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1、jk罗琳哈佛大学演讲篇一 :jk罗琳哈佛大学演讲稿preside nt faust, members of the harvard corporati on and the board of overseers,members of the faculty, proud pare nts, and, above all, graduates,福斯特主席,哈佛公司和监察委员会的各位成员,各位老师、家长、全体毕业生们:the first thing i would like to say is thank you. not only has harvard given me an extraord

2、inaryhonour, but the weeks of fear and nausea i veen dured at the thought of giving this comme nceme nt address have made me lose weight. a win-win situati on!no wall i have to do is take deep breaths,squint at the red banners and convince myself that i am at the world slargest gryffi ndors reunion.

3、首先请允许我说一声谢谢。哈佛不仅给了我无上的荣誉,连日来为这个演讲经 受的恐惧和紧张,更令我减肥成功。这真是一个双赢的局面。现在我要做的就是 深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面的大红横幅,安慰自己正在世界上最大的格兰芬 多(沪江我:以防有人没看过哈利波特格兰芬多是小哈利所在的魔法学 院的名字)聚会上。deliveri ng a comme nceme nt address is a great resp on sibility; or so ithought un til i cast my mind back to my own graduati on. thecomme nceme nt spe

4、aker that day was the dist in guished britishphilosopher baron ess mary warno ck. reflect ing on her speech has helpedme enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that i cantremember a single word she said. this liberating discovery enables meto proceed without any fear that i might in ad

5、verte ntly in flue nce you to aba ndon promis ing careers in bus in ess, law or politics for the giddy delights of beco ming a gay wizard.发表毕业演说是一个巨大的责任,至少在我回忆自己当年的毕业典礼前是这么 认为的。那天做演讲的是英国著名的哲学家baroness mary warnock,对她演讲的回忆,对我写今天的演讲稿,产生了极大的帮助,因为我不记得她说过的任何 一句话了。这个发现让我释然,让我不再担心我可能会无意中影响你放弃在商业, 法律或政治上的大好

6、前途,转而醉心于成为一个快乐的魔法师(gay有快乐和同性恋的意思)。you see? if all you remember in years to come is the gay wizard joke,ive stillcome out ahead of baron ess mary warno ck. achievable goals - thefirst step to self-improveme nt.你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得一快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我 已经超越了 baroness mary warnock。建立可实现的目标这是提高自我的第一步。 actually

7、, i have wracked my mi nd and heart for what i ought to say to you today. i have asked myself what i wish i had known at my owngraduation, and what important lessons i have learned in the 21 years that has expired betwee n that day and this.实际上,我为今天应该和大家谈些什么绞尽了脑汁。我问自己什么是我希望早 在毕业典礼上就该了解的,而从那时起到现在的21年

8、间,我又得到了什么重要的启示。i have comeup with two answers. on this wonderful day whenwe are gathered together to celebrate your academic success, i have decided to talk to you about the ben efits of failure. and as you sta nd on the threshold of what is sometimes called real life, i want to extol the crucial im

9、portanee of imag in ati on.我想到了两个答案。在这美好的一天,当我们一起庆祝你们取得学业成就的时 刻,我希望告诉你们失败有什么样的益处;在你们即将迈向一现实生活II的道路 之际,我还要褒扬想象力的重要性。these may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。looking back at the 21-year-old thati was at graduation, is a slightlyun comfortable experie n

10、ee for the 42-year-old that she has become. half my lifetime ago, i was striking an uneasy balanee between the ambition i had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me.回顾21岁刚刚毕业时的自己,对于今天 42岁的我来说,是一个稍微不太舒服 的经历。可以说,我人生的前一部分,一直挣扎在自己的雄心和身边的人对我的 期望之间。i was con vin ced that the on ly thi ng

11、i wan ted to do, ever, was to write no vels. however, my pare nts, both of whom came from impoverished backgro unds and n either of whom had bee n to college, took the view that my overactive imag in ati on was an amus ing pers onal quirk that could n ever pay a mortgage, or secure a pension.我一直深信,自

