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1、ASP. NET 概述ASP .NET是一个统一的 Web开发模型,它包括您使用尽可能少的代码生成企业级 Web应用程序所必需的各种服务。 ASP .NET作为.NET Framework的部分提供。当您编写ASP.NET应用程序的代码时,可以访问.NET Framework中的类。您可以使用与公共语言运行库 (CLR)兼容的任何语言来编写应用程序的代码,这些语言包括 Microsoft Visual Basic 、C# JScript .NET 和 J#。使用这些语言,可以开发利用公共语言运行库、类型安全、继承等方面的优点的ASP. NET应用程序。ASP. NET 包括:页和控件框架ASP

2、. NET编译器安全基础结构 状态管理功能 应用程序配置 运行状况监视和性能功能 调试支持XML Web services 框架 可扩展的宿主环境和应用程序生命周期管理 可扩展的设计器环境ASP .NET页和控件框架是一种编程框架,它在 Web服务器上运行,可以动态地生成和呈现AS P.NET网页。可以从任何浏览器或客户端设备请求 ASP .NET网页,ASP .NET会向请求浏览器呈现标记(例如 HTML。通常,您可以对多个浏览器使用相同的页,因为AS P. NET会为发出请求的浏览器呈现适当的标记。的特定浏览器设计但是,您可以针对诸如 Microsoft In ternet Explore

3、r 6AS P.NET网页,并利用该浏览器的功能。ASP .NET支持基于Web的设备(如移动电话、手持型计算机和个人数字助理 (PDA)的移动控件。ASP .NET网页是完全面向对象的。在 AS P. NET网页中,可以使用属性、方 法和事件来处理HTML元素。ASP .NET页框架为响应在服务器上运行的代码中的客户端事件提供统一的模型,从而使您不必考虑基于Web的应用程序中固有的客户端和服务器隔离的实现细节。该框架还会在页处理生命周期中自动维护页及 该页上控件的状态。使用ASP .NET页和控件框架还可以将常用的 UI功能封装成易于使用且可重用的控件。控件只需编写一次,即可用于许多页并集成

4、到ASP .NET网页中。这些控件在呈现期间放入AS P.NET网页中。ASP .NET页和控件框架还提供各种功能,以便可以通过主题和外观来控制网站的整体外观和感觉。可以先定义主题和外观,然后在页面级或控件级应用这些 主题和外观。除了主题外,还可以定义母版页,以使应用程序中的页具有一致的布局。-个母版页可以定义您希望应用程序中的所有页 (或一组页)所具有的布局和标准 行为。然后可以创建包含要显示的页特定内容的各个内容页。 当用户请求内容页 时,这些内容页与母版页合并,产生将母版页的布局与内容页中的内容组合在一 起的输出。所有ASP .NET代码都经过了编译,可提供强类型、性能优化和早期绑定以及

5、其他优点。代码一经编译,公共语言运行库会进一步将ASP .NET编译为本机代码,从而提供增强的性能。ASP .NET包括一个编译器,该编译器将包括页和控件在内的所有应用程序组 件编译成一个程序集,之后ASP .NET宿主环境可以使用该程序集来处理用户请求。除了 .NET的安全功能外,ASP .NET还提供了高级的安全基础结构,以便对用户进行身份验证和授权,并执行其他与安全相关的功能。您可以使用由IIS提 供的Win dows身份验证对用户进行身份验证,也可以通过您自己的用户数据库使用ASP.NETForms身份验证和ASP.NET成员资格来管理身份验证。此外,可 以使用Windows组或您自己

6、的自定义角色数据库(使用ASP.NET角色)来管理Web应用程序的功能和信息方面的授权。您可以根据应用程序的需要方便地移除、添加或替换这些方案。ASP .NET始终使用特定的 Win dows标识运行,因此,您可以通过使用Windows功能(例如NTFS访问控制列表(ACL)、数据库权限等等)来保护应用程序的安全。ASP .NET提供了内部状态管理功能,它使您能够存储页请求期间的信息,例如客户信息或购物车的内容。您可以保存和管理应用程序特定、会话特定、页特 定、用户特定和开发人员定义的信息。此信息可以独立于页上的任何控件。ASP .NET提供了分布式状态功能,使您能够管理一台计算机或数台计算机

7、上同一应用程序的多个实例的状态信息。通过ASP .NET应用程序使用的配置系统,可以定义Web服务器、网站或单个应用程序的配置设置。您可以在部署 ASP .NET应用程序时定义配置设置,并且可以随时添加或修订配置设置,且对运行的Web应用程序和服务器具有最小的影响。ASP .NET配置设置存储在基于XML的文件中。由于这些XML文件是ASCII文本文件,因此对 Web应用程序进行配置更改比较简单。您可以扩展配置方案,使其符合自己的要求。ASP .NET包括可监视ASP .NET应用程序的运行状况和性能的功能。使用ASP .NET运行状况监视可以报告关键事件,这些关键事件提供有关应用程序的运行状

