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1、2017-2018学年上学期第一次月考高三英语试题(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分第卷(满分100分)第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. what does the man like about the play?a. the story.b. the ending. c. the actor.2.

2、 which place are the speakers trying to find?a. a hotel.b.a bank. c. a restaurant.3. at what time will the two speakers meet?a. 5:20.b. 5:10. c. 4:40.4. what will the man do ?a. change the plan.b. wait for a phone call. c. sort things out.5. what does the woman want to do ?a. see a film with the man

3、. b. offer the man some help. c. listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)。听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. where is ben?a. in the kitchen. b. at school. c. in the park.7. what will t

4、he children do in the afternoon?a. help set the table. b. have a party. c. do their homework.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. what are the two speakers talking about?a. a family holiday. b. a business trip. c. a travel plan.9. where did rachel go?a. spain. b. italy. c. china.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. how did the woman

5、get to know about third-hand smoke?a. from young smokers. b. from a newspaper article. c. from some smoking parents.11. why does the man say that he should keep away from babies?a. he has just become a father. b. he wears dirty clothes. c. he is a smoker.12. what does the woman suggest smoking paren

6、ts should do ?a. stop smoking altogether.b. smoke only outside their houses.c. reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. where does michelle ray come from?a. a middle-sized city.b. a small town.c. a big city.14. which place would michelle ray take her visitors to for shopping?a. the

7、 zen garden.b. the highlands.c. the red river area.15. what does michelle ray do for complete quiet?a. go camping. b. study in a library.c. read at home.16. what are the speakers talking about in general?a. late-night shopping.b. asian food.c. louisville.听第10段材料,回答第17至19题。17. why do some people say

8、they never have dreams according to dr garfield ?a. they forget about their dreams.b. they don't want to tell the truth.c. they have no bad experiences.18. why did davis stop having dreams?a. he got a serious heart attack.b. he was too sad about his brother's death.c. he was frightened by a

9、terrible dream.19. what is dr garfields opinion about dreaming?a. it is very useful. b. it makes things worse. c. it prevents the mind from working.20. why do some people turn off their dreams completely?a. to sleep better. b. to recover from illnesses. c. to stay away from their problems.第二部分 阅读理解(

10、共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。a dry ice is co2 in solid form, with a temperature of about -78.5.unlike common ice, dry ice doesn't melt into a liquid . when dry ice melts, it turns into a gas. so when you see dry ice "smoking", it's

11、frozen co2 melting into its gaseous state. dry ice is a popular matter in scientific experiments. it creates projects that look cool. experiment: healthy dry ice popsicles(棒冰) this dry ice experiment will catch people's eye, especially little kids' because the dry ice is going to be used to

12、make what the young love to eat. it should take you about 10 minutes or less to have a frozen treat to enjoy. materials one large block of dry ice a large spoon popsicle sticks one cup of your favorite juice a tall glass filled with waterdirections use the large spoon to make a popsicle-shaped space

13、 in a block of dry ice. you can set the ice on a piece of cloth on your table to do this work. of course, keep in mind that it's okay if it's not exactly popsicle-shaped. add a popsicle stick to the middle of the space so that when you pour in the liquid, it will freeze around the popsicle s

14、tick. hold the popsicle stick in place and wait a few minutes for your popsicle to harden. after several minutes, take away the popsicle from the block of dry ice and put it into a tall glass of water for a few seconds. do this to warm up the popsicle just a bit. otherwise, it will be too cold. 21.a

15、ccording to the text, what's the main difference between dry ice and common ice? a. their forms. b. their shapes. c. their temperatures. d. their states when they melt. 22. what's the first step to do the experiment? a. to fill the tall glass with juice. b. to pour the juice into the space.

16、c. to make space in the dry ice for juice. d. to put a stick to the middle of the dry ice. 23. how does the dry ice work in the experiment? a. it gives out "smoke". b. it is mixed in the juice.c. it makes the juice freeze. d. it makes the popsicle look cool.b some of australian cyclists ha

17、ve used "gps art" to turn a 202 km (125- mile) ride into the outline of a goat, which interests many people greatly. the four men marked their route on an app before using it track their journey around perth. when uploaded to the computer, it was shown as a picture. cyclist ben jones said

18、the group settled on a goat because it was an easy animal to draw. he said the ride lasted more than six hours, with the four men stopping only for food, and flat tyres . "except for riding 202km,' it's relatively simple," mr. jones told the bbc. "you mainly mark your route on

19、 the app and it plans directions out." gps art has also been widely used by runners and other cyclists when they travel out. mr. jones said his group wanted to shake up their normal weekend ride. "we all ride l0,000km to 15,000km a year," he said. "mostly we just ride together as

