



1、Book 7 Module 5 Eth nic Culture 晨起第一事背诵经典句 1. The ancient minority culture is rich and colorful, its traditions passed down from gen erati on to gen erati on. 古老的少数民族文化丰富多彩,传统代代相传。 2. The sky is clear blue and Idont thinkve ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life. 这里的天空碧蓝如洗,我想我一生中从未见过这么美的景色。

2、 3. However different the scenery may appear to be at first, it fascinates tourists. 无论起初景色看上去有多么不同,都令游客着迷。 4. The Dai ethnic group has a population of around 1.26 million, most of whom live in Yunnan. 傣族有大约 126 万人口,大多数分布在云南。 自主排查夯基固本 I 核心单词 (minority ( n.)少数民族;少数 minor (adj.)较小的;次要的 majority (反 义词)

3、(n.)多数 (2) native (adj.)出生地的;土生土长的 (n.)本地人 (3) varied (adj.)各种各样的;形形色色的vary (v.)改变;不同various (adj.) 各种各样的;种种的 variety (n.)多样性 run (v.)控制;管理ran (过去式)run (过去分词) (5) property (n.) 财产proper (adj.) 适当的; 正当的 (6) custom (n.)风俗,习惯,传统customer (n.)顾客 (7) apparently (adv.) 看起来;显然apparent (adj.) 显然的appear Q) 看起

4、来 (8) foolish (adj.)愚蠢的,傻的fool (n.)愚人,傻子(v.)愚弄 (9) firm (adj.)牢固的;稳固的firmly (adv.)坚定地;坚决地 (10) fasten (v.)系牢;缚紧 (11) loose (adj.)稀松的;疏松的loosely (adv.)宽松地loosen (v.)变松 (12) fold (v.)折叠;对折unfold (反义词)(v.)展开 (13) adjust (v.)适应;使适应adjustment (n.)适应;调整 (14) gatherer (n.)采集者gather (v.)收集;采集 n 阅读单词 (1) eth

5、 nic (adj.)种族的;民族的 (2) diverse (adj.) 完全不同的;各不相同的 diversity (n.) 多样性 (3) i nherit (v.)继承 (4) hatch (v.)孵化 (5) splash (v.)(液体)溅落;飞溅 (6) lame (adj.)瘸的;跛的 (7) necklace (n.)项链 (8) framework (n.) 构架;框架;结构 (9) furnish (v.)为(房屋或房间)配备家具 furniture (n.)家具 (10) bare (adj.)赤裸的 1/语境活用单句语法填空 1. The factory is wel

6、l _ (fur ni sh) with moder n equipme nt. 答案:furnished 2. Since you have settled down in a new country, you have to make an_ (adjust) to the new en vir onment. 答案:adjustment 3. I prefer a table that can _ (fold) up when not used so that it may save a lot of space. 答案:be folded 4. _ He is thought to h

7、ave acted (foolish). Now he has no one but himself to blame for losi ng the job. 答案:foolishly 5. _ She was (appare nt) very disappo in ted at the n ews Tom told her. 答案:apparently 6. In the 1980s the rate of in crease of the _ (minor) populati on of the United States was nearly twice what it was in

8、the 1970s. 答案:minority 7. It is essential that your diet is _ (vary) and balaneed. 答案:varied 8. _ The dog (faste n) to the post by an iron eha in. 答案:is fastened 9. In ternet users are either in formatio n providers or in formatio n _ (gather). 答案:gatherers 10. I myself will _ (firm) carry out this

9、plan. 答案:firmly 1. -en 结尾的动词集锦 fasten 系牢,缚紧 broaden 增长(知识或经验);扩大(活动范围) frighten 使惊吓 len gthen 使)变长 loosen 变松,松开 stre ngthe n 力卩强 threate n 威胁 tighten 使变紧 wide n 加宽 2. -ish 结尾的形容词 foolish 愚蠢的,傻的 devilish 如恶魔的,穷凶恶极的 childish 小孩子气的,小孩子般的 reddish 带红色的,变红的 selfish 自私的 1. get lost 迷路 2. in use 在使用 3. come

10、_across 偶遇;无意中发现 4. make_up 编造; 虚构 5. put sb. up 留某人在家里过夜 6. have a population of 有 . 人口 7. in the distanee 在远处 8. set off 出发;动身;引爆 9. adjust to 适应; 调整 10. pull out 驶出 语境活用选词填空 in use, pull out, set off, in the dista nee, adjust to, come across 1. Dont _ ! There is a bus coming. 答案:pull out 2. The m

11、an decided to set aside some money for his son, so he _ for London to earn mon ey. 答案:set off 3. Church bells rang _ ; the sound could be easily heard at a distanee of two miles. 答案:in the distanee 4. _ The other day I an old friend of mine when I was going to the library to refer to some books. 答案:

12、came across 5. _ It was time to put the tips he had learned _ . 答案:in use 6. _ Our body can often changes of temperature. 答案:adjust to 1. custom 的相关短语 break a custom 破坏习俗 follow/keep up a custom 遵守习俗 the custom of doing sth.做某事的习惯/风格 2. “动词+名词+介词”结构 make fun of 取笑 . make use of .禾 U 用 . take adva nt

13、age of .禾 U 用 pay atte nti on to .注意 . 6常用句式 课文原句 句式梳理 仿写训练 They sit in small circles in the square, with their babies on their backs, completely unin terested in the tourists ! (P58) 她们围成小圈坐在广场 上,身背孩子,对游客丝 毫不感兴趣。 completely unin terested in the tourists 是形谷词短语 作状语。 (又惊 讶又开心),Lily stood up and accep

14、ted the prize. 答案: Surprised and happy直击重点突破考点 I - 单词点津 - 1 run v.控制;管理;跑;开动(机器等);运转;(液体)流淌;褪色(P58) 先练 (1) 单句语法填空 If were not careful, were going to run out _juice. We ran _ some old frie nds in the village. I run _ the list, but none of the machi nes in terested me. 答案:of across through (2) 单句写作 Ea

15、rths n atural resources _ , so we should waste them on no con diti on. 地球的自然资源正在枯竭,所以我们不应该浪费它们。 Whe n he_his brother, the boy lost his bala nee and had a bad fall. 男孩在追赶他哥哥时失去了平衡,狠狠地摔了一跤。 答案: are running out was running after F 后讲 run across 偶然遇至 U run after 追求,追逐 run out 某物被用光了(主动表达被动含义) run out of

16、 用光,用完 run over (车辆)碾轧;轧死,轧伤 run through 贯穿于 . 之中;匆匆读完 adjust v.适应;使适应;整理;调整;校正;安排 (P67) 先练 (1)单句语法填空 rm writing to tell you something about the _ (adjust) of our legal holidays. The height of the bicycle seat is _ (adjust) 答案:adjustment adjustable (2)单句写作 My pare nts had trouble _ in an apartme nt.

17、 我父母很难适应住公寓。 It took her a while to _ after the divorce. 离婚以后,她过了一段时间才适应了一个人生活。 答案: adjusting to living adjust herself to living alone F后讲 (1) adjust to sth./do ing sth.适应 . adjust on eself to sth./doi ng sth.使自己适应某事/适应于做某事 (2) adjustable adj.可调节的;可调整的 (3) adjustme nt n.调节;适应 make adjustme nts to 对 . 进行调整 furnish v.为(房屋或房间)配备家具;提供;供应(P67) 先练 (1)单句语法填空 Elea nor moved in to a smal


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