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1、通过讨论在不同文化环境下,国际商务活动呈现的差异,从微观的角度分析文化 差异在人际交流、商务洽谈、管理风格、商务决策和企业结构等方面对国际商务交流 的影响。有效地克服交际障碍是跨文化交际取得成功的关键。这对促进国际间的文化、 政治、经济交流有着极其重要的意义。有效的商务沟通往往依赖于对不同文化和文化 差异的理解与适应,依赖于对可能出现的文化差异的良好判断和方略调整。因此,对 国际商务交流活动中文化差异的影响的研究具有重大意义。 关键词:国际商务活动;交际文化;影响 ii The Applicati on of Communi cative Culture in Intern ati onal

2、Busin ess Activities Table of Contents Abstract错误! 未定义书签。 摘要L 1. Introduction1. 2. The Definition of Cross-cultural Communication3 2.1 Hofstedetheory of value dime nsion.3. 2.2 Hall high-c on text and low-c on text3. 2.3 Un dersta nding com muni cative culture differe nces3. 2.3.1 Orien tati on diff

3、ere nee.4. 2.3.2 In dividualism vs. collectivism.4. 2.3.3 Sino-foreig n modes of thinking differe nee.5. 2.3.4 Sino-foreig n etiquette differenee6 3. Different Behavior and Reasons in the Same Business Situation7 3.1 Bus in ess culture com muni cati on issue7. 3.1.1 The con flicts in the area of dec

4、isi on-mak ing7. 3.1.2 In direct com muni cati on and direct communication7 3.1.3 Sources of con flicts7. 3.1.4 Case study8. 3.2 The applicati on andeffectof com muni catio nculture on bus in ess contract8 3.3 The applicati on andeffectof com muni cati onculture on bus in ess decisi on-mak ing9. 3.3

5、.1 The con flicts in the area of decisi on-mak ing9. 3.3.2 Power dista nee issue11 3.4 The applicati on and effect of com muni catio n culture on man ageme nt style11 3.4.1 Cross-culture man ageme nt style11 3.4.2 Values orie ntati on in HRM11 4. The Strategy of Communicative Culture in Internationa

6、l Business Activities13 5. Conclusion14 References.错 误! 未定义书签。 Acknowledgements错误!未定义书签。 The Applicati on of Communi cative Culture in Intern ati onal Busin ess Activities The 21st century is the world economy and culture of the century, the rapid developme nt of the intern atio nal com muni cati on

7、 and bus in ess con tacts in creas in gly freque nt. I ntercultural com muni cati on has become in evitable reality. People of differe nt backgro un ds, walk to arrive together, and com muni cati on must arise obstacles. Timely and effectively overcome these com muni cative barriers cross-cultural c

8、om muni cati on is the key to success. Effective bus in ess com muni cati on ofte n relies on the differe nt culture and cultural differe nces of un dersta nding and adapts, relies on possible cultural differences of good judgment and strategy adjustment. Therefore, the international bus in ess com

9、muni cati on activity of cultural differe nces affect research is of great sig nifica nee. 1. Introduction Communi cati on culture in intern ati onal bus in ess activities of research at home and abroad, the foreign began in the 1970s, and has been rapidly development in recent decades, with the mom

10、e ntum of the surge in intern atio nal bus in ess com muni cati on, study the issue still exists vast space. In 1976, Destle, Sato, Clapp and other bus in ess n egotiati ons in the US-Japa n cultural differe nces cause differe nt results of such studies opened the first of its kind. In the 1980s, Fi

11、sher in its classic! The international n egotiati ons, poin ted out: the greater the cultural differe nces, com muni cati on barriers and misunderstandings that occur the greater the possibility (GRICEH P.1975 (3) 41-58). In the 1990s, from the perspective of cross-cultural research culture on the r

12、ole of intern ati onal bus in ess com muni cati on activities become more deeply and widely. Cultural diversity of bus in ess activities, Trompe naars ever un iversalism and unique socialist and individualism and community socialism, neutral main tendency and emoti onal tenden cies, special type cul

13、ture and the exte nsive type culture, achieveme nt orie ntatio n and bel onging to guide, time of continu ous and mean while aspects to illustrate. In the early 21st century, this book has been increasing. Study in foreign coun tries already from culture is the factors affect ing intern ati onal bus

