18 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第6课时)教学设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
18 八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(第6课时)教学设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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1、Could you please clean your room?Unit 3Could you please clean your room?Period 6Content Section B 3a, 3b, Self Check 1, 2, 3教学目标要求1能阐述自己是否赞成孩子做家务活的观点。2能掌握写信的格式,为杂志社回信。3能掌握相关做家务活的词组,如:do the dishes, make the bed, take out the rubbish等。4能使用情态动词could礼貌地提出请求并作答,如:Could you please take out the rubbish? Y

2、es, sure. / Sorry, I cant.5能使用情态动词could向别人请求许可并作答,如:Could I use your computer? Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant. / No, you cant.6能认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:fair, unfair等。7能使用目标语言实行有礼貌地提出请求和向别人请求许可的对话。教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源使用复习时间4 m1复习已学目标语和导入谈论家务活的话题。Look at the conversation and answer my questions.1What do yo

3、u often do to help your partner at home?2Do you think kids should help out with chores at home? Why?2复习复述课文。T: Last class, we read two letters about if kids should do housework at home. What are the pros and cons for kids doing housework?给出动词提示词,让学生尝试复述。 导入时间2 m3导入新课话题。Well, were going to go on lear

4、ning Unit 3 today.4引入单元标题。教师板书或课件显示:Unit 3 Period 6 Could you please clean the room?引导学生就插图展开简单讨论:What are they doing? Do you often do chores at home? What do you do to help parents? Do you think kids should do chores at home? Why or why not?3a时间8 m5帮助学生创设场景,列出相关的要点语言内容,为3b活动做好准备。Do you think childr

5、en should do some chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes. 6组织Pair work,学生扮演角色,进行会话。T: Talk about the reasons why children should do chores or why children shouldnt do chores.3b时间10 m7引入书信格式,展示能够帮助表达观点的句子。引导学生阅读3b的书信结构,了解书信轮廓。并且注意给出的帮助表达观点的句子。告诉学生可以选取在3a表格中所填的内容来进行

6、回信。 8根据3a内容,进行写作练习。Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.学生独立或结伴合作进行回信,教师巡视指导。9习作展示,指出问题,相互学习。Now, look at the letters from our classmates.教师展示不同层次学生的回信,请作者在全班大声读出他们的回信与全班同学分享,教师就写作内容及书写规范等进行全班性评价。 Self check 1时间4 m10复习巩固有关家务活的词组。Make a list of chores using these verbs.Ask stude

7、nts to write as many phrases as possible.First they write by themselves. Then they discuss with others in groups.Share their phrases.11齐读关于家务活的词组。Look and read.学生齐读词组Self check 2时间4 m12复习总结有礼貌地提出请求和向别人请求许可的句型。Polite requests: Could you please do ? Yes, sure. / Sorry, I cant.Polite permissions: Could

8、 I do ? Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 13组织pair work, 教师反馈、纠正。Give an example:T: Could you please take out the rubbish?S: Yes, sure.T: Could I use your computer?S: Sorry, you cant. I have to use it.Self check 3时间4 m14运用目标语言编写对话,提升能力。Use the questions in activity 2 to write a conversation.Show your conversation. 小结时间3 m15本活动的检查评价;归纳、反馈、强化本节课学习目标。Phrases about doing chores.1do the dishes2clean the living room3make the bed4fold the clothes5sweep the floor6take out the rubbishPolite requests and permissions.Polite requests: Could you please do? Yes, sure.


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