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1、lesson 031 一 taosting礼节美语031讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作。他和美国同事amy晚上要一起参加同事james的告别晚宴,市公司 北京办事处主任戴维斯主持。(office ambience)a: chen hao, you need to be prepared for a lot of toasting tonight.c: toasting?烤面包?a: no, i am talking about honoring someone at a meal or reception by raising a glass of wine, champagne or wa

2、ter and offering a few kind words about that person.c:噢,你是说祝酒啊。西方人祝酒有什么规矩吗?a: there are two kinds of toasts there is the informal toast that the host offers at the beginning of the meal to welcome his guests.c:那是戴维斯的事吧。我们有什么要做的吗?a: mi davis will stand, raise his glass and thank everyone for coming.

3、he will take a sip of his wine. then the guests, who remain seated, raise their glasses in response and take a sip.c:就是说我们都不用站起来,只耍举起杯,然厉抿一口酒就行了。那另外一种呢?a: the other is more formal and comes near the end of the meal, usually during dessert. champagne will beserved. after each toast, everyone raises a

4、 glass and takes a sip of champagne.c:是不是每个人都要说祝酒辞呢?a: not necessarily, but you will be expected to toast james since you worked closely with him.c:幸亏你事先告诉我。不过那我该说些什么呢?a: you could say how good james was to work with, tell a funny story about him, wish him success in his new position or use a favori

5、te quote.c:讲笑话是我的长项。不过我还是得赶紧去准备准备,一会餐厅见。卜卜咋*宴会结朿后,陈豪和amy起搭出租车回家。a: chen hao, your toast was excellent and you seemed completely at ease. you obviously practiced your remarks.c:这可得谢谢你。还有啊,幸亏你特別提醒我每次只要抿一小口,我真没想到有这么多人祝酒,不然 非喝醉了不可。a: it is acceptable etiquette to raise your water glass instead of the ch

6、ampagne flute. i usually just raise my glass to my lips so it appears that i am drinking when i am not.c:怪不得,我还以为你酒量过人呢!不过amy,我述有个问题。别人为他祝酒,james好像从来不举 杯,也不喝。这样做会不会不礼貌?a: not at all. that was correct etiquette. you never drink to yourself. only to other peoplec:噢,所以被别人祝洒的人口己是不喝的。幸亏被祝酒的人不是我,否则我肯定会闹笑话

7、。a: no you wouldn*t i would have warned you about that.lesson 032 the use of speaker phone礼节美语032讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作。他今天在走廊里遇到了美国同事amy。(office ambience)a: chen hao, you look pleased about something. what is it?c:我刚才发现电话上有个叫speaker的键,只耍按下去,就不用再拿着话筒说话了。a: it is called a speaker or speaker phone,中文口j 能是叫免

8、提功能。c:这真是太方便了。我可以一边打电话,一边干別的事。a: speakerphone is a great convenience, but you need to be careful about when and how you use it.c:不能随时用吗?a: you need to consider whether the person to whom you are speaking is comfortable being placed on speaker phone.c:这跟他们有什么关系啊?a: because it is like broadcasting you

9、r entire call to other people who might be listeningc: broadcast?我还是不太明白。a: when you place someone on speaker, anyone passing by or in close proximity can hear both sides of the conversatio n.c:对呀,那又怎么了?a: the person on the other end may not be comfortable with other people overhearing what he is sa

10、ying, especially if he isn't aware that he is on speaker.c:噢,你是说对方可能不想让别人听见他跟我说些什么。a: exactly. always ask permission before putting people on speaker phone.c:谢谢你的忠告,免得我得罪人。下午下班得时像,amy 乂遇到了陈豪。a: chen hao, how was your day?c:还记得我们说的speaker phone吗?有个客户打电话给我问资料,我就问他能不能把电话放在 speakerphone ,这样我就可以一边找资料

11、,一边跟他通话了。a: what did he say?c:他说没问题,还谢谢我征求他的意见。可是我隔壁的joe很不高兴,因为我们的谈话干扰了他的工 作。a: that is another point you need to be aware of regarding speaker phones. using them in your cubicle when others are working in adjacent cubicles is inconsiderate.c:既然有这么多限制,那这种功能不是白费了吗?a: you can use it, just be thoughtfu