12、己唯一想做的事情,就是写小说。不过,我的父母,他们都来 自贫穷的背景,没有任何一人上过大学,坚持认为我过度的想象力是一个令人惊 讶的个人怪癖,根本不足以让我支付按揭,或者取得足够的养老金。i know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but我现在明白反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但they had hoped that i would take a vocati onal degree; i wan ted to studyenglish literature. a compromise was reac

13、hed that in retrospect satisfied no body, and i went up to study moder n Ian guages. hardly had my pare nts car roun ded the corner at the end of the road tha n i ditched germa n and scuttled off dow n the classics corridor.他们希望我去拿个职业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方 都不甚满意的妥协:我改学现代语言。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻放弃了德语 而报名学习

14、古典文学。i cannot remember tellingmy parents that i was studying classics; theymight well have found out for the first time on graduation day. of all the subjects on this planet, i think they would have been hard put to name one less useful tha n greek mythology whe n it came to securi ng the keys to an

15、 executive bathroom.我不记得将这事告诉了父母,他们可能是在我毕业典礼那一天才发现的。 我想, 在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了, 根本无法换来一间独立宽敞的卫生间。i would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that i do not blame myparents for their point of view. there is an expiry date on blaming yourpare nts for steeri ng you in the wrong directi

16、on; the mome nt you are old eno ugh to take the wheel, resp on sibility lies with you. what is more, i cannot criticise my pare nts for hop ing that i would n ever experie nee poverty. they had bee n poor themselves, and i have since bee n poor, and i quite agree with them that it is not an ennoblin

17、g experienee.poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means athousa nd petty humiliati ons and hardships. climb ing out of poverty byyour own efforts, that is in deed someth ing on which to pride yourself,but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.我想澄清一下:我不会因为父母的观点,而责怪他们。

18、埋怨父母给你指错方向 是有一个时间段的。当你成长到可以控制自我方向的时候,你就要自己承担责任了。尤其是,我不会因为父母希望我不要过穷日子,而责怪他们。他们一直很贫 穷,我后来也一度很穷,所以我很理解他们。贫穷并不是一种高贵的经历,它带 来恐惧、压力、有时还有绝望,它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力 摆脱贫穷,确实可以引以自豪,但贫穷本身只有对傻瓜而言才是浪漫的。what i feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.我在你们这个年龄,最害怕的不是贫穷,而是失败。at your age, in spit

19、e of a disti net lack of motivati on at uni versity,where i had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing stories, and far too little time at lectures, i had a kn ack for pass ing exam in ati ons,andthat, for years, had bee n the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.我在您们这么大时,明显缺乏在大学

20、学习的动力,我花了太久时间在咖啡吧写 故事,而在课堂的时间却很少。我有一个通过的诀窍,并且数年间一直让我在大学生活和同龄人中不落人后。i am not dull eno ugh to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have n ever known hardship or heartache. tale nt and intelligeneenever yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the fates,and i do not for

21、 a mome nt suppose that every one here has enjo yed an existe nee of uuffled privilege and conten tme nt.我不想愚蠢地假设,因为你们年轻、有天份,并且受过良好的,就从来没有遇 到困难或心碎的时刻。拥有才华和智慧,从来不会使人对命运的反复无常有所准 备;我也不会假设大家坐在这里冷静地满足于自身的优越感。however, the fact that you are graduating from harvard suggests that you are n ot very well-acqua

22、 in tedwith failure. you might bedrive n by a fearof failure quite as muchas a desire for success. in deed, your con cepti on of failure might not be too far from the average persons idea of success, so high have you already flow n academically.相反,你们是哈佛毕业生的这个事实,意味着你们并不很了解失败。你们也许 极其渴望成功,所以非常害怕失败。说实话,

23、你们眼中的失败,很可能就是普通 人眼中的成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经达到很高的高度了。ultimately,we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutesfailure,but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it.so i think it fair to say that by any conventional measure, a mere sevenyears after my graduati on day, i had fail

