【KS5U解析】江苏省如皋市2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析_第1页
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1、江苏省如皋市2019-2020学年度第一学期高一期末英语试卷一、听段对话,回答问题1、why will the man go to beijing?a. to relax himself. b. to visit some friends. c. to attend meetings.2、whats the relationship between the two speakers?a. manager and secretary. b. guest and host. c. shop assistant and customer.3、what do we know about the man

2、?a. he slept well on the plane. b. he had a long trip. c. he had a meeting.4、when will the trousers be ready?a. thursday morning. b. thursday afternoon. c. friday afternoon.5、how long will the man have to wait for the next bus?a. four minutes. b. six minutes. c. ten minutes.6、 why is the man talking

3、 to the woman?a. because he wants to buy a house. b. because he wants to get a job.c. because he wants to rent a flat.7、 how much will the man pay for the bigger flat each year?a. 3,000 dollars. b. 2,500 dollars. c. 2,400 dollars.8、where does this conversation take place?a. on the playground. b. ove

4、r the phone. c. in the classroom.9、what is the woman probably doing?a. watching a basketball game. b. studying. c. taking an exam.10、 what will the man do this saturday?a. play a basketball game. b. have a cup of coffee. c. take an exam.11、where does the man want to go?a. to a concert. b. to a lectu

5、re. c. to a movie.12、 what is the problem with taking bus no. 3?a. the bus doesnt go directly to the library. b. the bus goes slowly to the library.c. the bus will not come at once.13、what does the man finally decide to do?a. walk. b. wait for the bus. c. think of another plan.14、where is the man go

6、ing to travel?a. new york. b. california. c. neither.15、how much will the two men probably pay for the tickets altogether?a. $1,076. b. $ 2,152. c. $ 538.16、 which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?a. flight 737 and flight 215. b. flight 737 and flight 538. c. flight 215 and flight

7、 538.17、 what do we know about the u.s. according to the 2016 survey?a. it is not one of the happiest countries in the world.b. it experienced a decline in happiness only from 2005 to 2007.c. it is not included in the top 10 happiest countries.18、 which country has the largest decline in happiness?a

8、. greece. b. burundi. c. japan.19、which of the following is the least important factor driving happiness?a. quality education. b. wealth. c. good health.20、 what does this passage mainly talk about?a. americans are less happy than before.b. denmark is the happiest country.c. rich countries are happi

9、er than poor countries.二阅读aif you live in a place where most people speak the language you are learning, you may use the language for several hours each day. so it may become part of your “inner speech.” in other words, you start thinking in that language. your mind stops trying to translate things

10、from your native language into the second language. but most of the english learners live in places where english is not the main language. this may be true for you. you may not have many chances to practice english. you may even be self-taught.thinking in english really helps! it is not very diffic

11、ult, but it does need practice. here we will share some mental exercises. a good first step is to think in words. look around you. what do you see? in your head, try to name each object in your surroundings. charles thomas has taught english for over 10 years. he tells his students to name the thing

12、s that they see around them, wherever they are.another exercise thomas suggest is describing in your mind objects you dont know the words for. an example would be if you couldnt think of the word “garage”. thomas says, “if youre looking at your house and you see your garage, but you cant think of th

13、e name in english. you can say, the place inside where i put my car or you can say, its next to my house. i keep things there.”the next exercise is thinking in simple sentences. for example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself things like, “its such a beautiful day” and “people are p

14、laying sports with their friends.” you can also describe your daily activities. thomas asks his students to describe their day using the simple present verb form. so, they would think to themselves things like, “i put on my shirt” and “he drives the bus.”how much time should you spend on these exerc

15、ises? thomas says you do a little every day. “when you make things a habit, then it just pops up into your mind without thinking and then, before you know it, really, youre thinking in english.”1. when a second language becomes part of your “inner speech”, _.a. most people around you speak the langu

16、ageb. you start thinking in the languagec. you translate things from your native language into itd. you learn the language by yourself2. “the place inside where i put my car” is an example for _a. naming objects in your surroundingsb. thinking in simple sentencesc. describing objects you dont know t