12、l. another reason that people use speaker phones is to be able to have a conversation or phone meeting when everyone involved cannot be present physically.c:就是说,销售部主任正好出差,而咱们俩要是用一个电话跟他开电话会议就可以用speaker phone t 吧?a: yes, with speaker phones, not everyone has to be in the same room to have a meeting.c:

13、 amy,你再提醍我一遍,什么时候该用speaker phone,什么时候不该用?行吗?a: it's really simple. don't put people on speaker phone without asking permission and don't use speaker phone when it may disturb others.c:好,我记住了。lesson 033 the art of conversatione礼节美语033讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作。他今天有事去找美国同事amy0(office ambience)a: hi,

14、 chen hao. how are you today?c:还好,不过,我有点儿事想请教你。a: how can i help you?c:今天下班,我又要去参加公司的社交活动。a: where the point is to make business contacts and develop relationships with current or potential clients?c:没错,就是要多认识点儿人,跟客户搞好关系。不过,我还是不太习惯这种活动。a: what's the problem?c:自我介绍完,我就不知道该说什么了。a: well, the first

15、thing is to prepare your conversation starters ahead of time.c:怎么准备啊?a: find out who will be there so you will know whom you will be seeingc:然后呢?a: find out as much as you can about the guests. the more information you have about them and their business, the easier it will be to talk to them.c:可我根本不

16、知道谁会去啊?a: i suggest you go ask your boss1 assistant right now一个小时过后,陈豪和amy 乂见面了。c: amy,今天的活动是jepson公司主办的。a: i happen to know that mr. jepson, the president of the company, loves airplanes he is a licensed pilot and owns quite a number of small planesc: mr. jepson自己有飞机,还有执照?太好了,我也喜欢飞机。a: well, see, y

17、ou have something in common so you shouldn't have any problems talking to him.c:那其它人呢?a: be ready to ask people about themselves start your conversations with open-ended questions.c: open-ended questions,那是什么样的问题啊?a: those are questions that begin with nhowh and ”why?” the kinds of questions tha

18、t people almost have to answer with more than one wordc:就是要问为什么,怎么样这类的问题,是吗?a: right. stay away from "when,” "where" and hwhatn since it's easy to give short answer to those questions, c:不要问什么时候,在哪儿,哎呀,太复杂了。我恐怕记不住。a: oh, yes, you can. people like to talk about themselves so long a

19、s you continue to listen and act interested, they will continue to talkc:做个好听众当然没问题。我难道就不需要说话吗?a: all you really need to do is repeat or comment on something the other person has said. like with mr. jepson, you could ask how many planes he has?c:他要是说25架呢?a: then you respond, hso you have 25 of your

20、own airplanes?0 that's interesting. tell me about them/1 and he'll continue to talk c:好主意。我试试看。lesson 034 romance in the office礼节美语034讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作。他这两天遇到了感悄困扰,去找美国同事amy讨个主意。(office ambience)c: amy,我有点私事儿想请教你。a: what is it, chen hao?c:销售部来了一个新的女同事,叫ka©我想请她出去约会。a: then why don't y

21、ou?c:因为我不知道咱们公司是不是允许同事谈恋爱。在我原來那家公司是绝对不行的。a: you ye smart to check it out first. we used to have that policy, but our management decided that we spend so much time at work and with coworkers that it wasn't fair to impose that restriction.c:太好了,那我就准备约她今天晚上出去吃饭。a: but there are a few issues you sho

22、uld consider if you are going to date kate or any other co-worker, c:你快说说。a: before you get serious, you need to discuss what you will do if things don't work out. you will want to avoid any bad feelings between you.c:是啊,我也是希望万一不彳亍的话,彼此都能妥善处理,不要在t作上相互拆台。a: that's exactly what i mean. i have

23、seen it happen. when co-workers stop dating, one or both will often try exact some sort of revenge in the officec:哎,先别想那么多了,人家还没同意晚上跟我出去吃饭呢。mc: amy第二犬早上遇到了陈豪.a: so how did your date go? kate did accept, didn't she?c:挺好的,我们俩儿特别投机。不过,kdte说,跟同事谈恋爱,她也有不少顾虑。a: what did she say?c:她觉得,最好不要在办公室里谈我们的关系,如