8、况和错误情况的信息。这些事件显示诊断和监视特征的组合,并在记录哪些 事件以及如何记录事件等方面提供了高度的灵活性。AS P. NET支持两组可供应用程序访问的性能计数器: ASP .NET系统性能计数器组 ASP .NET应用程序性能计数器组ASP .NET利用运行库调试基础结构来提供跨语言和跨计算机调试支持。可以 调试托管和非托管对象,以及公共语言运行库和脚本语言支持的所有语言。此外,ASP .NET页框架提供使您可以将检测消息插入 ASP.NET网页的跟踪模式。ASP.NET支持 XML Web services。XML Web services 是包含业务功能的组件,利用该业务功能,应用

9、程序可以使用HTT P和XML消息等标准跨越防火墙交换信息。XMLWebservices不用依靠特定的组件技术或对象调用约定。因此, 用任何语言编写、使用任何组件模型并在任何操作系统上运行的程序,都可以访 问 XML Web services 。ASP .NET包括一个可扩展的宿主环境,该环境控制应用程序的生命周期,即从用户首次访问此应用程序中的资源 (例如页)到应用程序关闭这一期间。虽然ASP .NET依赖作为应用程序宿主的 Web服务器(IIS),但ASP.NET自身也提供了许多宿主功能。通过 AS P.NET的基础结构,您可以响应应用程序事件并创建自定义HTTP处理程序和HTTP模块。A

10、SP .NET中提供了对创建 Web服务器控件设计器(用于可视化设计工具,例如Visual Studio)的增强支持。使用设计器可以为控件生成设计时用户界面,这样开发人员可以在可视化设计工具中配置控件的属性和内容。C#是一种简洁、类型安全的面向对象的语言,开发人员可以使用它来构建在.NET Framework上运行的各种安全、可靠的应用程序。使用C扒您可以创建传统的 Windows客户端应用程序、XMLWebservices、分布式组件、客户端-服务器应用程序、数据库应用程序以及很多其他类型的程序。Microsoft VisualC#2005提供高级代码编辑器、方便的用户界面设计器、集成调试器

11、和许多其他工具,以在C#语言版本2.0和.NET Framework的基础上加快应用程序的开发。C#语法表现力强,只有不到90个关键字,而且简单易学。C#的大括号语法使任何熟悉C、C+或Java的人都可以立即上手。了解上述任何一种语言的 开发人员通常在很短的时间内就可以开始使用 C#高效地工作。C#语法简化了C+的诸多复杂性,同时提供了很多强大的功能,例如可为空的值类型、枚举、委托、匿名方法和直接内存访问,这些都是 Java所不具备的。C#还支持泛型方法和类型,从而提供了更出色的类型安全和性能。C#还提供了迭代器,允许集合类的实现者定义自定义的迭代行为,简化了客户端代码对它的使用。作为一种面向

12、对象的语言,C#支持封装、继承和多态性概念。所有的变量 和方法,包括Ma in方法(应用程序的入口点),都封装在类定义中。类可能直接从一个父类继承,但它可以实现任意数量的接口。重写父类中的虚方法的各种方法要求override 关键字作为一种避免意外重定义的方式。在C#中,结构类 似于一个轻量类;它是一种堆栈分配的类型,可以实现接口,但不支持继承。除了这些基本的面向对象的原理,C#还通过几种创新的语言结构加快了软件组件的开发,其中包括:封装的方法签名(称为委托),它实现了类型安全的事件通知。属性(Prop erty),充当私有成员变量的访问器。属性(Attribute),提供关于运行时类型的声明

13、性元数据。内联XML文档注释。在C#中,如果需要与其他 Windows软件(如 COM对象或本机 Win32 DLL)交互,可以通过一个称为“ Interop ”的过程来实现。互操作使 C#程序能够完 成本机C+应用程序可以完成的几乎任何任务。在直接内存访问必不可少的情 况下,C#甚至支持指针和“不安全”代码的概念。C#的生成过程比C和C+简单,比Java更为灵活。没有单独的头文件,也不要求按照特定顺序声明方法和类型。C#源文件可以定义任意数量的类、结构、接口和事件。C#程序在.NET Framework上运行,它是 Windows的一个必要组件,包括一个称为公共语言运行时(CLR)的虚拟执行

