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1、1,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况 Benjamin.C,2,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,EV 系统概述 EV 101 EV 充电系统 EV 动力电池系统 Functional Safety 在 EV 系统扮演的角色 结论,议程大纲,3,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车系统 = 电动车 + 基础设施,EV 系统概述,4,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车系统市场化驱动力,5,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,/wiki/History_of_the_electric_vehicle The invention

2、 of the electric vehicle is attributed to various people. In 1828, Anyos Jedlik, a Hungarian who invented an early type of electric motor, created a tiny model car powered by his new motor.1 In 1834, Vermont blacksmith Thomas Davenport, the inventor of the first American DC electrical motor, install

3、ed his motor in a small model car, which he operated on a short circular electrified track.2 In 1835, Professor Sibrabdus Stratingh of Groningen, the Netherlands and his assistant Christoper Becker created a small-scale electrical car, powered by non-rechargeable primary cells.3,电动车发展史 最早的电动车,6,电动车充

4、电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动火车(1838) 充电式电动车(1865) 100km/h的记录(1899),其他里程碑, their-really-any-new-ideas-1900-porsche-e/,7,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,静音 低速扭力 减少碳以及其他污染物排放 动力机构简化 低化石燃料依赖性,电动车的其他优势,8,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,由动力来源区分 由动力规模区分,电动车依据动力来源种类分类,单一电源、单一充电模式(BEV) 单一动力源、混合充电模式(HEV) 多动力来源(PHEV),轻型电动车 电动车,9,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现

5、况,US Japan EU China Taiwan,全球试运行项目,10,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,The EV Project Project Get Ready Solar City,US,11,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Small Network Project ChaDeMo,Japan,12,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,French Italy Germany Spian? Uk?,EU,EV Charging Plan,http:/jcwinnie.bix/wordpress/?p=5832,E-Moving,E-Mobility Berlin,

6、http:/www.thegreencarwebsite.co.uk/blog/index/php/2010/04/07/spain-invests-590-million-into- electric-cars/,13,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,China Taiwan HK,Greater China,十城千辆,花卉博览会 政府军队 坪林、澎湖 环保署电动机车交换电池计划,中电,14,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Mitsubishi I Nissan LEAF Ford TRANSIT connect electric Tesla Roadster Sport 2.5

7、 TH!NK City,2010年电动车款,http:/www.cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/citroen_c-zer_2.jpg,15,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Coda Automotive Sedan Tesla Motors model S Ford Focus electric BMW ActiveE,2011年的电动车款,AAAACik/WnPvWhKNLc/s400Renault+EV+2009_Renualt_Zoe.jpg,16,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Fial

8、 500 minicar audi e-tron Honda Fit EV Audi R8 EV,2012年的电动车款,17,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Mercedes SLS E-Cell AMG VW Golf Blue-e-motion BMW i3,2013年的电动车款,18,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,国际间已经逐渐开始投入电动车系统 目前投入电动车系统的阵营主要为汽车制造商、大型锂电池制造商 电动车目前系统尚未统一,动力来源不同、补充动力方式也尚未统一,Summary,19,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车101-电动车系统一重要数据,20,电动车

9、充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,一般道路车辆 跑车,石油车的一般表现要求,加速性,加速 续航力 100 liter fuel tank 车重 1000 kg,0100 km/h, 8 second,1500 kg,300 km per refuel,续航力,车重,0100 km/h, 3 second,21,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,依据目前较为成熟的电动车技术,可以先从一般的房车要求下手,为了计算上的方便,我们利用下面的假设与简化、进行各项电动车特性与要求的概略推算,并且不考虑转换效率、摩擦力、热损等因素 功能要求 设计条件,石油车与电动车的模拟关系与条件设定,加速:0108 k

10、m/h, 10 second (跑车大多为6秒,赛车则是3秒) 续航力:100 km per recharge (住家离公司10公里,每周充电一次) 车重:1,500 kg (电池是具备重量的),功率输出(影响加速) 电池容量(影响续航力) 充电条件(影响使用便利性) 动转成本(影响市场驱动力),22,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,由加速要求推测加速度要求 V = V0 + a * t a=108km/h x 1,000m/km 10 second = 3m/s2 由加速度与车重,推算推力要求 假设以全力输出10秒钟,推算大约行走距离 在行走距离间所做的功 由总功与总时间,推算平均功率