14、 in ess developme nt to how culture in flue nce intern ati onal bus in ess com muni cati on and the effects of the aspects. This aspect of the domestic research starts although late, but in a few short years also appears many achieveme nts. ZhaoXia ng in the multicultural con text of cross-cultural

15、com muni cati on and man ageme nt backgro und, discuss culture in commercial con tract, bus in ess n egotiati on and bus in ess etiquette, expla in the differe nces between leanning and using the related knowledge and skills, reduce or eliminate due to cultural differences and cause misunderstanding

16、, friction and conflict, to effectively en gaged in intern ati onal bus in ess activities, has very importa nt practical sig nifica nce. Communicative behavior, YangQian and HuChunFeng(2006) analyze three kinds of non-verbal com muni cati on (visual, gestures, facial expressi ons of the cultural dif

17、fere nces and the intern ati onal bus in ess n egotiati on), discusses the applicati on of non-verbal com muni cati on in cross-cultural com muni cati on of importa nee. ZhaoYao in lin guistics branch pragmatics of importa nt con cepts - con text as a start ing point, from com muni cative con text,

18、Ian guage con text and cultural con text three cross-cultural com muni catio n, using adaptati on of con text factors theory expla nati on cross-cultural backgro und of the com muni cator in com muni cati on process how to con duct con text adaptatio n, in order to achieve successful cross-cultural

19、com muni cati on.( 2006 ( 3) : 108 -110) Busin ess En glish teachi ng are discussed, LiuSe nLin(2005) intern ati onal bus in ess n egotiati on of En glish teach ing characteristic, defi ne the scope of teachi ng, this paper discussesi ntern ati onal n egotiati ons bus in ess En glish teachi ng devel

20、opme nt trend and direct ion, and poin ted out the bus in ess n egotiati ons in the En glish teachi ng professi onal teachers training, origi nal authe ntic bus in ess n egotiati ons imagi ng teach ing material selecti on of aspects n eeded to resolve some problems. 9 2. The Definition of Cross-cult

21、ural Communication In tercultural com muni cati on refers to com muni catio n among people whose cultural backgro unds are differe nt from each other. There are several types of it, i ncludi ng in ter-race com muni catio n (which is among differe nt races), i nter- natio nality com muni cati on (whi

22、ch is among differe nt n atio nalities) and in ter-group com muni cati ons (which is among differe nt group of people of the same mainstream culture or same ethnic culture). The cultural kno wledge which effects the com muni cati on in in ter-group com muni cati on due to the cultural differe nee of

23、 people is called com muni cative culture. There are two importa nt theories about cultural patter ns in in tercultural com muni cati on. One is Hall s theory of High-c on text and Low-c on text Ori en tati on. The other is Hofstedes theory of Value Dime nsions. 2.1 Hofstedes theory of value dimensi

24、on Hofstede apply value”(the Value Survey Module) Survey respondents for IBM presided over twice inv estigati on and data collected in statistical an alysis, fin ally isolated contrast Values of four value dimensions, namely the individualism and collectivism; power dista nee; Un certa inty avoida n

25、ee; Masculi ne and feminine. People from different cultures, showing the attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and behavior of the differe nces in these four dime nsions reflected, and has formed un dersta nd certa in social norms foun dati on. 2.2 Hall s high-context and low-context Hall with high con text an

26、d low con text orie ntati on theory to explai n the in dividual impl icit in formatio n depe nds on: high -text com muni catio n refers to the excha nge process implicit mea ning more, clear codi ng in formatio n tran smitted less; low con text exchange opposite, the vast majority of information sho

27、uld pass clear coding relay. (”ALLET, HALLMR.1990: 6) Specifically, in high -text culture, people are more willi ng to in direct, good tactfully, veiled excha nges, meaning ofte n contained in in formati on, n eed to be un derstood by reas oning, straightforward con sidered brusque and un welcome. T

28、hey are of non verbal expressi on tha n low sen sitivity of high -text culture. They thi nk the eyes, expressi on, action, or eve n sile nee can express in Ian guage cannot express meaning. They try to avoid direct conflict with hints, usually express dissatisfacti on. In the course of the excha nge