14、系统和一组统一的类库。CLR是Microsoft的公共语言基础结构(CLI)的一个商业实现。CLI是一种国际标准, 是用于创建语言和库在其中无缝协同工作的执行和开发环境的基础。用C#编写的源代码被编译为一种符合 CLI规范的中间语言(IL)。IL代 码与资源(如位图和字符串)一起作为一种称为程序集的可执行文件存储在磁盘 上,通常具有的扩展名为.exe或.dll 。程序集包含清单,它提供关于程序集 的类型、版本、区域性和安全要求等信息。执行C#程序时,程序集将加载到 CLR中,这可能会根据清单中的信息执行不同的操作。然后,如果符合安全要求,CLR执行实时(JIT)编译以将IL代 码转换为本机机器

15、指令。CLR还提供与自动垃圾回收、异常处理和资源管理有关的其他服务。由CLR执行的代码有时称为“托管代码”,它与编译为面向特定系统的本机机器语言的“非托管代码”相对应。下图演示了 C#源代码文件、基类库、程序集和CLR的编译时与运行时的关系。彎打 Visual 匚# IZHC#撫川C# 2,0 iw厅器托应昇iFUX.eJte戍.diilihMSiL元并弹CLft M先伯1L,1_舌2夷宅更引.NET Framework佥仏沼占込讦斤攻5:7上卜厲-NET Frannie work转換力z4Lif M耻代此语言互操作性是.NET Framework的一个关键功能。因为由C#编译器生成的IL代码

16、符合公共类型规范(CTS),因此从C#生成的IL代码可以与从VisualBasic、Visual C+ Visual J#的.NET版本或者其他20多种符合CTS的语言中的任何一种生成的代码进行交互。单一程序集可能包含用不同.NET语言编 写的多个模块,并且类型可以相互引用,就像它们是用同一种语言编写的。除了运行时服务,.NET Framework还包含一个由4000多个类组成的内容详尽的库,这些类被组织为命名空间,为从文件输入和输出到字符串操作、到XML分析、到Windows窗体控件的所有内容提供多种有用的功能。典型的C#应用程序使用.NET Framework类库广泛地处理常见的“日常”任

17、务。附件2:外文原文ASP. NET OverviewASP. NET is a un ified Web devel opment model that in eludes the services n ecessary for you to build enterp rise-class Web app licatio ns with a mi nimum of cod ing. ASP. NET is part of the .NET Framework, and whe n codi ng ASP. NET app licati ons you have access to class

18、es in the .NET Framework. You can code your app licati ons in any Ian guage comp atible with the com mon Ian guage run time (CLR), in cludi ng Microsoft Visual Basic, C#, JScri pt .NET, and J#. These Ian guages en able you to devel op ASP.NET app licati ons that ben efit from the com mon Ian guage r

19、un time, type safety, in herita nee, and so on.ASP. NET i ncludes:A p age and con trols frameworkThe ASP. NET comp ilerSecurity in frastructureState-ma nageme nt facilitiesApp licati on con figurati onHealth mon itori ng and p erforma nee featuresDebugg ing supportAn XML Web services frameworkExte n

20、sible hosti ng en vir onment and app licati on life cycle man ageme ntAn exte nsible desig ner en vir onmentThe ASP.NET p age and con trols framework is a p rogram ming framework that runs on a Web server to dyn amically p roduce and ren der ASP. NET Web p ages.ASP. NET Web p ages can be requested f

21、rom any browser or clie nt device, andASP. NET ren ders mark up (such as HTML) to the request ing browser. As a rule, you can use the same p age for multi pie browsers, because ASP. NET ren ders the approp riate mark up for the browser mak ing the request. However, you can desig n your ASP.NET Web p

22、 age to target a sp ecific browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, and take adva ntage of the features of that browser. ASP. NET supp orts mobile con trols for Web-e nabled devices such as cellular phon es, han dheld compu ters, and personal digital assista nts (P DAs).ASP. NET Web pages are

23、 comp letely object-orie nted. Withi n ASP. NET Web p ages you can work with HTML eleme nts using prop erties, methods, and eve nts. TheASP.NET p age framework removes the impi eme ntati on details of the sep arati on of clie nt and server in here nt in Web-based app licati ons by p rese nting a un

24、ified model for responding to clie nt eve nts in code that runs at the server. The framework also automatically mai ntai ns the state of a p age and the con trols on that p age duri ng the p age p rocess ing life cycle.The ASP.NET p age and con trols framework also en ables you to encap sulate com m

