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1、英语经典小故事汇总 66篇英语小故事在线阅读1 the dog in the manger牛槽里的狗 once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox it was full of hay but soon the ox came back from his work to the manger he wanted to eat his own hay then the dog awoke stood up and barked at the ox the ox said to the dog do you want to eat this

2、hay too of course not said the dogthen go away and let me eat my own hay oh no you go away and let me sleepwhat a selfish dog he will neither eat the hay himself nor let me eat it said the ox to himself2the lion the bear and the fox狮子熊与狐狸 long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid they sprang upon it at t

3、he same time the lion said to the bear i caught this kid first and so this is mine no no said the beari found it earlier than you so this is mine and they fought long and fiercely at last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight a fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was w

4、atching the fight between the lion and the bear came out and walked in between them and ran off with the kid the lion and the bear both saw the fox but they could not even catch the fox the lion said to the bear we have fought for nothing that sly fox has got the kid away3the boys and the frogs男孩与青蛙

5、 one spring day some naughty boys were playing near a pond they began to throw stones into the water in the pond lived many frogs were much afraid of the boys for the stones hurt some of the frogs at last an old frog lifted his head out of the water and said boys please dont throw stones at us the b

6、oys said we are only playing i know that but please stop throwing stones my boys what is play to you is death to us said the old frog so the boys stopped throwing stones and went away4the two travelers两个旅人 many years ago two men were traveling together they were walking along a road in the wood then

7、 they found a beautiful ax on the ground one of them picked it up and said look here have found an ax dont say i but we have found the ax said the other we are friends we ought to share it between us no said the first one i found the ax so it is mine soon after they heard someone running after them

8、they looked back they found he called out stop thieves stop thieves the first traveler said what shall we do he is running after us we shall be caught by him dont say we but i shall be caught you found the ax and you say it is yours said the other and left him alone the first traveler tried to hide

9、the ax but he did not know where to hide it and at last he was caught by the owner of the ax5the ant and the dove蚂蚁与鸽子 one day a little ant was walking along the bank of a stream his foot slipped and he fell into the water oh help help cried the ant a dove was sitting on a branch of a tree over the

10、stream and heard his cry of help oh poor ant said the dove i will help the ant the dove pulled off a leaf and dropped it near the ant here is a leaf climb on it said the dove the ant climbed on it at once and floated to the bank a few days after this a hunter found the dove and was going to shoot he

11、r just then the ant passed by and said to himself this time i must help the dove the ant ran to the hunter and bit his foot hard the hunter sprang up and missed to shoot the dove the dove said to the ant thank you very much my little friend you have saved my life and she could fly away happily6 the

12、cock and the jewel公鸡与宝石 one fine morning a cock said to the hens and chickens come let us go out to find some food we have not had our breakfast yet then the cock began to dig the soft earth suddenly he cried look look i have found something strange i wonder what it is it is like a ball but it is no

13、t a stone it may be an egg of some bird the hens heard his cry and came around him one of them said dear me this is not an egg but a jewel someone has lost it a chicken asked can we eat it no said the hen it is very precious to human beings but it is of no use to us we cannot eat it throw it away an

14、d try to find some worms i want to have one worm than all the jewels in the world7the wolf and the goat狼与山羊 one day a wolf saw a goat on a high cliff he was jumping to and fro and was grazing the wolf wanted to eat him but he could not climb up there to catch him so he said to the goat good morning

15、my good friend goat come down here if you slip down the cliff you will break your neck and the grass is short and dry up there come down the grass is long and tender here thank you mr wolf but never mind i am used to playing here and i like the grass here better i would rather eat dry grass than be

16、eaten by a wolf said the goat8the hare and the tortoise野兔与乌龟 one day a hare met with a tortoise at the foot of a hill hallo little tortoise where are you going how short your legs are said the hare i am going over to the hill i am a slow runner but i can run a race with you said the tortoise all rig

17、ht lets run a race with you to the top of the hill said the hare the hare and the tortoise started the hare ran very fast the hare said to himself i can much faster than the tortoise and i may have a little nap here so the hare lay down under a tree and was fast asleep but the tortoise did not stop

18、for a moment he walked on and on at last he got to the top of the hill the hare woke up and looked around but he could not see the tortoise he sprang up and ran as fast as he could when the hare got to the top of the hill he found the tortoise was resting there peacefully the tortoise said to the ha

19、re now mr hare which was the faster runner you or i9the lion and the mouse狮子与老鼠 once a great lion was sleeping in a wood a little mouse happened to come and ran over his face the lion awoke and caught the little mouse in anger and was going to kill her oh dear kind lion said the little mouse please

20、forgive me i didnt mean to do you any harm let me go i shall return your kindness ha ha ha laughed the lion how can a little thing like you help a great lion thank you very much kind lion i hope i shall be able to do you a good return some day said the little mouse some time after this the lion was