11、,功率要求推算,F = m * a = 1,500 kg *3m/s2 = 4,500 nt,D = V0 *t + 1/2 *a *t2 = 0.5 * 3 * 102 = 105 m,W = F * D = 4,500 * 150 = 675 KJ,P = W T = 675 10 s = 67.5 KW (90Hp),23,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,假设续航力是100km,在达到108km/h后等速前进的时间 如果只需要用马达全功率的1/2就可维持108km/h的定速,全程需要的总能量为 以市售高性能锂电池为例 前例电动车需要的电池总量为,电池容量要求推算,t = (100,

12、000 m 150 m) 30m/s = 3,328 seconds,W = 67.5KW * 10 second + 67.5kw * * 3,328 second = 112,995 KJ 113MJ,( .tw/dscacc.asp?AID=3910 ),输出电压为6.8V 容量为3900mAh 重量为195g,113 * 1,000,000 J ( 6.8V * 3900 mA * 0.001 * 3600 sec ) * 195 g = 230 Kg! ( 续航力或是马力要提高,电池会更重! ),24,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,如果电能容量为113MJ,针对理想电池(线性

13、充电)的充电的条件将会是,充电条件推算,如果采用的是家中一般插座的电源(110V15A )时,如果采用一般工厂的三相电源 (380V 30A),I = 113MJ 600V 600 second = 314A! 功率W = I * V = 188.4KW,W = I * V * t t = 113MJ 10V 15A = 68,485 sec 19 hours! ( 太慢了 ),t = 113MJ 380V 30A = 68,485 sec 2.75 housrs! ( 仍然很长! ),假设利用住宅区的基础线路(600V),而且充电时间要在10分钟内 (一杯咖啡)完成时,需要多少电流?,一般的

14、标准工业厂房(100m2)配电功率仅为11.25KW,所以在充电的时候相当于17间标准 厂房要停电10分钟!,25,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,以行走100KM进行计算,锂电池式电动车运转电力成本粗估,一般汽油车市区行驶,电价:1度(1KWh): USD10 cnet $ = 113MJ 1 KW 3600 sec * 10 cent USD 3 ! !,效率:10 km/liter 油价:USD1/liter $ = 100 / 10 *1 = USD 10,前例电动车行驶模式,实际情况必须视电力转换效率而变化,26,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,一般的所谓安全电流、电压、

15、功率范围(Nou-hazardous,Class II)的定义是 所以上述的任何一种充电条件都不可能是安全无虞的!,充电系统的绝缘安全性问题,30VDC maximum,8A maximum and 100W maximum ! !,27,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,仅就传导线在进行10分钟快速充电时会产生的热进行考量,充电系统发热问题的产生,文献记载铜导体的体积电阻率为16.78nm,铜线电阻为 通电300A后10分钟将会产生热量为 如果采用PVC作为绝缘外被,假设导热的厚度仅有0.2cm,比重大约为1,如果将上例中的导体长度维持不变,但是导体直径变为一半时(节省成本),PVC导热

16、厚度 不变,依据奥姆定律,产生热量为4倍,导热材料质量变为1/3,温度上升量将可以达到12倍( 80 ),PVC将会产生熔化的情况! !,16.78 nm * 10-9 *2 m (0.01 m * 0.01 m * 3.14 4) 0.004275 ,W = I2 * R = 300 A * 300 A * 0.004275 400 joule,绝缘外被导热区热质量为 ( 1.2 cm * 1.2 cm 1 cm * 1 cm ) * 3.14 4 * 200 cm 70 g PVC的比热约为0.9J/g*K,所以400J的热可以让PVC导热区上升400 joule 0.9J/Gk 6.5(