25、on UI fun ctio nality in easy-to-use, reusable con trols. Con trols are writte n once, can be used in many p ages, and are in tegrated into the ASP. NET Web p age that they are p laced in duri ng ren deri ng.The ASP.NET p age and con trols framework also pro vides features to con trol the overall lo

26、ok and feel of your Web site via themes and skins. You can defi ne themes and skins and the n apply them at a p age level or at a con trol level.In additi on to themes, you can defi ne master p ages that you use to create a con siste nt layout for the p ages in your app licati on. A sin gle master p

27、 age defi nes the layout and sta ndard behavior that you want for all the p ages (or a group of p ages) in your app licati on. You can the n create in dividual content p ages that contain the p age-s pecific content you want to dis play. Whe n users request the content p ages, they merge with the ma

28、ster p age to p roduce out put that comb ines the layout of the master p age with the content from the content p age.All ASP. NET code is comp iled, which en ables stro ng typing, p erforma nee op timizatio ns, and early binding, among other ben efits. Once the code has bee n comp iled, the com mon

29、Ian guage run time further comp iles ASP. NET code to n ative code, pro vidi ng impro ved p erforma nee.ASP. NET in eludes a comp iler that will comp ile all your app licatio n components in clud ing p ages and con trols into an assembly that the ASP.NET host ing en vir onment can the n use to servi

30、ce user requests.In additi on to the security features of .NET, ASP. NET p rovides an adva need security in frastructure for authe nticati ng and authoriz ing user access as well as p erform ing other security-related tasks. You can authe nticate users using Win dows authe nticatio n supp lied by II

31、S, or you can man age authe nticati on using your own user database using ASP. NET forms authe nticati on and ASP. NET membershi p.Additi on ally, you can man age the authorizatio n to the cap abilities and in formatio n of your Web app licati on using Win dows groups or your own custom role databas

32、e usingASP. NET roles. You can easily remove, add to, or rep lace these schemes depending upon the n eeds of your app licati on.ASP. NET always runs with a p articular Win dows ide ntity so you can secure your app licati on using Win dows cap abilities such as NTFS Access Con trol Lists (ACLs), data

33、base p ermissi ons, and so on. For more in formatio n on the ide ntity ofASP. NET,ASP. NET p rovides in tri nsic state man ageme nt fun ctio nality that en ables you to store in formatio n betwee n p age requests, such as customer in formatio n or the contents of a shopping cart. You can save and ma

34、n age app licati on-sp ecific, sessi on-sp ecific, p age-s pecific, user-s pecific, and devel op er-defi ned in formati on. This in formati on can be independent of any con trols on the p age.ASP. NET offers distributed state facilities, which en able you to man age state in formatio n across multi

35、pie in sta nces of the same app licati on on one compu ter or on several compu ters.ASP. NET app licati ons use a con figurati on system that en ables you to defi ne con figurati on sett ings for your Web server, for a Web site, or for in dividual app licati ons. You can make con figurati on sett in

36、gs at the time your ASP. NET app licati ons are depIo yed and can add or revise con figurati on sett ings at any time with mi nimal impact on op erati onal Web app licati ons and servers. ASP. NET con figurati on sett ings are stored in XML-based files. Because these XML files areASCII text files, i

37、t is simple to make con figurati on cha nges to your Web app licati ons.You can exte nd the con figurati on scheme to suit your requireme nts.ASP. NET in cludes features that en able you to mon itor health and p erforma nee of your ASP. NET app licatio n. ASP. NET health mon itori ng en ables report

38、ing of key eve nts that p rovide in formatio n about the health of an app licati on and about error con diti ons. These eve nts show a comb in ati on of diag no stics and mon itori ng characteristics and offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of what is logged and how it is logged.ASP.NET supp

39、orts two groups of p erforma nee coun ters accessible to your app licati ons: The ASP. NET system p erforma nee coun ter group The ASP. NET app licati on p erforma nee coun ter groupASP. NET takes adva ntage of the run-time debugg ing in frastructure to p rovide cross-la nguage and cross-co mpu ter

40、debugg ing supp ort. You can debug both man aged and unman aged objects, as well as all la nguages supp orted by the com mon Ian guage run time and scri pt Ian guages.In additi on, the ASP. NET p age framework p rovides a trace mode that en ables you to insert in strume ntati on messages into your A

41、SP. NET Web p ages.ASP. NET supp orts XML Web services. An XML Web service is a component containing bus in ess function ality that en ables app licati ons to excha nge in formatio n across firewalls using sta ndards like HTTP and XML messag ing. XML Web services are not tied to a p articular compon