24、ed on an epic scale. anexcepti on ally short-lived marriage had imploded, and i was jobless, alone pare nt, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern brita in,withoutbeing homeless. the fears my pare nts had had for me, and that i had had for myself, had both cometo pass, and by every usual stan

25、dard, i was the biggest failure i kn ew.最终,我们所有人都必须自己决定什么算作失败,但如果你愿意,世界是相当 渴望给你一套标准的。所以我想很公平的讲,从任何传统的标准看,在我毕业仅 仅七年后的日子里,我的失败达到了史诗般空前的规模:短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我又失业成了一个艰难的单身母亲。除了流浪汉,我是当代英国最穷的人之一,真的一无所有。当年父母和我自己对未来的担忧,现在都变成了现实。按照 惯常的标准来看,我也是我所知道的最失败的人。now, i amnot goi ng to sta nd here and tell you that failure

26、is fun. that period of my life was a darkone, and i had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represe nted as a kind of fairy taleresoluti on. i had no idea how far the tunnel exte nded, and for a longtime, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality.现在,我不打算站在这里

27、告诉你们,失败是有趣的。那段日子是我生命中的黑暗岁月,我不知道它是否代表童话故事里需要历经的磨难,更不知道自己还要在黑暗中走多久。很长一段时间里,前面留给我的只是希望,而不是现实。so why do i talk about the ben efits of failure? simply because failuremeant a stripp ing away of the in esse ntial. i stopped prete nding tomyself that i was anything other tha n what i was, and bega n to dire

28、ctall myen ergy in to fin ishi ngthe on ly work that mattered to me. had i reallysucceeded at anything else, i might n ever have found thedeterm in atio n to succeed in the one arena i believed i truly bel on ged.i was set free, because mygreatest fear had been realised,and i was stillalive, and i s

29、till had a daughter whom i adored, and i had an old篇二:jk罗琳哈佛大学演讲2008年j.k.罗琳在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲:失败的好处和想象video of j k rowli ngs comme nceme nt address,力的重要性“ the fringe ben efits of failure, and theimporta nce of imag in atio n, ” at the annual the fringe ben efits of failure, and themeeting of the harvard

30、alumni association on importance of imaginationharvard universitycommencemenaddress june 5th 2008. in this powerful,moving, yet alsofunny speech jo talks about her time worki ng for j.k. rowli ngamn esty intern ati on al, her pers onal experie nces terce ntenary theatre,june 5, 2008失败的好处和想象力的重要性 wit

31、h failure and the power of theimagi nati on to哈佛大学毕业典礼 allow us to empathize with others.j.k. 罗琳2008年6月5日preside nt faust, members of the harvard corporati on and the board ofoverseers,members of the faculty, proud pare nts, and, above all, graduates,福斯特主席,哈佛公司和监察委员会的各位成员,各位老师、家长、全体毕业生们:the first th

32、ing i would like to say is thank you. not only has harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea i ve en dured at the thought of giving this comme nceme nt address have made me lose weight. a win-win situati on!no wall i have to do is take deep breaths,squint at the red

33、banners and convince myself that i am at the world slargest gryffi ndors reunion.首先请允许我说一声谢谢。哈佛不仅给了我无上的荣誉,连日来为这个演讲经 受的恐惧和紧张,更令我减肥成功。这真是一个双赢的局面。现在我要做的就是 深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面的大红横幅,安慰自己正在世界上最大的魔法学 院聚会上。deliveri ng a comme nceme nt address is a great resp on sibility; or so ithought until i cast my mind back

34、to my own graduation. the commencement speaker that day was the dist in guished british philosopher baron ess mary warnock. reflecting on her speech has helped meenormously in writing this one, because it tur ns out that i cant remember a sin gle word she said.this liberating discovery enables me to

35、 proceed without any fear that imight in adverte ntly in flue nce you to aba ndon promis ing careers inbus in ess, law or politics for the giddy delights of beco ming a gay wizard.发表毕业演说是一个巨大的责任,至少在我回忆自己当年的毕业典礼前是这么认为的。那天做演讲的是英国著名的哲学家baroness mary warnock,对她演讲的回忆,对我写今天的演讲稿,产生了极大的帮助,因为我不记得她说过的任何一句话了。这