17、还算可以接受! !),28,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车辆的重要电气零组件(例),马达控制器与车用变频器 高电压空调控制器 马达 水泵 变频器 齿轮箱,模式调变器 真空泵 高电压冷热媒控制器 车辆控制器 电池组 AC充电器,29,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,充电器 车外充电器 电力输出插座 充电连接线组 充电系统漏电断路器 充电连接线材 电表,电动车基础设施 - 充电系统,http:/www.greencarsite.co.uk/econews/electric-vehicle-charging-sations.htm,30,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,接地

18、系统电阻与允许电流 危险区域内产生的接触或是非接触性的电弧 突波、雷击 室外、污染环境 电磁兼容 震动 温差变化大 控制系统稳定性,其他可见的电动车安全性问题,31,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,UL与IEC在电动车系统现行标准对照表,32,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,2011新标准制定活动,33,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车的电池重量与续航力的设定有关 电动车的充电速率会影响到充电系统的设计 电动车在能源价格上确实有优势 电动车也存在本质上的安全问题,结论,34,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电动车基础设施,35,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况

19、,充电式 更换式(Swapping) 添加式,电动车基础设施依据动力补充模式分类,传导式(Conductive) 感应式(Inductive),Better Place,燃料电池 油电混合动力,36,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,电力源,电动车充电电力来源分类,铅蓄电池 镍氢电池 锂电池 燃料电池 超级电容 化石燃料 太阳能 风力, solar-powered-electric-car-would-it-work,37,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,充电模式,传导式充电模式分级,传导式,Level 1 Level 2 DC Level 3,38,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范

20、现况,/wiki/Magne_Charge_Charge Inductive charging system used to charge battery electric vehicles (BEV) formerly made by General Motors, for vehicles such as the EV1, Chevy S10 EV, and other electric vehicles. The most common was the 6.6 kW version although a higher power fast ch

21、arge versions was demonstrated. Magne Charge support was withdrawn by General Motors in 2002, after the California Air Resources Board settled on a conductive charging interface for electric vehicles in California.,感应式充电Magne ChargeDelco Electronics,39,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况, Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto

22、und Verkehr (IAV) KAIST, Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV),行进感应充电,40,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,http:/www.greenmotor.co.uk/2007/12/mercedes-battery-swapping-is-so-last.html In 1972, Mercedes built an electrically powered people carrier called the LE 306. Its 31kW (42hp) motor could zip it along at 70km/h (44mp

23、h), with a range of 65 km (40 miles).,电池交换概念的滥觞 - Mercedes,41,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,现在的电池交换概念 Better Place,42,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,加凡尼( Galvanic )电池 VS 燃料电池 锂电池 VS 镍电池 高功率 VS 高能量密度 交换式 VS 充电式? 传导充电式 VS 感应充电式?,不同充电模式的优缺点比较?,43,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,UL在EV基础设施的安规标准与测试方法摘录,44,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,再生能源并网 AC 充电模式标准

24、分布图,Energy Generator UL 1703 Flat PV UL 8703 cpv UL 6141 Large WT UL 6142 S b) Discharge the battery in accordance with the manufactures specified maximum discharge rate until it reaches end-of-discharge voltage (EODV); C) Condition the fully discharged battery until its temperatures stabilize at th

25、e low ambient temperature or a maximum of 5 hours, whichever comes first; d) Charge the battery in accordance with the manufactures specified maximum charging parameters.,114,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况, UL 2580 Electrical Flammability Thermal Properties Outdoor Use Gaskets and Seals, UL 2271 Thermal Propert

26、ies Outdoor Use Gaskets and seals UL 2591 Separator 7.1 Tensile strength 7.2 Puncture strength 8.1 Dimensional stability 8.2 Shutdown temperature 8.3 Melt temperature,对聚合物材料的安规认可要求,115,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况, T.1 高度仿真试验 在压力11.6kPa,温度205的条件下,存放6h以上。 T.2 热测试 在752和-402的条件下进行高温冲击测试,在极限温度中存放时间6h,高低温转换时间30mmi

