英语国家概况16 Chapter 18 New Zealand._第1页
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英语国家概况16 Chapter 18 New Zealand._第5页
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1、 New ZealandNew Zealand 2 ?In which hemisphere is New Zealand? ?Whats the meaning of its another name, Aotearoaatero? Land of Long White Clouds ?Which are the names of two main islands(P242,2)? But nearly 74% live on North Island. ?Its size is similar to Japan or Britain. lWhich months are the colde

2、st and which months are the warmest in this country?(P243,2) lWhat is the climate like?(P243,3) Maritime lWhich is the Capital city?(P244,1) Wellington: 2nd largest urban area (City of Wind风城风城) ?Which is the largest city? Auckland: the largest and most populous home to 1/3 of all New Zealanders (Ci

3、ty of Sail白帆之城白帆之城) New ZealandNew Zealand 3 New ZealandNew Zealand 4 New ZealandNew Zealand 5 New Zealands three largest populated ethnic groups multicultural society with diverse population lPkeh (European descent): nearly 80% lMaoris: 15% lPacific Islanders: 7% lNational emblems (coat of arms) Of

4、ficial Languages English, Maori, and sign language lNew Zealand Sign Language or NZSL: The main language of the deaf community in NZ The 3rd official language of New Zealand in April 2006 The 1st country to declare sign language as an official language New ZealandNew Zealand 6 lParliamentary democra

5、cy lNo written constitution l3 branches (closely modeled on that of US) lHead of state British monarch represented by Governor-general总督总督 Constitutional monarchy (modeled on that of UK) lHead of government:Prime minister (John Key) lOne-house Parliament lRepresentatives: 122 members (for 3 years) l

6、unitary state lTwo-party system the National Party国家党国家党 & the Labor Party工党工党 lThe Beehive, named for its appearance, is part of the parliamentary complex in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. The building houses the offices of the prime minister and the cabinet. Jerry Mateparae New ZealandNew

7、 Zealand 7 Maoritanga ,maurit (新西兰的)毛利人文化和风俗习惯 Maori are the host people of New Zealand. Their name is derived from Ma-Uri, which means Children of Heaven. Originally they were hunters, but soon became peasants, living of agriculture. Today the approximately 500,000 Maori are mainly living in the ci

8、ties, but they remain closely connected to their tribes. New ZealandNew Zealand 8 New ZealandNew Zealand 9 New ZealandNew Zealand 10 New ZealandNew Zealand 11 Tattooed Maori in traditional costume in a parade in Wellington. New ZealandNew Zealand 12 When New Zealanders touch noses, theyre offering peace, friendship and hospitality. New ZealandNew Zealand 13 The Tattoo Museum of New Zealand is situated in Wellington and contains images of traditional


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