



1、强烈推荐霍比特人的七个生活习惯7 Habits of Highly Effective HobbitsAlthough the hobbit lifestyle may seem a bit indulgent at first glance, its actually laced with many healthy habits that we could learn a lesson or two from. I know youre probably smirking right now, picturing one of the many scenes in which hobbits

2、 stuff their faces like theres no tomorrow, but holster those images for a moment. Aside from their eating, drinking and smoking habits, hobbits are actually very good at maintaining physical and mental health. They often live to over a hundred years old . Theyre clearly doing something right.尽管乍一看霍

3、比特人的生活方式是有些放纵,但是实际上他们有很多很有益健康的并且是值得我们学习的习惯。想着霍比特人把每天都当成是最后一天来生活的神情,你可能会觉得很好笑,但是这种神情在霍比特人的脸上也只是一闪而逝。排开他们的饮食习惯,实际上霍比特人在保持生理、心理健康方面是很有心得的。他们通常的寿命是100岁,他们很清楚哪些事可以做、哪些事不可做。Here are seven healthy hobbit habits that you should be practicing:这里有霍比特人的7个良好的生活习惯,你应该试试:Spend time in nature 亲近大自然Hobbits value th

4、e natural world. They can spend days wandering through the fields of the Shire or relaxing under trees. They have a true appreciation for the earth, so much so that they actually build their homes in it. Connecting with nature on a regular basis is a very healthy thing to do. In addition to the heal

5、th benefits of fresh air and sunshine, interaction with the natural world can increase creative thinking . So next time you have a break at work, take a walk through the park or even just step outside and take a breath of fresh air. It will do you good.霍比特人很重视自然地世界。他们可以用好几天的时间穿行在田野,在树下放松自己。他们真的很喜欢这个

6、星球,以至于他们把这里当成自己真正的家园。定期的接触大自然有益于健康。除了能呼吸到新鲜的空气、享受和煦的阳光外,亲近大自然也能激发我们的创造力。在工作之余,你也在公园走走吧,也可以只是走出房间,呼吸一下新鲜的空气。这样做对你的身体有好处哦。Graze throughout the day 每天少食多餐Nutritionists generally agree that eating regularly with fewer hours between meals is healthier than than eating two or three large meals throughout

7、the day. Hobbits employ this practice, eating seven meals per day, but they skip the most important part: restraint. Eating less, more often is a healthy strategy, as long as you ensure you eat well balanced meals (dont graze on snack foods), and actually eat less. So in this case, its good to eat w

8、ith a similar frequency as hobbits, but certainly not the same amounts.营养学家通常也认为每天少食多餐要比每天只吃两三餐要好的多。霍比特人每天就是这样的,他们每天的就餐时间就有7次,但是他们也忽视了最重要的一点:有节制。只要每餐都能饮食均衡,但是要在数量上减少,少食多餐是个不错的饮食方法,(零食是不可以的哦)。在这种情况下,按照霍比特人的饮食习惯用餐是可以的,但是不能跟他们吃的一样多。Relax 放轻松Taking time to unwind from stressful events can have a profoun

9、d impact on both physical and mental health. Stress can increase your risk of heart disease, impair memory, and kill brain cells. Hobbits are experts at relaxation, often spending days reading or resting on the porch. During the busy weeks, it may seem difficult to find time to relax, but its these

10、times that its most important to do so. If its exam season or youre anxious about a heavy workload at your job, a stressed mindset will only cloud your judgement and decision making abilities. Making time for relaxation will benefit your health as well as your performance.压力对我们的身心健康都有很大的影响,所以要花点时间来放

11、松自己。压力会增加心脏病的几率、导致记忆力衰退,杀死你的脑细胞。霍比特人在这方面可是专家,他们会用很多时间来阅读,在走廊上休息。在最繁忙的时候,似乎没有时间让自己放松下来,但是留出时间让自己放松放松是很重要的。要是正值考试季,或是超额的工作量会是你焦虑万分,这时你的判断力以及决策能力都会受到影响。花点时间放松自己不仅对你的健康有益,也能提高你的表现力。Eat mushrooms 食用菌类食物Hobbits have a great passion for mushrooms. A central ingredient in mushrooms have been found to boost

12、the immune system and kick-start metabolism. Theyre also an excellent source of antioxidants, which fight the build-up of free radicals in the body.霍比特人对蘑菇甚是喜爱。研究表明,蘑菇的核心成分有助于增强免疫系统,促进新陈代谢。蘑菇里也含有大量的抗氧化因子,有助于自由基在体内的积累。Spend time with friends and family 多陪陪朋友、家人Humans are naturally social creatures. T

13、hroughout our evolution, we lived and traveled in groups, and thus, evolved to rely on and crave relationships with other people. Spending time with friends and family is essential for happiness. Perhaps hobbits evolved under similar circumstances, because one of the things they hold most dear is ti

14、me with loved ones.人是社会性的生物。纵观人类的进化过程,我们总是群居,因此演变成人与人之间的相互依赖、互相依存的关系。与家人、朋友呆在一起是最能感受到幸福的。或许霍比特人也是这样进化的,因为他们也愿意和最喜欢的人共度时光。Garden, preserve and cook your own food 种植,保存,烹饪Hobbits live off the earth, growing their own food and cooking it themselves. Granted, they dont have many other options, but its s

15、till a habit worth mentioning given its relevance to our world. In modern society, food is sprayed with pesticides, preserved in sugary syrups and cooked with an entire symphony of additives.Avoid anything your grandmother wouldnt recognize as food. Keep it simple, as a hobbit would.霍比特人生活在这个星球上,他们会

16、自己种植,自己制作食物。当然他们也别无选择,但是这也是与我们生活紧密相关且值得一提的一个好习惯。在现代社会,食物含有大量的杀虫剂,用糖浆保存,还有很多的添加剂。不要种那些连你祖母都不知道的植物。简单点,就像霍比特人那样。Appreciate the little things 注重细节Hobbits lead very simple lives. They arent concerned with reputation or riches. They appreciate the small things, from a birds whistle to the taste of good tea in the morning and this is the source of their perpetual contentment. The more things that make you happy, the happier you will be. Instead of requiring a massive pay cheque or a promotion, hobbits are sati


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