27、n,试验总时间至少一周 T.3 振动试验 15min内从7Hz至200Hz完成一次往复对数扫频正弦振动,3h内完成三维方向12次振动。 T.4 冲击试验 150g、6ms或50g、11ms半正弦冲击,每个安装方向进行3次,总共18次。, T.5 外短路试验 在552、外电阻0.1条件下短路,短路时间持续到电池温度回到552后1h,观察6h。 T.6 碰撞试验 9.1kg重物自612.5cm高处落于放有15.8mm圆棒的电池上,检测电池表面温度,观察6h. T.7 过充电测试 在2倍的最大连续充电电流和2倍的最大充电电压条件下,对电池过充24h,观察7天。 T.8强制放电试验 电池串连12V直流

28、电源,以最大放电电流进行强制放电,观察7天。,UN 38.3 联合国锂电池芯、组运输指令,116,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,UL Subject 1973, Outline of Investigation for Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications,其他 UL 大型电池组标准,Stationary applications LER applications,Energy storage for PV, Wind Turbine UPS,Ins

29、talled in trains or rail platforms Back up/emergency power, peak shaving,117,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,EV动力电池标准发展趋势,118,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,UL 标准制定流程,119,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,ISO 12405-1 ISO 12405-2 IEC 62660-1 IEC 62660-2,IEC与ISO的标准发展目标,Electrically propelled road vehicles-Test specification for lithium-ion

30、traction battery packs and systems-Part 1: High power applications,Electrically propelled road vehicles-Test specification for Li-Ion tracktion battery packs and systems-Part 2:High energy application,Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles-Part 1: Performance testing for li

31、thium-ion cells,Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles-Part 2: Reliability and abuse testing for lithium-ion cells,120,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,ISO/FDIS 12405-1: Electrically propelled road vehicles-Test specification for lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems-Part 1: Hig

32、h power applications,ISO正在发展的新标准(ISO 12405-1),Scope Covers:,Performance, reliability and abuse testing for high power lithium ion battery systems used for propulsion applications,Definitions:,high power application,characteristic of device or application, for which by the ratio between maximum allow

33、ed electric power output and electric energy output at a 1C discharge rate at RT for a battery pack or system is typically equal or higher than 10. NOTE: Typically high power battery packs and systems are designs for applications in HEVs and FCVs.,battery system,energy storage device that includes c

34、ells or cell assemblies or battery pack(s) as well as electrical circuits and electronics (e.g. BCU, contactors).,121,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,ISO/FDIS 12405-2: Electrically propelled road vehicles-Test specification for lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems-Part 2: High energy applications,ISO正在

35、发展的新标准(ISO 12405-2),Scope Covers:,Performance, reliability and abuse testing for high power lithium ion battery systems used for propulsion applications,Definitions:,high energy application,characteristic of device or application, for which by the ratio between maximum allowed electric power output

36、and electric energy output at a 1C discharge rate at RT for a battery pack or system is typically equal or higher than 10. NOTE: Typically high energy battery packs and systems are designs for applications in BEVs.,battery system,energy storage device that includes cells or cell assemblies or batter

37、y pack(s) as well as electrical circuits and electronics (e.g. BCU, contactors).,122,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,IEC/FDIS 62660-1, SECONDARY BATTERIES FOR THE PROPULSION OF ELECTRIC ROAD BEHICLES- Part 1: Performance testing for lithium-ion cells IEC/FDIS 62660-2, SECONDARY BATTERIES FOR THE PROPULSION OF EL

38、ECTRIC ROAD BEHICLES- Part 1: Reliability and abuse testing for lithium ion cells,IEC 正在发展的新标准 (IEC 62660-1/2),123,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况, ISO FDIS 12405-1 & ISO DIS 12405-2 Tests General - Pre-conditioning and Standard cycling Performance -energy & capacity, Power & Internal Resistance, NL capacity los

39、s, Capacity loss at Storage, Cranking Power at low and high temps, Energy Efficiency, Cycle Life Reliability - Dewing, Thermal Shock Cycling, Vibration, Mechanical Shock Abuse -SC Protection, Overcharge, Overdischarge, IEC FDIS 62660-1 Tests Power Energy Storage Cycle life Energy efficiency IEC FDIS

40、 62660-2 Tests Mechanical -Vibration, Mechanical Shock, Crush Thermal - High Temp Endurance, Temp Cycling Electrical - Ext. SC, Overcharge, Overdischarge.,IEC与ISO的新标准测试方法比较,124,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,IEC 62281 ed1.0 (2004-05) IEC 61982-1 ed1.0 (2006.09.01) IEC 61982-2 ed1.0 (2002.08.01) IEC 61982-3 ed1.

