托福阅读机经背景: 克林顿卸任前接受国会质询_第1页
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托福阅读机经背景: 克林顿卸任前接受国会质询_第5页
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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景: 克林顿卸任前接受国会质询 Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to testify to Congress next week about the September terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. 1月23号星期三,即将离任的克林顿国务卿将就去年9月发生的利比亚班加西恐怖袭击在国会作证,那次袭击杀害了美国驻利比亚大使和另

2、外3位美国人。 Four months after the Benghazi attack that exposed startling flaws in U.S. diplomatic security, lawmakers will have their first chance to question Clinton about the incident, in what likely will be her final round of congressional testimony as Americas top diplomat. 班加西袭击事件过去了4个月,那次事件暴露了美国外交

3、安全上的惊人缺陷。星期三,美国国会第一次就那次事件向克林顿国务卿提出质询,这也许是克林顿最后一次作为美国最高外交官在国会作证。 In October, she said she bears ultimate responsibility for the security lapse. 去年10月,克林顿说,她为安全漏洞承担最终责任。 “I take responsibility," Clinton said. "I am in charge of the State Departments 60,000-plus people all over the world.” 她说

4、,“我会负责,我主管国务院驻世界各地6万多名人员。” She was to testify last month, but illness and an accident forced a postponement. 克林顿原定上个月作证,可是因为生病和一次事故推迟了计划。 Despite multiple investigations into the Benghazi debacle and the resignation of high-ranking State Department officials, lawmakers say questions remain about the

5、 September 11 attack. Among them: Republican Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. 对班加西爆炸事件进行多次调查后,国务院多名高级官员辞职,可是国会议员说,9月11号的袭击事件中还有问题没有解决。共和党众议员伊莱亚娜罗斯-莱赫蒂宁说: “Why was the State Department unprepared for an assault there," she asked. "Especially on the anniversary of the worst terrorist atta

6、ck in United States history?” “为什么国务院对袭击毫无防备?尤其是在美国历史上最惨痛的恐怖袭击的周年日?” But Clintons testimony before House and Senate panels is likely to be mostly forward looking, said National security expert Rudy deLeon. 可是分析人士预计,克林顿在参众两院小组前作证基本上是向前看。国家安全专家 鲁迪德里昂说: “What we are expecting to hear, in the secretarys

7、 own voice, is the plan she has to reinvigorate and enhance diplomatic security services," he said. "What we are reminded of is how delicate the security situation is, and how attentively we need to stay focused.” “预计,我们会从国务卿嘴里听到的是,她计划重振和加强外交部门的安全。这一事件再次提醒我们安全局势是多么脆弱,我们应该如何关注这个问题。” Will th

8、e Benghazi attack be a permanent and defining stain on Clintons tenure at the State Department? Former U.S. NATO Ambassador Robert Hunter does not think so. 那么,班加西袭击事件是否会成为克林顿在国务院任期内的一个永久污点呢?原美国驻北约大使罗伯特亨特认为不会如此。 “I do not think her image was at all tarnished by this. Secretary Clinton has set an inc

9、redible standard in the last four years in terms of Americas standing abroad, human rights, womens rights,” Hunter said. “我不认为她的形象因此受损。过去4年里,克林顿国务卿在美国海外立场、人权和妇女权益问题上树立了一个了不起的标准。” Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher agrees. 共和党籍的国会议员达纳罗拉巴克同意这样的看法。 “She has given this country 20 years of decent, g

10、ood service. And I am not about to sling mud at her. She maybe made a bad call. She has made 20 years of good calls.” “20年来,她为国家做了很好的工作,我不会向她泼污水。她也许做了一次错误决定,可是做了20年的好事。” Hillary Clintons testimony on Capitol Hill precedes a Senate confirmation hearing for President Barack Obamas pick to be Americas next secretary of state, Senator John Kerry. 希拉里克林顿在国会作证后,


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