36、个发现让我释然,让我不再担心我可能会无意中影响你放弃在商业,法律或政治上的大好前途,转而醉心于成为一个快乐的魔法师。you see? if all you remember in years to come is the gay wizard joke, ive still come out ahead of baron ess mary warno ck. achievable goals - the first step to self-improveme nt.你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了 baroness mary warnock。建立

37、可实现的目标这是提高自我的第止 步。actually, i have wracked my mind and heart for what i ought to say to you today. i have asked myself what i wish i had known at myowngraduation, and what important lessons i have learned in the 21 years that has expired betwee n that day and this.实际上,我为今天应该和大家谈些什么绞尽了脑汁。我问自己什么是我希望早在

38、毕业典礼上就该了解的,而从那时起到现在的21年间,我又得到了什么重要的启示。i have comeup with two answers. on this wonderful day whenwe are gathered together to celebrate your academic success, i have decided to talk to you about the ben efits of failure. and as you sta nd on the threshold of what is sometimes called real life, i want

39、to extol the crucial importanee of imagi natio n.我想到了两个。在这美好的一天,当我们一起庆祝你们取得学业成就的时刻,我希望告诉你们失败有什么样的益处;在你们即将迈向“现实生活”的道路之际,我还要褒扬想象力的重要性。these may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.look ing back at这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。 the 21-year-old that i was at graduation, is a slightly unco

40、mfortableexperienee for the 42-year-old that she has become. half mylifetime ago,i was striking an uneasy balanee between the ambition i had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me.回顾21岁刚刚毕业时的自己,对于今天 42岁的我来说,是一个稍微不太舒服 的经历。可以说,我人生的前一部分,一直挣扎在自己的雄心和身边的人对我的 期望之间。i was con vin ced that th

41、e on ly thi ng i wan ted to do, ever, was to write no vels. however, my pare nts, both of whom came from impoverished backgro unds and n either of whom had bee n to college, took the view that my overactive imag in atio nwas an amusing personal quirk that could never pay a mortgage, or secure a pens

42、ion.我一直深信,自己唯一想做的事情,就是写小说。不过,我的父母,他们都来 自贫穷的背景,没有任何一人上过大学,坚持认为我过度的想象力是一个令人惊 讶的个人怪癖,根本不足以让我支付按揭,或者取得足够的养老金。i know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but我现在明白反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但they had hoped that i would take a vocati onal degree; i wan ted to studyenglish literature. a compromi

43、se was reached that in retrospect satisfied no body, and i went up to study moder n Ian guages. hardly had my pare nts car roun ded the corner at the end of the road tha n i ditched germa n and scuttled off dow n the classics corridor.他们希望我去拿个职业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方 都不甚满意的妥协:我改学现代语言。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻

44、放弃了德语 而报名学习古典文学。i cannot remember tellingmy parents that i was studying classics; theymight well have found out for the first time on graduation day. of allthe subjects on this planet, i think they would have been hard put to nameone less useful tha n greek mythology whe n it came to securi ng the k

45、eysto an executive bathroom.我不记得将这事告诉了父母,他们可能是在我毕业典礼那一天才发现的。我想,在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了, 根本无法换来一间独立宽敞的卫生间。i would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that i do not blame myparents for their point of view. there is an expiry date on blaming your pare nts for steeri ng you in the wrong d

46、irecti on; the mome nt you are old eno ugh to take the wheel, resp on sibility lies with you. what is more, i cannot criticise my pare nts for hop ing that i would n ever experie nee poverty. they had bee n poor themselves, and i have since bee n poor, and i quite agree with them that it is not an e

47、nnobling experienee. poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is in deed someth ing on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.我想澄清一下:我不会因为父母的观

