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1、大连外国语大学翻译专业本科毕业论文(翻译实践报告类)写作规范2016年12月修订目录一、毕业论文的全套材料3二、毕业论文的基本结构3三、论文的字体和字号要求3四、纸张打印格式4五、论文前置部分的格式要求4六、论文主体部分的格式要求5七、英语封面样本7八、英语摘要样本9九、汉语摘要样本11十、英语致谢样本(1)(2)12十一、英语提纲样本14十二、论文的标题标注样本含参考文献样本(1)(2)16十三、网上参考文献格式说明27十四、中文参考文献格式说明34十五、MLA论文写作规范简略说明36十六、附录样本53一、毕业论文的全套材料1 .论文袋2 .大连外国语大学本科毕业论文(设计)指导手册(学生用

2、,用黑色签字笔 填写)3 .表1中期检查表(教师用,打印签字版)4 .表2指导教师评语表(教师用,打印签字版)5 .表3评阅人评语表(教师用,打印签字版)6 .表4答辩记录表(教师用,打印签字版,表格中评语及以下部分用黑色签字 笔填写)7 .论文打印文本(一式一份,左侧装订)二、毕业论文的基本结构1 .前置部分(按以下顺序排列):中文封面、诚信承诺书、英文封面、英语摘要、 汉语摘要、英语致谢、英语目录(以上各项均单独成页)。2 .主体部分:引言、正文、结论、参考文献(以上各项均单独成页)。3 .附录部分:原文和译文、术语表或人名地名表等(以上各项均单独成页,有 或无视情况而定)。三、论文的字体

3、和字号要求1 .英语的字体为Times New Roman,汉语的字体为宋体。2 .英语和汉语的字号均为小四,且不必加粗。么!、纸张打印格式1 .论文要求使用激光打印,纸张尺寸为A4,打印1份。2 .行间距:英语为2倍行距,汉语为1.5倍行距。3 .页边距:上2. 5厘米,下2. 5厘米,左3. 5厘米,右2厘米。4 .页脚插入页码,居中。页码从封面至提纲的最后一页采用罗马字母排列,即 i, ii, iii.,封面作为i页,页码不显示。页码自正文开始用阿拉伯数字 排列至论文结束,位于页底居中。5 . 一律采用左侧装订。五、论文前置部分的格式要求1 .英语封面:1)所在大学名称;2)论文题目;3

4、)学位专业培养院/系/将获学 位;4)论文作者姓名;5)学生所在年级、班级;6)导师姓名;7)毕业年月。 英语封面的字体全部大写,居中排列。封面上论文题目中出现的英文书名(含 小说名)应加下划线、英文文章名应加双引号,中文书名、文章名均应加书 名号,例如:A REPORT ON THE TRANSLATION OF AN EXCERPT FROM LABYRINTH /迷宫节选的翻译实践报告,或A REPORT ON THE TRANSLATION OF STORIES OF FIVE CITIES 0 /五城记的翻译实践报 告。写)和“摘要”2 .摘要部分:摘要为论文内容的简短总结,不加注释

5、和评论,它具有独立性和 自含性。英语摘要字数控制在300字左右且控制在一个页面以内,汉语摘要 的内容要与英语摘要内容保持一致。“ABSTRACT (英语摘要的标题:字体大 (汉语摘要的标题)居中排列。汉语“摘要”下要有论文的汉语标题。标题下要有作者的汉语姓名。3 .英汉摘要中的关键词(Keywords):选择3至5个作为关键词,左对齐,隔 一行排列在摘要正文下方。英语关键词之间使用逗号(“,”)间隔,汉语关 键词之间使用分号(“;”)间隔。最后一个关键词后不使用句号。4 .英文目录:论文题目居中。论文要使用短语目录格式(Phrase Outline),格 式参见论文英语目录样本。六、论文主体部

