



1、An old man tried to move the mountains学习目标与要求:1.我能学会新单词:wife, whole, shine,bright等。2.我能够根据故事情节的发展,合理续写出故事的结局。3.通过对本节课的学习,我学会了当我们在生活中遇到困难时,要沉着冷静,坚持到底,永不放弃。学习内容Step1 :Warm-up.1. Show the students the background of the storyHansel and Gretel.2. Fi nish 2c.Step2:自主学习语言点归纳:1. 1) The wife told her husba n

2、d that uni ess he left the childre n to die in the forest,thewhole family would die.妻子告诉丈夫,如果他不把孩子们丢在森林里饿死,整个家庭就会灭亡。2) All the childrenenjoyed themselves.所有的孩子都玩得很开心。3)He worked the whole night = all the night.他工作了一整晚。4)He ate all the food .他吃了所有的食物。观察划线部分完成表格:whole常修饰单数词名常用结构“限定词(冠词、物主代词等)+whole +名

3、词”all常修饰名词常用结构“+限定词+或可数名词复数2. 1)What a long time you slept in the forest!你们在森林里睡了这么久!观察由what / how引导的感叹句,完成下列表格:whatWhat + adj. +( +主+谓)!What an interesting book it is!1) What +( +主+谓)!2) What +(+主+谓)!1) What beautiful flowers they are!2) What fine weather it is today!how1) How +( +主+谓)!2) How +(+主+

4、谓)!1) How careful she is!2) How hard she studies!22d / P48-3a / 3b.第二段:【长课导学】模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘记Step3:FinishP47-3Step 1:核对 书本P47- 2d / P48-3a / 3 b的答案。Step 2:核对Step2语言点归纳 的答案。Step 3:小组分角色扮演剧本,可以对剧本进行改编,并展示。角色有:Gretel / Hansel /wife(stepmother) / husba nd(father ) / an old woma n模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘记一、完成下列2b中的短语

5、或句型翻译:制定计划迷路:丢失听见某人正在做某事(听见某人做某事5用法类似的单词有:)醒来继续做某事(用法相同的动词有:)当堂训练Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.第4课时 姓名: _一、 单项选择4()1.He watched TV_day because of the heavy rain.A. whole B.the whole C. the all D. whole the()2. -Did Liu Ying and Liu Li come to your birthday party, Tina? - I had in vite

6、d them, but_of them showed up.A both B.all C. none D. neither()3. -_ fine day! Shall we go for walk? - That sound great!A. What B.How C.What a D. How a()4. -Do you believe that paper is made_wood? - Yes, I do. And you can see those books aremade_ paper.A. from; from B.from; of C.of; from D. of; of二、

7、.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. In some_ ( west ) coun tries, the song is very popular.2. The T-shirt is_ ( make ) of cott on.3. When I passes the classroom last ni ght, I heard some one_( talk ) loudly.4. After his graduati on from the uni versity, he got_( marry ) to a girl.5. He only laughed at us in stead of_ (

8、 give ) us a hand.三、 完成句子1. I think this idea_ _ (听起来愚蠢).2. They need to_ (制定一个计戈卩).3. They walked into the forest and_(迷路)in it.4. Well_ _(能)watch this new film tomorrow.5. Youd better write it_ (足够清楚)for us to read.6 . Youll be late for work unless you take a taxi.(改为同义句)_you _ take a taxi, youll be late for work.7. The beautiful girl will marry a reporter next mon th.(改为同义句)The beautiful girl will_ _ _a reporter next mon th.8 . She was so weak that she couldnt keep walking.(改为同义句)She was


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