42、ent tech no logy or object-calli ng conven ti on. As a result, p rograms writte n in any Ian guage, using any component model, and running on any op erati ng system can access XML Web services.ASP. NET in eludes an exte nsible hosti ng en vir onment that con trols the life cycle of an app licati on

43、from whe n a user first accesses a resource (such as a p age) in the app licati on to the point at which the app licati on is shut dow n. While ASP. NET relies on a Web server (IIS) as an app licati on host, ASP.NET pro vides much of the host ing fun ctio nality itself. The architecture of ASP. NET

44、en ables you to res pond to app licati on eve nts and create custom HTT P han dlers and HTT P modules.ASP.NET includes enhanced support for creating designers for Web server con trols for use with a visual desig n tool such as Visual Studio. Desig ners en able you to build a desig n-time user in ter

45、face for a con trol, so that devel opers can con figure your con trols prop erties and content in the visual desig n tool.In troduct ion to the C# Lan guage and the .NET Framework C# is an elega nt and typ e-safe object-orie nted Ian guage that en ables devel opers to build a wide range of secure an

46、d robust app licati ons that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to create traditi onal Win dows clie nt app licati ons, XML Web services, distributed componen ts, clie nt-server app licati ons, database app licatio ns, and much, much more.Microsoft Visual C# 2005 pro vides an adva need code e

47、ditor, convenient user in terface desig ners, in tegrated debugger, and many other tools to facilitate rapid app licati on devel opment based on versi on 2.0 of the C# Ian guage and the .NETFramework.0NoteThe Visual C# docume ntati on assumes that you have an un dersta nding of basic p rogram ming c

48、oncep ts. If you are a comp lete begi nner, you might want to exploreVisual C# Exp ress Editi on, which is available on the Web. You can also take adva ntage of any of several excelle nt books and Web resources on C# to lear n p ractical p rogram ming skills.C# syn tax is highly exp ressive, yet wit

49、h less tha n 90 keywords, it is also simple and easy to lear n. The curly-brace syn tax of C# will be in sta ntly recog ni zable to anyone familiar with C, C+ or Java. Devel opers who know any of these Ian guages are typ ically able to beg in work ing p roductively in C# withi n a very short time. C

50、# syn tax sim plifies many of the comp lexities of C+ while p rovidi ng po werful features such as n ullable value typ es, enu merati ons, delegates, anonym ous methods and direct memory access, which are not found in Java. C# also supp orts gen eric methods and typ es, which p rovide in creased typ

51、e safety and p erforma nee, and iterators, which en able imp leme nters of collectio n classes to defi ne custom iterati on behaviors that are simple to use by clie nt code.As an object-orie nted Ian guage, C# supp orts the concepts of encap sulati on, in herita nee and polymorp hism. All variables

52、and methods, in clud ing the Main method, the app licati ons entry point, are encap sulated withi n class defi niti ons. A class may in herit directly from one parent class, but it may imp leme nt any nu mber of in terfaces.Methods that override virtual methods in a parent class require thoverride k

53、eyword as a way to avoid accide ntal redefi niti on. In C#, a struct is like a lightweight class; it is a stack-allocated type that can imp leme nt in terfaces but does not support in herita nee.In additi on to these basic object-orie nted principl es, C# facilitates the devel opment of software com

54、ponents through several inno vative Ian guage con structs, in cludi ng:Encap sulated method sig natures called delegates, which en able typ e-safeeve nt no tificatio ns.Prop erties, which serve as accessors for p rivate member variables.Attributes, which p rovide declarative metadata about types at

55、run time.Inline XML docume ntati on comme nts.If you n eed to in teract with other Win dows software such as COM objects or n ative Win32 DLLs, you can do this in C# through a p rocess called I ntero p. Interop en ables C# p rograms to do just about anything that a n ative C+ app licati on can do.C#

56、 eve n supp orts poin ters and the concept of un safe code for those cases in which direct memory access is absolutely critical.The C# build p rocess is sim pie comp ared to C and C+ and more flexible tha n inJava. There are no sep arate header files, and no requireme nt that methods and types be de

57、clared in a p articular order. A C# source file may defi ne any nu mber of classes, structs, in terfaces, and eve nts.C# p rograms run on the .NET Framework, an in tegral component of Win dows that in cludes a virtual executi on system called the com mon Ian guage run time (CLR) and a uni fied set o

58、f class libraries. The CLR is Microsofts commercial impi eme ntati on of the com mon Ian guage in frastructure (CLI), an intern ati onal sta ndard that is the basis for creati ng executi on and devel opment en vir onments in which Ian guages and libraries work together seamlessly.Source code writte n in C# is comp iled into an in termediate Ian guage (IL) that con forms to the CLI sp ecificati on. The IL code,


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