6、分的格式要求1 .正文中的各部分标题应与英语目录(CONTENTS)中所列的标题一致,标示 出论文的部分,一级标题序号用罗马数字I, II, III等,二级标题序号用A, B, C等,三级标题用1, 2, 3等。每部分(I, II, III, IV)开始时应 单独成页。2 .目录(CONTENTS )o3 .正文是论文的核心部分,占主要篇幅,字数不得少于3000字。4 .正文中直接(或间接)引用他人资料必须标明出处,作品信息在论文的Works Cited中全部列出。5 .正文要有论文的标题,居中排列。论文标题的每个词首字母(除虚词外)均 要大写。各部分的分标题仅首词首字母大写,分标题需要左对齐

7、。6 .论文正文要两端对齐。正文开始部分与顶端空出一行的距离。7 .论文后应附参考文献(Works Cited),数量不能少于8项,其中英语文献不少 于一半,而且列出的作品必须要能够在校园网上查得到或能够提供参考资料 的复印件。文后的“Works Cited”字样要居中排列,与页面顶端不空出一行的距离。英语文献列在前,汉语文献列在后。英语文献要求一律采用MLA格 式(参见论文参考文献格式说明);汉语文献具体格式依据我国国家标准 GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则。顺序要按文献作者姓氏的汉语拼音字 母排列,不加序号。8 .正文内引注格式说明:(1)当英语或汉语的引文超过四行(包括四行)时,

8、不可再在文中使用引号引文。应另起行,左缩进10个英文字符的位置对齐开 始打字;(2)正文中标注汉语文献的方法:(作者姓的汉语拼音页码),括号 中作者的姓与页码之间要空一格,例如:(Wang 87)。如果引用同一个作者的 多部作品,在正文中要使用(作者的姓,页码,出版年代)的方法标注,例 如:(Wang, 87, 1990)。如果引用作者同一年发表的多部作品,应在出版年 代后用英文小写字母排序,例如:(Wang, 87, 1990a)。如果引用文献中有重 姓的作者,应在标注时使用作者的全名,例如:(Wang Fang 87)。如果引用 两个或两个以上的作者共同发表的一部作品可采用(第一作者的姓,

9、第二作 者的姓页码)的方法标注,所列出的最后一个作者的姓与页码之间要空一格, 例如:(Wang, Li 87)。9 .附录:附录中的原文必须为不少于3000字或词左右的篇幅,可以是英文单词, 也可以是汉字。原文必须为同一文本的连续组成部分,或者是不同长短的同 类文本的集合,以确保报告内容的同源性及报告分析结果的一致性及有效性。 译文必须具有原创性,即译者在从事翻译实践时,原文尚未有公开发表或出 版的译文。附录1为原文和译文,附录2为术语表或人名地名表等。七、英语封面样本11DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGESA REPORT ON THE TRANSLA


11、sed on the translation practice of the essay “Stories of Five Cities”. The author Yu Qiuyu, a renowned scholar, enjoys a high reputation for cultural essays and deserves an international fame. As one of his magnum opuses, “Stories of Five Cities” depicts five important Chinese cities, Kaifeng, Nanji

12、ng, Chengdu, Lanzhou and Guangzhou. Translating this essay not only reveals the delicate words, unique writing style and deep thinking of Yu but also is a great opportunity to introduce Chinese cities.This report describes all the procedures in this Chinese-to-English translation project, including

13、task description, process description, case analysis and conclusion. The emphasis of this report is case analysis which focuses on the techniques adopted for two main difficulties during the process, the translation of rhetorical devices and culture-loaded words. In this project, the most frequently

14、 used translating methods for rhetorical devices are literal translation and omission while as for culture-loaded words, literal translation with annotation and free translation are often used. Finally, this report concludes the significance and limitations of the project.This report attempts to dra

15、w experiences on Chinese-to«English essay translation by discussing effective translating methods for “stories of five cities”. It tries to arouse the attention of more translators to introduce Chinese literary works to the world and prevent the translator and others from making the same errors

16、 that occurred in this project.Key Words: Rhetorical Devices, Culture-loaded Words, Essay九、汉语摘要样本五城记的翻译实践报告XXX本次翻译实践报告选自散文五城记。其作者余秋雨是著名的学者,他以 文化散文而享有盛誉,并应该赢得国际声望。作为他的代表作之一,五城记 介绍了五座重要的中国城市:开封、南京、成都、兰州和广州。翻译此文不仅可 以体现余秋雨精妙的用词、独具特色的写作风格以及深刻的思考,同时也提供了 介绍中国城市的契机。本实践报告描述了此次汉译英翻译实践的所有过程,包括任务描述、过程描 述、案例分析和结