41、0 (2001-06),IEC的其他相关电池标准,Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport,Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicle Part 1:Test parameters,Secondary Batteries for the Propulsion of Electric Road Vehicles Part 2:Dynarmic Discharge Performance Test Dyn

42、amic,Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicle Part 3: Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use vehicles),125,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,IEC CD 62620, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes Large format Secondary Cells and Ba

43、tteries, for use in Industrial Applications IEC CD 62619, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes-Safety requirements for Large format Secondary Lithium Cells and Batteries, for use in Industrial Applications,IEC正在民展的新标准,This International Standard specifies,

44、 marking, designation, dimensions, tests and requirements for large format lithium-ion secondary single cells and batteries used in Industrial Applications including Stationary applications,This International Standard specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of Large format Secondary

45、Lithium Cells and Batteries, for use in Industrial Applications, under intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse,126,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现况,Code, Meaning, Equivalent harmonized stage code PWI, Potential new work item, 0.00 PNW, Proposed New Work, 10.00 AMW, Approved Maintenance Word, 20.00 ANW, App

46、rove New Word, 20.00 CAN, Draft cancelled, 20.98 DEL, Deleted items, 20.98 ICD, 1st Committee Draft, 30.20 BWG, Draft returned to working Group, 30.92 MERGED, Merged project, 30.97 DREJ, Draft rejected, 30.98 A2CD, Approved for 2nd Committee Draft, 30.99 3CD, 3rd Committee Draft 32.35 4CD, 4rd Commi

47、ttee Draft 32.35 5CD, 5rd Committee Draft 32.35 6CD, 6rd Committee Draft 32.35 7CD, 7rd Committee Draft 32.35 8CD, 8rd Committee Draft 32.35 9CD, 9rd Committee Draft 32.35 A3CD, Approved for 3th Committee Draft, 35.92 A4CD, Approved for 4th Committee Draft, 35.92 A5CD, Approved for 5th Committee Dra

48、ft, 35.92 A6CD, Approved for 6th Committee Draft, 35.92 A7CD, Approved for 7th Committee Draft, 35.92 A8CD, Approved for 8th Committee Draft 35.92,IEC/ISO标准文件的不同阶段,A9CD, Approved for 9th Committee Draft 35.92 CDM, Committee Draft to be discussed at Meeting, 35.95 ACDV, Draft approved for Committee D

49、raft with Vote, 35.99 CCDV, Draft circulated as Committee Draft with Vote 40.2 CDVM, Committee draft with vote for meeting, 40.91 NADDIS, FDIS not approved, 40.93 ADISSSB, FDIS manuscript subcontracted to CO, 40.95 ADIS, Approved for FDIS circulation, 40.99 DEC, Draft at Editing Check, 40.99 RDIS, T

50、ext for FDIS received and registered, 50 CDIS, Draft circulated as FDIS. 50.2 CDPAS, Circulated Draft for Publicly Available Spec, 50.2 CDTR, Circulated Draft Technical Specification, 50.2 CDTS, Circulated Draft Technical Specification, 50.2 NCD, CCDV not approved, 50.92 APUBBSB, PUB manuscript subc

51、ontracted to CO, 50.95 APUB, Draft approved for publication, 50.99 BPUB, Publication being printed, 60 PPUB, Publication issued, 60.6 SRP, Publication under Systematic Review, 95.92 WPUB, Publication withdrawn, 95.99 DELPUB, Deleted Publication, 99.6 SPE, Special Handing, 99.99,127,电动车充电系统与动力电池安全规范现

52、况,ISO Safety Standard for EV Battery Systems SAE standards (voluntary),IEC的其他相关电池标准,Proposed for Fall 2010 Pass/Fail Criteria,J2464, Electric Vehicle Battery Abuse Testing J2380, Vibration Testing of EV Batteries J2929 EV battery safety standard (Under development) WD-J1766, recommended Practice for EV and HEV Battery Systems Crash Integrity Testing,UN 38.3


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