48、点,而责怪他们。埋怨父母给你指错方向 是有一个时间段的。当你成长到可以控制自我方向的时候,你就要自己承担责任了。尤其是,我不会因为父母希望我不要过穷日子,而责怪他们。他们一直很贫 穷,我后来也一度很穷,所以我很理解他们。贫穷并不是一种高贵的经历,它带 来恐惧、压力、有时还有绝望,它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力 摆脱贫穷,确实可以引以自豪,但贫穷本身只有对傻瓜而言才是浪漫的。what i feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.我在你们这个年龄,最害怕的不是贫穷,而是失败。at your age,

49、 in spite of a disti net lack of motivati on at uni versity,where i had spent far too long in the coffee bar writingstories, and fartoo little time at lectures, i had a kn ack for pass ing exam in ati ons, and that, for years, had bee n the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.我在您们这么大时

50、,明显缺乏在大学学习的动力,我花了太久时间在咖啡吧写 故事,而在课堂的时间却很少。我有一个通过考试的诀窍,并且数年间一直让我 在大学生活和同龄人中不落人后。i am not dull eno ugh to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have n ever known hardship or heartbreak. tale nt and intelligeneenever yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the fates,and

51、i do not for a mome nt suppose that every one here has enjo yed an existe nee of uuffled privilege and conten tme nt.我不想愚蠢地假设,因为你们年轻、有天份,并且受过良好的教育,就从来没 有遇到困难或心碎的时刻。拥有才华和智慧,从来不会使人对命运的反复无常有 所准备;我也不会假设大家坐在这里冷静地满足于自身的优越感。however, the fact that you are graduating from harvard suggests that you are n ot v

52、ery well-acqua in tedwith failure. you might be drive n by a fearof failure quite as muchas a desire for success. in deed, your con cepti on of failure might not be too far from the average persons idea of success, so high have you already flow n academically.相反,你们是哈佛毕业生的这个事实,意味着你们并不很了解失败。你们也许 极其渴望成

53、功,所以非常害怕失败。说实话,你们眼中的失败,很可能就是普通 人眼中的成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经达到很高的高度了。ultimately,we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure,but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it.so i think it fair to say that by any conventional measure, a mere sevenyears after my graduati on

54、 day, i had failed on an epic scale. an exceptionallyshort-lived marriage had imploded, and i was jobless,a lonepare nt, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern brita in, without being homeless. the fears my pare nts had had for me, and that i had had for myself, had both cometo pass, and by e

55、very usual standard, i was the biggest failure i kn ew.最终,我们所有人都必须自己决定什么算作失败,但如果你愿意,世界是相当渴望给你一套标准的。所以我承认命运的公平,从任何传统的标准看,在我毕业 仅仅七年后的日子里,我的失败达到了史般空前的规模:短命的婚姻闪电般地破 裂,我又失业成了一个艰难的单身母亲。 除了流浪汉,我是当代英国最穷的人之 一,真的一无所有。当年父母和我自己对未来的担忧,现在都变成了现实。按照惯常的标准来看,我也 是我所知道的最失败的人。now, i am not going to stand here and tell y

56、ou that failure is fun. that period of my life was a dark one, and i had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represe nted as a kind of fairy tale resolution.i had no idea howfar the tunnel extended, and for a long time,any light at the end of it was a hope rather tha n a real

57、ity.现在,我不打算站在这里告诉你们,失败是有趣的。那段日子是我生命中的黑暗岁月,我不知道它是否代表童话故事里需要历经的磨难,更不知道自己还要在黑暗中走多久。很长一段时间里,前面留给我的只是希望,而不是现实。so whydo i talk about the ben efits of failure? simply because failure meant astripp ing away of the in esse ntial. i stopped prete nding to myself thati was anything other tha n what i was, and

58、bega n to direct all my en ergyin to fin ishi ng the on ly workthat mattered to me. had i really succeeded at anything else, i mightn ever have found the determ in ati on to succeed in the one arena i believedi truly bel on ged. i was set free, because my greatest fear had alreadybee n realised, and i was still alive, and i still had a daughter whom iadored, and i had an old typewriter and a big i


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