17、论。该报告着重介绍了案例分析部分,该部分关注翻译过程中 遇到的两大难点的处理:修辞手法的翻译和文化负载词的翻译。在该报告中,修 辞手法的处理中常用的翻译技巧是直译法和省译法,而文化负载词的翻译多运用 直译加注法和意译法。最后,该报告总结了此次翻译实践的意义和局限。本实践报告通过讨论针对五城记的有效翻译手法,尝试总结汉译英散文 翻译的经验。报告尝试吸引更多译者将中国文学介绍给世界,也希望该译者和其 他译者们日后能规避此次翻译实践中出现的失误。关键词:修辞手法;文化负载词;散文十、英语致谢样本(1)(2)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI want to present my sincere th

18、anks to all dear teachers in the School of Translation and Interpretation of Dalian University of Foreign Languages, especially my supervisor Professor (or Mr.) .My special thanks are also dedicated to my family who are always supportive by giving me immeasurable help in life and make my academic li

19、fe possible.IIACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank many people for helping me to get this thesis finished.First, I owe particular thanks to my advisor, Professor XXX, who has been so responsible and patient in supervising me in writing up the thesis. With her help, I understand .Next I would like t

20、o thank my fellow classmates and friends. I offer my enduring gratitude for their true friendship and kind help. Since my thesis is based on the results of interviews, .Special thanks go to my parents, who have supported me throughout my years of education, both morally and financially. They taught

21、me how to be a good daughter, a diligent student and an upstanding person. Without their support, .19十一、英语提纲样本CONTENTSABSTRACTii摘要ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTSvCONTENTSviI sl 101 III. Process description3A. Preparation before translation3B. Process of translation4C. Issues after translation5III. Case analysis6

22、A. Translation of rhetoricaldevices6B. Translation of culture-loadedwords11IV. Conclusion17A. Significance17B. Limitations18Works Cited20Appendix 1 22Appendix 2 42十二、论文的标题标注样本A Report on the Translation of uStories of Five Cities”I. Task descriptionThe source text is an excerpt from a Chinese essay,

23、 “Stories of Five Cities”, written by Yu Qiuyu. This essay is chosen for two main reasons: first, Yu Qiuyu, an outstanding essayist, scholar and artistic theoretician in modern Chinese literary world, has inspired me for many years by his attitude towards culture. Despite all the hardships and dange

24、rs, Yu traveled to almost all places of great historical and cultural significance in the world, including politically unstable areas, and wrote eight essay collections to introduce cultural sites and human civilization to the readers. His dedication to culture transmission enriches my purpose of tr

25、anslation and drives me to introduce him to more people.Critics believe the play "celebrates the horror of anti-Semitism” (Fiedler 98), and it "constitutes an indictment of the hypocrisy of Christian society” (Zaslavsky 185). Shakespeare uses his controversial “other,“ Shylock the Jew, to

26、call the Venetian Christians on their religious inconsistencies. uWhat startles and delights us is Shylock's shrewd indictment of Christian hypocrisy” (Bloom 189). Of course, the Venetian citizens do not listen to him. Shylock rightfully asserts, uIf a Christian wrongs a Jew, what should his suf

27、ferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction"(Shakespeare, Merchant 58-61).II. Process descriptionAs a cultural essay, “Stories of Five Cities“ is a challenge for translators since it is necessary

28、 to keep both the meaning and the style. In order to perfect the translated text, the translating process was divided into three major stages, with each concentrating on different tasks.A. Preparation before translationIn the very first stage of preparation, it is of great importance to get a compre

29、hensive understanding of both the writing style of Yu Qiuyu and the five cities introduced in the essay. On the one hand, as a renowned scholar, artistic theoretician and essay writer, Yu Qiuyu excels in combining his extensive traveling experience with delicate words.For centuries Jews have been ac

30、cused of treacherous acts, including the murder of Jesus, poisoning wells, the ritual murder of Christian children, and the Bubonic plague and controlling the media and the banks. Many of these falsities have roots in historical circumstances, and longstanding fear and misunderstanding. Tragically,