20、 mates and have a good time that's what this was about." the group received much attention after posting their map to social media this week. others described mr. jones as a goat guy in an interview on australian television. for their next piece of gps art, the group plans to draw a local a

21、nimal such as the koala. "certainly, there'll be something coming, for we are making our decisions to put more and more plans into practice. i'm sure of that," mr. jones said.24. what holds many people's attention greatly? a. the cyclists' shaping the route into the outline

22、 of a goat. b. the cyclists' having the gps to travel with. c. the cyclists' having traveled 125 miles. d. the cyclists' riding more than 6 hours.25. what did the four men do during their six-hour ride? a. they had their bikes repaired. b. they got something to eat. c. they stopped to ha

23、ve a rest. d. they planned new directions.26. how would mr. jones feel about their ride? a. it was tiring. b. it was enjoyable. c. it was moving. d. it was amazing.27. what does the underlined word "that" in the last paragraph refer to? a. mr. jones becoming a goat guy. b. people paying at

24、tention to the map. c. the group drawing the animal koala. d. the group performing their ride plans.c the 23rd april is world book day, but do you know that it is also shakespeare day? everybody has heard of shakespeare, but do you know how many plays he wrote? shakespeare's plays have three kin

25、ds: tragedies , comedies and histories, his most famous play is the tragic story of romeo and juliet, which deals with two young lovers who are not allowed to marry by their parents. other tragedies include hamlet, othello, and macbeth. shakespeare's comedies include much ado about nothing, a mi

26、dsummer nights dream and twelfth night. twelfth night is a play about unclear identities. two twins are shipwrecked(遭海难)and the sister, viola, dresses up as her brother, sebastian, who she thinks is dead. it's funny, because the brother reappears and there's a big love problem going on: viol

27、a is in love with the duke, who is in love with olivia, who falls in love with sebastian except that she doesn't realize that sebastian is actually viola dressed up! everybody falls in love with the wrong person, but it is all made right in the end. the history plays, such as antony and cleopatr

28、a, richard and henry v are based on the lives of real historical people. in antony and cleopatra, cleopatra becomes antony's girlfriend and antony becomes so crazy about her that he loses control of the army. cleopatra kills herself in the end and antony kills himself too. shakespeare's play

29、s can be very difficult sometimes. some of the themes they deal with are heavy, so they almost always include a lighter subplot with characters who are not so important. they are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood of the play and to keep the audience interested in the main plot. 28. which o

30、f the following plays is best-known to people? a. twelfth night. b. romeo and juliet. c. antony and cleopatra. d. much ado about nothing. 29. which is a comedy character according to the text? a. othello. b. hamlet. c. antony. d. sebastian. 30. what can we know about shakespeare's history plays?

31、 a. there are only three famous history plays. b. they are developed from real historical events.c. they are more difficult than tragedies and comedies.d. real historical people can be found in every history play. 31. what is the purpose of the subplot in shakespeare's plays? a. to relax the aud

32、ience and make them follow the main theme b. to make the difficult plot of the plays simple c. to help the audience understand the plays.d. to lead the development of the main plot.d the idea that you can use humor, laughter, and play to make you healthier probably seems too simple to be true. howev

33、er, it is really true and simple. the sense of humor, laughter and play has an important part in keeping you healthy. use "the best medicine" to treat the blues with a sense of humor, which is closely tied to laughter. laughter is infectious. have you ever heard a big laugh of a young chil

34、d and been able to keep yourself from smiling? when laughter is shared between people, it makes them closer to each other and increases their happiness. smiling is the beginning of laughter and a smile is also just as infectious as laughter is. you can experience something by smiling at everyone aro

35、und you, and you will feel happier just by sharing a smile, even with a stranger.play is an important part of making sure that we stay healthy. we are often encouraged to make sure our children play, and are told of the benefits of being out playing. however, what we often forget is that it is just

36、as important for old people to make play be part of their life as its for children. physical play is important for the old and it certainly helps prevent illness. while the studies are still in the early stages, the studies that have been done have shown that physical play certainly plays a part in

37、preventing cognitive(认知的) falling. anyway, adding humor, laughter, and play to our life will influence us mentally, physically and socially and bring us many advantages. so we should make full use of humor, laughter and play to make our life more active, interesting and happier. 32. what does the un

38、derlined word "infectious" in paragraph 2 probably mean? a. playing an important role. b. keeping people in high spirits. c. quickly influencing other people. d. preventing illness from spreading.33. what can laughter increase according to the author? a. cognitive ability. b. good relation