17、he words ford. describing your daily activities3. which of the following is the best title for the passage?a. spend your time on exercisesb. teach yourself a second languagec. train your brain to think in englishd. practice english wherever you are【答案】1. b 2. c 3. c【解析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了在语言环境中学习语言的重要性,并给

18、出了具体的学习方法。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“so it may become part of your “inner speech.” in other words, you start thinking in that language. ”可知,当第二种语言成为你“内在语言”的一部分时,你就会开始用这种语言思考。故选b项。【2题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中“another exercise thomas suggest is describing in your mind objects you don't know the words for. ”可知,此句是总述

19、句,因此“the place inside where i put my car”“我停车的地方”是用来支撑总述句“托马斯建议描述你的头脑中一些你不知道的东西”的例子。故选c项。【3题详解】主旨大意题。通过阅读全文可知,在一个大多数人都说你正在学习的语言的地方,你可以每天使用这种语言几个小时,然而大多数人不具备这样的条件,全文为这类人提供了具体的学习方法,目的要达到用这种语言进行思考。所以c项train your brain to think in english“训练你的大脑用英语思考”作为文章的标题最能概括出全文主旨。故选c项。brobots have taken over many of

20、 americas factories. but can they pick a strawberry? “its really hard for robots to match what humans can do,” says bob pizter, an expert on robots.any 4-year-old kid can pick a strawberry, but machines cant seem to figure it out. pizter says the hardest thing for them is finding the fruit. pizters

21、strawberry-picking robot is rolling into a strawberry field. this well-designed device drives itself. its as big as a bus, long enough to straddle (跨越) a dozen rows of strawberries at once. powerful computers are sitting on top. underneath, there are high-definition cameras to find the berries, and

22、robotic claws ready to pick them.“nobodys telling it what to do,” explains paul bissett, the chief operating officer of harvest croo robotics. “its remembering its path down the row. its remembering where all these plants are.” it knows all this, thanks to the super-accurate gps. its computer brain

23、contains a map showing the locations of every strawberry plant in the field. the action of machinery is truly impressive, but the baskets are still practically empty. pitzer says the robots are able to find and pick more than 50 percent of ripe berries. thats not yet up to human standards. a typical

24、 worker, he says, manages to pick anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of the berries. also, he admits, the machine is slower than human hands. on the other hand, it has some advantages. it can work right through the night. two years later, he says, this machine will be in the fields working for real. “th

25、ere are weaknesses to work out, but its getting there. were close.” he says.strawberry companies are putting millions of dollars into this project. the reason, gary wishnatzki, the owner of wish farms says, is that its getting more and more difficult to find enough people to pick his berries. “the f

26、act of the matter is, if we dont solve the problem of this labor shortage with automation, the industry is facing a big challenge ahead. the price of fruit is going to be much higher,” jose santos, the leader of the farm, says.jose is pretty convinced, though, that picking strawberries will always r

27、equire people. the machines will break down, he points out. in fact, hes looking on the bright side. “you could afford to give people a day off if you have machines behind you,” he says.4. according to the passage, the strawberry-picking robot _.a. can work extra hoursb. relies on gps only to find b

28、erriesc. runs on petrol just like a busd. picks both ripe and unripe berries5. what do people mentioned in the passage think of the strawberry-picking robot?a. it will lead to the price of strawberries rising.b. it keeps human workers working through night.c. it is not very efficient at the moment b

29、ut promising.d. it will completely take the place of human workers.6. we know from the article that _.a. robots have been widely used in farmingb. it seems hard for robots to exactly locate strawberries nowc. robots can surely perform any work better than human workersd. with the help of robots, str

30、awberry companies have already earned much7. what does the passage mainly talk about?a. the working principle of strawberry-picking robots.b farmers expectations for strawberry-picking robots.c. the present state of strawberry-picking robots.d. the differences between humans and strawberry-picking r