31、these lies continue to be launched against Jews. Without an examination of both historic and contemporary anti-Semitism, students may be left with stereotypical and negative conceptions of Jews and Judaism. (Hassel 254)B. Process of translationC. Issues after translationThe main issue after translat

32、ion is quality control consisting of proofreading by myself and others.III. Case analysisThe difficulties and problems encountered during the translation are various but can mainly be summarized as two groups: translation of rhetorical devices and translation of culture-loaded words.A. Translation o

33、f rhetorical devicesRhetoric, also called figure of speech, is “a method to improve the effect of language using by modifying and adjusting the sentences as well as adopting specific forms of expression (Hornby 1712). There are various rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoc

34、he, personification, parallelism, euphemism, allegory, irony and paradox, among which the most frequently used ones in “Stories of Five Cities“ are personification, allusion, simile, repetition, contrast and parallelism.1. Literal translationExample 1:Source text:但是,淤泥下的一切属于记忆,记忆像银灰色的梦,不会有其 它色彩。(Lin

35、el5, Page 54)Target text: However, all under the silt belong to memory which resembles a silvery dieam with no other colors. (Line 19, Page 54)Example 1 includes the use of simile which means “a word or phrase that compares something to something else, using the words like or as" (Hornby 1869).

36、 This sentence uses “银灰色的梦"to describe "记忆",which creates a vivid picture of the feel of memory. The image “dream“ carries the same information in both Chinese and English and the color “silvery gray“ gives people a similar feeling in both languages. Therefore, literal translation is

37、adopted here.2.B.Some people take the point that, Thn merchant af Venice shows anti-Semitism. However, from the detailed plots and compare with the people of that age, Shakespeare showed a great deal of sympathy to Shylock. Shakespeare was greatly against greed, cruelty, and racial discrimination, g

38、lorified friendship, love, and mercy. (Liang 151)Hamiltonhighlights yet another point: "the Christ-figurein this play is not only not sacrificed but also happy to be relieved of his obligations9"(131). Antonio shows no mercy to Shylock when Portia pronounces hissentenceC.39IV. ConclusionA.

39、 SignificanceB. Limitations参考文献样本(1) (2)Works CitedBevington, Jean E. Howard, and Marion E O'Connor. Shaknspenre Reproduced: Tha Text in History and Ideology. New York: Methuen, 1987.Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: RiverheadBooks, 1998.“The Decade of the Spy.&qu

40、ot; Newsweek 7 Mar. 1994: 26-27."Dubious Venture." Time 3 Jan. 1994: 64-65.Fiedler, Leslie A. The Stranger in Shakespeare. New York: Stein and Day, 1972.Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. China Commercial Press, 2001. Rome。and Juliet. China Commercial Press, 2001.Zaslavsky, Robe

41、rt. “Which is the Merchant here? And which the Jew? Keeping theBook and Keeping the Books in The Merchant of Venice." Judaism. 44 (1995): 181-92.梁工(Liang Gong).莎士比亚与圣经M.北京:商务印书馆,2006.Works CitedBrown, J. D. The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development. Beiji

42、ng: Foreign Languages aching and Research Press, 2001.Bryman, A. Quantity and Qunlily in Social Research. London: Routledge, 1988.Cacicedo, Al. "Private Parts: Preliminary Notes for an Essay on Gender Identity inShakespeare?5 Working paper, 12 Mar. 1997. 4 July 1998<http:/www.arts.ubc.ca/eng

43、lish/iemls/shak/PRIVATE_PARTS.txt>.Denning, Peter J. "Business Designs for the New University?5 Educom Review 31.6 (1996). 23 June 1998</web/pubs/review/reviewArticles/31620.htnil>.Dubin, Fraida, and Elite Olshtain. Course Design. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Education P

44、ress, 2002."Endangered Species Act Upheld." AP Online 22 June 1998. 22 June 1998<http:/wwvv.nytimes.eom/aponline/w/AP-Court-Endangered-Species.html>.HalL Donald, ed. The Oxford Book of American Literary Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1981.Nunan, D. Second Langucpn Teaching and Leami