39、ships. c. a sense of humor. d. happiness and trust.34. what does the author think the old should do? a. they should have a good rest. b. they should play like children. c. they should prevent cognitive falling. d. they should take part in physical play. 35. which of the following would be the best t

40、itle for the text? a. humor, laughter and play for health b. always keep our body healthy c. have an active and happy life d. let our body and mind relax第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。stress simply means the way a person reacts to things that happen to him or her. 36 f

41、or example, problems that have something to do with health such as getting injured, having difficulties with a disease, etc. can make some people feel stressed. young children may feel stressed when they go to a new place. other people could feel stressed because of not having enough money. 37 sayin

42、g "no" when you're asked to help with work is sometimes helpful. taking more work than you can possibly achieve can be stressful. that you feel you can achieve something doesn't mean that you should take it on personally. after all, there are only a certain number of hours in a day

43、. laughter is indeed the best medicine for any problem including stress. sometimes we get so busy with all kinds of plans and endless meetings that we forget to have fun. 38 . hobbies also can be a great way to manage stress. 39 while hobbies like listening to music and reading can take your mind of

44、f your worries, creative hobbies like painting, gardening and the like can help in increasing your self-respect, too. in a word, stress is like a leaking fountain. 40 leaving it ignored will only make the matter worse. a. the earlier you fix it, the better. b. so try and watch movies and shows that

45、are funny. c. there are different reasons why people get stressed. d. they are activities you can do without the fear of being judged. e. speaking to people you believe in is a great way to manage stress. f. eating slowly and in a relaxed state of mind helps you manage stress.g. luckily, whatever ca

46、uses, there are also different ways to deal with stress. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。i was driving to a supermarket this morning. it was a good day. i 41 as i watched the golden sunshine reflecting off the green lea

47、ves.my 42 was broken, though, as i turned around. two huge trucks were coming my way quickly. i had to change my direction suddenly to 43 them. i wondered if all the stuff inside the trucks belonged to the 44 person. i decided to 45 my car and wait for my heart rate to follow. it was then that i not

48、iced a self-storage business along the side of the highway, 46 new units, for all the people who couldnt 47 their stuff into their houses. i saw a young couple carrying many 48 into a unit. it seemed 49 that a young couple could already have so much stuff.i 50 my own taste for owning stuff when a ho

49、use fire in the middle of the night destroyed everything my family owned. but my whole family had awakened in time to 51 . in the weeks that followed friends gave us a lot of stuff but none of it seemed 52 anymore. what really mattered was the stuff of the soul not the stuff of this 53 . since then

50、i have tried to limit the things i 54 . i didnt want too much stuff filling my life. i only bought what i 55 and spent my days in learning, growing and loving others.in this life we are given a limited amount of 56 . we can use it to love each other 57 we can spend it acquiring stuff. one gives us 5

51、8 . the other gives us work. one fills our lives with peace and happiness. the other fills our days with 59 and fear. so, make your choice 60 . fill your life with love not with stuff.41. a. shoutedb. returnedc. stoppedd. smiled42.a.calm b. car c. ruled. heart43.a.passb. missc. followd. join44.a.ric

52、hb. powerfulc. youngd. same45.a. check outb. take controlc. slow downd. give up46.a.choosingb. findingc. cleaningd. building47.a. fitb. throwc. bringd. collect48.a.childrenb. boxesc. lettersd. gifts49,a.popularb. interestingc. stranged. cool50.a.developedb. sharedc. improvedd. lost51.a.escapeb. acce

53、ptc. startd. settle52.a.necessaryb. importantc. rightd. expensive53.a.worldb. unitc. housed. place54.a.eatb. doc. buyd. receive55.a.sawb. neededc. likedd. knew56.a.energyb. spacec. moneyd. time57.a. ifb. whenc. ord. though58.a. adviceb. joyc. prided. sadness59.a. worryb. experiencec. informationd. v

54、alue60.a. patientlyb. freelyc. wiselyd. hopefully2.4.6第卷(非选择题 共50分)第二节(共1 0小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 my mother is a hard-working and kind woman, who is very busy from morning till night. besides working hard 61 a teacher, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

55、 both my brother and i love her as 62 (deep) as she loves us.mother goes to work early in the morning and does not return home 63 late in the afternoon. she loves her students and cares for them by treating them with 64 (patient) and teaching them well. for her excellent work, so far she 65 (choose) as a model teacher several times. mother is hard-working and never wastes money. every day, she sets about doing housework as soon as she comes back home from work, 62 (put) every


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