31、obots.【答案】4. a 5. c 6. b 7. c【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了摘草莓机器人的目前的优点和缺点:效率不高,但可以长时间工作,其缺点也可以改进。未来需求大,前景广阔。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“it can work right through the night.”可知,机器人可以整夜工作。a(它可以加班)表达此意。故选a。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中的“pitzer says the robots are able to find and pick more than 50 percent of ripe berries. thats

32、not yet up to human standards. a typical worker, he says, manages to pick anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of the berries. also, he admits, the machine is slower than human hands.”可知,摘草莓的机器人比人手慢,没有达到人类采摘草莓的标准。由此可以推知,它效率不高。根据第三段中的“on the other hand, it has some advantages. it can work right through the

33、 night. two years later, he says, this machine will be in the fields working for real. “there are weaknesses to work out, but its getting there. were close.” he says.”可知,这种机器人有弱点需要克服,但这些弱点很快就会被克服。这种机器人非常有前景。两年之后,就会被投入使用。我们离此目标不远了。由此推知,综上,c(它目前不是很有效,但很有前途)表达此意。故选c。【6题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中的“its remembering

34、its path down the row. its remembering where all these plants are.” it knows all this, thanks to the super-accurate gps. its computer brain contains a map showing the locations of every strawberry plant in the field. the action of machinery is truly impressive, but the baskets are still practically

35、empty. pitzer says the robots are able to find and pick more than 50 percent of ripe berries. thats not yet up to human standards.”可知,由于超级精确的gps,机器人知道所有草莓的位置。机器的作用确实令人印象深刻,但篮子实际上仍然是空的。pitzer说,机器人能够发现和采摘超过50%的成熟浆果。这还没有达到人类的标准。由此推知,虽然机器人配备有精确的gps,但实际上,它们并不能精确地定位草莓的位置,从而导致采摘率不高。故选b。【7题详解】主旨大意题。第一段直接了当的

36、提出:机器人真的很难达到人类采摘草莓的水平。第二段和第三段主要介绍了草莓采摘机器人的特点和优缺点(效率不高,但可以长时间工作)。最后两段对草莓采摘机器人前景的展望(未来需求大,前景广阔)。结合选项,c(草莓采摘机器人的现状)最能概括主题。故选c。【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。例如,第3题考生可以通过概括每段的大意来总结出文章的主旨大意。crumors (谣言)

37、: we've all heard some and we've all spread some. in more traditional times they shook entire families. today, they travel differently because the way we share information has also changed.the fact is that rumors have great potential to upset things, whether socially or personally. we don

38、9;t enjoy being on the receiving end of one, since they usually don't have good intentions. they are somewhat veiled (掩饰的) messages.normally rumors are oral messages: word of mouth. the paradox (自相矛盾) is that there is no evidence to support rumors, but the more people share it, the more they see

39、 it as true. to finish explaining rumors, we think that they follow certain very clear laws. secrecy: the source is unknown. there is also a proven phenomenon that human beings usually forget the source of a message before they forget its content. certainty: we hardly question rumors simply because

40、of the mental effort involved. on the other hand, no one likes to doubt a person who convinces us that the information they spread is true. change: it acts like a tree. new rumors branch out to fill in the gaps left by the first rumor.another property (属性) of rumors is that they tend to become viral

41、. each receiver is at the same time a potential transmitter (传输者) of the information. the receiver often adds their own opinion. their manner and tone of transmitting it also changes it.how can we end rumors? the answer is as simple as it is impossible: preventing people from communicating. a more r

42、ealistic response is equally difficult, although less than the first one. it is that we should be critical of the information we receive. we should ask ourselves if the source is reliable. ask (if possible) the person you heard it from whether they also trust the information. we should also think ab

43、out if the rumor benefits someone, and if that someone started the rumor.one rumor to be especially cautious of is a rumor about groups relatively unable to defend themselves. that's why we say, "history is always told by the winners." the first payment the defeated must make is to acc

44、ept the victor's version of the story.8. what can we learn about rumors?a. we have all heard some and believed them.b. we're happy to be the receiving end of them.c. they may have negative influence on society.d. they often hide good intentions in the messages.9. how are rumours like a tree?