29、, they almost n ever say directly. 2.3 Understanding communicative culture differences One of the keys for any company competing in the global marketplace is to understand the diverse cultures of the individuals involved. Whether managing culturally diverse individuals within a single location or ma

30、naging individuals at remote locations around the globe, an appreciati on of the differe nces among cultures is crucial. 2.3.1 Orientation differenee Culture also differs in time orientation; that is, whether the culture s values toward the future (long-term orientation). In china, cultures with a I

31、ong-term orientation, values such as thrift and persiste nee, which focus on the future, are emphasized. In Russia, the orientation is short-term. Values such as respect for tradition (past) and meeting social obligati ons (prese nt) are emphasized. (i) .Time Norms regard ing pun ctuality differ sig

32、 nifica ntly from country to country. In the Un ite States people tend to be very time-c on scious. Con scie ntious America ns arrive a few minutes late .In many other countries attitudes toward time are very different. It is not n ecessarily a breach of etiquette to arrive a little late for a bus i

33、n essappo in tme nt; in deed, it might be con sidered impolite to arrive early .As for dinner in vitati ons, arriv ing on time ma be very bad manners. In Great Brita in, for example, whe n some one says, “ Comefor dinner at seven ” what they mean is, Come between 7:30 and 8:00,” The gue who arrives

34、at 7:00 is likely to find an unprepared and embarrassed host. Similarly, whe n an Arge nti nean says “ Come for dinner any time after eight,” what they mean is, “ Do not come at 8:00; that would be far too early” (ii) .Gift givi ng The norms of gift giving also vary significantly from country to cou

35、ntry. In Great Brita in for example, whe n in vited to some one s home for dinner it is not n ecessary to bring a gift, but it is polite to offer to bring a bottle of wine they would like. In contrast, in Japan it is con sidered rude not to bring a gift whe n in vited to some one s home, and it is e

36、qually to offer in adva nee to bring somethi ng for the dinner table, such as wine. (iii) .Excha nging bus in ess cards Whe n bus in ess people in the Un ited States meet, they ofte n excha nge bus in ess cards, typically at the con clusi on of a meet ing and without giving the excha nge much though

37、t. In Japa n, in con trast, the excha nge of bus in ess cards is regarded as a part of the in troduct ion. Moreover, the order of excha nge is importa nt. The lower-status pers on must offer his or her card first .On ly the n will the higher-status in dividual take out his or her card and offer it.

38、(王 正元,2001,国际商务文化 ).It is con sidered respectful for the lower-status in dividual to exam ine the bus in ess card of the higher-status pers on with con siderable in terest while holdi ng it revere ntly with both han ds. 2.3.2 In dividualism vs. collectivism What is individualism and what is collecti

39、vism? This is an important question when we tall about culture differe nces. In cultures where in dividualism predo min ates, people bel ong to loose social frameworks, but their primary concern is for themselves and their families. People are resp on sible for tak ing care of their own in terests.

40、They believe that in dividuals should make decisions. Culture characterized buy collectivism are tightly knit social frameworks where in dividual members depe nd stro ngly on exte nded families and cla ns. Group decisi ons are valued and accepted. The North American culture is individualistic in ori

41、entation. It is a-do” culture “can that values in dividual freedom and resp on sibility. I n con trast, collectivist cultures emphasize group welfare and harmony.Israeli kibbutzim and the Japaneseculture are examples of societies in which group loyalty and unity are paramount. In Canada and United S

42、tates, which are in dividualistic cultures, orga ni zatio n Charta show in dividual positi ons. In Malaysia, which is a collect ion culture, orga ni zati on charts show only sect ions or departme nts. This dimension of cultural differences has other workplace implications. Individualistic managers,

43、as found in Great Britain and Netherlands, emphasize and en courage in dividual achieveme nt. I n con trast, as collectivistic man agers, such as in Japa n and Colombia, seek to fit harm onio usly withi n the group. They also en courage these behaviors among their employees. 2.3.3 Sin o-foreig n mod

44、es of thi nki ng differe nee Thinking formulary is differe nt regi ons and betwee n differe nt n ati on alities people a fixed product, esse ntially thinking formulary tend to ignore the in dividual differe nee, exaggerate things with another a social group related cognitive attitudes, often with em