21、caught in a trap just then the little mouse came along at once she ran up to the lion and said you were very kind to me once now ill save your life and repay you the kindness which you showed me the other day soon she gnawed the ropes of the trap with her sharp teeth and the lion was happy to be fre

22、e again thank you little mouse said the lion and he walked away10the trees and the ax树与斧头 once upon a time a man came into a forest he said to the trees will you give me a piece of hard wood the tree said yes well give you a good price of hard wood he was very glad to get a good piece of wood he hur

23、ried home with it at once he made a new handle of his ax then he went to the forest again and began to cut down all the best trees in the forest the trees were very sad they said to one another we suffer for our own foolishness11the fox and the grapes狐狸与葡萄 early in the fall a fox saw ripe grapes in

24、a garden he wanted to eat them he said to himself how lucky i am ive found some nice grapes he crept into the garden and came to the grapes he jumped up at the grapes but he could not reach them he jumped again and again but in vain at last he gave it up and said to himself the grapes are sour i don

25、t want sour grapes and he went away12the dog the cock and the fox狗公鸡和狐狸 a dog and a cock were good friends and they were traveling together when night came on the cock flew up to a tree and slept there and the god found a hollow in the same tree and slept in it when the morning came the cock woke up

26、 and began to crow a hungry fox heard this crow and wanted to get the cock for his dinner then the fox said to the cock what a beautiful morning this is i want to talk to you you have a very sweet voice wont you come down and have a chat with me thank you mr fox but how about your coming up here it

27、is very nice and cool here replied the cock all right i will but how can i get up asked the fox just go round the trunk below me and wake my servant in a hollow he will open the door for you said the cock the fox came near the hollow and the dog rushed out sprang upon the fox and killed it at once13

28、the wolf and the crane狼与鹤 one day a wolf was eating his dinner hastily and swallowed a bone it stuck in his throat he tried to get it out but he could not just then a crane flew down to him dear crane said the wolf to the crane im in trouble a bone has stuck in my throat will you put your head into

29、my throat and pull it out you have a very long neck and im sure you can reach it i will pay you well for it all right ill help you open your mouth as wide as you can said the crane and put his head into the wolfs mouth and pulled out the bone thank you very much my friend said the wolf now i must be

30、 paid for the work said the crane well said the wolf you put your head into my throat but i did not bite off your head isnt that enough for you go along and dont talk about rewards14the man his son and their donkey一个人和他的儿子与他们的驴子 a man and his son were driving their donkey along a country road they s

31、aw some girls drawing water at a well one of the girls said oh look how silly they are a man and a boy are walking along beside their donkey and nobody is riding it the man heard this and said to his son you had better ride our donkey you are light so you will not tire our donkey in a little while t

32、hey met three old men one of them said see here the boy is riding a donkey and his old father is walking by his side the young boy does of take care of his old father and the man got on the donkey and his son walked along beside it now they were very happy but soon afterward they met three women fas

33、tened it to a pole they lifted it to their shoulders and carried it along to the town when they came to a bridge everyone laughed at them and the donkey did not like the noise and began to kick it broke the rope fell into the water and was drowned so the old man had to take his son and go home the m

34、an said to his son he who tries to please everybody pleases nobody after all15the ants and the grasshopper蚂蚁与蚱蜢 one fine winter day some ants were working in the field they were drying their food in the sun and were very busy just then a grasshopper passed by he was very hungry good day kind ants sa

35、id the grasshopper i am very hungry wont you lend me a little food i have nothing to eat i will pay you before the next fall have you no food of your own why did you not gather any food during the summer you know there was much food in the field last summer what were you doing then asked an old ant

36、the grasshopper replied i was singing all day and night during the summer and so i had no time to gather any food please lend me some food well then said the ant as you sang all the summer you had better dance all the winter you only played and did not work during the summer well never lend you any

37、food and the ants went on working16jack and the robber杰克与强盗 jack was a farmers boy once he drove his cart to market he had butter and eggs to sell he met a woman on the way she gave him a piece of silver for a little butter then he met a boy the boy gave him a piece of silver for six eggs soon jack

38、had plenty of silver in his pocket as jack went along a man came up to him and said stop so jack stopped on the way again the man gave him some wine jack drank it and fell asleep on the roadside when jack woke up his silver was not in his pocket it was all gone the man was a robber and poor jack wen

39、t home sadly 17abraham lincoln亚伯拉罕林肯 abraham lincolns father and mother were very poor and the family lived in a log cabin in the wood abraham had to walk about five miles to school as there was no school near his eleven years old he had to leave school and work he loved to study and after working h