45、a. rumours keep changing, just as trees change their colour.b. rumours are deeply rooted in reality, like tree roots in the earth.c. new rumours have gaps, like the space between tree branches.d. new rumours grow out of the original, like branches out of a trunk.10. what does the underlined word vir

46、al in para 4 probably mean?a. something easily spread.b. something acceptable.c. something easily defended.d. something beneficial.11. which of the following may the author agree with?a. it is easy to prevent people from spreading rumors.b. people are often active in judging the rumors critically.c.

47、 we should think about the hidden message of the rumors.d. stories told by the victors are usually better worth trusting.【答案】8. c 9. d 10. a 11. c【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了谣言的特点,分析了谣言存在的原因,并提出了如何终结谣言的解决方式。【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段“the fact is that rumors have great potential to upset things, whether socially or pe

48、rsonally. ”可知,无论是在社交方面还是个人层面,谣言都有可能使事情变得让人不安。由此可知,谣言可能会对社会产生负面影响。故选c项。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中“it acts like a tree. new rumors branch out to fill in the gaps left by the first rumor. ”可知,谣言就像一棵树,新的谣言产生分支来填补第一个谣言留下的空白。由此可知,新的谣言是从原来的谣言中产生的,就像树干上的树枝。故选d项。【10题详解】词义猜测题。根据第四段中划线词所在句后的“each receiver is at the sa

49、me time a potential transmitter (传输者) of the information.”可知,每个接收者同时又是信息的潜在传输者。由此推知,划线词所在句“another property (属性) of rumors is that they tend to become viral. ”意为,谣言的另一个特点是它们往往会容易传播。同时结合选项翻译可知,a项切合题意。故选a项。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据第五段中“it is that we should be critical of the information we receive. we should as

50、k ourselves if the source is reliable. ask (if possible) the person you heard it from whether they also trust the information. ”可知,我们应该问问自己消息来源是否可靠,询问你所听到的人,他们是否也相信这些信息。由此可知,我们应该思考谣言背后隐藏的信息。故选c项。dslowly but surely, were moving closer and closer to 5g world. from smart-home security to self-driving c

51、ars, all the internet-connected devices in your life will be able to talk to each other at lightning-fast speeds with reduced delay, objectively speaking, the fastest 4g download speeds in the u. s. top out at an average of 19.42 mbps. but by comparison 5g promises gigabit (千兆) speeds.“5g is one of

52、those signs, along with artificial intelligence, of this coming data age,” said steve koenig, senior director of market research for the consumer technology association. “the self-driving vehicle is a great emblem of this data age, and that is to say, it is a sign of time, because with one single ta

53、sk, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, and a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. its pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. it could be weather information, but also conn

54、ected infrastructure (基础设施) construction. theres lots of data behind that task, which is why we need high speed.augmented reality glasses and virtual headset havent yet broken the mainstream, but tech companies are joyfully betting that these devices will eventually replace our smartphones. with 5g,

55、 that could actually happen. this is notable because companies such as apple are reportedly developing ar glasses to assist or perhaps even replace smartphones.ericsson stated at februarys mobile world congress how smart glasses could become faster and lighter with a 5g connection, because instead o

56、f being weighed down with components, the glasses could rely on hardware for processing power.but dont get too excited. theres still a lot of work to be done in the meantime, including various trials to make sure the radios play nicely with hardware and infrastructure construction so 5g isnt concent

57、rated only in big cities.12. what does the author want to stress in paragraph 1?a. the lighting-fast speed of 5g.b. the expectation of 5g world.c. the difference between 4g and 5g.d. the internet-connected devices in our life.13. what does the underlined word “emblem” in paragraph 2 mean?a. exhibition.b. success.c. symbol.d. explanation.14. we can infer from the text that _.a. 5g world wont come without ar glassesb. 5g helps to create the artificial intelligence vehiclec. apple company is developing ar glasses worldwided. tech companies will face the fact that smartphones may be replaced1


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