45、otional color, and accompanied by fixed creed. In all the formulary, each set each has its own characteristics; it will directly affect in tercultural com muni cati on, com muni cators, mistakes, which affect the no rmal intern atio nal bus in ess trade and economic exchanges. As a result of each co

46、untry geographical location, the natural environment, the ethnic origin, history changes, religious beliefs, such as custom culture differe nces, cause differe nt culture characteristics of n ati onal con siderati on questi on and get to know thi ngs way of thinking has certa in differe nces. Thinki

47、ng formulary is based on the objective existenee, thinking difference in intern ati onal bus in ess trade relatio nship in the differe nt cultural com muni cati on for bus in ess econo mic and trade excha nges appear great differe nce. We Chin ese tend to pay special attention to the intuition, in a

48、 relationship is often in this experience and feeling to “ by” Compared with western thinking mode, the thinking mode of the Chinese people has the obvious gen eral sex and vague. 3 in the Un ited States, Europe and other wester ners have abstract an alysis and practical thought orie ntati on; they

49、thought process from specific fact of, in duct ion and gen eralizati on, draw con clusive thin gs. While Europea ns place more emphasis on the theories and thoughts, they deduce type emphasizes thinking mode is perceive the world and symbol thi nking, they like to use logical method is deduced from

50、a concept another concept, they rely on the power of thought. 2.3.4 Sino-foreig n etiquette differe nee Examples of things that it would be important to know and that could make or break your tran sacti on are the followi ng: If you are invited to dine at a Saudi Arabian home, a gift is appropriate

51、and appreciated, but never a gift of food, which would indicate that you did not expect to dine well. Flower, books, or a United States souvenir are welcome, but never anything made of leather that might be pigskin. Never take a gift for your host s wife, but gift his childre n, boys or girls, are a

52、ppropriate. Body Ian guage is key whe n doing bus in ess in Saudi Arabia. Saudis tend to sta nd quite close to you whe n they speak. Do not back away or you will appear to be rebuffi ng the speaker. Additi on ally, hand gestures are con sidered impolite, as are the soles of your shoes. Never cross y

53、our legs so the bottoms of your shoes show. Never throw back your head and laugh uproariously at a joke told by your Japa nese coun terpart. It is very gauche to show the in side of your mouth. Keep in mind that“ face ” , cishoino/e ry much a part of the Japanese culture and do nothing to cause your

54、 bus in ess coun terpart or host to lose his. This means do not haggle over price. Gen erally, to cause a Japa nese bus in essma n to compromise implies that he has lost someth ing, and usually his first offer is close to what he wants to pay. Also, do not give a gift of greater value tha n the one

55、he gives you. In china, don t ever give a clock, which symbolizes death. Never give a gift of cowhide in In dia, where the cow is sacred. When invited to a European home for dinner, send flowers before arriving or take a small gift. In Japa n, two days each year are set aside for man datory bus in e

56、ss gift giving: Otoshidama (Ja nuary 1) and Chuge n (Ja nuary 15). At other times you also may receive small duty or obligati on gifts called giri. You should also give such gifts, but remember not to give more expe nsive gifts tha n those give n buy your Japa nese colleagues so that they are not em

57、barrassed.Remember, too, to bring a gift when invited to a Japanese home. The Arabs are very gen erous and give lavish gifts. In retur n, however they expect similar prese nts and may eve n keep a men tally of who is ahead. Do not, however, present a gift on your first meeting. Also, choose carefull

58、y. This translates as do not bring gifts of food or drink to an Arab s home because these signify that you perceive your host to be stingy. But avoid giving Arabs company gifts with logos and sculptures or pictures of animals they consider “ low ”Always check to see what the bad-luck ani mals are in

59、 any country you visit on a bus in ess trip). In Lat in America, prese nt gifts only in social sett in gs. A good time to give them is duri ng lunch bus in ess which is not gen erally con ducted over this meal. If you are invited to dinner, you do, however, need to bring something also. 3. Different

60、 Behavior and Reasons in the Same Business Situation 3.1 Business culture ocmmunication issue 3.1.1 The con flicts in the area of decisi on-mak ing The com muni catio n in chi na is to in itiate, develop and maintain social relati on ships; it emphasizes on the kind of com muni cati on, which promot


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