



1、Module 6 Around townUnit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the Nation Stadium(听说课)【学习目标】1. 熟记本单元单词,固定短语和重要句型。 2. 掌握方位介词的用法,3. 掌握问路和指路的表达方式。【教学重难点】指路和问路的表达【课前导学】一、单词拼写银行 博物馆 书店 地铁 沿着 越过 穿过 在对面 换方向 右边 (左边 ) 导游手册 three (序数词) 游客 旅游,游览 二、根据中文写出下列短语在前面 劳烦,对不起 穿过 沿着 左转 右转 在左侧 在右侧 在银行对面 到达 乘地铁 去的路 在这附近 为什么不

2、 在第三大街 三、翻译句子。1. 你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗?Can you tell_ _ _ _ Wangfujing Dajie?2. 我能够怎样到达那里? _ _ _ _ there?3. 你能告诉我怎样到达国家博物馆吗?Could_ _ _ _ _get to the National Stadium?4. 书店在哪儿? _ _ the book shop?5. 有一个银行在这附近吗? _ _ a bank near here?【课堂导学】一、检查课前预习情况。二、引入:Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?从标题

3、中理解本课的中心话题。1. Activity1. 将方框中的单词和图片配对。2. Activity2. 听录音,给图片排序。三、课文:1.听录音, 注意语音、语调。2.再听录音并跟读,完成下面练习。(1). How many people are there in the dialogue(对话)? _ A. three B. four C. One (2). Where are Betty and Lingling standing? _A. in front of Tiananmen Square B. in front of Wangfujing Dajie C. Opposite th

4、e bank3. 全班齐读,并完成Activity 3 ,回答问题(P33)4. 小组分角色熟读课文并表演对话。5.观看动画视频,理解对话内容。四、语言点导学。1. in front of “在某物外部的前面”;in the front of “ 在某物内部的前面”. 例如:(1)Tom is standing the car. (2) The driver sits the taxi.2. 问路的句型:can you tell me the way to“你能告诉我去的路吗?”,Can you tell me how to get to “你能告诉我怎么到达吗”;Can you tell m

5、e how I can get to “你能告诉我到怎么走?”3. 辨析:cross, across 和along (1) across 介词,“越过”(从某物表面的一边到另外一边), 跟在动词后。如:go / walk across “穿过”;run across “跑过”。(2) cross 动词,“穿过”, (从某物表面的一边到另外一边),cross = go across. (3) along 介词,“沿着”,go / walk along “沿着走”(沿着细长的路线移动)4. opposite (1)(介词)“在对面”, (2)( 形容词) “相反”,be opposite to “

6、与相反”,5. Why not do sth.? “为什么不做某事呢” = Why dont you do sth.?6. 辨析:by 与 take 表示“搭乘”, by介词, take 是动词, “搭乘去某地”有两种: (1)take a / an / the + 交通工具 + to (2)go to by + 交通工具【随堂训练】一、单选题( ) 1. - Excuse me. Where is the nearest bus stop? - .AI dont want to say anything. B. Go straight ahead for 50 meters C. It wi

7、ll take an hour to go there( ) 2. Why not _ your friends for help when you are in trouble? A. ask B. to ask C. asks D. asking( ) 3. The bridge is your right. A. in B. on C. at D. of ( ) 4. Mr. Green is sitting the car and driving it to work.A. in front of B. in the front of C. on front of D. on the

8、front of ( ) 5. - Could you tell me how Wangfujing Dajie? - Sorry, Im new here. Im not sure.A. get to B. to get C. to get to D. to arrive. ( ) 6. The club in far from our school. Lets taxi A. by B. take C. take a D. taking ( ) 7. You must be careful when you swim the lake. A. across B. below C. over

9、 D. through ( ) 8. - Where is your mothers clothes shop? - Its the cinema.A. in B. at C. of D. opposite( ) 9. - Thanks a lot. - . A. Great idea B. My pleasure C. I am glad D. No, thanks( ) 10. - Could you tell me how to get to the post office? - A. No, I couldnt B. Dont ask me C. Thank you all the s

10、ame D. Certainly. You can take the No. 5 bus( ) 11. Dont _ the street when the traffic light is red. Its dangerous.A. cross B. through C. along D. across( ) 12. -How do you come to school every day? I _ to school.A. take a bus B. take bus C. taking a bus D. by bus二、用所给词的适当形式填空。three find go tour get 1. Go along this street and you the shop o


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