding white wedding dressdress with five with five items must be items must be included as included as somethingsomething old, new, old, new, blue and borrowedblue and borrowed. .Something old Som

7、ethingoldissymbolofcontinuity.Theolditemwasoftenpiecesoflaceoragrandmothersscarforanoldpieceofjewelry. “旧”指新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,表示不忘父母的养育之恩。Something new Somethingnew-optimismandhopeforthebridesnewlifeahead “新”指新娘的白色婚礼服必须是新的,它是纯洁童贞的象征,也标志新娘将开始新的生活。Something borrowed The borrowed item should be somethin

8、g borrowed from a friend that is happily married. It is suggested that their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage. 借东西应该从一个婚姻幸福的朋友那里借来,预示着朋友的幸福婚姻也会带给你好运。Something blue Wearing something blue dates back to biblical(圣经的) times when a blue wedding dress was worn to

9、 represent purity, fidelity fideliti忠诚 and love. Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band(衣带) around the bottom of the brides wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter(吊袜带). 蓝色的东西意味着纯洁、忠诚和爱。The introduction of Th

10、e introduction of chinese weddingschinese weddings17Match-making 提亲Betrothal gift 聘礼The groom finds a pro-male matchmaker to communicate with the womans family.Grooms family ask for the brides “Eight characters of a horoscope(生辰八字)” through the spokeswoman. After obtaining the” Eight Letters” of the

11、 both sides, a fortune-telling person will be hired to determine whether they match each other wellGrooms family will request the spokeswoman to send some initial gifts accompanied by the gift letter The bridegroom go to the brides home to escort(/skrt/护送) her to the wedding 新郎到达新娘家迎亲新郎到达新娘家迎亲 Lift

12、sedan(/sdn/轿子) 抬花轿Arrive next car, the bride wedding location到达婚礼地点,新娘下轿 bows(1 bow to the heaven and earth .2 bow to their parents3 bow to each other)拜天地(一拜天地,二拜父母,夫妻对拜)The bridegroom lift the bridal veil新郎掀新娘的盖头Drink the nuptial(/npl/结婚的结婚的) wine 喝交杯酒1920入入洞房洞房Go to the bridal chamber鬧洞房鬧洞房: To te

13、ase the new couple play some tricks 食酒婚桌食酒婚桌wedding banquet lucky candy wine drunk at a wedding feast 24Western wedding process25Before the wedding bridal shower(准新娘送礼会)Arrangement(筹备筹备)invitation etcbachelor party26The ceremony the ceremony is often held in a church and presided over by a Christian

14、 priest or an elected judge.ProcessMinister addressed 主婚人致辞New vow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言Exchange rings 交换戒指Candles ceremony 点蜡烛仪式Flowers ceremony 鲜花仪式Wedding chant 婚礼诵读Sign engagement contract 签写婚约Declared married 宣告成婚 New vow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言New vow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言New v

15、ow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言Exchange rings 交换戒指New vow to marry each other新人互致结婚誓言Exchange rings 交换戒指28 the host declares the beginning of the ceremony. the brides father takes the bride to the groom. the host asked the guests whether there are any objection to their marriage and if each of the co

16、uple is willing to marry. each of them recites his or her marriage vows and exchanges the rings. the host proclaims they become husband and wife. wedding29 In a traditional way ,the couple often repeat after the priest to make the same pledge to each other. Nowadays,Many couples opt to write their o

17、wn vows ,which usually consist of what characteristics each bring out in each other, what they look forward to in life, how their lives changed once they met. They are public expression of love.Wedding Vow I (Grooms Name) take thee (Brides Name) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this da

18、y forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, til death do us part, according to Gods holy ordinance(条例); and there to I plight(宣誓) thee my troth(允诺)。 31 It should be worn on the ring finger, which is believed to be connected with the

19、 heart. It is something like that if the couple put the rings on their ring finger, they both put each other in their heart.Wedding rings: 32The reception A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony. The couple receives society, for the first time as spouses. It a

20、pplies to any social events such as dinners, balls or tea to show hospitality to the guests.33 Wedding cake Dances Toasts Tossing of the brides bouquet and garteractivities on the reception34Throwing the bouquet: It is the last but one item of a wedding, which also is the most popular one. It is sai

21、d who is lucky enough to catch the bouquet, she will be the next bride. In some place, only girls has the access to take part in this exciting activity.The similarities of Chinese and western wedding For example,China has thrown ball of the Bridal ancient customs;and western bride and groom after the wedding thrown bouquet to the air,so if someone catched it indicates that she was soon be married. There is in both China and western wedding host country ,in western country ,the host usually is pastor,w


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