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1、.IronyDefinition: important linguistic phenomenon in our daily life or literary works. 2. saying sth but mean the opposite 3. is a figure of speech, in order to bring emphasis to a particulartruth with deliberately use of language that is contrary to the truth. Origin: from Greek word “ eironei

2、a”, means “dissimulation(修饰)”Types: 1. verbal irony-refers to the speakers expression and intention comes apart: when a speaker says one thing but actually means annother, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect.“great game, Tom.” -when Tom fumbled three times.又如英国的 Gotham 是有名的愚

3、人村 , 却故意说 : They are almost as wise as the wise men of Gotham .他们 几乎和愚人村里的愚人一样聪明2. Situational irony-refers to ones intention and the actions result comes apart: the result of an action is contrary to the expected effect.Situational irony results from recognizing the oddness of a given situation, wh

4、ich can be positive or negative.Situational irony can be also called Circumstantial Irony or Irony of Fate.再例如凯特肖 邦 (Kate Chopin) 的短篇小说 一小时的故事 ( The Story of anHour) 中 , 路易丝马拉德 (Louise Mallard) 太太得知丈夫因车祸去世的消息时表面上一阵号啕大哭 , 内 心里却暗自 高兴 , 她早就盼望这一天的到来 , 不禁低声对自 己说 : “ Free ! Bodyand soul free !” 但正当她暗自 得意时

5、 , 丈夫突然出 现在门口 ! 原来他大难不死 , 安然回家 ,而 Mallard 太太却由于这突如其来的刺激而心脏病发作 , 不治身亡 。 3. Dramatic Irony is common in novels and plays. In the novel the words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the character.“ I hope Tom s better offwhere h

6、e is , ” said Sid , “but if he d been better in some way ”“Sid !” Tom felt the glare of the old lady s eye , though he could not see it . “ Not a word againstmy Tom , now that he s gone !” (Mark Twain : The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)“ 我多 希望汤姆现在在另 外那个世界更舒服些 , ” 席德说 , “ 不过他从前有些地方要是不那么 顽皮 “ 席德 !” 汤姆虽 然看

7、不见 老太太的 眼睛 , 却感觉到 她向 席德瞪眼睛的神气 。 “ 现在我的汤姆死了 , 不许说他的坏话 !” 这是汤姆的小伙伴席德和波莉姨妈的谈话 。 席德说他希望汤姆在另一个世界更舒服些 , 本是实话 , 因为他以为汤姆死了 。 他说话的对象 波莉姨妈也是这样想的 。但读者知道 , 情况正好相反 , 因为汤姆并没有死。二、Irony的变异形式英语修辞格Paradox(似非而是的隽语)、Oxymoron(矛盾修辞法)和Innuendo(暗讽)在使用中都含有Irony的意思,因此在某些英语修辞格的论著中把它们称为Irony的变异形式。1.Paradox汉语里称这一辞格为“反论”或“逆论”,即乍

8、听起来似乎荒诞、有悖常理而实际上却含有某种哲理的说法。如“善骑者堕,善泳者溺”,“淹死的都是会水的”等,其中都包含有Irony的意思。(10)More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。(11)He that is full of himself is very empty.自命万事通,实乃腹中空。(12)Cleverness may overreach itself.聪明反被聪明误。(13)In fact,it appears that some teachers of English teach English so poorly largely because theytea

9、ch grammar so well.事实上,有些英语老师英语教得太差,看起来主要是他们的语法讲的太好。2.Oxymoron英语修辞格Oxymoron和汉语修辞格反映类似,它是通过使用两个意思正好相反的词或词组来揭示一件事物的矛盾性,通常包含Irony的意思,对一些人或事进行嘲讽,或造成一种出人意料的、引人入胜的效果。例如:(14)Dudley Field Malone called my conviction a“victorious defeat.” (John Scopes:The TrialThat Rocked the WorldP173BookAdvanced English)杜德

10、理费尔德马伦把审判的结果称为一个“胜利的败仗”3.InnuendoInnuendo汉语称为“暗讽”、“影射”,是用婉转的口气讲反话,使语言生动活泼,幽默风趣,或是旁敲侧击,含沙射影。例如:(16)After three days in Japan,the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible. (JacquesDanvoir:Hiroshimathe Liveliest City in JapanP14BookAdvanced English)在日本呆三天后,脊梁骨就会变的特别柔软灵活。把习惯于鞠躬说成“脊梁骨灵活”,十分幽默有趣。三、Irony和Sarcasm的联系和区别Irony(反语)


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