



1、Unit 2 Wish you were hereWelcome to the unit 一、阅读下面的诗歌.Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again 再别康桥 Very quietly I take my leave 轻轻的我走了,As quietly as I came here; 正如我轻轻的来;Quietly I wave good-bye 我轻轻的招手, To the rosy clouds in the western sky. 作别西天的云彩。The golden willows by the riverside 那河畔的金柳,Are young br

2、ides in the setting sun; 是夕阳中的新娘;Their reflections on the shimmering waves 波光里的艳影,Always linger in the depth of my heart. 在我的心头荡漾。The floating heart growing in the sludge 软泥上的青荇,Sways leisurely under the water; 油油的在水底招摇;In the gentle waves of Cambridge 在康河的柔波里,I would be a water plant! 我甘心做一条水草That

3、pool under the shade of elm trees 那榆荫下的一潭,Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky; 不是清泉,是天上虹;Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds 揉碎在浮藻间,Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream 寻梦?撑一支长篙,To where the green grass is more verdant; 向青草更青处漫溯

4、,Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight 满载一船星辉,And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight. 在星辉斑斓里放歌But I cannot sing aloud 但我不能放歌,Quietness is my farewell music; 悄悄是别离的笙箫;Even summer insects keep silence for me 夏虫也为我沉默,Silent is Cambridge tonight! 沉默是今晚的康桥!Very quietly I take my leave 悄悄的我

5、走了,As quietly as I came here; 正如我悄悄的来;Gently I flick my sleeves 我挥一挥衣袖,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away 不带走一片云彩。二、背景材料导读A Baobab tree grows in West Africa and Australia. It is a very strange-looking tree. Its enormous trunk(树干)sometimes measures as much as ten meters in diameter(直径). It is

6、 thicker at the bottom than at the top. The branches near the ground are very long, but those near the top are very short. It may be a strange-looking tree, but it is very useful. Its leaves are good to eat. Its white flowers turn into cool, juicy which tastes rather like cucumber. There are such st

7、rong fibres in the bark(树皮)that people can get rope and clothes from them. When a baobab tree gets old, its trunk becomes hollow. An old tree has such a huge, hollow trunk that it can hold many people. The local people often build their houses inside these trunks. When it rains, water collects in th

8、e hollow. The tree has such a lot of leaves and branches that the water remains cool and fresh. It is a useful tree that some people could hardly live without it.1. Baobab tree grows in _. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. Australia and Africa2. Which of the following is true? A. Baobab trees fibres ar

9、e good to eat. B. Cloth can be made from beautiful leaves. C. The local people often build their houses inside the bark. D. The baobab tree's leaves are good to eat.3. Its enormous trunk sometimes measures as much as ten meters in diameter. "Enormous" here means _. A. small B. tall C.

10、strong D. huge4. The baobab tree is _. A. a hard tree B. a useful tree C. very beautiful D. thick and short5. Which of the following is WRONG? A. People often eat their fruit. B. Some people build their houses inside the trunks. C. The branches near the top are very short. D. Baobab tree's leave

11、s and fibres can be made into rope.BSydney As we all know, the 2000 Olympic Games were held in Sydney. Have you been to Sydney? What does it look like? Sydney is one of Australias oldest, largest and liveliest cities with a population of more than three million. It is a colorful, modern city but it

12、is also a natural beauty with green park land and perhaps the worlds most beautiful deep water harbor. Besides modern buildings and roads, the city has many places of historical interest. For example, Mr. Macquaries Chair. The area called the Rocks dating back to the early nineteenth century, and at

13、tractive rows of houses of Paddington, are all close to the harbor and the city center.Sydney has many other attractions of tourist importance-a zoo. Koala Bear Park and Sydney Opera House which lies at the waters edge. Some say that the Opera House which lies at the waters edge is one of the most o

14、utstanding examples of beautifully designed modern buildings in the world. There are all kinds of restaurants, theatres, nightclubs and sports facilities. There is also a network of communications within the city, including an underground railway, buses and taxis; Sydney has a very pleasant climate.