40、ard all day he user to study to study by the firelight he grew to be a wise and good man he was elected president of the united states at that time there was a war between the north and the south the people of the south wanted to own slaves but those of the north thought that it was wrong to own sla

41、ves then the south and the north fought for four years and at last the north won and the slaves were set free18a bad dream一个恶梦 one afternoon ben was playing in the back yard a big black cat jumped over the fence and lay down among his mothers plants ben crept up to the cat he caught it by the tail a

42、nd dropped it into a tub of water his mother looked out of the window and saw him she called him into the house and scolded him for such a cruelty then she told him that he must go to bed and stay there till evening before long ben fell asleep he dreamed that he grew very small a very very big cat s

43、eized him in its mouth and ran away with him he kicked and screamed but he could not get away at last the cat dropped him and he fell into a big pond he sand down down into the cold water then he woke up19king alfred and the cakes阿佛列王与糕饼 king alfred o f england once led his army to fight with anothe

44、r army and was beaten so he had to run away through the woods and swamps to save his life one evening he came to a woodcutters hut he was very tired and hungry so he begged the woodcutters wife to give him something to eat and a place to sleep in he was ragged and dirty and she did not know that he

45、was the king she felt so sorry for him that she told him to come in and gave hem a seat near the fire she was baking some cakes she said to king alfred i must go and milk the cow watch the cakes and do not let them burn the king was willing to do this but he kept thinking about his army and soon for

46、got all about the cakes in a few minutes the woman came back and found the cakes burning she was so angry that she struck the king with a stick and cried you lazy fellow you want to eat but you do not want to work20tonys lie汤尼的谎言 one day tony was a very bad boy he told a lie to his mother that night

47、 felt very unhappy he did not want to play with the children he sat on the doorstep alone he looked up in the sky and saw the big round moon he thought that it was looking down upon him because it knew about the lie he ran down the street to get away from it but it kept following him then he crept i

48、nto the house and went to bed but the moon looked at him through the window he pulled the sheet over his head but he could not sleep then he crawled under the bed and lay there in the dark he thought and thought about the lie at last he decided to tell his mother all about it he told her the truth a

49、nd she forgave him he promised never to tell a lie again he went back to bed and was soon fast asleep he dreamed that the moon smiled down upon him23the three wishes三个愿望a man and his wife were always wishing for luck one night a fairy came to them and said you may have three wishes in the morning th

50、e woman went to a neighbors house to get some bread she saw a nice pudding there when she came back she said i wish i had a pudding like that she did not think of the three wishes but there was a pudding beside her silly cried the man you have lost one of your wishes and we have only a pudding i wis

51、h it were on your nose at that the pudding jumped up and grew fast to her nose silly yourself cried the woman you have lost another wish we have only one wish more what shall it be asked the man we must wish this pudding off said the woman i cant have it on my nose so they wished it would go away an

52、d away it went they had had their three wishes but they were on better off than when the fairy came to them25the monkey and the turtle猴子与海龟one day a monkey who was very hungry met with a turtle creeping along the road my dear slow foot cant you find anything to eat for me said the monkey o yes sly h

53、ead i can said the turtle come this way there is a banana-plant just over there soon they came to the banana-plant bearing lot of ripe fruit the monkey climbed the plant but before he could pick some bananas the turtle cried run sly head run here comes a man instantly he came down and ran in a hurry

54、 but the turtle could not run but she caught the monkeys tail in her mouth and the monkey pulled her away when they were safe the monkey said slow foot that man did not catch you because i pulled you away o no sly head on the turtle said you were not pulling me i was pushing you26dickens and his cat

55、狄更斯与他的猫charles dickens the famous english novelist wrote a great many books he had a cat of which he was very fond she was a fine persian cat with pure white fur one evening as he was absorbed in reading one of his favorite books by a candle-light the candle suddenly went out he was surprised but to

56、ok a match struck it and lighted the and lighted the candle again and once more sat down to read you can imagine his astonishment when he again found himself in complete darkness he looked around the room lighted the candle again and began to read once more after a while he stopped and looked up he

57、saw that his cat was trying to put out the light with her paw the cats intentions were quite clear to him-she wanted him to stop reading and play with her a while of course he did this and besides he gave her some milk the cat was quite contented she went over and curled herself into a ball on the s

58、ofa to take a nap then dickens continued to read and this time pussy did not interrupt him again27talking to a fish与鱼交谈one day a negro went to a fish shop to buy some fish for his dinner he picked up a fresh fish and after examining it carefully he held it up to his nose and smelled it hey whats thi

59、s cried the master of the shop why do you smell that fish do you think it answered the negro then what were you doing with your face so close to the fish asked the master i wasnt smelling the fish i was only talking to it answered the negro talking to it said the shopkeeper why what on earth did you say to it i asked him if there was any negro well and what did the fish say to that asked th


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