24、果别人问,我们也不否认谈恋爱,但是不会说得更 具体。a: even if they pressure you? some people can be pretty nosy and persistent. theyll want to know every detail of your relationship.c:我们会婉言拒绝。a: i guess youll be seeing her again.c:不瞒你说,我已经被她迷住了,老想找个借口往她办公室跑。a: that is another danger of dating a co-worker.c:你是说工作的时候容易分心吗?a:

25、that's right. if your productivity and performance begin to suffer, others will notice and you will jeopardize your position.c:对呀,如果真的影响到丁作,对我们在公司的发展不利。这一点我倒是没想到。amy,你再提酮提 醒我,都要注意些什么?a: the first thing is to know the company policy. decide how you will handle the relationship around the office a

26、nd what you will do if things don't work out.c:我知道了。lesson 035 small talk in the office礼节美语035讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作,他在走廊上遇到了美国同事amy。(office ambience)c: amy,你有两分钟时间吗?我有点事儿想请教你。a: yes, but let's step into my office so we don't disturb anyone else. what is it?c:今天,信息技术部的一个同事被老板叫去训了一顿,说他整天聊犬儿。老板还

27、说,你是来t作的, 不是来社交的。a: i agree. after all, that is what we are paid for and people who misuse company time are wasting company money c:可是,我记得你告诉过我,应该跟同事搞好关系。a: i did. and one of the ways to do that is to engage in small talk or nchit-chat/ as we say. you need to talk to your colleagues about things oth

28、er than work.c:聊工作以外的事儿?那我就更糊涂了。可老板说这是浪费工作时间啊。a: it's not wasting time if you do it at the appropriate times.c:那什么才是合适的时间呢?a: basically, at the beginning of the day when everyone is getting their tea or coffee and starting to settle in; during breaks and at lunch. the end of the day is another g

29、ood time to chatc:早上上班和中午吃饭的时候还好,可下班前人家都赶着回家,根本没人理我啊。a: chen hao, i know this is important, but can we talk after work? i have a project to complete before the end of the dayc:那好,一会儿见。rtw riw rtwmc:陈豪跟amy同路回家。c:今天我特别注意了一下,发现很多人上班时间都在聊天。a: often people who have just competed a project or an assignmen

30、t, need a break they don't always consider that their colleague may be in the middle of something and doesn't have time to talk.c:在这一点上,我白我感觉做得还不错。每次来找你,我都会先问你有没有时间。还有其他什么要注 意的吗?a: location is important. pay attention to where you are so that you don't disturb the people who are working.

31、 c:什么地方才不会干扰到别人呢?a: a place like the break room or an office with a door will give you privacy as well as prevent others from being distracted by your conversation-c:还有其他注意事项吗?a: yes. we haven't talked about one of the most important what you talk about.c:聊天的内容还有规矩啊!a: small talk should not be v

32、iewed as a time to get personal and pry into people's private lives. nor should it be a time to spread gossipc:所以一是不能打听别人的隐私,二是不要散布小道消息。好,我知道了。谢谢你,amy.lesson 036 hosting visitors in the office礼节美语036讲陈豪在北京的abc美国公司工作。他止在跟美国同事amy讲话。(office ambience)ch: amy,你有时间吗?我又遇到了点儿为难的事。a: well, tell me what t

33、he problem is and i'll try to help.c:有个很巫要的客户,今犬下午要来公司见我。a: why is that a problem?c:你也知道,我的办公室特别小,看了也不是很体面。我怕会让客户小看我,以后不好打交道,所以 有些紧张。a: i see what you mean, but you have some optionsc:真的?那你快告诉我。a: first of all, you can check with mary ann to see if the conference room is available.c:是啊,我怎么就没想到呢!我可以把客户请到公司的会议室。这下问题就迎刃而解了。a: that's right. your client never has to see your office space or what is basically a cubiclec:好,就这么办。a: not so fast. call mary ann first. it may not be available. if not, we'll have to come up with another plan.c:那好,我马上给m


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