15、 Usually the average temperature in summer is just a little above 20centigrade, and in winter not below 12 centigrade.Sydney plays an irreplaceable role in all works of life in Australia. People at home and abroad are crazy about it yesterday, today and tomorrow. 6. Which of the following statement

16、is NOT the fact according to the passage?A. Sydney is among the biggest cities of Australia.B. The weather in Sydney is enjoyable.C. Sydneys first subway will be completed soon.D. Sydney is rich in both natural beauty and cultural sceneries.7. From the passage, we may know that the most world famous

17、 building in Sydney is _.A. its deep-water harborB. Sydney Opera HouseC. its network of communicationsD. its natural beauty with green park land 8. According to the passage, the oldest place of interest in Sydney existed for about _ .A. 100 yearsB. 90 yearsC. 200 yearsD. 1000years9. Which of the sta

18、tements gives the idea of the passage best?A. Sydney, a beautyB. Go to Sydney by seaC. Only in Sydney can people have a wonderful time.D. Everybody is proud of Sydney10. The underlined word “irreplaceable” means _. A. comfortableB. cant be replacedC. importantD. can be replaced many timesCThere is n

19、o doubt that soccer in Brazil is the national sport; wherever there is an open space you will find children and grown men kicking a ball around. The workers idea of a lunch-time break is to organize a “pelada” (a scratch game, with coats as goalposts and rolled-up socks as a ball.)In the interior of

20、 Brazil, where there is a small settlement, you will find a clearing surrounded by tall trees and dense(稠密的)undergrowth, hundreds of miles from the nearest electric installation(装置), and two teams hotly engaged in a soccer match watched by a group of Indians as crazy as any supporters in the world.O

21、n Copacabana beach several championships are played. Every Saturday afternoon goalposts and nets are put up and league games are played. The teams play 30 minutes each way barefoot. The sides of the “field” are limited by the sea on one side and the roadway wall on the other. The championships are o

22、rganized by C.B.F. and some 10,000 clubs register(登记) for the competition. The teams play in their own strip. As can be imagined, considerable skill is required to control the ball on the soft sand, and from this ready made “nursery” several players have graduated to professional teams. These games

23、attract large crowds and support for the teams is considerable, especially when local districts are opposing(对抗) each other.11. How do Brazilians show their love for soccer?A. Both children and adults join in the game.B. Whether there is a ground, there will certainly be some people playing football

24、.C. The workers use lunch-time break to kick a ball made of rolled-up socks.D. All of the above.12. What does the word “interior” mean? It means .A. inland areas B. the insideC. the faraway D. the land bordering the sea13. Even in the almost unexplored forests, you will find .A. well-equipped soccer

25、 pitchB. Brazilians have soccer matches with IndiansC. Indians are also football fansD. people are not far away from civilizations14. Which of the following is NOT true according the last paragraph?A. Several championships organized by C.B.F. are played on Copacabana beach.B. Professional football p

26、layers are trained barefoot on the soft sand.C. Football players need to be more skillful in controlling the ball when playing on the soft sand.D. What attracts people most is the games between local districts.15. What do you think is the proper title of this passage?A. Football Fans. B. Soccer in B

27、razil.C. Love for Soccer. D. Kick a Goal.DThe Gobi Desert, in the north of China, is now seven times bigger than Britain. China has large desert areas and much of its agricultural land is being threatened by desertification(沙漠化), which is getting worse. In addition, soil erosion has led to a huge lo

28、ss of farmland and the drying up of rivers. Consequently, the livelihoods of 35 million people are being threatened. Furthermore it is even affecting cities. The nearest sand dune is less than 100 miles from Beijing, Where unpleasant sandstorms are becoming more frequent. The worse the situation, th

29、e more pressure there is on the government to take action. The reasons for the changes are complex(复杂的). It is clear that pollution of air and water by factories is affecting the environment. Trees and other vegetation die, and so soil is eroded. The more trees die, the less water is held in the ear

30、th. The need for wood, fuel and buildings leads to further deforestation(采伐森林). Which cause further soil erosion? Local farmers find it more and more difficult to make a living. They end up using inefficient farming methods, which again leads to soil erosion. The government is carrying out anti-desertification pr


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