45、ng. Beijing: Foreign Languages aching and Research Press, 2001.Oleson, Carole. uTlie Remembered Eaitli: Momaday's House Made of Dawn." SouthDakota Review 11 (1973): 59-78.Toomer, Jean. Cane. Ed. Darwin T. Turner. New York: Norton, 1988.Yalden, J. Principles of Syllabus Design for Lan£u

46、ae Teaching. Beijing: ForeignLanguages Teaching and Research Press, 2000.白秀水(Bai Xiushui)、刘敢(Liu Gan)、任保平(Ren Baoping).西安金融、人 才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究R.西安:陕西师范大学西北经济 发展研究中心,1998.高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组(GDXXWY) .高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲Z.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.何其莘(He Qixin),培养21世纪的外语人才一一新大纲的修订过程及主要特点J.外语界,2001(1).覃修桂(QinXiugui

47、).关于高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲实施现状的调查J.西安外国语学院学报,2006(9).王明亮(Wang Mingliang).关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展 EB/0L.http: 1998-08-16/1998-10-04.颜静兰(Yan Jinglan) 杨慧敏(Yang Huimin).新大纲文化素质创新能力我们对高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲精神的理解与执行J.化工高等教育,2003(2). 17-19.姚乃强(YaoNaiqiang).提高文化素养培养创新能力一一谈新大纲三、四、五、六部分J.外语界,2001(1).朱长河(ZhuChanghe).高等学校英语专业英语教

48、学大纲评述切川北教育学院学报,2002 (2).十三、网上参考文献格式说明Citing Electronic PublicationsCitations of electronic sources and those of print sources should accomplish the same ends and have analogous formats. Both types of citations identify a source and give sufficient information to allow a reader to locate it. Yet each

49、 type requires a different kind and amount of information to fulfill these objectives. Print culture has developed standard reference tools (library catalogs, bibliographies, and so on) for locating published works. Electronic media, in contrast, so far lack agreed-on means of organizing works. More

50、over, electronic texts are not as fixed and stable as their print counterparts. References to electronic works therefore must provide more information than print citations generally offer.1. An Online Scholarly Project, Information Database, or Professional or Personal Sitea. A Complete Scholarly Pr

51、oject or Information DatabaseThe typical entry for a complete online scholarly project or information database consists of the following items:- Title of the project or database (underlined);- Name of the editor of the project or database (if given);- Electronic publication information, including ve

52、rsion number (if relevant and if not part of the title), data of electronic publication or of the latest update, and name of any sponsoring institution or organization;Date of access and network address.If you cannot find some of this information, cite what is available.Format:Britannica Online. Ver

53、s. 98. 2. Apr. 1998. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8 May 1998<b. A Document within a Scholarly Project or Information DatabaseTo cite an article, a poem, a short story, or a similar short work or document within a project or database, begin the citation with the author name and, in quotation marks, t

54、he title of the work. If no author's name, begin the citation with the title of the materiaL in quotation marks. Continue with the relevant information for the project or database, the date of access, and the URL (uniform resource locator or its network address); be sure to give the URL of the s

55、pecific work or document rather than that of the project or database if they are different.Format:Hoffmann, Heinrich. "Struwwelpeter." Trans. Mark Twain. NineteenthVentury Ge-nan Stories. Ed. Robert Godwin-Jones. 1994. Foreign Lang Dept., Virginia Commonwealth U. 10 Jan. 1998<http:/www.

56、fln.vcu.edU/hasweb/for/struwwel/twpete.html>.c. A Professional or Personal SiteTo document an online professional or personal site, begin the entry with the name of the person who created it (if given an relevant), reversed for alphabetizing and followed by a period. Continue with the title of th

57、e site (underlined)or, if there is no title, with a description such as Home page (neither underlined nor in quotationmarks); the name of any institution or organization associated with the sit; the date of access; and the network address.Format:Dawe, James. Jane Austen Page .15 Sept. 1998<http:/nyquist. ee.ualberta.ca/-dawe/austen.html>Lancashire, Ian. Home page. 1 May 1998<http:/www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/-ian/>2. An Online Booka. An Online Book Available IndependentlyThe typical entry for a complete online book available independently consists of the following it


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