



1、Sample 1 (参见鲁子问的课堂观察记录)课堂观察记录时 间: 地点及班级:教 材: 教学章节:执教教师: 听课人:环节及时间Stages (time)教师活动Teachers activities 学生活动Students activities建议与评论Suggestions and comments Sample 2“Hesadoctor”听课记录及评议执教班级:一(5) 班 执教时间:20 年 月 日Step1 Warm up (5)1. GreetingSing a song: Good morning.【评:开头,请几个孩子和老师用歌曲形式交流互动,简洁自然。】2. Daily

2、English1) How are you today?Im happy/sad/sick/very well/very excited.2) Whats the weather like today?Is it rainy?3) What day is it today/yesterday/tomorrow?Ask some pupils to count the seven daysListen to the tape and sing a song: Days of the week.4) How old are you?5) Where are you from?6) Which sc

3、hool/class are you in? 7) Who is your friend/ mother/father?8) Where is he/she?9) Do you love your father/mother?Lead in the answer: I love my fother/father. 【评:让孩子到家长身边,介绍:This is my father/mother. I love my father/mother.大大增加了学生回答问题的热情,学生争着发言,课堂气氛活跃。】3. Invite 3 pupils to the front to introduce th

4、emselves.【评: 作自我介绍的学生有的大方自信,还有的声音比较小,比较害羞。说明老师注重各个层次孩子的能力的发展】Step2 Revision(10)1. Listen to tape and sing a song: Eight little baby ducks.T: What did you hear in the song?S: Eight.T: (point to a picture on the blackboard)How many ducks in this picture?S: Six.T: Who are they? Can you chant the ducks?

5、2. Chant the ducks together.3. TPRStand up/sit down. Open/close your books.(practice twice)Open your books to P84. Read the text on P85. Show some headgear of Amy.T: Who is she? Who want to be Amy?6. Show Amys family photo, ask some pupils to point and introduce the family members.【评:老师注意提醒孩子们尊重别人,认

6、真听别人的发言,值得学习。】7. Point to Amys motherT: Its Amys mother, her mother or his mother?8. Play a tape, lead in the third person - herLook, this is Amy. This is her mother. Shes a teacher. This is her father. Hes a doctor. And this is 9. Listen and repeat twice.10. Ask one pupil to the front, to introduce

7、 the family with her.Step3 Activities. (10)1. TPRclap your hands turn around wave your armsNod your head wave your head step your feet2. Sing a song: If you are happy.3. Invite some pupils with their parents to the front, and do the actions after the song.【评: 请家长、孩子一同上台表演,很好地激发了孩子的表现欲,被邀请的家长们努力地配合,让台上下的孩子与家长都感受到了学习英语的快乐。】4. Lead in the new action.Shake hands with some pupils.T: Shake your hands.5. Practice in pairs.6. Sing the song with new action.Step4 Practice(14)1. T shows a photo of her family.Pupils take out their pictures.2. Color the person wit


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